21 resultados para Quiste dentígero
La impactación de terceros molares en la región condilar es muy inusual. Este artículo describe el caso de cordal incluido en región subcondilar en una mujer que refirió dolor inespecífico hemifacial y varios episodios de tumefacción. Se describe el manejo quirúrgico de estas inclusiones y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias) U.A.N.L.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological features of cases diagnosed as dentigerous cyst by the Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentristy at the Federal University of Rio grande do Norte, attempting the possible correlation between histomorphological findings and epidemiological data contained at the files of the patients, in order to define a suggested variation of lesion named inflammatory dentigerous cyst. It was verified that dentigerous cyst are more frequently present in the earfy three decades of life, with the majority of cases occuring in the second decade (40,740/0 ), and also male (57,41%) and white patients (68,52%) were most affected. In relation to anatomic site, the dentigerous cyst was more prevalent at anterior maxila and posterior mandible, showing, usually, a slow growth pattem. The majority of lesions were asymptomatic and the radiographic observed was frequently na unilocular radiolucency. In regard to the histomorphological analysis, it was noticed that the lesions showed commonly a thin epithelium, with a capsule of fibrous connective tissue, richly vascularized and collagenized with an intense mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Finally, clinicopathological was performed and it was find out that cysts that showed a thick epithelium, with a high degree of vascularization and collagenization, intense inflammatory infiltrate in the cystic capsule, were located in the pre-molares region, in patients under 12 years old and the majority showing painfull sintomatology, properly, compatible with inflammatory dentigerous cyst. The findings of the present study indicate that, probably, there is a variant of the dentigerous cyst, and therefore, we suggest the denomination inflammatory follicular cyst for this entity
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
El presente estudio realizado en el municipio de San Dionisia Departamento de Matagalpa, a travéz de un estudio retrospectivo del Banco de datos de seguimiento a fincas que PRODESSA venía realizando desde 1988 en 6 comunidades, permitió caracterizar el ganado manejado en pequeñas fincas encontrándose, un rango promedio de producción de leche de 3 a 5.3 litros y un rango promedio de lactación entre 7.7 a 11.1 meses. La alimentación principal es a base de pasto jaragua (Hyparrhenia ruffa), rastrojos de csecha, leguminosas naturales, en menor grado el pasto Taiwán (Pennisetum purpureum), pasto estrella, (Cynodon nlenfuensis), y suministro de sal común. En salud animal las actividades realizadas son: vacunación contra Ántrax y Pierna Negra, la realizan 2 veces en el año el 100% de productores, control de ectoparásitos 12 baños promedio anuales el 100% de productores, desparasitación interna, 2 veces en el año el 24% de productores, una vez al año el 57% y el 11% no lo realizan, la vitaminación, el 60% realiza una por año, el 12% 2 por año y el 28% de productores no vitaminan. Las pequeñas fincas presentan áreas no mayores de 5 mz. de tierra el 46.75%, el 33.76% con áreas no mayores de 10 mz. de terreno y el 19.43% con áreas mayores de 10 mz. de tierra. Además se definieron siete prácticas de manejo y se evaluó su efecto en vacas con anestro obteniéndose los siguientes resultados: la primera práctica consistió en la suplementación alimenticia a base de maíz triturado (A), desparasitación interna con levamisol (D) y masajes estimulantes (M) a 33 vacas representando el 100% de los animales, manifestando celo al final de la práctica el 9.09%. La segunda práctica se aplicó a un total de 16 vacas que, representan el 48.48% del total inicial, a estas se les suministró vitamina AD,E (V), de las cuales presentaron celo el 21.21%. La tercera práctica se realizó con 14 vacas que representan el 42.42% del cohorte, a las que se les suministró minerales (Mi) aplicando Tonofosfan, presentó celo el 24.24% del total inicial. La cuarta práctica se aplicó a 9 vacas que representan el 27.27% del cohorte, que posterior a la aplicación de la primera y la segunda práctica se les suministró minerales, presentando celo el 12.12% del total inicial. La quinta práctica se aplicó a un total de 6 vacas que representaron el 18.18% del total, a estas se suministró vitamina AD,E, presentó celo el 15.15% del total inicial. La sexta práctica se ejecutó con 5 vacas representando el 15.15%, se les suministro hormonas, a 4 de ellas por presencia de cuerpo lúteo persistente, se les aplicó la hormona Prosolvin y a una Por presencia de quiste folicular se le aplicó la hormona Foligon, de las cuales presentó celo el 3.03%. La séptima práctica se realizó con una vaca, que representa el 3.03% del total inicial se le aplicó la hormona Foligon por presencia de quiste folicular, no logrando esta vaca presentar celo con esta última práctica. Al comparar las prácticas entre ellas se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P<0.05) al comparar la primera práctica con la segunda, tercera, cuarta y quinta práctica, mayoritariamente hacia la segunda, tercera, cuarta y quinta práctica, de igual manera al comparar la quinta con la sexta y séptima práctica se encontraron diferencias significativas (P<0.05) con mayor efecto a la quinta práctica.
Introducción: Los tumores presacros son un raro y diverso grupo de lesiones que se originan en el espacio presacro, infrecuente y de difícil diagnóstico. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir una serie de casos con respecto a las características clínicas, diagnóstico y manejo. Metodología: Recolección de pacientes quienes fueron diagnosticados con tumores presacros desde el año 1988 a 2013. Revisamos la clínica, tiempo de evolución, métodos diagnósticos, el abordaje quirúrgico, patología y complicaciones. Resultados: Nueve pacientes fueron incluidos en este trabajo. 7 de los 9 pacientes presentaron como síntoma principal el dolor. El tiempo de evolución medio fue de 9.8 meses. Diagnóstico fue realizado con tacto rectal en todos los pacientes y confirmado con tomografía axial pélvica 9 pacientes y resonancia magnética nuclear pélvica en 5 pacientes. La patología: teratoma quístico maduro (n = 3), cordoma (no: 1), quiste epidermoide (no=1), fibrohistiocitoma de bajo grado (no =1), fibromatosis (no =1), angiomixoma agresivo (no =1). El abordaje quirúrgico principal fue la vía posterior de (kraske) en 6 pacientes y en 2 por laparotomía. 1 paciente no se llevó a cirugía. La resección completa se obtuvo en un 87%. No se presentó complicaciones tempranas postoperatorias. Complicaciones tardías en 1 caso (12%) por obstrucción intestinal. Se presentó 1 caso de recurrencia por resección parcial tumoral. Conclusión: Los tumores presacros son una patología infrecuente a nivel mundial, siendo un reto para el cirujano su diagnóstico y manejo.
Programa de prevención del quiste hidático
Resumen en inglés. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Receptor ativador nuclear κappa B (RANK), ligante do receptor ativador nuclear κappa B (RANKL) e osteoprotegerina (OPG) são membros da família do fator de necrose tumoral relacionados com o metabolismo ósseo. A formação, diferenciação e atividade dos osteoclastos são reguladas por estas três proteínas. RANK é um receptor transmembrana presente em diversos tipos celulares, principalmente em células de linhagem macrofágica, linfócitos, células dendríticas e fibroblastos e quando ativado pelo seu ligante, RANKL, promove a diferenciação e ativação de células osteoclásticas responsáveis pelo processo de reabsorção óssea. A OPG impede a ligação RANK/RANKL atuando como um receptor inibitório para a atividade osteolítica. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a expressão imuno-histoquímica destes biomarcadores em cistos radiculares (n=20) e cistos dentígeros (n=20). A expressão imuno-histoquímica destes marcadores foi avaliada no epitélio e na cápsula dos cistos por escores e percentuais médios de imunomarcação. Para o epitélio, a análise semi-quantitativa revelou um padrão similar dos escores de imunomarcação de RANK, RANKL e OPG nas lesões, não havendo diferença estatística significante (p=0.589, p=0.688, p=0.709, respectivamente). Para a cápsula cística a análise quantitativa, mostrou diferença estatística significante entre os percentuais médios de imunomarcação do RANK e RANKL (p=0,001 e p=0,005, respectivamente) nos cistos. A correlação dos escores de imunomarcação de RANKL e OPG no epitélio do CR e do CD revelou diferença estatística significante (p=0,029, p=0,003, respectivamente). No epitélio dos CRs e dos CDs observou-se uma maior imunoexpressão da OPG comparada a do RANKL. Os resultados apontam a presença de RANK, RANKL e OPG nos cistos radiculares e cistos dentígeros, sugerindo a atuação destas proteínas no desenvolvimento e expansão das lesões no osso adjacente
Odontogenic cysts are pathologic cavities covered by odontogenic epithelium and filled by liquid, desquamated cells or other materials. The intraosseous lesions, such as radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst, present a potential of expansion capable of promoting the destruction of the surrounding osseous tissue. The mechanisms related to this process of expansion are the proliferation of cystic epithelium, the increase of the osmolarity of the cystic fluid and the synthesis of reabsorption factors such as IFN-γ and TGF-β1. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts in order to understand the role and behavior of these proteins in the expansion of these cysts. We selected 20 cases of radicular cyst and 20 cases of dentigerous cyst chosen from the files of UFRN s Laboratory of Oral Pathology. After analyzing the clinical data, the cases underwent the routine staining technique (HE) and immunohistochemistry for the appearance of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 in the epithelium and capsule of these cysts. The statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test revealed no statistically significant difference in immunoexpression of IFN-γ between the epithelium (p = 0.565) and capsules (p = 0.414) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference of immunoexpression of TGF-β1 between the epithelium (p = 0.620) and capsules (p = 0.056) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. The Wilcoxon test revealed no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.225) and capsules (p = 0.370) of radicular cysts. There was no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.361) of dentigerous cysts. However, there was a statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 immunoexpressions in the capsule (p = 0.001) of dentigerous cysts, being TGF-β1 the factor which presented the most significant immunoexpression. Given these results, we conclude that there was no difference in immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular and dentigerous cysts and that TGF-β1 was more significant than the IFN-γ in the capsule of dentigerous cysts
The radicular cysts (RCs) and dentigerous (DCs), despite having different etiologies, form a pathological cavity lined by epithelium, which grows due to the buildup of fluid inside, as the surrounding bone is reabsorbed and the epithelium will being induced to proliferate. The epithelial proliferation, which has been identified as one of the key processes in the growth of odontogenic cystic lesions, is influenced by growth factors such as EGFR (epidermal growth receptor factor) and podoplanin (PDPN), many of which may have its production stimulated mainly during inflammatory processes. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of EGFR and PDPN in 30 cases of RCs and 30 cases of DCs, semiquantitatively, in light microscopy, associating it with the degree of inflammation, cellular localization of immunostaining and with the immunostained epithelial layers. Data were statistically analyzed by Chi-square test and Fisher exact test, considering a significance level of 5 %. The results showed high immunoreactivity of both proteins in the lesions studied, only statistically significant difference was observed in immunostaining of PDPN (p=0.033), which proved higher in RCs. The other analyzed parameters showed no relevant significant differences. We conclude that, as EGFR and PDPN showed high immunoreactivity in cystic lesions analyzed, these proteins participate the pathogenesis of these lesions through the epithelial stimulation process, despite having different etiologies. Furthermore, it can infer that the higher immunostaining of PDNP in RCs that DCs showed no distinction indicator between the two lesions, regarding their etiologies, once this protein also showed a considerable expression in DCs, independent of the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Mucocele is a retention phenomenon from minor salivary gland caused by the excretory ducts rupture. This phenomenon may be caused by local trauma and its location is usually more frequent in the lower lip. Clinically, they appear as nodular lesions and may be exophytic and pedunculated. Histologically, this lesion can be classified as mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucus retention cyst. The treatments described in the literature are total lesion excision, marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser or micromarsupialização. To report a case of mucocele by mucus extravasation developed after a local trauma. A 7 years old Male was attended in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, complaining about the appearance of lesion in the lower lip since 40 days approximately. During clinical oral examination, it was observed that the lesion was pedunculated, nodular, fibrous to palpation, around 2 cm in diameter, similar in color to the surrounding mucosa, smoothly in surface, non-ulcerated and asymptomatic. As treatment, it was chosen the total lesion excision. Histopathology test confirmed the clinical diagnosis of: mucocele. Since mucocele is a frequent lesions in the oral cavity, it is extremely important that the professionals can to recognize this lesion (its pathogenesis and clinical features), to achieve a definitive diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.
Mouth lymphoepithelial cyst is rare, with few cases reported in literature. The aim of this article is to describe a clinical case, focusing on clinical and diagnostic aspects, treatment and prognosis. The lesion was one year old and had developed as a fibrous nodule in the jugal mucosa of a 71-year-old leucoderma patient. Considering focal inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, fibroma and mucocele as differential diagnosis, excisional biopsy was carried out. A cystic cavity limited by pseudostratified epithelium without projections into the conjunctive tissue, with lymphoid tissue within, was microscopically identified. Without postoperative adverse events, the one-year clinical followup confirmed the favorable prognosis of this kind of lesion.
Usually diagnosed in routine radiographs, the simple bone cyst occurs infrequently. Etiology is unknown and differential diagnosis has to be made with dentigerous cyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, ameloblastoma and central giant cell granuloma. Treatment is surgical, by perforating the cortical bone. In most cases an empty cavity, without any capsule or epithelial covering, is encountered, but it may have a liquid content. Perforation of the mandibular cortical bone elicits a response that results in bone repair of the empty cavity. This article reviews the subject and presents two cases of this entity and discusses the possible factors that could interfere in healing course.