2 resultados para Rörelseförmåga


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I den här artikeln presenterar jag en del av mitt avhandlingsprojekt (Nyberg, 2014) där syftet var att undersöka vad rörelseförmåga kan innebära i termer av vad ’man kan’ när man kan röra sig på olika sätt. Syftet med artikeln är att visa hur en fenomenografisk analys av elevers olika sätt att röra sig kan bidra till hur kunskapen om rörelsekunnande kan utvecklas. Den fenomenografiska analysen innebär att, i det här fallet, systematiskt undersöka hur elevers ’kroppsliga förståelse’ av en rörelse uttrycks genom olika sätt att röra sig. Resultatet av analysen visar även vilka aspekter av rörelsen som är möjliga att urskilja och erfara, vilket bidrar till en förståelse av vad det innebär att kunna en rörelse. I artikeln diskuterar jag hur en fenomenografisk ansats kan underlätta för lärare i idrott och hälsa att bortse från sina egna underförstådda antaganden om vad det innebär att behärska en rörelse och hur undervisningen i idrott och hälsa kan bidra till utveckling av rörelseförmåga.


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More than half a million people in Sweden are affected by some sort of disability. During recreational activities in nature areas, these people might encounter difficulties such as inadequate accessibility. The Swedish society requires that all citizens should have the same possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the accessibility for people with disabilities. The aim is to examine occurring flaws in accessible nature reserves and suggest possible improvements.The questions that will be answered are as follows:• What flaws do accessible nature reserves have, and how do they affect the visitors?• What improvements can be made in nature reserves to increase accessibility?To answer the questions, a case study was done, where five different nature areas were visited. During the case study, various flaws in the accessibility were observed and analysed. Prior to the case study, requirements and scientific research regarding accessibility was studied. Using this, suggestions for improving the accessibility were made. . Most of the improvements that could be made in the studied nature reserves were presumed to be applicable in other nature reserves in Sweden.With the case study in mind, the accessibility was considered in need of various improvements. The accessibility was studied from three out of four of the Swedish disability association’s categories; physical, communicative, and informative accessibility. The flaws that were encountered in the studied areas were due to incorrect design, or insufficient maintenance. Most of the flaws could be corrected in simple ways, but the flaws that were due to incorrect design or planning would require more work. After the case study it was discovered that supposedly “accessible” trails, according to different websites, had varying levels of accessibility. An accessible recreational area will benefit all types of visitors, not only people with disabilities. It will be more convenient and enables visits with strollers. An area cannot be made accessible for all types of visitors, but can be made accessible for as many visitors as possible.