998 resultados para Quantum fluctuations


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In this paper, based on the AdS(2)/CFT1 prescription, we explore the low frequency behavior of quantum two point functions for a special class of strongly coupled CFTs in one dimension whose dual gravitational counterpart consists of extremal black hole solutions in higher derivative theories of gravity defined over an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The quantum critical points thus described are supposed to correspond to a very large value of the dynamic exponent (z -> infinity). In our analysis, we find that quantum fluctuations are enhanced due to the higher derivative corrections in the bulk which in turn increases the possibility of quantum phase transition near the critical point. On the field theory side, such higher derivative effects would stand for the corrections appearing due to the finite coupling in the gauge theory. Finally, we compute the coefficient of thermal diffusion at finite coupling corresponding to Gauss Bonnet corrected charged Lifshitz black holes in the bulk. We observe an important crossover corresponding to z = 5 fixed point. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Ultracold polar molecules, in highly anisotropic traps and interacting via a repulsive dipolar potential, may form one-dimensional chains at high densities. According to classical theory, at low temperatures there exists a critical value of the density at which a second-order phase transition from a linear to a zigzag chain occurs. We study the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations on these self-organized structures using classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, by means of which we evaluate the pair correlation function and the static structure factor. Depending on the parameters, these functions exhibit properties typical of a crystalline or of a liquid system. We compare the thermal and the quantum results, identifying analogies and differences. Finally, we discuss experimental parameter regimes where the effects of quantum fluctuations on the linear-zigzag transition can be observed.


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We study the quantum spin waves associated to skyrmion textures. We show that the zero-point energy associated to the quantum spin fluctuations of a noncollinear spin texture produce Casimir-like magnetic fields. We study the effect of these Casimir fields on the topologically protected noncollinear spin textures known as skyrmions. In a Heisenberg model with Dzyalonshinkii-Moriya interactions, chosen so the classical ground state displays skyrmion textures, we calculate the spin-wave spectrum, using the Holstein-Primakoff approximation, and the associated zero-point energy, to the lowest order in the spin-wave expansion. Our calculations are done both for the single-skyrmion case, for which we obtain a discrete set of skyrmion bound states, as well as for the skyrmion crystal, for which the resulting spectrum gives the spin-wave bands. In both cases, our calculations show that the Casimir magnetic field contributes up to 10% of the total Zeeman energy necessary to delete the skyrmion texture with an applied field.


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We analyzed the photoluminescence intermittency generated by a single paramagnetic spin localized in an individual semiconductor quantum dot. The statistics of the photons emitted by the quantum dot reflect the quantum fluctuations of the localized spin interacting with the injected carriers. Photon correlation measurements, which are reported here, reveal unique signatures of these fluctuations. A phenomenological model is proposed to quantitatively describe these observations, allowing a measurement of the spin dynamics of an individual magnetic atom at zero magnetic field. These results demonstrate the existence of an efficient spin-relaxation channel arising from a spin exchange with individual carriers surrounding the quantum dot. A theoretical description of a spin-flip mechanism involving spin exchange with surrounding carriers gives relaxation times in good agreement with the measured dynamics.


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We study theoretically the destruction of spin nematic order due to quantum fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 magnets. If the nematic ordering is disordered by condensing disclinations, then quantum Berry phase effects induce dimerization in the resulting paramagnet. We develop a theory for a Landau-forbidden second order transition between the spin nematic and dimerized states found in recent numerical calculations. Numerical tests of the theory are suggested.


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We study the fate of spin-1/2 spiral-ordered two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets that are disordered by quantum fluctuations. A crucial role is played by the topological point defects of the spiral phase, which are known to have a Z(2) character. Previous works established that a nontrivial quantum spin-liquid phase results when the spiral is disordered without proliferating the Z(2) vortices. Here, we show that when the spiral is disordered by proliferating and condensing these vortices, valence-bond solid ordering occurs due to quantum Berry phase effects. We develop a general theory for this latter phase transition and apply it to a lattice model. This transition potentially provides a new example of a Landau-forbidden deconfined quantum critical point.


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Modelling Joule heating is a difficult problem because of the need to introduce correct correlations between the motions of the ions and the electrons. In this paper we analyse three different models of current induced heating (a purely classical model, a fully quantum model and a hybrid model in which the electrons are treated quantum mechanically and the atoms are treated classically). We find that all three models allow for both heating and cooling processes in the presence of a current, and furthermore the purely classical and purely quantum models show remarkable agreement in the limit of high biases. However, the hybrid model in the Ehrenfest approximation tends to suppress heating. Analysis of the equations of motion reveals that this is a consequence of two things: the electrons are being treated as a continuous fluid and the atoms cannot undergo quantum fluctuations. A means for correcting this is suggested.


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Quantum annealing is a promising tool for solving optimization problems, similar in some ways to the traditional ( classical) simulated annealing of Kirkpatrick et al. Simulated annealing takes advantage of thermal fluctuations in order to explore the optimization landscape of the problem at hand, whereas quantum annealing employs quantum fluctuations. Intriguingly, quantum annealing has been proved to be more effective than its classical counterpart in many applications. We illustrate the theory and the practical implementation of both classical and quantum annealing - highlighting the crucial differences between these two methods - by means of results recently obtained in experiments, in simple toy-models, and more challenging combinatorial optimization problems ( namely, Random Ising model and Travelling Salesman Problem). The techniques used to implement quantum and classical annealing are either deterministic evolutions, for the simplest models, or Monte Carlo approaches, for harder optimization tasks. We discuss the pro and cons of these approaches and their possible connections to the landscape of the problem addressed.


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We consider the effects of quantum fluctuations in mean-field quantum spin-glass models with pairwise interactions. We examine the nature of the quantum glass transition at zero temperature in a transverse field. In models (such as the random orthogonal model) where the classical phase transition is discontinuous an analysis using the static approximation reveals that the transition becomes continuous at zero temperature.


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The LiHoxY1−xF4 Ising magnetic material subject to a magnetic field perpendicular to the Ho3+ Ising direction has shown over the past 20 years to be a host of very interesting thermodynamic and magnetic phenomena. Unfortunately, the availability of other magnetic materials other than LiHoxY1−xF4 that may be described by a transverse-field Ising model remains very much limited. It is in this context that we use here a mean-field theory to investigate the suitability of the Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3 insulating hexagonal dipolar Ising-type ferromagnets for the study of the quantum phase transition induced by a magnetic field, Bx, applied perpendicular to the Ising spin direction. Experimentally, the zero-field critical (Curie) temperatures are known to be Tc≈2.54, 3.48, and 3.72 K, for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. From our calculations we estimate the critical transverse field, Bxc, to destroy ferromagnetic order at zero temperature to be Bxc=4.35, 5.03, and 54.81 T for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. We find that Ho(OH)3, similarly to LiHoF4, can be quantitatively described by an effective S=1/2 transverse-field Ising model. This is not the case for Dy(OH)3 due to the strong admixing between the ground doublet and first excited doublet induced by the dipolar interactions. Furthermore, we find that the paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition in Dy(OH)3 becomes first order for strong Bx and low temperatures. Hence, the PM to FM zero-temperature transition in Dy(OH)3 may be first order and not quantum critical. We investigate the effect of competing antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange and applied magnetic field, Bz, along the Ising spin direction ẑ on the first-order transition in Dy(OH)3. We conclude from these preliminary calculations that Ho(OH)3 and Dy(OH)3 and their Y3+ diamagnetically diluted variants, HoxY1−x(OH)3 and DyxY1−x(OH)3, are potentially interesting systems to study transverse-field-induced quantum fluctuations effects in hard axis (Ising-type) magnetic materials.


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We revisit the problem of an otherwise classical particle immersed in the zero-point radiation field, with the purpose of tracing the origin of the nonlocality characteristic of Schrodinger`s equation. The Fokker-Planck-type equation in the particles phase-space leads to an infinite hierarchy of equations in configuration space. In the radiationless limit the first two equations decouple from the rest. The first is the continuity equation: the second one, for the particle flux, contains a nonlocal term due to the momentum fluctuations impressed by the field. These equations are shown to lead to Schrodinger`s equation. Nonlocality (obtained here for the one-particle system) appears thus as a property of the description, not of Nature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive the equation of state of nuclear matter for the quark-meson coupling model taking into account quantum fluctuations of the σ meson as well as vacuum polarization effects for the nucleons. This model incorporates explicitly quark degrees of freedom with quarks coupled to the scalar and vector mesons. Quantum fluctuations lead to a softer equation of state for nuclear matter giving a lower value of incompressibility than would be reached without quantum effects. The in-medium nucleon and σ-meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. The spectral function of the σ meson is calculated and the σ mass has the value increased with respect to the purely classical approximation at high densities.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A path integral simulation algorithm which includes a higher-order Trotter approximation (HOA)is analyzed and compared to an approach which includes the correct quantum mechanical pair interaction (effective Propagator (EPr)). It is found that the HOA algorithmconverges to the quantum limit with increasing Trotter number P as P^{-4}, while the EPr algorithm converges as P^{-2}.The convergence rate of the HOA algorithm is analyzed for various physical systemssuch as a harmonic chain,a particle in a double-well potential, gaseous argon, gaseous helium and crystalline argon. A new expression for the estimator for the pair correlation function in the HOA algorithm is derived. A new path integral algorithm, the hybrid algorithm, is developed.It combines an exact treatment of the quadratic part of the Hamiltonian and thehigher-order Trotter expansion techniques.For the discrete quantum sine-Gordon chain (DQSGC), it is shown that this algorithm works more efficiently than all other improved path integral algorithms discussed in this work. The new simulation techniques developed in this work allow the analysis of theDQSGC and disordered model systems in the highly quantum mechanical regime using path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD)and adiabatic centroid path integral molecular dynamics (ACPIMD).The ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated for the DQSGC by the ACPIMD method.It is found that the excitation gap at zero wave vector is reduced by quantum fluctuations. Two different phases exist: One phase with a finite excitation gap at zero wave vector, and a gapless phase where the excitation gap vanishes.The reaction of the DQSGC to an external driving force is analyzed at T=0.In the gapless phase the system creeps if a small force is applied, and in the phase with a gap the system is pinned. At a critical force, the systems undergo a depinning transition in both phases and flow is induced. The analysis of the DQSGC is extended to models with disordered substrate potentials. Three different cases are analyzed: Disordered substrate potentials with roughness exponent H=0, H=1/2,and a model with disordered bond length. For all models, the ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated.


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The aim of this work is to explore, within the framework of the presumably asymptotically safe Quantum Einstein Gravity, quantum corrections to black hole spacetimes, in particular in the case of rotating black holes. We have analysed this problem by exploiting the scale dependent Newton s constant implied by the renormalization group equation for the effective average action, and introducing an appropriate "cutoff identification" which relates the renormalization scale to the geometry of the spacetime manifold. We used these two ingredients in order to "renormalization group improve" the classical Kerr metric that describes the spacetime generated by a rotating black hole. We have focused our investigation on four basic subjects of black hole physics. The main results related to these topics can be summarized as follows. Concerning the critical surfaces, i.e. horizons and static limit surfaces, the improvement leads to a smooth deformation of the classical critical surfaces. Their number remains unchanged. In relation to the Penrose process for energy extraction from black holes, we have found that there exists a non-trivial correlation between regions of negative energy states in the phase space of rotating test particles and configurations of critical surfaces of the black hole. As for the vacuum energy-momentum tensor and the energy conditions we have shown that no model with "normal" matter, in the sense of matter fulfilling the usual energy conditions, can simulate the quantum fluctuations described by the improved Kerr spacetime that we have derived. Finally, in the context of black hole thermodynamics, we have performed calculations of the mass and angular momentum of the improved Kerr black hole, applying the standard Komar integrals. The results reflect the antiscreening character of the quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field. Furthermore we calculated approximations to the entropy and the temperature of the improved Kerr black hole to leading order in the angular momentum. More generally we have proven that the temperature can no longer be proportional to the surface gravity if an entropy-like state function is to exist.