358 resultados para RADIONUCLIDE
Purine nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase was purified to apparent homogeneity from a culture filtrate of Streptomyces morookaensis. It is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 24 000-25 000, and its isoelectric point is 6.9. The enzyme synthesizes purine nucleoside 5'-phosphate (mono, di, or tri) 3'-diphosphates such as pppApp, ppApp, pApp, pppGpp, ppGpp and pppIpp by transferring a pyrophosphoryl group from the 5'-position of ATP, dATP and ppApp to the 3'-position of purine nucleotides. The purified enzyme catalysed the formation of 435 mumol of pppApp and 620 mumol of pppGpp from ATP and GTP per min mg protein under the standard conditions. The enzyme requires absolutely a divalent cation for activity, and optimum pH for the enzyme activity lay above 10 for Mg2+, for Co2+ and Zn2+ from 9 to 9.5, and for Fe2+ from 7.5 to 8. The following Michaelis constants were determined: AMP, 2.78 mM; ADP, 3.23 mM; GMP, 0.89 mM; GDP, 0.46 mM and GTP, 1.54 mM, in the case of ATP donor. The enzyme is inhibited by guanine, guanosine, dGDP, dGTP, N-bromosuccinimide, iodacetate, sodium borate and mercuric acetate.
Power law distributions, a well-known model in the theory of real random variables, characterize a wide variety of natural and man made phenomena. The intensity of earthquakes, the word frequencies, the solar ares and the sizes of power outages are distributed according to a power law distribution. Recently, given the usage of power laws in the scientific community, several articles have been published criticizing the statistical methods used to estimate the power law behaviour and establishing new techniques to their estimation with proven reliability. The main object of the present study is to go in deep understanding of this kind of distribution and its analysis, and introduce the half-lives of the radioactive isotopes as a new candidate in the nature following a power law distribution, as well as a \canonical laboratory" to test statistical methods appropriate for long-tailed distributions.
The activity of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine is measured before patient injection with radionuclide calibrators. In Switzerland, the general requirements for quality controls are defined in a federal ordinance and a directive of the Federal Office of Metrology (METAS) which require each instrument to be verified. A set of three gamma sources (Co-57, Cs-137 and Co-60) is used to verify the response of radionuclide calibrators in the gamma energy range of their use. A beta source, a mixture of (90)Sr and (90)Y in secular equilibrium, is used as well. Manufacturers are responsible for the calibration factors. The main goal of the study was to monitor the validity of the calibration factors by using two sources: a (90)Sr/(90)Y source and a (18)F source. The three types of commercial radionuclide calibrators tested do not have a calibration factor for the mixture but only for (90)Y. Activity measurements of a (90)Sr/(90)Y source with the (90)Y calibration factor are performed in order to correct for the extra-contribution of (90)Sr. The value of the correction factor was found to be 1.113 whereas Monte Carlo simulations of the radionuclide calibrators estimate the correction factor to be 1.117. Measurements with (18)F sources in a specific geometry are also performed. Since this radionuclide is widely used in Swiss hospitals equipped with PET and PET-CT, the metrology of the (18)F is very important. The (18)F response normalized to the (137)Cs response shows that the difference with a reference value does not exceed 3% for the three types of radionuclide calibrators.
PURPOSE: Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) delivers high absorbed doses to kidneys and may lead to permanent nephropathy. Reliable dosimetry of kidneys is thus critical for safe and effective PRRT. The aim of this work was to assess the feasibility of planning PRRT based on 3D radiobiological dosimetry (3D-RD) in order to optimize both the amount of activity to administer and the fractionation scheme, while limiting the absorbed dose and the biological effective dose (BED) to the renal cortex. METHODS: Planar and SPECT data were available for a patient examined with (111)In-DTPA-octreotide at 0.5 (planar only), 4, 24, and 48 h post-injection. Absorbed dose and BED distributions were calculated for common therapeutic radionuclides, i.e., (111)In, (90)Y and (177)Lu, using the 3D-RD methodology. Dose-volume histograms were computed and mean absorbed doses to kidneys, renal cortices, and medullae were compared with results obtained using the MIRD schema (S-values) with the multiregion kidney dosimetry model. Two different treatment planning approaches based on (1) the fixed absorbed dose to the cortex and (2) the fixed BED to the cortex were then considered to optimize the activity to administer by varying the number of fractions. RESULTS: Mean absorbed doses calculated with 3D-RD were in good agreement with those obtained with S-value-based SPECT dosimetry for (90)Y and (177)Lu. Nevertheless, for (111)In, differences of 14% and 22% were found for the whole kidneys and the cortex, respectively. Moreover, the authors found that planar-based dosimetry systematically underestimates the absorbed dose in comparison with SPECT-based methods, up to 32%. Regarding the 3D-RD-based treatment planning using a fixed BED constraint to the renal cortex, the optimal number of fractions was found to be 3 or 4, depending on the radionuclide administered and the value of the fixed BED. Cumulative activities obtained using the proposed simulated treatment planning are compatible with real activities administered to patients in PRRT. CONCLUSIONS: The 3D-RD treatment planning approach based on the fixed BED was found to be the method of choice for clinical implementation in PRRT by providing realistic activity to administer and number of cycles. While dividing the activity in several cycles is important to reduce renal toxicity, the clinical outcome of fractionated PRRT should be investigated in the future.
This article presents the role of nuclear medicine procedures in investigating renal and parenchymal disease, as well as upper urinary tract abnormalities. More specifically, the use of scintigraphy is described in the exploration of urinary tract dilatation and UTIs, vesicoureteric reflux, renovascular hypertension, and renal transplants. With a low radiation burden and the absence of sedation, these nuclear medicine procedures are easy to perform and can provide clinicians with valuable data on renal perfusion and the function of individual kidneys, as well as on urinary tract dynamics. However, knowledge of limitations and technical pitfalls is essential in understanding the role of scintigraphy among contemporary imaging methods and the unique information it supplies in nephrourology.
The evaluation of radioactivity accidentally released into the atmosphere involves determining the radioactivity levels of rainwater samples. Rainwater scavenges atmospheric airborne radioactivity in such a way that surface contamination can be deduced from rainfall rate and rainwater radioactivity content. For this purpose, rainwater is usually collected in large surface collectors and then measured by gamma-spectrometry after such treatments as evaporation or iron hydroxide precipitation. We found that collectors can be adapted to accept large surface (diameter 47mm) cartridges containing a strongly acidic resin (Dowex AG 88) which is able to quantitatively extract radioactivity from rainwater, even during heavy rainfall. The resin can then be measured by gamma-spectrometry. The detection limit is 0.1Bq per sample of resin (80g) for (137)Cs. Natural (7)Be and (210)Pb can also be measured and the activity ratio of both radionuclides is comparable with those obtained through iron hydroxide precipitation and air filter measurements. Occasionally (22)Na has also been measured above the detection limit. A comparison between the evaporation method and the resin method demonstrated that 2/3 of (7)Be can be lost during the evaporation process. The resin method is simple and highly efficient at extracting radioactivity. Because of these great advantages, we anticipate it could replace former rainwater determination methods. Moreover, it does not necessitate the transportation of large rainwater volumes to the laboratory.
In radionuclide metrology, Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is widely used to compute parameters associated with primary measurements or calibration factors. Although MC methods are used to estimate uncertainties, the uncertainty associated with radiation transport in MC calculations is usually difficult to estimate. Counting statistics is the most obvious component of MC uncertainty and has to be checked carefully, particularly when variance reduction is used. However, in most cases fluctuations associated with counting statistics can be reduced using sufficient computing power. Cross-section data have intrinsic uncertainties that induce correlations when apparently independent codes are compared. Their effect on the uncertainty of the estimated parameter is difficult to determine and varies widely from case to case. Finally, the most significant uncertainty component for radionuclide applications is usually that associated with the detector geometry. Recent 2D and 3D x-ray imaging tools may be utilized, but comparison with experimental data as well as adjustments of parameters are usually inevitable.
This chapter presents possible uses and examples of Monte Carlo methods for the evaluation of uncertainties in the field of radionuclide metrology. The method is already well documented in GUM supplement 1, but here we present a more restrictive approach, where the quantities of interest calculated by the Monte Carlo method are estimators of the expectation and standard deviation of the measurand, and the Monte Carlo method is used to propagate the uncertainties of the input parameters through the measurement model. This approach is illustrated by an example of the activity calibration of a 103Pd source by liquid scintillation counting and the calculation of a linear regression on experimental data points. An electronic supplement presents some algorithms which may be used to generate random numbers with various statistical distributions, for the implementation of this Monte Carlo calculation method.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Non-invasive molecular-imaging technologies are playing a key role in drug discovery, development and delivery. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is such a molecular imaging technology and a powerful tool for the observation of various deceases in vivo. However, it is limited by the availability of vectors with high selectivity to the target and radionuclides with a physical half-life which matches the biological half-life of the observed process. The 68Ge/68Ga radionuclide generator makes the PET-nuclide anywhere available without an on-site cyclotron. Besides the perfect availability 68Ga shows well suited nuclide properties for PET, but it has to be co-ordinated by a chelator to introduce it in a radiopharmaceuticals.rnHowever, the physical half-life of 68Ga (67.7 min) might limit the spectrum of clinical applications of 68Ga-labelled radiodiagnostics. Furthermore, 68Ga-labelled analogues of endoradiotherapeuticals of longer biological half-live such as 90Y- or 177Lu-labeled peptides and proteins cannot be used to determine individual radiation dosimetry directly. rnThus, radionuclide generator systems providing positron emitting daughters of extended physical half-life are of renewed interest. In this context, generator-derived positron emitters with longer physical half-life are needed, such as 72As (T½ = 26 h) from the 72Se/72As generator, or 44Sc (T½ = 3.97 h) from the 44Ti/44Sc generator.rnIn this thesis the implementation of radioactive gallium-68 and scandium-44 for molecular imaging and nuclear medical diagnosis, beginning with chemical separation and purification of 44Ti as a radionuclide mother, investigation of pilot generators with different elution mode, building a prototype generator, development and investigation of post-processing of the generator eluate, its concentration and further purification, the labeling chemistry under different conditions, in vitro and in vivo studies of labeled compounds and, finally, in vivo imaging experiments are described.
Die Nuklearmedizin ist ein modernes und effektives Werkzeug zur Erkennung und Behandlung von onkologischen Erkrankungen. Molekulare Bildgebung, die auf dem Einsatz von Radiopharmaka basiert, beinhaltet die Einzel-Photonen-Emissions-Tomographie (SPECT) und Positronenemissions¬tomographie (PET) und ermöglicht die nicht-invasive Visualisierung von Tumoren auf nano-und picomolarer Ebene.rnDerzeit werden viele neue Tracer für die genauere Lokalisierung von kleinen Tumoren und Metastasen eingeführt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung untersucht. Die meisten von ihnen sind Protein-basierte Biomoleküle, die die Natur selbst als Antigene für die Tumorzellen produziert. Dabei spielen Antikörper und Antikörper-Fragmente eine wichtige Rolle in der Tumor-Diagnostik und Behandlung. Die PET-Bildgebung mit Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten bezeichnet man als immuno-PET. Ein wichtiger Aspekt hierbei ist, dass entsprechende Radiopharmaka benötigt werden, deren Halbwertszeit mit der Halbwertszeit der Biomoleküle korreliert ist.rnIn neueren Arbeiten wird 90Nb als potenzieller Kandidat für die Anwendung in der immuno-PET vorgeschlagen. Seine Halbwertszeit von 14,6 Stunden ist geeignet für die Anwendung mit Antikörperfragmenten und einige intakten Antikörpern. 90Nb hat eine relativ hohen Anteil an Positronenemission von 53% und eine optimale Energie für die β+-Emission von 0,35 MeV, die sowohl eine hohe Qualität der Bildgebung als auch eine niedrige Aktivitätsmenge des Radionuklids ermöglicht.rnErsten grundlegende Untersuchungen zeigten: i) dass 90Nb in ausreichender Menge und Reinheit durch Protonen-Bombardierung des natürlichen Zirkonium Targets produziert, ii) aus dem Targetmaterial in entsprechender radiochemischer Reinheit isoliert und iii) zur Markierung des monoklonalen Antikörpers (Rituximab) verwendet werden kann und iv) dieser 90Nb-markierte mAb eine hohe in vitro Stabilität besitzt. Desweiteren wurde eine alternative und schnelle Abtrennungsmethode entwickelt, die es erlaubt 90Nb, mit einer geeigneten radiochemischen und radionuklidischen Reinheit für eine anschließende Markierung von Biomolekülen in einer Stunde zu aufzureinigen. Schließlich wurden erstmals 90Nb-markierte Biomolekülen in vivo untersucht. Desweiteren wurden auch Experimente durchgeführt, um den optimalen bifunktionellen Chelatbildner (BFC) für 90Niob zu finden. Mehrere BFC wurden hinsichtlich Komplexbildung mit NbV untersucht. Desferrioxamin (Df) erwies sich als geeignetster Chelator für 90Nb. Der monoklonale Antikörper Bevacizumab (Avastin®) wurde mit 90Nb markiert und eine Biodistributionsstudie und eine PET-Untersuchung durchgeführt. Alle diese Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 90Nb ein vielversprechendes Radionuklid für die Immuno-PET ist, welches sogar für weitere kommerzielle Anwendungen in der klinischen Routine geeignet zu sein scheint.rn
Functionally critically located gliomas represent a challenging subgroup of intrinsic brain neoplasms. Standard therapeutic recommendations often cannot be applied, because radical treatment and preservation of neurological function are contrary goals. The successful targeting of gliomas with locally injected beta radiation-emitting (90)Y-DOTAGA-substance P has been shown previously. However, in critically located tumours, the mean tissue range of 5 mm of (90)Y may seriously damage adjacent brain areas. In contrast, the alpha radiation-emitting radionuclide (213)Bi with a mean tissue range of 81 microm may have a more favourable toxicity profile. Therefore, we evaluated locally injected (213)Bi-DOTA-substance P in patients with critically located gliomas as the primary therapeutic modality.
Radiolabeled peptides have been an important class of compounds in radiopharmaceutical sciences and nuclear medicine for more than 20 years. Despite strong research efforts, only somatostatin-based radiopeptides have a real impact on patient care, diagnostically and therapeutically. [(111)In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid(0)]octreotide is commercially available for imaging. Imaging was highly improved by the introduction of PET radionuclides such as (68)Ga, (64)Cu, and (18)F. Two peptides are successfully used in targeted radionuclide therapy when bound to DOTA and labeled with (90)Y and (177)Lu.