999 resultados para Questões Ambientais
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território com especialização em Ambiente e Recursos Naturais
No âmbito do projeto de investigação “COMPOLIS – Comunicação e Envolvimento Político com Questões Ambientais”, que decorreu entre agosto de 2013 e dezembro de 2014, procurou-se compreender a relação entre as práticas de comunicação e o envolvimento com questões ambientais. Especificamente, analisou-se a forma como as alterações climáticas e outros problemas ambientais são tratados e debatidos nos documentos políticos oficiais, nos media, nos movimentos sociais e também pelos próprios cidadãos. No presente relatório focar-nos-emos na tarefa 3 do projeto, que se centrou no estudo do envolvimento no Movimento de Transição em Portugal. De forma geral, o Movimento de Transição visa capacitar as comunidades para lidar com as alterações climáticas e o pico do petróleo, através da diminuição do uso de combustíveis fósseis e da construção de resiliência ecológica nas comunidades (Hopkins, 20081). O Movimento de Transição surgiu em 2006, em Totnes, no Reino Unido, e desde então tem vindo a expandir-se internacionalmente. A rede internacional denominada de Transition Network (TN) (www.transitionnetwork.org) reportava a existência de 1196 Iniciativas de Transição (ITs), a novembro de 2014. Em Portugal, o Movimento começou a dar os primeiros passos em 2010, e à semelhança do panorama internacional, tem tido um crescimento significativo em termos de número de ITs. A primeira IT surgiu no distrito do Porto, em Paredes, e foi registada na TN em Abril de 2010. Em Maio de 2015, o número de Iniciativas inscritas na TN era de 22 (TN, 2015).
This paper presents the results of a study involving current teachers of the chemistry teaching curricular components of twelve Chemistry licentiate courses at state universities in the South and South-east of Brazil. The aim was to analyse how these curricular components can work together to address environmental issues in Chemistry teacher-training. From analysis of the interviews, it can be ascertained for example that environmental themes in the curricular components analysed are treated with differing levels of intensity and perspectives, and in some cases, have a more illustrative character regarding chemistry concepts.
This paper shows the investigation results related to identifying the prospects of addressing environmental issues in the discipline of environmental studies, included in the bachelor degree course in chemistry at nine institutions of higher education in the south and southeast. From the analysis of the interviews we found that environmental issues are part of the initial licensing, but still require a deepening of possible interfaces and convergences between the dimensions of environmental chemistry and green chemistry, as well as a greater approach to and association with the field of environmental education in addressing environmental issues.
Nessa tese relaciona-se a problemática ambiental com a problemática social tal como esta se apresenta em áreas urbanas de sociedades do Sul, particularmente no Brasil. Faz-se um esforço de não confundí-las, apontando suas especificidades e as possibilidades, que a primeira traduz, no sentido de repensar, em termos teóricos, o planejamento e a gestão das cidades. Discute-se o papel do Estado capitalista nessas sociedades, enquanto mediador de conflitos sociais resultantes de políticas públicas excludentes. Discute-se ainda o significado, limites e possibilidades da participação pública na definição e/ou implementação de tais políticas e o papel que a educação ambiental pode assumir neste sentido. Apresenta-se dois estudos de caso tratando da degradação ambiental de bacias hidrográficas localizadas na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, nos quais a participação pública tem se dado em algum nível, contribuindo para a tomada de decisões. Num caso, esta se dá numa conjuntura política onde as decisões tecnocráticas são determinantes; em outro, está relacionada com a tentativa, por parte do Estado, de implantação de uma gestão mais democrática, que implica no diálogo deste com as organizações civis visando a realização de negociações.
This thesis is the result of an investigation about the transversality of the environmental issues into the daily curriculum of High Schools (from first to eighth grade). The research field was the county of Santo Antonio de Jesus in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The investigation is related with the challenge that the present model of social development and organization has put to the school institution: to bring the regular discussion about Environmental Education (EE) to the school s daily life. Facing the complexity of the socio-environmental issues and the basic functions of Education, the object of study was restricted to the identification of the challenges and paradoxes of the EE inside the curriculum organization of Politic-Pedagogic Project of the schools and the teachers daily practices. About the methodology, we adopted different references for the qualitative research: sociology, history, economy, and education. As for the investigative procedures about the teacher s practices, we related the school s daily practices to the context of the community. We also adopted several investigative procedures, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations and formative intervention. The theoretical basis was organized based on references to curriculum organization, environmental culture, teacher education and also considering the pillars of a capitalistic system that is based on consumerism and that generates social exclusion. At the initial considerations, we contextualized the contemporary environmental issues in an attempt to interpret the conditions of the EE transversality into the school s daily practices, which are still oriented to the traditional Cartesian Education. Based on the collected data, we found the reasons for the teachers dilemma and reluctances to the insertion of the environmental issues into the organization of the work plan and into the management of a school. Nevertheless, the results also signed promising possibilities to the EE tranversality, in case the curriculum of the school could be more sensible towards the cultural and social-economical issues of a community. We especially questioned The National Curriculum Parameter s (PCN), which is considered highly insufficient to inform the teachers about the environmental issues, facing the actual local conditions of social and pedagogic work. The final considerations showed the role and the importance of this research as one strategy to organize the curriculum education into the perspective of the transversality of environmental issues inside the education of both teacher and student
The area between São Bento do Norte and Macau cities, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings, composed by sensitive places, due to the existence of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, RN, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil, besides the activities of the salt companies and shrimp farms. This socioeconomic-environmental context justifies the elaboration of strategies of environmental monitoring of that coastal area. In the environmental monitoring of coastal strips, submitted to human impacts, the use of multi-sources and multitemporal data integrated through a Spatio- Temporal Database that allows the multiuser friendly access. The objective was to use the potential of the computational systems as important tools the managers of environmental monitoring. The stored data in the form of a virtual library aid in making decisions from the related results and presented in different formats. This procedure enlarges the use of the data in the preventive attendance, in the planning of future actions and in the definition of new lines of researches on the area, in a multiscale approach. Another activity of this Thesis consisted on the development of a computational system to automate the process to elaborate Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps, based on the temporal variations that some coastal ecosystems present in the sensibility to the oil. The maps generated in this way, based on the methodology proposed by the Ministério do Meio Ambiente, supply more updated information about the behavior of the ecosystem, as a support to the operations in case of oil spill. Some parameters, such as the hydrodynamic data, the declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (environmental, economical, human or cultural) and use and occupation of the area are some of the essential basic information in the elaboration of the sensitivity maps, which suffer temporal alterations.In this way, the two computational systems developed are considered support systems to the decision, because they provide operational subsidies to the environmental monitoring of the coastal areas, considering the transformations in the behavior of coastal elements resulting from temporal changes related the human and/or natural interference of the environment
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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Este trabalho apresenta uma forma possível de se conceber e materializar a Modelagem Matemática como método de ensino-aprendizagem em cursos regulares. Tal perspectiva de Modelagem foi organizada após considerações feitas sobre os obstáculos já apontados por aqueles que nos antecederam na área. Para observar como a professora e os alunos se envolvem em atividades de Modelagem e discutir, à luz de todo o conhecimento já produzido por pesquisas anteriores, os efeitos desse envolvimento para a prática docente no referido método, para a formação geral do educando bem como para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Matemática, a proposta de Modelagem foi aplicada em uma turma de primeira série do ensino Médio e avaliada quanto à produção de aprendizagens significativas de funções polinomiais do 10 e 20 graus, função exponencial e logaritmos, com enfoques de ferramentas para a compreensão de questões ambientais relacionadas com a água. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o ensino por Modelagem pode levar o aluno a tomar-se co-participe de seu processo de ensino-aprendizagem e, por conseqüência, ter sua aprendizagem signifIcativa facilitada. Por outro lado, para o professor, entre o reconhecimento das vantagens quanto à utilização da Modelagem para o ensino e a sua aplicação, existe um caminho permeado de estudo e de pesquisa, que, para ser trilhado precisa de disposição e audácia para vencer os obstáculos que se afigurem.
At the beginning of the 21st century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. For a complex and global crisis, which has implications of a social, economic, technological nature, etc., solutions will probably not come from a single source, but rather the sum of efforts of society as a whole (including all its instances, government, business, population, etc.). The objective of this review was to discuss the need to produce “environmental” professionals who, through their activities, are in some way involved with the quality of the environment. We believe that, ultimately, it is the quality of the environment that will ensure the quality of life in a fairer society. Thinking about the training of teachers, as environmental educators in undergraduate (bachelor) universities, means having as a reference the idea of wholeness (environmental, political, educational, social, scientific, etc.) in the diversity that these areas possess. Even though there are many difficulties involved in getting this topic included in the university structure, based on a complex approach, we believe this is one of the best paths toward environmental training.
Dissertação de Mestrado para a obtenção parcial do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente