964 resultados para Queensland Criminal Code
The 1st July 1997 heralded the implementation of a number of amendments to the Queensland Criminal Code including some intriguing changes affecting the principal property offences of stealing (section 398) and dishonest application (section 408C). This article discusses the impact of the changes. It examines the extent of the amendments and then aims to delineate the ambit of each offence drawing on some of the more recent judgments in the area. It concludes that the offences are moving closer together while retaining many of the complexities of proof experienced in the past.
The High Court recently heard submissions of counsel in Zaburoni v The Queen. This case concerns an appeal against conviction for transmitting a serious disease with intent under section 317(b) and (e) of the Queensland Criminal Code. It raises important issues about the meaning of intent and how intent can be proven in Queensland criminal offences. Since intent is an element of so many of the more serious crimes, it is surprising to see that the courts, both in England and Australia, continue to grapple with how best to define it. In murder, for example, the accused is potentially going to be locked up for a very long time, so it is essential that the courts and juries are very clear on what intent actually means, so that they can be confident in correctly finding that it was present on the facts of the case.
Includes bibliographical references.
Pages [65]-75 contain: "Tables, exhibiting the number of criminals imprisoned in the jail at Philadelphia, from the year 1787 to the beginning of the year 1825, with the offences for which they were convicted, &c."
Lana Nowakowski's opinion piece on the High Court decision in the Zaburoni HIV case attacks "Queensland's absurd necessity to prove intention on transmission" and argues that "changes to the law are long overdue". Both claims are wrong...
The law recognises the right of a competent adult to refuse medical treatment even if this will lead to death. Guardianship and other legislation also facilitates the making of decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment in certain circumstances. Despite this apparent endorsement that such decisions can be lawful, doubts have been raised in Queensland about whether decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment would contravene the criminal law, and particularly the duty imposed by the Criminal Code (Qld) to provide the “necessaries of life”. This article considers this tension in the law and examines various arguments that might allow for such decisions to be made lawfully. It ultimately concludes, however, that criminal responsibility may still arise and so reform is needed.
Seventeen year olds who come into contact with the police in Queensland are classified as adults and are not afforded the protections available under the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld) (YJA). As with any other adult, their offences are dealt with under a raft of legislative provisions including the Criminal Code 1889 (Qld) (the Code), the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld) (PPRA) and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Qld) (PSA). This article argues that this situation is unfair and contravenes international human rights agreements which Australia has ratified, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC). Article 1 of that Convention defines a child as a person under the age of 18. The youth offences legislation in Queensland only applies to those who have not yet turned 17. This article examines the effects of this anomaly in Queensland, focusing in particular on the pre-adjudication treatment of ‘17 year old adults’.
In Queensland, the legislation governing the conduct of art unions such as bingo, raffles and lucky envelopes is the Art Unions Act 1992 (ΑAct≅). The Act is administered by the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation (ΑQOGR≅) which is part of the Queensland Treasury portfolio. The Act and other legislation such as the Criminal Code, Vagrants Gaming and Other Offences Act, generally makes it unlawful for a person to conduct art unions unless they are authorised to do so. The Art Unions Act allows Αeligible≅ nonprofit associations such as charities, schools, sporting and community groups to raise funds for their stated objects. Art unions were legalised in the early part of this century primarily to assist charities and other approved associations to raise funds for worthwhile causes. This principle is continued in the 1992 Act. The Queensland art union industry had a turnover of over$190M in 1996/97 and our Queensland art unions continue to attract not just sales from Queensland residents but also interstate and overseas buyers. Art unions continue to be an attractive form of fundraising for many nonprofit associations.
This article considers the rules relating to the use of marginal notes and headings in interpreting Queensland legislation, both in its original form and in reprinted legislation. It also examines the application of the principles of construction as to the use of section headings in the interpretation of provisions of the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld). Finally, it suggests that amendments should be made to the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld) in order to clarify the position as to the status of marginal notes and headings in statutory interpretation.
Currently, individuals with intellectual disabilities are overrepresented within the Criminal Justice System (Griffiths, Taillon-Wasmond & Smith, 2002). A primary problem within the Criminal Justice System is the lack of distinction between mental illness and intellectual disabilities within the Criminal Code. Due to this lack of distinction and the overall lack of identification procedures in the Criminal Justice System, individuals with disabilities will often not receive proper accommodations to enable them to play an equitable role in the justice system. There is increasing evidence that persons with intellectual disabilities are more likely than others to have their rights violated, not use court supports and accommodations as much as they should, and be subject to miscarriages of justice (Marinos, 2010). In this study, interviews were conducted with mental health (n=8) and criminal justice professionals (n=8) about how individuals with dual diagnosis are received in the Criminal Justice System. It was found that criminal justice professionals lack significant knowledge about dual diagnosis, including effective identification and therefore appropriate supports and accommodations. Justice professionals in particular were relatively ill-prepared in dealing effectively with this population. One finding to highlight is that there is misunderstanding between mental health professionals and justice professionals about who ought to take responsibility and accountability for this population.
Resumen: Este artículo analiza el fallo del 13 de marzo de 2012 de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, en los autos “F., A. L. s/ medida autosatisfactiva”, en el cual el máximo tribunal argentino adoptó la interpretación amplia del Artículo 86, inciso 2, del Código Penal, a la luz de la “voluntad del legislador histórico”; teniendo en cuenta que la misma Corte la invoca en sus fundamentos para fallar a favor de la constitucionalidad del inciso referido. Se parte de entender el contexto histórico e ideológico de las primeras décadas del siglo XX, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, del cual surge la influencia que tuvo la eugenesia en los ámbitos científicos, académicos y jurídicos. Teoría que tenía por objetivo la búsqueda del “perfeccionamiento” de la especie humana, lo que implicaba descartar a los seres humanos más débiles, imperfectos o defectuosos. Dentro de este contexto se impulsó la modificación del Código Penal, por lo que es central para entender la “voluntad del legislador histórico” el Informe de la Comisión de Códigos del Senado de la Nación, de 1920, que receptó claramente las ideas eugenésicas, siendo el Artículo 86, inc. 2, un claro ejemplo de ello. El mencionado informe demuestra que la verdadera motivación de los legisladores para incluir la no punibilidad del aborto en este inciso fue que no nacieran “seres anormales o degenerados”, no hay una sola mención a la situación de la mujer embarazada y de los perjuicios que un embarazo en estas condiciones le podrían acarrear.
Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama acerca da responsabilização dos crimes de violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes no Brasil de 1990 a 2011 - 21 (vinte e um) anos da promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). Destaca os projetos, programas e políticas implementados, bem como as alterações no ECA e no Código Penal no período, oferecendo subsídios para uma análise crítica da concepção de política pública adotada na área. Também apresenta uma amostra dos casos sentenciados a partir de 120 (cento e vinte) denúncias realizadas ao Disque Denúncia Nacional (Disque 100) e de 18 (dezoito) casos atendidos por Centros de Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente filiados à Associação Nacional dos Centros de Defesa (ANCED). Ressalta a escassez de ações voltadas para os autores de violência sexual, a tendência ao recrudescimento de penas nessa área e a influência de agências e organismos internacionais em relação às políticas públicas para crianças e adolescentes no Brasil