981 resultados para Quaternary sedimentation


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Late Quaternary deposits in the northeastern Brazil have been scarcely investigated, despite their relevance to the discussion of the post-rift evolution of the South American passive margin within the context of landform, sea level and tectonic deformation. Sedimentological, stratigraphic and morphological characterization of these deposits, referred as Post-Barreiras Sediments, led to their distinction from underlying Early/Middle Miocene strata. Based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, two sedimentary units (PB1 and PB2) were recognized and related to the time intervals between 74.8 +/- 9.3 and 30.8 +/- 6.9 ka, and 8.8 +/- 0.9 and 1.8 +/- 0.2 ka, respectively. Unit PB1 consists of indurated sandstones and breccias either with massive bedding or complex types of soft sediment deformation structures generated by contemporaneous seismic activity. Unit PB2 is composed of massive sands or sands related to structures developed by dissipation of dunes. The present work, focusing on the Post-Barreiras Sediments, discusses landform, sea level and tectonics of the eastern South American passive margin during the latest Quaternary. Non-deposition and sub-aerial exposure related to the Tortonian worldwide low sea level combined with tectonic quiescence followed the Miocene transgression. Tectonic deformation in the latest Pleistocene created space to accommodate unit PB1 in downthrown faulted blocks and, perhaps, also synclines produced by strike-slip deformation. Although deposition of this unit was simultaneous with the progressive fall in sea level that followed the Last Interglacial Maximum, punctuated rises combined with land subsidence led to marine deposition close to the modern coastline. Renewed subsidence in the Holocene gave rise to accommodation of the Post-Barreiras Sediments. Most of unit PB2 was deposited during the Holocene Transgression, but it is not composed of marine sediments, which suggests either an insignificant rise in relative sea level or aeolian reworking of thin transgressive sands. The data presented here lead to a review of the evolution of the South American passive margin based on assumptions of uniform sedimentation and undeformed planation surfaces over a wide coastal area of the northeastern Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examine rock-magnetic, carbonate, and planktonic foraminiferal fluxes to identify climatically controlled changes of terrigenous and pelagic sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 646 (the Labrador Sea). Terrigenous sediments are brought to the site principally by bottom currents. We use a rock-magnetic parameter sensitive to changes in magnetic mineral grain size, the ratio of anhysteretic susceptibility to low-field magnetic susceptibility (XARM/X), to monitor changes in bottom-current intensity over time, with large values of XARM/X (finer-grained magnetic minerals) indicating weaker bottom currents. A second rock-magnetic parameter, magnetic mineral accumulation rate (KaT) was used to indicate variations in terrigenous flux. Planktonic foraminiferal and carbonate accumulation rates (Pfar and CaC03ar) are used as indicators of pelagic flux. Absolute age assignments are based on correlation between the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotope variations for Site 646 and the SPECMAP master oxygen-isotope curve. Cross-correlation analyses of the parameters that we studied with respect to the SPECMAP curve suggest that from oxygen-isotope stages 21 to 11, sedimentation rate, KaT, X, CaCO3ar, and Pfar were at their maximums, whereas XARM/X was at its minimum during peak interglacials (i.e., 0 k.y. lag time with respect to minimum ice volume). However, all parameters we examined lag behind minimum ice volume from stages 11 to 1, indicating a change in timing of both pelagic and terrigenous fluxes at approximately 400 k.y. BP. The negative correlation coefficient between XARM/X and the SPECMAP curve further suggest that finer-grained magnetic minerals are deposited during glacial periods, which probably reflects weaker bottom currents. The shift observed in the lag times of parameters examined with respect to the SPECMAP record is attributed to a change in significance of orbital parameters. Spectral results exhibit strong power in eccentricity (about 100 k.y.) throughout the record. Kap X, CaCO3flr, and Pfar show significant power in obliquity (about 41 k.y.), whereas XARM/X shows significant power at 73 k.y. from stages 21 to 11. The 73-k.y. period in XARM/X is near the difference tone of obliquity and eccentricity: 1/43-1/102 = 1/69. Kar and XARM/X show power only in eccentricity from stages 11 to 1. X and Pfar show significant power in precession (about 18 and 22 k.y.) whereas CaC03ar has power at 34 k.y, which could be a combination of precession and obliquity. The shift in power of orbital parameters may by attributed to the effect of the about 413-k.y. signal of eccentricity.


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Results of a lithological study of bottom sediments in the Syrian region of the Mediterranean Sea during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz (1993) are reported. Suspended sediment discharge of the Nile River are of the greatest importance for terrigenous sedimentation in the SE part of the Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. Suspended load entering from the Syrian catchment area plays an important role in formation of recent shelf and slope deposits. Supply of aerosols from Syrian and Arabian deserts was distinguished by the patchiness of surface distribution of quartz. During Late Quaternary accumulation of terrigenous material supplied from both the Syrian and the Nile drainage areas was irregular. Sedimentation was remarkably enhanced during sapropel formation 7000-9000 years BP.


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Core and outcrop analysis from Lena mouth deposits have been used to reconstruct the Late Quaternary sedimentation history of the Lena Delta. Sediment properties (heavy mineral composition, grain size characteristics, organic carbon content) and age determinations (14C AMS and IR-OSL) are applied to discriminate the main sedimentary units of the three major geomorphic terraces, which form the delta. The development of the terraces is controlled by complex interactions among the following four factors: (1) Channel migration. According to the distribution of 14C and IR-OSL age determinations of Lena mouth sediments, the major river runoff direction shifted from the west during marine isotope stages 5-3 (third terrace deposits) towards the northwest during marine isotope stage 2 and transition to stage 1 (second terrace), to the northeast and east during the Holocene (first terrace deposits). (2) Eustasy. Sea level rise from Last Glacial lowstand to the modern sea level position, reached at 6-5 ka BP, resulted in back-filling and flooding of the palaeovalleys. (3) Neotectonics. The extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge into the Laptev Sea shelf acted as a halfgraben, showing dilatation movements with different subsidence rates. From the continent side, differential neotectonics with uplift and transpression in the Siberian coast ridges are active. Both likely have influenced river behavior by providing sites for preservation, with uplift, in particular, allowing accumulation of deposits in the second terrace in the western sector. The actual delta setting comprises only the eastern sector of the Lena Delta. (4) Peat formation. Polygenetic formation of ice-rich peaty sand (''Ice Complex'') was most extensive (7-11 m in thickness) in the southern part of the delta area between 43 and 14 ka BP (third terrace deposits). In recent times, alluvial peat (5-6 m in thickness) is accumulated on top of the deltaic sequences in the eastern sector (first terrace).


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The Northeast relief was described by the Pediplanation Model. This action discards the theoretical basis of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the landscape. Through this model the Massif Pereiro - MP, Borborema Province, was established as part of the Tablelands Area Residual Sertanejos. The present work aims to establish the post- Cretaceous morphotectonic evolution of the MP by geomorphological and geological mapping using Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing and dating of sediments by Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR). The MP is contained in the core semi-arid, annual precipitation of 600-800 mm / year. The MP is NE-SW, is limited by Shear Zone Jaguaribe (ZCJ) and Portalegre Shear Zone (ZCPa), the same attitude, and crossed by several other shear zones. These shear zones show evidence of brittle Cenozoic reactivation, mostly as normal faults and shallow crustal level. The Quaternary sedimentation around the MP focuses on fault escarpments in a general pattern cascade, where ages decrease from the summits of the steep foothills. The ages of 51 sediment samples indicate a correlation with global climate following pulses: Last Interestadial-UI, the Last Glacial Maximum - LGM and the transition Pleistocene / Holocene, while the latter focus on 18 of 51 samples dated. This study also finds evidence of a new quaternary basin, here called Merejo Basin. Through these results it is concluded that no evidence of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of morphological MP, as their retreat along the fault scarps, invariably following the trend of the shear zones. The erosion of cliffs in large time scale is controlled by weakness zones generated by faults on the other hand the erosion of cliffs in short time, with the formation of deposits and colluvial horizons pedogenizados, has climate control. It was also found that in the study area there is a preponderance of past and current tectonic erosion processes on the morphological evolution


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Marine sediments from the Portuguese shelf are influenced by environmental changes in the surrounding continental and marine environment. These are largely controlled by the North Atlantic Oscillation, but additional impacts may arise from episodic tsunamis. In order to investigate these influences, a high resolution multi-proxy study has been carried out on a 5.4 m long gravity core and five box cores from the Tagus prodelta on the western Portuguese margin, incorporating geochemical (Corg/Ntotal ratios, d13Corg, d15N, d18O, Corg and CaCO3 content) and physical sediment properties (magnetic susceptibility, grain-size). Subsurface data of the five box cores indicate no major effect of early postdepositional alteration. Surface data show a higher fraction of terrigenous organic material close to the river mouth and in the southern prodelta. Gravity core GeoB 8903 covers the last 3.2 kyrs with a temporal resolution of at least 0.1 cm/yr. Very high sedimentation rates between 69 and 140 cm core depth indicate a possible disturbance of the record by the AD1755 tsunami, although no evidence for a disturbance is observed in the data. Sea surface temperature and salinity on the prodelta, the local budget of marine NO3- as well as the provenance of organic matter remained virtually constant during the past 3.2 kyrs. A positive correlation between magnetic susceptibility (MS) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is evident for the past 250 years, coinciding with a negative correlation between mean grain-size and NAO. This is assigned to a constant riverine supply of fine material with high MS, which is diluted by the riverine input of a coarser, low-MS component during NAO negative, high-precipitation phases. End-member modelling of the lithic grain-size spectrum supports this, revealing a third, coarse lithic component. The high abundance of this coarse end-member prior to 2 kyr BP is interpreted as the result of stronger bottom currents, concentrating the coarse sediment fraction by winnowing. As continental climate was more arid prior to 2 kyr BP (Subboreal), the coarse end-member may also consist of dust from local sources. A decrease in grain-size and CaCO3 content after 2 kyr BP is interpreted as a result of decreasing wind strength. The onset of a fining trend and a further decrease in CaCO3 around AD900 occurs simultaneous to climatic variations, reconstructed from eastern North Atlantic records. A strong increase in MS between AD1400 and AD1500 indicates higher lithic terrigenous input, caused by deforestation in the hinterland.


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The continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula includes a number of large sediment mounds interpreted as contourite drifts. Cores from six sediment drifts spanning some 650 km of the margin and 48 of latitude have been dated using chemical and isotopic tracers of palaeoproductivity and diatom biostratigraphy. Interglacial sedimentation rates range from 1.1 to 4.3 cm/ka. Glacial sedimentation rates range from 1.8 to 13.5 cm/ka, and decrease from proximal to distal sites on each drift. Late Quaternary sedimentation was cyclic, with brown, biogenic, burrowed mud containing ice-rafted debris (IRD) in interglacials and grey, barren, laminated mud in glacials. Foraminiferal intervals occur in interglacial stages 5 and 7 but not in the Holocene. Processes of terrigenous sediment supply during glacial stages differed; meltwater plumes were more important in stages 2-4, turbidity currents and ice-rafting in stage 6. The terrigenous component shows compositional changes along the margin, more marked in glacials. The major oxides Al2O3 and K2O are higher in the southwest, and CaO and TiO2 higher in the northeast. There is more smectite among the clay minerals in the northeast. Magnetic susceptibility varies along and between drifts. These changes reflect source variations along the margin. Interglacial sediments show less clear trends, and their IRD was derived from a wider area. Downslope processes were dominant in glacials, but alongslope processes may have attained equal importance in interglacials. The area contrasts with the East Antarctic continental slope in the SE Weddell Sea, where ice-rafting is the dominant process and where interglacial sedimentation rates are much higher than glacial. The differences in glacial setting and margin physiography can account for these contrasts.


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En la zona norte de la provincia de Mendoza se desarrollan actividades que pueden afectar la calidad natural del agua subterránea: disposición y re-uso de efluentes industriales para riego agrícola, utilización de fertilizantes, saneamiento in-situ, fugas de redes de alcantarillado, etc. En esta región, surcada superficialmente por los ríos Mendoza y Tunuyán, la sedimentación cuaternaria determinó la formación de dos grandes unidades hidrogeológicas: acuíferos libres (sector de conos aluviales), y acuífero freático superior y acuíferos subyacentes confinados y/o semiconfinados. El área de estudio se encuentra ubicada en esta última unidad hidrogeológica donde se ha detectado contaminación de acuíferos por nitratos. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar el origen de la contaminación, utilizando metodología hidroquímica mediante la evaluación de diversos parámetros físicoquímicos y biológicos, y técnicas isotópicas para corroborar la procedencia del agua subterránea y el origen de los nitratos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la presencia de nitratos en los acuíferos semiconfinado y confinado no proviene de la influencia del acuífero libre suprayacente, afectado por el re-uso de efluentes, sino que se relaciona con el ingreso de flujo horizontal de aguas subterráneas contaminadas provenientes del área del Gran Mendoza, debido a las pérdidas en las redes de alcantarillado y obras de saneamiento in situ.


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Quantitative analysis was performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal fauna from Site 516, near the crest of the Rio Grande Rise, and Site 518, on the lower western flank of the Rise. From Hole 516, 46 samples were taken, and from Hole 518, 80 samples were taken. The mean interval between samples is 20 to 25 cm. About 50 species of Quaternary and Pliocene planktonic foraminifers were identified. Quaternary sediments, dated by the initial evolutionary appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides and other criteria, have thickness, of 9.8 m in Hole 516 and 16 m in Hole 518. The Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone is subdivided into four subzones or biostratigraphic horizons (from lower to upper): (1) Globorotalia crassaformis viola, (2) Globorotalia crassaformis hessi, (3) Globigerina calida calida, and (4) Globigerinoides ruber (pink). Thickness of these horizons in Hole 516 establishes the age of the boundaries between them as 1.47, 0.81, and 0.28 Ma, respectively. All the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal complexes sampled are subtropical. The region of the Rio Grande Rise, therefore, has been within the southern subtropical gyre continuously for the last 2 Ma. The average annual surface water temperatures were reconstructed for the Quaternary at both sites. A micropaleontologic method for the paleotemperature analysis of the thanatocoenosis registers an average Quaternary temperature of 21.2°C at Site 516 and 21.7°C at Site 518. The temperature fluctuations increase up to 3.5°C during the accumulation of the two last horizons (since 0.81 Ma). Temperature peaks are tentatively compared with oxygen isotopic stages and with continental glaciations. Levels at which planktonic foraminiferal species disappear correspond to coldwater intervals. In the Quaternary of Site 518, some layers show signs of dissolution. Corrosive to CaCO3, the northward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water through the Vema Channel increases during the cold periods. Site 518 has two layers of redeposited foraminiferal sand with Pliocene foraminifers. The average rate of the Quaternary sedimentation in Hole 516 is 0.52 cm per thousand years, and in Hole 518 it is 0.84 cm per thousand years.