977 resultados para Quasi-lumped microstrip resonator
This work describes a simulation tool being developed at UPC to predict the microwave nonlinear behavior of planar superconducting structures with very few restrictions on the geometry of the planar layout. The software is intended to be applicable to most structures used in planar HTS circuits, including line, patch, and quasi-lumped microstrip resonators. The tool combines Method of Moments (MoM) algorithms for general electromagnetic simulation with Harmonic Balance algorithms to take into account the nonlinearities in the HTS material. The Method of Moments code is based on discretization of the Electric Field Integral Equation in Rao, Wilton and Glisson Basis Functions. The multilayer dyadic Green's function is used with Sommerfeld integral formulation. The Harmonic Balance algorithm has been adapted to this application where the nonlinearity is distributed and where compatibility with the MoM algorithm is required. Tests of the algorithm in TM010 disk resonators agree with closed-form equations for both the fundamental and third-order intermodulation currents. Simulations of hairpin resonators show good qualitative agreement with previously published results, but it is found that a finer meshing would be necessary to get correct quantitative results. Possible improvements are suggested.
In this paper, microstrip lines magnetically coupled to splitring resonators (SRRs) are conquved to electromagnetic bundgup (EBG) nr,rrostrip lines in terns q/ their stop-heard penjbrnmrnce and dimensions. In bath types o/ trunsmis•siou lines, signal propagation is inhibited in it certain jequency bwuL For EBG microstrip lines, the central frequency of such a forbidden band is determined by the period of the structure, whereas in SRR-hased microstrip lines the position of the frequency gap depends on the quasi-static resonant frequency of the rings. The main relevant conrributiun of this paper is to provide a tuning procedure to control the gap width in SRR microstrip lines, and to show that by using SRRs, device dimensions ale much smaller than those required by EBGs in order to obtain similar stop-banal performance. This has been demonstrated by fill-wave electromagnetic simulations and experimentally verified from the characterization ql two fabricated microstrip lines: one with rectangular SRRs etched on the upper substrate side, and the other with a periodic perturbation cf'strip width. For similar rejection and 1-(;H,. gap width centered at 4.5 Gllz, it has been found that the SRR microstrip line is•,fve times shorter. In addition, no ripple is appreciable in the allowed band for the .SRR-hared structure, whereas due to dispersion, certain mismatch is expected in the EBG prototype. Due to the high-frequency selectivity, controllable gap width, and small dimensions, it is believed that SRR coupled to planar transmission lines can have an actual impact on the design of stop-band filters compatible with planar technology, and can be an alternative to present solutions based on distributed approaches or EBG
The impedance bandwidth of a high permittivity cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna excited by a micro strip line was significantly improved by modifying the feed geometry. The 10 dB return loss bandwidth is enhanced from 12 to 26% without much affecting the gain and other radiation properties of the antenna. Good agreement has been observed between the predicted and measured results
A new method for enhancing the 2.1 VSWR impedance bandwidth of microstrip antennas is presented. Bandwidth enhancement is achieved by loading the microstrip antenna by a ceramic microwave dielectric resonator (DR). The validity of this technique has been established using rectangular and circular radiating geometries. This method improves the bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip antenna to more than 10% (= 5 times that of a conventional rectangular microstrip antenna) with an enhanced gain of I dB
patch resonator with a via connecting ground plane is proposed and studied experimentally. The resonant frequency of this patch resonator is tunable up to about 34 % by adjusting the via position in the center line. The lowest resonant frequency of this patch resonator has been reduced by more than 64% of the same size patch resonator
The radiation characteristics of a microstrip-line-excited rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) are studied experimentally.The radiation charactristics and excitation of different modes are highly influenced by the orientation of the DR,feed line parameters ,and finite size of the ground plane
The impedance bandwidth of a high permittivity cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna excited by a micro strip line was significantly improved by modifying the feed geometry. The 10 dB return loss bandwidth is enhanced from 12 to 26% without much affecting the gain and other radiation properties of the antenna. Good agreement has been observed between the predicted and measured results
Design of a compact microstrip band reject filter is proposed. The device consists of an Open Loop Rectangular Resonator (OLRR) coupled to a microstrip line. The transmission line has a U-bend which enhances the coupling with the OLRR element and reduces the size of the filter. The filter can be made tunable by mounting variable capacitance to the system. Simulated and experimental results are presented.
The thesis relates to the investigations carried out on Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna configurations suitable for Mobile Communication applications. The main objectives of the research are to: - numerically compute the radiation characteristics of a Rectangular DRA - identify the resonant modes - validate the numerically predicted data through simulation and experiment 0 ascertain the influence of the geometrical and material parameters upon the radiation behaviour of the antenna ° develop compact Rectangular DRA configurations suitable for Mobile Communication applications Although approximate methods exist to compute the resonant frequency of Rectangular DRA’s, no rigorous analysis techniques have been developed so far to evaluate the resonant modes. In this thesis a 3D-FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) Modeller is developed using MATLAB® for the numerical computation of the radiation characteristics of the Rectangular DRA. The F DTD method is a powerful yet simple algorithm that involves the discretimtion and solution of the derivative form of Maxwell’s curl equations in the time domain.
A novel technique fitr the bat dividth enhancement of conventional rectangular microstrip antenna is proposed in this paper. When a high permittivity dielectric resonator of suitable resonant frequency was loaded over the patch. the % bandwidth of the antenna was increased by more than five tunes without much affecting its gain and radiation performance. A much more improved bandwidth was obtained when the dielectric resonator was placed on the feedline. Experimental study shows a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of more than 10% and excellent cross polarization performance with increased pass band and radiation coverage abnost the same as that of rectangular microstrip antenna
rectangular low-density, high-permittivity dielectric resona or antenna (DRA) excited by T-shaped microstrip feed offering a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of -22% at 2.975 GHz is reported. The design methoaology and experimental results of the antenna are discussed. The excellent gain and radiation performance of the proposed antenna project: it as a potential candidate for telecommunication applications
The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical investigations on a new compact drum-shaped microstrip antenna. A new compact antenna suitable for personal communication system(PCS), Global position System(GPS) and array applications is developed and analysed. The generalised cavity model and spatial fourier transform technique are suitably modified for the analysis of the antenna. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed. The experimental work done by the author in related fields are incorporated as three appendices in this thesis. A single feed dual frequency microstrip antenne is presented in appendix A.Appendix B describes a new broadband dual frequeny microstrip antenna. The bandwidth enhancement effect of microstrip antennas through dielectric resonator loading is demonstarted in Appendix C.
In this thesis, the author proposes a new geometry DR antenna-the Hexagonal Dielectric Resonator Antenna(HDRA)-capable of multiple frequency operation on a single feed of excitation.This avoids the conventional use of miniaturizes the structure.The properties of the HDRA on microstrip as well as coaxial feeding have been studied.The analysis of radiation characteristics indicates a gain comparable with other shapes.The antenna is capable of providing efficiency around 98%.The simulation using HFSS also yields results in conformity with the experimental results.Mode analysis is carried out and the modes are identified.The determination of the reflection characteristics through theoretical analysis using FDTD validates the multifrequency operation of the antenna,The antenna finds application in DCT,PCS and WLAN bands.
This thesis describes the development and analysis of an Isosceles Trapezoidal Dielectric Resonator Antenna (ITDRA) by realizing different DR orientations with suitable feed configurations enabling it to be used as multiband, dual band dual polarized and wideband applications. The motivation for this work has been inspired by the need for compact, high efficient, low cost antenna suitable for multi band application, dual band dual polarized operation and broadband operation with the possibility of using with MICs, and to ensure less expensive, more efficient and quality wireless communication systems. To satisfy these challenging demands a novel shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) is fabricated and investigated for the possibility of above required properties by trying out different orientations of the DR on a simple microstrip feed and with slotted ground plane as well. The thesis initially discusses and evaluates recent and past developments taken place within the microwave industry on this topic through a concise review of literature. Then the theoretical aspects of DRA and different feeding techniques are described. Following this, fabrication and characterization of DRA is explained. To achieve the desired requirements as above both simulations and experimental measurements were undertaken. A 3-D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic simulation tool, HFSSTM by Agilent, is used to determine the optimum geometry of the dielectric resonator. It was found to be useful in producing approximate results although it had some limitations. A numerical analysis technique, finite difference time domain (FDTD) is used for validating the results of wide band design at the end. MATLAB is used for modeling the ITDR and implementing FDTD analysis. In conclusion this work offers a new, efficient and relatively simple alternative for antennas to be used for multiple requirements in the wireless communication system.
The author presents the development of a new dielectric resonator antenna(DRA) suitable for wideband wireless communication applications.The design comprises of a simple cylindrical dielectric resonator (DR) and a microstrip feed, in a low radiation-Q structure,enabling wide impedance bandwidth.The radiation pattern is conical shaped,resulted from thew low-Q structure.Dielectric constant of the DR,its dimensions and topological parameters of the feed line are the major design parameters of the antenna.By proper selection of these parameters,the DRA can be operated over a wideband width covering multiple wireless applications.The antenna is simulated using Ansoft HFSS TM and measured using HP 8510C vector network analyser.Some of the measured results are confirmed by using the Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) technique implemented in MATLAB.