999 resultados para Quercus alba


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although tannin-rich forages are known to increase protein uptake and to reduce gastrointestinal nematode infections in grazing ruminants, most published research involves forages with condensed tannins (CT), while published literature lacks information on the anthelmintic capacity, nutritional benefits, and antioxidant capacity of alternative forages containing hydrolyzable tannins (HT). We evaluated the anthelmintic activity and the antioxidant capacity of plant extracts containing either mostly CT, mostly HT, or both CT and HT. Extracts were prepared with 70% acetone, lyophilized, redissolved to doses ranging from 1.0mg/mL to 25mg/mL, and tested against adult Caenorhabditis elegans as a test model. The extract concentrations that killed 50% (LC50) or 90% (LC90) of the nematodes in 24h were determined and compared to the veterinary anthelmintic levamisole (8mg/mL). Extracts were quantified for CT by the acid butanol assay, for HT (based on gallic acid and ellagic acid) by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and total phenolics, and for their antioxidant activity by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Extracts with mostly CT were Lespedeza cuneata, Salix X sepulcralis, and Robinia pseudoacacia. Extracts rich in HT were Acer rubrum, Rosa multiflora, and Quercus alba, while Rhus typhina had both HT and CT. The extracts with the lowest LC50 and LC90 concentrations, respectively, in the C. elegans assay were Q. alba (0.75 and 1.06mg/mL), R. typhina collected in 2007 (0.65 and 2.74mg/mL), A. rubrum (1.03 and 5.54mg/mL), and R. multiflora (2.14 and 8.70mg/mL). At the doses of 20 and 25mg/mL, HT-rich, or both CT- and HT-rich, extracts were significantly more lethal to adult C. elegans than extracts containing only CT. All extracts were high in antioxidant capacity, with ORAC values ranging from 1800μmoles to 4651μmoles of trolox equivalents/g, but ORAC did not correlate with anthelmintic activity. The total phenolics test had a positive and highly significant (r=0.826, p≤0.01) correlation with total hydrolyzable tannins. Plants used in this research are naturalized to the Appalachian edaphoclimatic conditions, but occur in temperate climate areas worldwide. They represent a rich, renewable, and unexplored source of tannins and antioxidants for grazing ruminants, whereas conventional CT-rich forages, such as L. cuneata, may be hard to establish and adapt to areas with temperate climate. Due to their high in vitro anthelmintic activity, antioxidant capacity, and their adaptability to non-arable lands, Q. alba, R. typhina, A. rubrum, and R. multiflora have a high potential to improve the health of grazing animals and must have their anthelmintic effects confirmed in vivo in both sheep and goats. © 2012.


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This thesis assesses relationships between vegetation and topography and the impact of human tree-cutting on the vegetation of Union County during the early historical era (1755-1855). I use early warrant maps and forestry maps from the Pennsylvania historical archives and a warrantee map from the Union County courthouse depicting the distribution of witness trees and non-tree surveyed markers (posts and stones) in early European settlement land surveys to reconstruct the vegetation and compare vegetation by broad scale (mountains and valleys) and local scale (topographic classes with mountains and valleys) topography. I calculated marker density based on 2 km x 2 km grid cells to assess tree-cutting impacts. Valleys were mostly forests dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) with abundant hickory (Carya spp.), pine (Pinus spp.), and black oak (Quercus velutina), while pine dominated what were mostly pine-oak forests in the mountains. Within the valleys, pine was strongly associated with hilltops, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) was abundant on north slopes, hickory was associated with south slopes, and riparian zones had high frequencies of ash (Fraxinus spp.) and hickory. In the mountains, white oak was infrequent on south slopes, chestnut (Castanea dentata) was more abundant on south slopes and ridgetops than north slopes and mountain coves, and white oak and maple (Acer spp.) were common in riparian zones. Marker density analysis suggests that trees were still common over most of the landscape by 1855. The findings suggest there were large differences in vegetation between valleys and mountains due in part to differences in elevation, and vegetation differed more by topographic classes in the valleys than in the mountains. Possible areas of tree-cutting were evenly distributed by topographic classes, suggesting Europeans settlers were clearing land and harvesting timber in most areas of Union County.


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Maps depicting spatial pattern in the stability of summer greenness could advance understanding of how forest ecosystems will respond to global changes such as a longer growing season. Declining summer greenness, or “greendown”, is spectrally related to declining near-infrared reflectance and is observed in most remote sensing time series to begin shortly after peak greenness at the end of spring and extend until the beginning of leaf coloration in autumn,. Understanding spatial patterns in the strength of greendown has recently become possible with the advancement of Landsat phenology products, which show that greendown patterns vary at scales appropriate for linking these patterns to proposed environmental forcing factors. This study tested two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses for how leaf measurements and environmental factors correlate with greendown and decreasing NIR reflectance across sites. At the landscape scale, we used linear regression to test the effects of maximum greenness, elevation, slope, aspect, solar irradiance and canopy rugosity on greendown. Secondly, we used leaf chemical traits and reflectance observations to test the effect of nitrogen availability and intrinsic water use efficiency on leaf-level greendown, and landscape-level greendown measured from Landsat. The study was conducted using Quercus alba canopies across 21 sites of an eastern deciduous forest in North America between June and August 2014. Our linear model explained greendown variance with an R2=0.47 with maximum greenness as the greatest model effect. Subsequent models excluding one model effect revealed elevation and aspect were the two topographic factors that explained the greatest amount of greendown variance. Regression results also demonstrated important interactions between all three variables, with the greatest interaction showing that aspect had greater influence on greendown at sites with steeper slopes. Leaf-level reflectance was correlated with foliar δ13C (proxy for intrinsic water use efficiency), but foliar δ13C did not translate into correlations with landscape-level variation in greendown from Landsat. Therefore, we conclude that Landsat greendown is primarily indicative of landscape position, with a small effect of canopy structure, and no measureable effect of leaf reflectance. With this understanding of Landsat greendown we can better explain the effects of landscape factors on vegetation reflectance and perhaps on phenology, which would be very useful for studying phenology in the context of global climate change


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Paleoecology can provide valuable insights into the ecology of species that complement observation and experiment-based assessments of climate impact dynamics. New paleoecological records (e.g., pollen, macrofossils) from the Italian Peninsula suggest a much wider climatic niche of the important European tree species Abies alba (silver fir) than observed in its present spatial range. To explore this discrepancy between current and past distribution of the species, we analyzed climatic data (temperature, precipitation, frost, humidity, sunshine) and vegetation-independent paleoclimatic reconstructions (e.g., lake levels, chironomids) and use global coupled carbon-cycle climate (NCAR CSM1.4) and dynamic vegetation (LandClim) modeling. The combined evidence suggests that during the mid-Holocene (6000 years ago), prior to humanization of vegetation, A. alba formed forests under conditions that exceeded the modern (1961-1990) upper temperature limit of the species by 5-7°C (July means). Annual precipitation during this natural period was comparable to today (>700-800 mm), with drier summers and wetter winters. In the meso-Mediterranean to sub-Mediterranean forests A. alba co-occurred with thermophilous taxa such as Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens, Olea europaea, Phillyrea, Arbutus, Cistus, Tilia, Ulmus, Acer, Hedera helix, Ilex aquifolium, Taxus, and Vitis. Results from the last interglacial (ca. 130 000-115 000 BP), when human impact was negligible, corroborate the Holocene evidence. Thermophilous Mediterranean A. alba stands became extinct during the last 5000 years when land-use pressure and specifically excessive anthropogenic fire and browsing disturbance increased. Our results imply that the ecology of this key European tree species is not yet well understood. On the basis of the reconstructed realized climatic niche of the species, we anticipate that the future geographic range of A. alba may not contract regardless of migration success, even if climate should become significantly warmer than today with summer temperatures increasing by up to 5-7°C, as long as precipitation does not fall below 700-800 mm/yr, and anthropogenic disturbance (e.g., fire, browsing) does not become excessive. Our finding contradicts recent studies that projected range contractions under global-warming scenarios, but did not factor how millennia of human impacts reduced the realized climatic niche of A. alba.


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with multivariate analysis techniques was applied to assess phenol content of European oak. NIRS data were firstly collected directly from solid heartwood surfaces: in doing so, the spectra were recorded separately from the longitudinal radial and the transverse section surfaces by diffuse reflectance. The spectral data were then pretreated by several pre-processing procedures, such as multiplicative scatter correction, first derivative, second derivative and standard normal variate. The tannin contents of sawmill collected from the longitudinal radial and transverse section surfaces were determined by quantitative extraction with water/methanol (1:4, by vol). Then, total phenol contents in tannin extracts were measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The NIR data were correlated against the Folin-Ciocalteu results. Calibration models built with partial least squares regression displayed strong correlation - as expressed by high determination correlation coefficient (r2) and high ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) - between measured and predicted total phenols content, and weak calibration and prediction errors (RMSEC, RMSEP). The best calibration was provided with second derivative spectra (r2 value of 0.93 for the longitudinal radial plane and of 0.91 for the transverse section plane). This study illustrates that the NIRS technique when used in conjunction with multivariate analysis could provide reliable, quick and non-destructive assessment of European oak heartwood extractives.


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Effect of sonochemical irradiation on the conversion of 2-alkoxytetrahydrofurans to γ-butyro-1actores by Jones reagent, and its extension to the highly stereoselective synthesis of quercus lactone a, is reported.


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Herbivorous insects comprise a major part of terrestrial biodiversity, and their interactions with their host plants and natural enemies are of vast ecological importance. A large body of research demonstrates that the ecology and evolution of these insects may be affected by trophic interactions, by abiotic influences, and by intraspecific processes, but so far research on these individual aspects has rarely been combined. This thesis uses the leaf-mining moth Tischeria ekebladella and the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) as a case study to assess how spatial variation in trophic interactions and the physical distribution of host trees jointly affect the distribution, dynamics and evolution of a host-specific herbivore. With respect to habitat quality, Tischeria ekebladella experiences abundant variation at several spatial scales. Most of this variation occurs at small scales notably among leaves and shoots within individual trees. While hypothetically this could cause moths to evolve an ability to select leaves and shoots of high quality, I did not find any coupling between female preference and offspring performance. Based on my studies on temporal variation in resource quality I therefore propose that unpredictable temporal changes in the relative rankings of individual resource units may render it difficult for females to predict the fate of their developing offspring. With respect to intraspecific processes, my results suggest that limited moth dispersal in relation to the spatial distribution of oak trees plays a key role in determining the regional distribution of Tischeria ekebladella. The distribution of the moth is aggregated at the landscape level, where local leaf miner populations are less likely to be present where oaks are scarce. A modelling exercise based on empirical dispersal estimates revealed that the moth population on Wattkast an island in south-western Finland is spatially structured overall, but that the relative importance of local and regional processes on tree-specific moth dynamics varies drastically across the landscape. To conclude, my work in the oak-Tischeria ekebladella system demonstrates that the local abundance and regional distribution of a herbivore may be more strongly influenced by the spatial location of host trees than by their relative quality. Hence, it reveals the importance of considering spatial context in the study of herbivorous insects, and forms a bridge between the classical fields of plant-insect interactions and spatial ecology.


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Con el objetivo de estudiar los factores asociados a la mortalidad de los encinos (Quercus spp), en la Reserva Natural Cerro Tomabú, Estelí; se establecieron seis parcelas de estudio de 0.1 ha, durante los meses de Febrero – Mayo y Junio – Octubre 2014. En cada una se colectaron insectos, suelo y tejido vegetal enfermo; estimación de incidencia y severidad de la marchitez de los encinos; datos dasométricos y antropogénico. Para la identificación de patógenos, se utilizaron medios generales (Papa Dextrosa Agar, Agar Nutritivo y Agar Agua) y selectivos (Caldo V8, agar V8, y Harina de maíz -agar más antibióticos: Piramicina, Ampicillina, Rifampicina, Vancomycina y Benomyl) y caracterización macro morfométrica, con claves taxonómicas. Los datos fueron analizados de manera descriptiva. La población de árboles muestreados fue de 298 Q. segoviensis y Q. sapotifolia son las especies, que predominan en un 58 % y 42 % respectivamente. En el mes de septiembrese registró el mayor porcentaje de incidencia de marchitez en ramas con 88.3 % y 99 % de incidencia por especie en árboles jóvenes de Q. sapotifolia. La severidad con 29.2 %. Phytophthora cinnamomi, se aisló de suelo y tejido vegetal, constituyendo el patógeno que se asocia a la marchitez de ramas, chancros con exudados negros en fuste y muerte en los encinos. Las pocas lluvias y el despale ocasionado por los pobladores participan como factores de estrés en la mortalidad de los encinos. Los insectos colectados se consideran de naturaleza benéfica y constituyen parte de la diversidad de insectos de la reserva.


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)


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Zuhaitz adaburuaren interzepzioak oihanpera prezipitazio osoaren frakzio bat soilik pasatzea eragiten du, gainerakoa lurrunketaz galtzen baita. Oihanpera pasatzen den ur horren parte bat ere lurzoruko orbelak interzeptatzen du. Espezie arteko konparaketa bat egiteko asmoz, adaburuaren eta orbelaren euri interzepzioa neurtu zen haritzean (Quercus robur) eta pinuan (Pinus radiata), sei euriteetako datuak aintzat hartuz (hiru neguan eta beste hiru udaberrian, haritzak hostoak zituenean). Horrez gain, laborategian bi orbel moten ur-erretentzio ahalmen maximoa (S) neurtu zen. Adaburuaren interzepzioa % 37koa izan zen haritzean eta % 24koa pinuan. Haritzean interzepzioa handiagoa izan zen udaberrian neguan baino, pinuan berdina izan zen bitartean. Azken honetan Hosto Azalera Indizearen (Leaf Area Index, LAI) balio altuago batek interzepzio altuagoa eragin zuen, haritzean erlazio hori behatu ez zelarik neurturiko LAI balioak homogeneoegiak zirelako seguruenik. Orbelaren interzepzioak prezipitazio osoaren % 2,1 eta % 1,5 suposatu zuen haritzean eta pinuan hurrenez hurren. Orbelaren gain eroritako ur kantitatea (throughfall) handitzean, interzepzioa handitu zen, maximo batera heldu arte (2,5 mm kg-1 m2-koa haritzean eta 1,8 mm kg-1 m2-koa pinuan). Adaburu motak, berriz, ez zuen eragin esangarririk izan, haritz azpian, pinu azpian eta klaroetan orbelak antzeko interzepzioa aurkeztu zuelarik. Ur-erretentzio ahalmen maximoa haritzean handiagoa izan zen, 4,7 eta 5,6 mm kg-1 m2 artekoa pinuaren 2,8 eta 3,1 mm kg-1 m2 arteko balioen aurrean. Pinuaren balio horiek antzekoak izan ziren orbel geruzaren sakonera edozein zela ere, baina haritzean, orbel sakonera handiagoarekin balio baxuagoak lortu ziren. Bi espezieen artean behaturiko ezberdintasunek iradokitzen dute harizti naturalak pinu landaketez ordezkatzeak ziklo hidrologikoa aldaraz dezakeela.