998 resultados para REAGENT GAS
The ion-molecule reactions of disubstituted benzenes under chemical ionization conditions with acetyl chloride as reagent gas were examined, and the fragmentation reactions of the adduct ions (mostly proton and acetyl ion adducts) were studied by collision-induced dissociation. Electron-releasing substituents favored the adduct reactions, and electron-withdrawing groups did not. The position and properties of substituting groups had an effect on the relative abundances of the adduct ions. Several examples of the ortho effect were observed. The fragmentation reaction of the adduct ions formed by ortho-benzenediamine with the acetyl ion was similar to the reductive alkylation reaction of amines in the condensed phase. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ion-molecule reactions of four isomeric cyclopropane derivatives were investigated under chemical ionization(CI) conditions, using methane, acetone and vinyl acetate as reagent gases, The methane positive-ion CI mass spectra of each of two isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 are identical, and so are the collision-induced dissociation (CTD) spectra of the protonated molecules of each of the two isomer pairs, The protonation reactions for the isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 occurred on the sites of the carboxyl groups and the R groups, respectively, Differences between isomers 1 and 2 are observed in their acetone (A) positive-ion CI mass spectra and in the CID spectra of their adduct ions ([M+H+A](+)), The adduct ions of compounds 2, 3 and 4 with protonated acetone and with protonated acetone dimer are observed in their CI mass spectra, However, only the adduct ions of compound 1 with protonated acetone appear in its CI mass spectrum, The protonated dimers of each of the four compounds are found in their vinyl acetate positive-ion CI mass spectra, and the CID spectra of these dimers for isomers 1 and 2 can also reflect their stereostructural difference. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In the work underlying this thesis solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was evaluated as a passive sampling technique for organophosphate triesters in indoor air. These compounds are used on a large scale as flame-retarding and plastizicing additives in a variety of materials and products, and have proven to be common pollutants in indoor air. The main objective of this work was to develop an accurate method for measuring the volatile fraction. Such a method can be used in combination with active sampling to obtain information regarding the vapour/particulate distribution in different indoor environments. SPME was investigated under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions and parameters associated with these different conditions were estimated. In Paper I, time-weighted average (TWA) SPME under dynamic conditions was investigated in order to obtain a fast air sampling method for organophosphate triesters. Among the investigated SPME coatings, the absorptive PDMS polymer had the highest affinity for the organophosphate triesters and was consequently used in all further work. Since the sampling rate is dependent on the agitation conditions, the linear airflow rates had to be carefully considered. Sampling periods as short as 1 hour were shown to be sufficient for measurements in the ng-μg m-3 range when using a PDMS 100-μm fibre and a linear flow rate above 7 cm s-1 over the fibre. SPME under equilibrium conditions is rather time-consuming, even under dynamic conditions, for slowly partitioning compounds such as organophosphate triesters. Nevertheless, this method has some significant advantages. For instance, the limit of detection is much lower compared to 1 h TWA sampling. Furthermore, the sampling time can be ignored as long as equilibrium has been attained. In Paper II, SPME under equilibrium conditions was investigated and evaluated for organophosphate triester vapours. Since temperature and humidity are closely associated with the distribution constant a simple study of the effect of these parameters was performed. The obtained distribution constants were used to determine the air levels in a common indoor environment. SPME and parallel active sampling on filters yielded similar results, indicating that the detected compounds were almost entirely associated with the vapour phase To apply dynamic SPME method in the field a sampler device, which enables controlled linear airflow rates to be applied, was constructed and evaluated (Paper III). This device was developed for application of SPME and active sampling in parallel. A GC/PICI-MS/MS method was developed and used in combination with active sampling of organophosphate triesters in indoor air (Paper IV). The combination of MS/MS and the soft ionization achieved with methanol as reagent gas yielded high selectivity and detection limits comparable to those provided by GC with nitrogen-phosphorus detection (NPD). The method limit of detection, when sampling 1.5 m3 of air, was in the range 0.1-1.4 ng m-3. In Paper V, the developed MS method was used in combination with SPME for indoor air measurements. The levels detected in the investigated indoor environments range from a few ng to μg m-3. Tris(2-chloropropyl) phosphate was detected at a concentration as high as 7 μg m-3 in a newly rebuilt lecture room.
Gas-phase hydrogen-deuterium (H/D) exchange reactions involving four isomeric cyclopropane derivatives were investigated under chemical ionization (CI) conditions, using D2O and CD3OD as reagent gases. There are abundant ions at [M + 1](+), [M + 2](+) and [M + 3](+) in the D2O and CD3OD positive-ion CI mass spectra of the two isomer pairs 1, 2 and 3, 4, Their CI mass spectra are identical with each pair, and so are the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of ions [M + 1](+), [M + 2](+) and [M + 3](+) of each of the two isomer pairs. The CID spectra of [M + 1](+) ions indicate that they have common D/H exchange reactions within each pair, which take place between molecular ions and deuterium-labeling reagents to form the [M - H + D](+) ions. Those of their [M + 2](+) ions show that they have common D/H exchange reactions within each pair, which form the [M-d1 + H](+) ions. Those of their [M + 3](+) ions show that they have common D/H exchange reactions within each pair, which take place between the [M-d1] and deuterium-labeling reagents to produce [Md-2 + H](+) for the isomer pair 1, 2 and [M-d1 + D](+) for the Isomer pair 3, 4. The number and position, and active order of the active hydrogen atoms of the isomer pairs 1, 2 and 3, 4 were determined. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article reported the NaA zeolite membranes with high permeance synthesized with microwave heating method under different conditions: (1) on a macroporous substrate in gel, (11) on a mesoporous/macroporous (top-mesoporous-layer-modified macroporous) substrate in gel, and (111) on a mesoporous/macroporous substrate in sol. In general, the H-2 permeance of the NaA membranes by microwave heating in gel was usually at the level of 10(-6) mol s(-1) m(-2) Pa-1, much higher than that by the conventional hydrothermal synthesis. At similar H-2/C3H8 permselectivity. On the substrate modified mesoporous top layer, the H-2 permeance of the NaA membranes by microwave heating in gel or sol was further enhanced, while maintaining comparable H-2/C3H8 permselectivity, due to the prevention of penetration of the reagent into the pores of the macroporous substrate. Meanwhile, the synthesis took less time in sol than in gel on the mesoporous/macroporous substrate. The NaA membranes synthesized in sol had larger permeance than those in gel and underwent transformation in shorter time. The permeation of C3H8 suggested that there existed unwanted intercrystalline pores or defects in the membranes. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Os incêndios florestais são uma importante fonte de emissão de compostos gasosos e de aerossóis. Em Portugal, onde a maioria dos incêndios ocorre no norte e centro do país, os incêndios destroem todos os anos milhares de hectares, com importantes perdas em termos económicos, de vidas humanas e qualidade ambiental. As emissões podem alterar consideravelmente a química da atmosfera, degradar a qualidade do ar e alterar o clima. Contudo, a informação sobre as caraterísticas das emissões dos incêndios florestais nos países do Mediterrâneo é limitada. Tanto a nível nacional como internacional, existe um interesse crescente na elaboração de inventários de emissões e de regulamentos sobre as emissões de carbono para a atmosfera. Do ponto de vista atmosférico da monitorização atmosférica, os incêndios são considerados um desafio, dada a sua variabilidade temporal e espacial, sendo de esperar um aumento da sua frequência, dimensão e severidade, e também porque as estimativas de emissões dependem das caraterísticas dos biocombustíveis e da fase de combustão. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e caraterizar as emissões de gases e aerossóis de alguns dos mais representativos incêndios florestais que ocorreram no centro de Portugal nos verões de 2009 e de 2010. Efetuou-se a colheita de amostras de gases e de duas frações de partículas (PM2.5 e PM2.5-10) nas plumas de fumo em sacos Tedlar e em filtros de quartzo acoplados a um amostrador de elevado volume, respetivamente. Os hidrocarbonetos totais (THC) e óxidos de carbono (CO e CO2) nas amostras gasosas foram analisados em instrumentos automáticos de ionização de chama e detetores não dispersivos de infravermelhos, respetivamente. Para algumas amostras, foram também quantificados alguns compostos de carbonilo após reamostragem do gás dos sacos Tedlar em cartuchos de sílica gel revestidos com 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina (DNPH), seguida de análise por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução. Nas partículas, analisou-se o carbono orgânico e elementar (técnica termo-óptica), iões solúveis em água (cromatografia iónica) e elementos (espectrometria de massa com plasma acoplado por indução ou análise instrumental por ativação com neutrões). A especiação orgânica foi obtida por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa após extração com recurso a vários solventes e separação dos extratos orgânicos em diversas classes de diferentes polaridades através do fracionamento com sílica gel. Os fatores de emissão do CO e do CO2 situaram-se nas gamas 52-482 e 822-1690 g kg-1 (base seca), mostrando, respetivamente, correlação negativa e positiva com a eficiência de combustão. Os fatores de emissão dos THC apresentaram valores mais elevados durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama, oscilando entre 0.33 e 334 g kg-1 (base seca). O composto orgânico volátil oxigenado mais abundante foi o acetaldeído com fatores de emissão que variaram desde 1.0 até 3.2 g kg-1 (base seca), seguido pelo formaldeído e o propionaldeído. Observou-se que as emissões destes compostos são promovidas durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama. Os fatores de emissão de PM2.5 e PM10 registaram valores entre 0.50-68 e 0.86-72 g kg-1 (base seca), respetivamente. A emissão de partículas finas e grosseiras é também promovida em condições de combustão lenta. As PM2.5 representaram cerca de 90% da massa de partículas PM10. A fração carbonosa das partículas amostradas em qualquer dos incêndios foi claramente dominada pelo carbono orgânico. Foi obtida uma ampla gama de rácios entre o carbono orgânico e o carbono elementar, dependendo das condições de combustão. Contudo, todos os rácios refletiram uma maior proporção de carbono orgânico em relação ao carbono elementar, típica das emissões de queima de biomassa. Os iões solúveis em água obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo contribuíram com valores até 3.9% da massa de partículas PM2.5 e 2.8% da massa de partículas de PM2.5-10. O potássio contribuiu com valores até 15 g mg-1 PM2.5 e 22 g mg-1 PM2.5-10, embora em massa absoluta estivesse maioritariamente presente nas partículas finas. Os rácios entre potássio e carbono elementar e entre potássio e carbono orgânico obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo enquadram-se na gama de valores relatados na literatura para emissões de queima de biomassa. Os elementos detetados nas amostras representaram, em média, valores até 1.2% e 12% da massa de PM2.5 e PM2.5-10, respetivamente. Partículas resultantes de uma combustão mais completa (valores elevados de CO2 e baixos de CO) foram caraterizadas por um elevado teor de constituintes inorgânicos e um menor conteúdo de matéria orgânica. Observou-se que a matéria orgânica particulada é composta principalmente por componentes fenólicos e produtos derivados, séries de compostos homólogos (alcanos, alcenos, ácidos alcanóicos e alcanóis), açúcares, biomarcadores esteróides e terpenóides, e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos. O reteno, um biomarcador das emissões da queima de coníferas, foi o hidrocarboneto aromático dominante nas amostras das plumas de fumo amostradas durante a campanha que decorreu em 2009, devido ao predomínio de amostras colhidas em incêndios em florestas de pinheiros. O principal açúcar anidro, e sempre um dos compostos mais abundantes, foi o levoglucosano. O rácio levoglucosano/OC obtido nas partículas das plumas de fumo, em média, registaram valores desde 5.8 a 23 mg g-1 OC. Os rácios levoglucosano/manosano e levoglucosano/(manosano+galactosano) revelaram o predomínio de amostras provenientes da queima de coníferas. Tendo em conta que a estimativa das emissões dos incêndios florestais requer um conhecimento de fatores de emissão apropriados para cada biocombustível, a base de dados abrangente obtida neste estudo é potencialmente útil para atualizar os inventários de emissões. Tem vindo a ser observado que a fase de combustão latente sem chama, a qual pode ocorrer simultaneamente com a fase de chama e durar várias horas ou dias, pode contribuir para uma quantidade considerável de poluentes atmosféricos, pelo que os fatores de emissão correspondentes devem ser considerados no cálculo das emissões globais de incêndios florestais. Devido à falta de informação detalhada sobre perfis químicos de emissão, a base de dados obtida neste estudo pode também ser útil para a aplicação de modelos no recetor no sul da Europa.
Ox amyl , an insecticide/nematicide with the chemical name; methyl ~'. ~·-dimethyl-~-(methylcarbamoyl)oxy-l-thiooxamimidate, and its major degradation compound; oxime or oximino compound, methyl ~',~'-dimethyl-~-hydroxy-l-thiooxamimidate were studied in this work. NMR and mass spectrometry were utilized in the structural studies. An attempt was made to explain the fragmentation patterns of some major peaks in the mass spectra of oxamyl and oxime. A new gas chromatographic method for the detection and determination of submicrogram levels of intact oxamyl using a electron-capture detector was developed. The principle of this method is to produce a derivative which is highly sensitive to an electron-capture detector. The derivative described is dinitrophenyl methylamine( DNPMA ) • Experimental conditions such as pH , reaction temperature , reaction time, the amount of reagent ( Dinitrofluaro benzene) etc. were thoroughly investigated and optimized. This method was successfully applied to the determination of oxamyl residues in tobacco leaves and soil. Throughout this J9D:oject , thin layer chromatography was also used in the separation:and clean up of oxamyl and oxime samples.
Tetra-alkoxysilanes are common and useful reagents in sol-gel processes and understanding their reactivity is important in the design of new materials. The mechanism of gas-phase reactions that mimic alcoholyis of Si(OMe)(4) (usually known as TMOS) under acidic conditions have been studied by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance techniques and density functional calculations at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level. The proton affinity of TMOS has been estimated at 836.4 kJ mol(-1) and protonation of TMOS gives rise to an ionic species that is best represented as trimethoxysilyl cations associated with a methanol molecule. Protonated TMOS undergoes rapid and sequential substitution of the methoxy groups in the gas-phase upon reaction with alcohols. The calculated energy profile of the reaction indicates that the substitution reaction through an S(N)2 type mechanism may be more favorable than frontal attack at silicon. Furthermore, the sequential substitution reactions are promoted by a mechanism that involves proton shuttle from the most favorable protonation site to the oxygen of the departing group mediated by the neutral reagent molecule.
A flow-injection system is proposed for the spectrophotometric determination of sulphite in white wines. The method involves analyte conversion to SO2, gas diffusion through a Teflon® semi-permeable membrane, collection into an alkaline stream (pH 8), reaction with Malachite green (MG) and monitoring at 620 nm. With a concentric tubular membrane, the system design was simplified. Influence of reagent concentrations, pH of donor and acceptor streams, temperature, timing, surfactant addition and presence of potential interfering species of the wine matrix were investigated. A pronounced (ca. 100%) enhancement in sensitivity was noted by adding cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). The proposed system is robust and baseline drift is not observed during 4 h operating periods. Only 400 μL of sample and 0.32 mg MG are required per determination. The system handles 30 samples per hour, yielding precise results (r.s.d. < 0.015 for 1.0 - 20.0 mg L-1 SO2) in agreement with those obtained by an alternative procedure.
The present PhD thesis was focused on the development and application of chemical methodology (Py-GC-MS) and data-processing method by multivariate data analysis (chemometrics). The chromatographic and mass spectrometric data obtained with this technique are particularly suitable to be interpreted by chemometric methods such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) as regards data exploration and SIMCA (Soft Independent Models of Class Analogy) for the classification. As a first approach, some issues related to the field of cultural heritage were discussed with a particular attention to the differentiation of binders used in pictorial field. A marker of egg tempera the phosphoric acid esterified, a pyrolysis product of lecithin, was determined using HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) rather than the TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) as a derivatizing reagent. The validity of analytical pyrolysis as tool to characterize and classify different types of bacteria was verified. The FAMEs chromatographic profiles represent an important tool for the bacterial identification. Because of the complexity of the chromatograms, it was possible to characterize the bacteria only according to their genus, while the differentiation at the species level has been achieved by means of chemometric analysis. To perform this study, normalized areas peaks relevant to fatty acids were taken into account. Chemometric methods were applied to experimental datasets. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of analytical pyrolysis and chemometric analysis for the rapid characterization of bacterial species. Application to a samples of bacterial (Pseudomonas Mendocina), fungal (Pleorotus ostreatus) and mixed- biofilms was also performed. A comparison with the chromatographic profiles established the possibility to: • Differentiate the bacterial and fungal biofilms according to the (FAMEs) profile. • Characterize the fungal biofilm by means the typical pattern of pyrolytic fragments derived from saccharides present in the cell wall. • Individuate the markers of bacterial and fungal biofilm in the same mixed-biofilm sample.