43 resultados para RADIOLYSIS


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The radiolysis of cysteine under plasma discharge and irradiation of low-energy Ion beam was investigated. The damage of cysteine in aqueous solution under discharge was assessed via the acid ninhydrin reagent and the yield of cystine produced from the reaction was analyzed by FTIR In addition, the generation of hydrogen sulfide was also identified The destruction of solid cysteine under low-energy ion beam irradiation was estimated via monitoring IR bands of different functional groups (-SH, -NH3, -COO-) of cysteine. and the production of cystine from ion-irradiated solid cysteine after dissolution in water was also verified These results may help us to understand the inactivation of sulphydryl enzymes under direct and indirect interaction with the low-energy ion irradiation (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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Here is detailed a novel and low-cost experimental method for high-throughput automated fluid sample irradiation. The sample is delivered via syringe pump to a nozzle, where it is expressed in the form of a hanging droplet into the path of a beam of ionising radiation. The dose delivery is controlled by an upstream lead shutter, which allows the beam to reach the droplet for a user defined period of time. The droplet is then further expressed after irradiation until it falls into one well of a standard microplate. The entire system is automated and can be operated remotely using software designed in-house, allowing for use in environments deemed unsafe for the user (synchrotron beamlines, for example). Depending on the number of wells in the microplate, several droplets can be irradiated before any human interaction is necessary, and the user may choose up to 10 samples per microplate using an array of identical syringe pumps, the design of which is described here. The nozzles consistently produce droplets of 25.1 ± 0.5 μl.


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Free radicals from one-electron oxidation of the antimalarial drug pyronaridine have been studied by pulse radiolysis. The results show that pyronaridine is readily oxidised to an intermediate semi-iminoquine radical by inorganic and organic free radicals, including those derived from tryptophan and acetaminophen. The pyronaridine radical is rapidly reduced by both ascorbate and caffeic acid. The results indicate that the one-electron reduction potential of the pyronaridine radical at neutral pH lies between those of acetaminophen (707 mV) and caffeic acid (534 mV). The pyronaridine radical decays to produce the iminoquinone, detected by electrospray mass spectrometry, in a second-order process that density functional theory (DFT) calculations (UB3LYP/6-31+G*) suggest is a disproportionation reaction. Important calculated dimensions of pyronaridine, its phenoxyl and aminyl radical, as well as the iminoquinone, are presented.


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Ultem irradiated up to 10.0 MGy has been analysed using C-13, H-1 and D-2 proton-carbon and proton-proton correlation NMR spectroscopy to shed light on the formation of new structures. Chemical shifts and correlation data were used to determine the structure or partial structures of several new components. The spectra indicated the presence of new groups and structures involving the isopropylidene group, the imide ring, and hydrogen-abstraction reactions. Possible pathways for formation of the new structures are proposed and the G-values for their formation have been estimated. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The radiolysis of a poly(ethylene-co-propylene), Elpro, marketed by Thai Polypropylene Co. Ltd for the manufacture of medical goods has been investigated at 77 K. Calcium stearate was blended with the Elpro as a processing aid; and dioctyl phthalate, DOP, was added in various amounts as a radiation stabilizer. The ESR spectra of Elpro and Elpro+Ca were very similar and characterized principally by the presence of PP a-carbon radicals. The spectra of the samples containing DOP were similar to those for Elpro but with an additional narrow singlet arising from DOP radicals. On annealing the irradiated polymers to higher temperatures, the singlet was lost between 250 and 270 K, and at room temperature the principal radicals remaining were allyl radicals. The G-values for radical formation at 77 K for Elpro and Elpro+Ca at 77 K were 3.0 and 3.2, respectively, but incorporation of DOP resulted in lower G-values, ranging from 1.6 to 1.4 for 0.5 and 2.5 phr DOP, respectively.(c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The ractiolysis of a poly(ethylene-co-propylene), Elpro grade P 750 J, marketed by Thai Polypropylene Co. Ltd. for the manufacture of medical goods, was investigated at ambient temperature and melt rheology measured. The roles of calcium stearate, blended with the Elpro as a processing aid, and dioctyl phthalate (DOP), added in various amounts as a radical scavenger, were assessed. Following radiolysis, G' and the viscosity of the polymer melts at 453 K both decreased with increasing radiation dose, even when the mobilizer was present. The results indicated that although the DOP did scavenge radicals, it did not protect the polymer from net chain scission in a low-dose regimen. The value of (G(S) - 4G(X)) was approximately 0.6-0.7. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Résumé : Les ions hydronium (H3O + ) sont formés, à temps courts, dans les grappes ou le long des trajectoires de la radiolyse de l'eau par des rayonnements ionisants à faible transfert d’énergie linéaire (TEL) ou à TEL élevé. Cette formation in situ de H3O + rend la région des grappes/trajectoires du rayonnement temporairement plus acide que le milieu environnant. Bien que des preuves expérimentales de l’acidité d’une grappe aient déjà été signalées, il n'y a que des informations fragmentaires quant à son ampleur et sa dépendance en temps. Dans ce travail, nous déterminons les concentrations en H3O + et les valeurs de pH correspondantes en fonction du temps à partir des rendements de H3O + calculés à l’aide de simulations Monte Carlo de la chimie intervenant dans les trajectoires. Quatre ions incidents de différents TEL ont été sélectionnés et deux modèles de grappe/trajectoire ont été utilisés : 1) un modèle de grappe isolée "sphérique" (faible TEL) et 2) un modèle de trajectoire "cylindrique" (TEL élevé). Dans tous les cas étudiés, un effet de pH acide brusque transitoire, que nous appelons un effet de "pic acide", est observé immédiatement après l’irradiation. Cet effet ne semble pas avoir été exploré dans l'eau ou un milieu cellulaire soumis à un rayonnement ionisant, en particulier à haut TEL. À cet égard, ce travail soulève des questions sur les implications possibles de cet effet en radiobiologie, dont certaines sont évoquées brièvement. Nos calculs ont ensuite été étendus à l’étude de l'influence de la température, de 25 à 350 °C, sur la formation in situ d’ions H3O + et l’effet de pic acide qui intervient à temps courts lors de la radiolyse de l’eau à faible TEL. Les résultats montrent une augmentation marquée de la réponse de pic acide à hautes températures. Comme de nombreux processus intervenant dans le cœur d’un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau dépendent de façon critique du pH, la question ici est de savoir si ces fortes variations d’acidité, même si elles sont hautement localisées et transitoires, contribuent à la corrosion et l’endommagement des matériaux.


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Purpose: The therapeutic ratio for ionising radiation treatment of tumour is a trade-off between normal tissue side-effects and tumour control. Application of a radioprotector to normal tissue can reduce side-effects. Here we study the effects of a new radioprotector on the cellular response to radiation. Methylproamine is a DNA-binding radioprotector which, on the basis of published pulse radiolysis studies, acts by repair of transient radiation-induced oxidative species on DNA. To substantiate this hypothesis, we studied protection by methylproamine at both clonogenic survival and radiation-induced DNA damage, assessed by γH2AX (histone 2AX phosphorylation at serine 139) focus formation endpoints. Materials and methods: The human keratinocyte cell line FEP1811 was used to study clonogenic survival and yield of γH2AX foci following irradiation (137Cs γ-rays) of cells exposed to various concentrations of methylproamine. Uptake of methylproamine into cell nuclei was measured in parallel. Results: The extent of radioprotection at the clonogenic survival endpoint increased with methylproamine concentration up to a maximum dose modification factor (DMF) of 2.0 at 10 μM. At least 0.1 fmole/nucleus of methylproamine is required to achieve a substantial level of radioprotection (DMF of 1.3) with maximum protection (DMF of 2.0) achieved at 0.23 fmole/nucleus. The γH2AX focus yield per cell nucleus 45 min after irradiation decreased with drug concentration with a DMF of 2.5 at 10 μM. Conclusions: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that radioprotection by methylproamine is mediated by attenuation of the extent of initial DNA damage.


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The photochemical and redox properties of two newly synthesized tetrahydroquinoxaline-based squaraine dyes (SQ) are investigated Using femto- and nanosecond laser flash photolysis, pulse radiolysis, and cyclic voltammetry. In acetonitrile and dichloromethane, these squaraines exist its monomers in the zwitterionic form (lambda(max) approximate to 715 nm, epsilon(max) approximate to 1.66 x 10(5) M-1 cm(-1) in acetonitrile). Their excited sin-let states ((1)SQ*) exhibit a broad absorption hand at 480 nm, with singlet lifetimes of 44 and 123 ps for the two dyes. Both squaraines exhibit poor intersystem crossing efficiency (Phi(ISC) < 0.001). Their excited triplet states ((3)SQ*), however, Ire efficiently generated by triplet-triplet energy transfer Using triplet excited 9,10-dibromoanthracene. The excited triplet states of the squaraines dyes exhibit it broad absorption hand at ca. 560 nm (epsilon(triplet) approximate to 4.2 x 10(4) M-1 cm(-1)) and undergo deactivation via triplet-triplet annihilation and ground-state quenching processes. The oxidized forms of the investigated squaraines (SQ(center dot+)) exhibit absorption maxima at 510 and 610 nm.


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A comparative study of the switching properties of pure and √-irradiated TGSe crystals has been carried out to see the effect of irradiation on the structure and dynamics of domains. The switching behaviour of √-irradiated TGSe has been found to be qualitatively similar to that of unirradiated crystal and this has been interpreted in terms of structural inhibition caused by the formation of radiolysis products as well as the difference between the domain structures of the unirradiated and irradiated samples. Confirmation of this has been obtained by studying the domain patterns using the etch method.


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A comparative study of the switching properties of pure and √-irradiated TGSe crystals has been carried out to see the effect of irradiation on the structure and dynamics of domains. The switching behaviour of √-irradiated TGSe has been found to be qualitatively similar to that of unirradiated crystal and this has been interpreted in terms of structural inhibition caused by the formation of radiolysis products as well as the difference between the domain structures of the unirradiated and irradiated samples. Confirmation of this has been obtained by studying the domain patterns using the etch method.