225 resultados para Réhabilitation architecturale
O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar a temática da valorização do patrimônio arquitetónico, herdado pela indústria da seda, baseando-se na história das técnicas, na gestão e na valorização do patrimônio industrial. É a partir do estudo de duas fábricas de seda na Europa: o Filatoio di Caraglio em Itália (data de construção: 1676-1678) e o Real Filatório de Chacim em Portugal (data de construção: 1788) que serão discutidas as estratégias encontradas para a conservação/restauração dos dois casos em questão, com base em suas histórias e contextos atuais. O Filatoio di Caraglio é uma das fábricas de seda mais antigas da Europa tendo como técnica o moinho alia piemontese publicado na Encyclopédie como uma das melhores invenções. No caso do Real Filatório de Chacim, constata-se que a introdução deste moinho por meio de técnicos italianos constituiu uma transferência tecnológica entre os dois países. RÉSUMÉ: L'objective de ce travail est d'explorer la thématique de la mise en valeur du patrimoine architectural hérité de industrie de la soie en se basent sur l'histoire des techniques, la gestion et la valorisation du patrimoine industriei. C'est à partir de l'étude de deux fabriques à soie en Europe: le Filatoio di Caraglio en Italie (date de construction: 1676-1678) et le Real Filatório de Chacim au Portugal (date de construction: 1788) que sont discutées les stratégies employées pour la conservation/restauration de ces deux cas basées sur leur histoire et sur les contextes actuels. Le Filatoio di Caraglio est une des soieries plus anciennes de l'Europe et était caractérisée par une technique du moulin alla piemontese publié dans l'Encyclopédie come une des meilleures inventions. Dans le cas du Real Filatório de Chacim, on constate que l'introduction de ce type de moulin par des techniciens italiens a constitué un transfert technique entre les deux pays. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to examine the enhancement of architectural heritage inherited from the silk industry, focusing on technical history, and the management and valorization of industrial heritage. Conservation/restoration strategies are discussed by analyzing solutions proposed in two European silk mills: The Filatoio di Caraglio, in Italy (date of construction: 1676-1678) and the Real Filatório de Chacim, in Portugal (date of construction: 1788), taking into consideration their histories and current context. While the former is one of the oldest European silk mills, employing the alla piemontese technique, which was praised by the Encyclopédie, the latter was set up by ltalian technicians, establishing a technology transfer between the two countries.
COPD is associated with some skeletal muscle dysfunction which contributes to a poor exercise tolerance. This dysfunction results from multiple factors: physical inactivity, corticosteroids, smoking, malnutrition, anabolic deficiency, systemic inflammation, hypoxia, oxidative stress. Respiratory rehabilitation is based on exercise training and allows patients with COPD to experience less dyspnoea, and to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life. Not all patients, however, benefit from rehabilitation. Acknowledging the different factors leading to muscular dysfunction allows one to foresee new avenues to improve efficacy of exercise training in COPD.
During the past 20 years, therapeutic and rehabilitative modalities in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation have been diversified in becoming more specific. We have the possibility to offer individualized rehabilitation programs as well as in the general field of socio-professional goals as in the clinical field according to the patients' needs and personal assets. The content of these programs associates various forms of specialized medical and paramedical services. The indications are established trough a careful assessment. The rehabilitation unit of the University Department of Psychiatry in Lausanne has developed a multidisciplinary assessment method based on the bio-psychosocial integrative model and the vulnerability-stress model in integrating the level of experience of Wood for the analysis of the psychosocial functioning. This results in a structured assessment program, which leads to a multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment (difficulties versus adaptative resources)
The main goal of psychosocial rehabilitation is to compensate the vulnerability underlying psychiatric disorders through intermediate institutions when the persistence and recurrence of these disorders have led to social and professional exclusion. Intermediate institutions refer to services which allow transition between the state of dependence on the hospital to the state of relative autonomy in social community. Psychosocial rehabilitation is a comprehensive approach which link the type of interventions: treatment, rehabilitation and support integrated in multimodal and individualized programs. A study of the out-patients followed by the rehabilitation unit of the psychiatric department in Lausanne has shown that provision of services is divided into 60% for rehabilitation, 20% for treatment and 20% for support independently of the psychiatric disorders. The implementation of these programs necessitates institutional support from psychiatric hospital to outpatient clinics through different types of facilities in order to offer a medical and psychosocial device of rehabilitation into the community
Introduction. - La lombalgie chronique reste une pathologie chère incluant les coûts directs et indirects. Les patients coûtant le plus sont ceux ayant un arrêt de travail de plus de 6 mois. Avec le temps, il devient de plus en plus difficile à remettre ces personnes au travail. Devant cette situation de nombreuses possibilités de traitement existent, mais plus que le temps court un programme de réhabilitation interdisciplinaire a les meilleures chances de fonctionner. Le but étant en traitant la personne déconditionnée, à la ramener au travail. Le but de cette étude a été d'étudier le retour au travail, en considérant les changements sur le plan psychologique et l'état de travail avant. Patients et Méthodes. - Nous avons étudié les résultats de 300 de nos patients ayant accompli un programme interdisciplinaire et qui ont été suivis sur 24 mois. Le programme consistait en entraînement physique, de work hardening le tout dans un contexte cognitivecomportemental. Nous avons analysé la relation entre la capacité de travail et sa corrélation avec différents questionnaires de la douleur (VAS, Oswestry ; Roland - Morris, Dallas pain questionnaire ; SF-36, HADS and FABQ). Résultats. - Le 1er facteur a été la capacité de travail, en le comparant avant le travail et à 24 mois après avoir accompli le programme. Il y avait une claire augmentation la faisant passer de 48 % à 80,4 % (p < 0,01). Associé à cette constatation, nous avons observé une réelle diminution dans les appréhensions et dans la douleur sur le plan fonctionnel. IL y avait aussi une relation entre une augmentation de la capacité de travail et une diminution dans les questionnaires fonctionnels, avec p. ex. Un Oswestry passant de 36 % à 14 % à 24 mois. Le retour au travail n'était pas lié à une amélioration des capacités physiques, mais dans une diminution de l'appréhension. Conclusion. - Dans le cadre de la lombalgie chronique, avec des absentéismes répétés, un programme de réhabilitation interdisciplinaire amenant un retour au travail de 72 % des patients avec un taux moyen à 80,4 %, doit être vu comme un moyen positif à traiter ses patients. La corrélation se retrouvait dans la partie psychologique, avec moins d'appréhension et une augmentation des valeurs de la SF 36. En fait, une amélioration de la confidence corporelle reste primordial dans les programmes de restauration fonctionnel, nettement mieux qu'en ciblant que la douleur.
RESUME en français Centrée sur le grand nymphée de Leptis Magna la recherche met en évidence l'évolution et la signification de ce monument des eaux dans l'une des plus importantes cités africaines de l'époque romaine en mettant en lumière trois thèmes principaux. L'étude historiographique permet tout d'abord d'appréhender, à l'aide des témoignages littéraires des siècles derniers et d'une abondante documentation d'archive, l'histoire de l'édifice de son ensablement à sa remise au jour, puis de suivre les différentes étapes de son dégagement et de sa restauration, mettant ainsi en relief la perception des divers observateurs à l'encontre du monument. L'étude urbanistique permet ensuite de dégager la signification de l'édifice dans la cité par rapport aux autres monuments du secteur aux différentes périodes de son histoire, ainsi que de reconstituer l'approvisionnement en eau de Leptis Magna. Enfin, l'étude architecturale s'intéresse à l'analyse détaillée des structures, permettant la mise en évidence de la conception initiale, du fonctionnement et des transformations du nymphée. Cette dernière approche, qui s'accompagne d'un catalogue circonstancié des éléments du décor, fait intervenir des considérations sur les techniques de constructions, le traitement des blocs d'ornementation et, d'une manière plus générale, sur ('économie du chantier. Cette recherche permet non seulement de reconstituer l'aspect, le rôle et l'histoire du monument et de le replacer dans la série des nymphées romains, mais aussi de percevoir son impact sur les habitants du lieu aux différents moments de son histoire, cherchant ainsi à rejoindre par l'archéologie des considérations sociologiques. THE GREAT SEVERAN NYMPHAEUM OF LEPTIS MAGNA: HISTORIOGRAPHICAL, URBANISTIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY RESUME en anglais Based on the great nymphaeum of Leptis Magna, the research considers the development and significance of this water monument in one of the most important African cities of the Roman period, through three principal aspects. The historiographical study aboards the subject through literary testimony from the last centuries and an abundance of documentary archives, the history of the edifice from its burial to its reconstruction, studying the different stages of its unearthing and its restoration, thus pinpointing perspectives from various observers of the monument. The urban study divulges the significance of the edifice in the city, in comparison with other monuments in the region over different periods of its history, as well as reconstituting Leptis Magna's water supply. Finally, the architectural study undertakes a detailed analysis of the structures, which highlights the conception and the transformations of the nymphaeum, as well as its hydraulic functions. This architectural approach, which is accompanied by a detailed catalogue of the decorative elements, juxtaposes the technical considerations of construction with the ornamental treatment of the marble blocks, accounting for the economical aspects of the site of the nymphaeum. This research proposes not only a consideration of the appearance, the role and the history of the monument and situates it within the series of Roman nymphaea, but also the perception of its impact on the local inhabitants at different moments in its history, looking for accomplish by archaeology some sociological considerations.
The relatively recent development of the psychosocial rehabilitation has its origins mainly in the progress of modern psychopharmacology, the assertion of the rights of the patients and the result of the studies showing that the evolution of persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illnesses can prove to be positive in many cases. In spite of the heterogeneity of the experiences and of the theoretical references, the core principles of the psychosocial rehabilitation imposed themselves. These principles can be classified according to three levels, that of relational ethics, that of the method of intervention and that of the institutional device. A recent study showed that 2.4@1000 of the general adult population of the Canton of Vaud live in sociotherapeutic and rehabilitation accommodations. In this sample, there is a important percentage of relatively young persons (55.3% are under 40). In institutional accommodation there is a majority of patients suffering from major personality disorders and addiction (40.6%), followed by psychotic disorders (37.2%), persistent mood disorders (12.3%), neurotic disorders (6.6%) and psycho-organic disorders (3.3%). In home based rehabilitation, the ratio of patients with psychotic disorders is more important (53.1%). This difference would indicate that people with schizophrenia would have a better social outcome than personality disorders with addiction
Collection : Bibliothèque du XVe siècle ; 37
The main historical stages of the social rehabilitation of the mentally-ill patients show that the psychiatric hospital centred approach has been progressively cast off and therefore the creation of intermediate institutions and ambulatory care integrated in the city has been favoured. This has allowed the progressive development of the psychosocial rehabilitation. This reorientation of the medical practice towards the community was based on two specific and corollary approaches: the deinstitutionalisation and the rehabilitation, which have the common objective to facilitate the return of the patient in the natural social community. The psychosocial rehabilitation includes the deinstitutionalisation and the return to the community, in a holistic approach aiming at compensating for the psychosocial handicap induced by the mental illness. The concept of the psychosocial rehabilitation itself has been progressively elaborated over time. The initial enthusiasm was followed by a period of progressive disillusion, which was finally followed by the development of the psychosocial rehabilitation as a true specific clinical discipline, a topic in medical education and in scientific research
Fast-track multimodal rehabilitation after cesarean, the sum of all tricks Fast-track multimodal rehabilitation after caesarean is an interdisciplinary concept allowing an accelerated return to normal physiology. Fast-track rehabilitation combines minimising surgical trauma, regional anaesthesia and active management of pain control, minimally invasive postoperative care while promoting return to autonomy.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, n. d.
L'accompagnement spirituel dans les prisons suisses est dominé par un modèle mono-culturel chrétienne. Or, la présence importante de détenus de confession musulmane dans les établissements pénitentiaires incite ceux-ci à organiser un soutien spirituel adapté à cette catégorie de leur population. Dans quel cadre légal cet accompagnement spirituel se déroule-t-il? Quelle forme prend-il ? Quels sont ceux (et plus rarement celles) qui assistent spirituellement les détenus musulmans ? Cet article propose de répondre à ces questions en énonçant les principes juridiques relatifs à l'exercice de la religion en contexte carcéral et en présentant des profils d'intervenants musulmans de prison.