127 resultados para REEVALUATION


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Given the loss of therapeutic efficacy associated with the development of resistance to lamivudine (LMV) and the availability of new alternative treatments for chronic hepatitis B patients, early detection of viral genotypic resistance could allow the clinician to consider therapy modification before viral breakthrough and biochemical relapse occur. To this end, 28 LMV-treated patients (44 ± 12 years; 24 men), on their first therapy schedule, were monitored monthly at four Brazilian centers for the emergence of drug resistance using the reverse hybridization-based INNO-LiPA HBV DR assay and occasionally sequencing (two cases). Positive viral responses (HBV DNA clearance) after 6, 12, and 18 months of therapy were achieved by 57, 68, and 53% of patients, while biochemical responses (serum alanine aminotransferase normalization) were observed in 82, 82, and 53% of cases. All viral breakthrough cases (N = 8) were related to the emergence of YMDD variants observed in 7, 21, and 35% of patients at 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively. The emergence of these variants was not associated with viral genotype, HBeAg expression status, or pretreatment serum alanine aminotransferase levels. The detection of resistance-associated mutations was observed before the corresponding biochemical flare (41 ± 14 and 60 ± 15 weeks) in the same individuals. Then, if highly sensitive LMV drug resistance testing is carried out at frequent and regular intervals, the relatively long period (19 ± 2 weeks) between the emergence of viral resistance and the onset of biochemical relapse can provide clinicians with ample time to re-evaluate drug therapy.


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Dans cette thèse l’ancienne question philosophique “tout événement a-t-il une cause ?” sera examinée à la lumière de la mécanique quantique et de la théorie des probabilités. Aussi bien en physique qu’en philosophie des sciences la position orthodoxe maintient que le monde physique est indéterministe. Au niveau fondamental de la réalité physique – au niveau quantique – les événements se passeraient sans causes, mais par chance, par hasard ‘irréductible’. Le théorème physique le plus précis qui mène à cette conclusion est le théorème de Bell. Ici les prémisses de ce théorème seront réexaminées. Il sera rappelé que d’autres solutions au théorème que l’indéterminisme sont envisageables, dont certaines sont connues mais négligées, comme le ‘superdéterminisme’. Mais il sera argué que d’autres solutions compatibles avec le déterminisme existent, notamment en étudiant des systèmes physiques modèles. Une des conclusions générales de cette thèse est que l’interprétation du théorème de Bell et de la mécanique quantique dépend crucialement des prémisses philosophiques desquelles on part. Par exemple, au sein de la vision d’un Spinoza, le monde quantique peut bien être compris comme étant déterministe. Mais il est argué qu’aussi un déterminisme nettement moins radical que celui de Spinoza n’est pas éliminé par les expériences physiques. Si cela est vrai, le débat ‘déterminisme – indéterminisme’ n’est pas décidé au laboratoire : il reste philosophique et ouvert – contrairement à ce que l’on pense souvent. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse un modèle pour l’interprétation de la probabilité sera proposé. Une étude conceptuelle de la notion de probabilité indique que l’hypothèse du déterminisme aide à mieux comprendre ce que c’est qu’un ‘système probabiliste’. Il semble que le déterminisme peut répondre à certaines questions pour lesquelles l’indéterminisme n’a pas de réponses. Pour cette raison nous conclurons que la conjecture de Laplace – à savoir que la théorie des probabilités présuppose une réalité déterministe sous-jacente – garde toute sa légitimité. Dans cette thèse aussi bien les méthodes de la philosophie que de la physique seront utilisées. Il apparaît que les deux domaines sont ici solidement reliés, et qu’ils offrent un vaste potentiel de fertilisation croisée – donc bidirectionnelle.


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In this thesis I offer two separate arguments for the creation of an environmentally friendly Christian theology. These arguments, although interconnected, are roughly divided into the main chapters of the thesis. I will begin in Chapter Two by offering a negative argument against the assumption that the natural world is sinful. In their article Hauerwas and Berkman suggest that the suffering of animals is both an example of the sinful state of the environment and a justification for human separation from an unholy natural environment. In response to this view I will argue in the second chapter that the suffering of animals can be seen as part of God's intentions for our world. Suffering, in both the human and the larger world, is not evidence of a fundamental flaw in natural systems. Instead, the cycle of death and life found in the natural world can be profoundly spiritual.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We have measured hemoglobin oxygen uptake vs. The partial pressure of oxygen, with independently controlled activities of chloride and water. This control is effected by combining different concentrations of NaCl and sucrose in the bathing solution to achieve: (i) water activities were varied and CI- activity was fixed, (ii) both water and CI- activities were varied with a traditional NaCI titration, or (iii) CI- activities were varied and water activity was fixed by adding compensating sucrose. Within this analysis, the CI--regulated loading of four oxygens can be described by the reaction Hb.CI- + 4 O-2 + 65 H2O reversible arrow Hb.4O(2).65H(2)O + CI-. The dissociation of a neatly integral chloride, rather than the nonintegral 1.6 chlorides inferred earlier from simple salt titration, demonstrates the need to recognize the potentially large contribution from changes in water activity when titrating weakly binding solutes. The single-chloride result might simplify structural considerations of the action of CI- in hemoglobin regulation.


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Leptodactylus dantasi Bokermann is redescribed from adult specimens collected in Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, State of Acre, Brazil, near the border between the Brazilian state of Acre and Peru. We propose the inclusion of this species in the genus Hydrolaetare. A new diagnostic character observed for the genus is the presence of fringes of fingers, and fringes and webbing of toes, finely serrate; the serrate edge of the fringe and webbing can be keratinized in males, females, and subadults. Hydrolaetare dantasi (Bokermann) is characterized by robust body and limbs, a broad and depressed head, slightly shorter than wide, and long, pointed and basally webbed toes. Hydrolaetare dantasi differs from the only other species in this genus, Hydrolaetare schmidti (Cochran and Goin), mainly by having toes webbed basally (fully webbed in H. schmidti). The advertisement call of H. dantasi is composed of two components; an initial note produced by the impact of the vocal sac against the ground and a second note corresponding to a long whistle of ascending frequency. The initial note is a percussive sound and represents an unusual form of sound emission in anurans; the second note is a vocalization.


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Este trabalho apresenta resultados práticos de uma atenção sistemática dada ao processamento e à interpretação sísmica de algumas linhas terrestres do conjunto de dados do gráben do Tacutu (Brasil), sobre os quais foram aplicadas etapas fundamentais do sistema WIT de imageamento do empilhamento CRS (Superfície de Reflexão Comum) vinculado a dados. Como resultado, esperamos estabelecer um fluxograma para a reavaliação sísmica de bacias sedimentares. Fundamentado nos atributos de frente de onda resultantes do empilhamento CRS, um macro-modelo suave de velocidades foi obtido através de inversão tomográfica. Usando este macro-modelo, foi realizado uma migração à profundidade pré- e pós-empilhamento. Além disso, outras técnicas baseadas no empilhamento CRS foram realizadas em paralelo como correção estática residual e migração de abertura-limitada baseada na zona de Fresnel projetada. Uma interpretação geológica sobre as seções empilhadas e migradas foi esboçada. A partir dos detalhes visuais dos painéis é possível interpretar desconformidades, afinamentos, um anticlinal principal falhado com conjuntos de horstes e grábens. Também, uma parte da linha selecionada precisa de processamento mais detalhado para evidenciar melhor qualquer estrutura presente na subsuperfície.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The characters defining Mecosarthron Buquet, 1840 and Xixuthrus Thomson 1864 are discussed, along with a historical review of the literature that described and classified these taxa. Through morphological examination of these genera and most of the included species, we addressed the systematic placement of Xixuthrus domingoensis Fisher, 1932 that was placed in Mecosarthron by Ivie (1985). We restore its placement in the genus Xixuthrus. The first description of the female of X. domingoensis is provided, along with comparative redescriptions of Mecosarthron gounellei (Lameere, 1903), and M. buphagus Buquet, 1840. We include a key to the species currently in Mecosarthron.


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The current paper is an excerpt from the doctoral thesis ”Multi-Layer Insulation as Contribution to Orbital Debris”written at the Institute of Aerospace Systems of the Technische Universit ̈at of Braunschweig. The Multi-Layer In-sulation (MLI) population included in ESA’s MASTER-2009 (M eteoroid and Space-Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference) software is based on models for two mechanisms: One model simulates the release of MLI debris during fragmentation events while another estimates the continuo us release of larger MLI pieces due to aging related deterioration of the material. The aim of the thesis was to revise the MLI models from the base up followed by a re-validation of the simulated MLI debris population. The validation is based on comparison to measurement data of the GEO and GTO debris environment obtained by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) using ESA’s Space Debris Telescope (ESASDT), the 1-m Zeiss telescope located at the Optical Ground Station (OGS) at the Teide Observatory at Tenerife, Spain. The re-validation led to the conclusion that MLI may cover a much smaller portion of the observed objects than previously published. Further investigation of the resulting discrepancy revealed that the contribution of altogether nine known Ariane H-10 upper stage explosion events which occurred between 1984 and 2002 has very likely been underestimated in past simulations.


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A recent study of the divergence times of the major groups of organisms as gauged by amino acid sequence comparison has been expanded and the data have been reanalyzed with a distance measure that corrects for both constraints on amino acid interchange and variation in substitution rate at different sites. Beyond that, the availability of complete genome sequences for several eubacteria and an archaebacterium has had a great impact on the interpretation of certain aspects of the data. Thus, the majority of the archaebacterial sequences are not consistent with currently accepted views of the Tree of Life which cluster the archaebacteria with eukaryotes. Instead, they are either outliers or mixed in with eubacterial orthologs. The simplest resolution of the problem is to postulate that many of these sequences were carried into eukaryotes by early eubacterial endosymbionts about 2 billion years ago, only very shortly after or even coincident with the divergence of eukaryotes and archaebacteria. The strong resemblances of these same enzymes among the major eubacterial groups suggest that the cyanobacteria and Gram-positive and Gram-negative eubacteria also diverged at about this same time, whereas the much greater differences between archaebacterial and eubacterial sequences indicate these two groups may have diverged between 3 and 4 billion years ago.


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A number of neuroimaging findings have been interpreted as evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) subserves retrieval of semantic knowledge. We provide a fundamentally different interpretation, that it is not retrieval of semantic knowledge per se that is associated with left IFG activity but rather selection of information among competing alternatives from semantic memory. Selection demands were varied across three semantic tasks in a single group of subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging signal in overlapping regions of left IFG was dependent on selection demands in all three tasks. In addition, the degree of semantic processing was varied independently of selection demands in one of the tasks. The absence of left IFG activity for this comparison counters the argument that the effects of selection can be attributed solely to variations in degree of semantic retrieval. Our findings suggest that it is selection, not retrieval, of semantic knowledge that drives activity in the left IFG.


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Most mammalian cells exhibit transient delays in the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle after treatment with radiation or radiomimetic compounds. p53 is required for the arrest in G1, which provides time for DNA repair. Recently, a role of p53 in the G2/M transition has also been suggested. However, it has been reported that the presence of functional p53 does not always correlate with the induction of these checkpoints. To precisely assess the role of p53 in activating cell cycle checkpoints and in cell survival after radiation, we studied the response of two isogenic human fibrosarcoma cell lines differing in their p53 status (wild type or mutant). We found that when irradiated cells undergo a wild-type p53-dependent G1 arrest, they do not subsequently arrest in G2. Moreover, wild-type p53 cells irradiated past the G1 checkpoint arrest in G2 but do not delay in the subsequent G1 phase. Furthermore, in these cell lines, which do not undergo radiation-induced apoptosis, the wild-type p53 cell line exhibited a greater radioresistance in terms of clonogenic survival. These results suggest that the two checkpoints may be interrelated, perhaps through a control system that determines, depending on the extent of the damage, whether the cell needs to arrest cell cycle progression at the subsequent checkpoint for further repair. p53 could be a crucial component of this control system.


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Normal human diploid fibroblasts have a finite replicative lifespan in vitro, which has been postulated to be a cellular manifestation of aging in vivo. Several studies have shown an inverse relationship between donor age and fibroblast culture replicative lifespan; however, in all cases, the correlation was weak, and, with few exceptions, the health status of the donors was unknown. We have determined the replicative lifespans of 124 skin fibroblast cell lines established from donors of different ages as part of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. All of the donors were medically examined and were declared “healthy,” according to Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging protocols, at the time the biopsies were taken. Both long- and short-lived cell lines were observed in all age groups, but no significant correlation between the proliferative potential of the cell lines and donor age was found. A comparison of multiple cell lines established from the same donors at different ages also failed to reveal any significant trends between proliferative potential and donor age. The rate of [3H]thymidine incorporation and the initial rates of growth during the first few subcultivations were examined in a subset of cell lines and were found to be significantly greater in fetal lines than in postnatal lines. Cell lines established from adults did not vary significantly either in initial growth rate or in [3H]thymidine incorporation. These results clearly indicate that, if health status and biopsy conditions are controlled, the replicative lifespan of fibroblasts in culture does not correlate with donor age.