972 resultados para Quality Analysis and Evaluation
The quadrennial need study was developed to assist in identifying county highway financial needs (construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and administration) and in the distribution of the road use tax fund (RUTF) among the counties in the state. During the period since the need study was first conducted using HWYNEEDS software, between 1982 and 1998, there have been large fluctuations in the level of funds distributed to individual counties. A recent study performed by Jim Cable (HR-363, 1993), found that one of the major factors affecting the volatility in the level of fluctuations is the quality of the pavement condition data collected and the accuracy of these data. In 1998, the Center for Transportation Research and Education researchers (Maze and Smadi) completed a project to study the feasibility of using automated pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) for the paved county roads to be used in the HWYNEEDS software (TR-418). The automated condition data are objective and also more current since they are collected in a two year cycle compared to the 10-year cycle used by HWYNEEDS right now. The study proved the use of the automated condition data in HWYNEEDS would be feasible and beneficial in educing fluctuations when applied to a pilot study area. In another recommendation from TR-418, the researchers recommended a full analysis and investigation of HWYNEEDS methodology and parameters (for more information on the project, please review the TR-418 project report). The study reported in this document builds on the previous study on using the automated condition data in HWYNEEDS and covers the analysis and investigation of the HWYNEEDS computer program methodology and parameters. The underlying hypothesis for this study is thatalong with the IPMP automated condition data, some changes need to be made to HWYNEEDS parameters to accommodate the use of the new data, which will stabilize the process of allocating resources and reduce fluctuations from one quadrennial need study to another. Another objective of this research is to investigate the gravel roads needs and study the feasibility of developing a more objective approach to determining needs on the counties gravel road network. This study identifies new procedures by which the HWYNEEDS computer program is used to conduct the quadrennial needs study on paved roads. Also, a new procedure will be developed to determine gravel roads needs outside of the HWYNEED program. Recommendations are identified for the new procedures and also in terms of making changes to the current quadrennial need study. Future research areas are also identified.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining ever more ground in every sphere of human life, to the point that it is now even used to pass sentences in courts. The use of AI in the field of Law is however deemed quite controversial, as it could provide more objectivity yet entail an abuse of power as well, given that bias in algorithms behind AI may cause lack of accuracy. As a product of AI, machine translation is being increasingly used in the field of Law too in order to translate laws, judgements, contracts, etc. between different languages and different legal systems. In the legal setting of Company Law, accuracy of the content and suitability of terminology play a crucial role within a translation task, as any addition or omission of content or mistranslation of terms could entail legal consequences for companies. The purpose of the present study is to first assess which neural machine translation system between DeepL and ModernMT produces a more suitable translation from Italian into German of the atto costitutivo of an Italian s.r.l. in terms of accuracy of the content and correctness of terminology, and then to assess which translation proves to be closer to a human reference translation. In order to achieve the above-mentioned aims, two human and automatic evaluations are carried out based on the MQM taxonomy and the BLEU metric. Results of both evaluations show an overall better performance delivered by ModernMT in terms of content accuracy, suitability of terminology, and closeness to a human translation. As emerged from the MQM-based evaluation, its accuracy and terminology errors account for just 8.43% (as opposed to DeepL’s 9.22%), while it obtains an overall BLEU score of 29.14 (against DeepL’s 27.02). The overall performances however show that machines still face barriers in overcoming semantic complexity, tackling polysemy, and choosing domain-specific terminology, which suggests that the discrepancy with human translation may still be remarkable.
Analysis and evaluation of techniques for the extraction of classes in the ontology learning process
This paper analyzes and evaluates, in the context of Ontology learning, some techniques to identify and extract candidate terms to classes of a taxonomy. Besides, this work points out some inconsistencies that may be occurring in the preprocessing of text corpus, and proposes techniques to obtain good terms candidate to classes of a taxonomy.
The main objective for this degree project was to analyze the Endpoint Security Solutions developed by Cisco, Microsoft and a third minor company solution represented by InfoExpress. The different solutions proposed are Cisco Network Admission Control, Microsoft Network Access Protection and InfoExpress CyberGatekeeper. An explanation of each solution functioning is proposed as well as an analysis of the differences between those solutions. This thesis work also proposes a tutorial for the installation of Cisco Network Admission Control for an easier implementation. The research was done by reading articles on the internet and by experimenting the Cisco Network Admission Control solution. My background knowledge about Cisco routing and ACL was also used. Based on the actual analysis done in this thesis, a conclusion was drawn that all existing solutions are not yet ready for large-scale use in corporate networks. Moreover all solutions are proprietary and incompatible. The future possible standard for Endpoint solution might be driven by Cisco and Microsoft and a rude competition begins between those two giants.
This paper presents the analysis and evaluation of the Power Electronics course at So Paulo State University-UNESP-Campus of Ilha Solteira(SP)-Brazil, which includes the usage of interactive Java simulations tools and an educational software to aid the teaching of power electronic converters. This platform serves as an oriented course for the lectures and supplementary support for laboratory experiments in the power electronics courses. The simulation tools provide an interactive and dynamic way to visualize the power electronics converters behavior together with the educational software, which contemplates the theory and a list of subjects for circuit simulations. In order to verify the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed interactive educational platform, it is presented a statistical analysis considering the last three years. © 2011 IEEE.
Includes bibliography
Final report; October 1976.
Includes bibliographical references.
The topic of my research is consumer brand equity (CBE). My thesis is that the success or otherwise of a brand is better viewed from the consumers’ perspective. I specifically focus on consumers as a unique group of stakeholders whose involvement with brands is crucial to the overall success of branding strategy. To this end, this research examines the constellation of ideas on brand equity that have hitherto been offered by various scholars. Through a systematic integration of the concepts and practices identified but these scholars (concepts and practices such as: competitiveness, consumer searching, consumer behaviour, brand image, brand relevance, consumer perceived value, etc.), this research identifies CBE as a construct that is shaped, directed and made valuable by the beliefs, attitudes and the subjective preferences of consumers. This is done by examining the criteria on the basis of which the consumers evaluate brands and make brand purchase decisions. Understanding the criteria by which consumers evaluate brands is crucial for several reasons. First, as the basis upon which consumers select brands changes with consumption norms and technology, understanding the consumer choice process will help in formulating branding strategy. Secondly, an understanding of these criteria will help in formulating a creative and innovative agenda for ‘new brand’ propositions. Thirdly, it will also influence firms’ ability to simulate and mould the plasticity of demand for existing brands. In examining these three issues, this thesis presents a comprehensive account of CBE. This is because the first issue raised in the preceding paragraph deals with the content of CBE. The second issue addresses the problem of how to develop a reliable and valid measuring instrument for CBE. The third issue examines the structural and statistical relationships between the factors of CBE and the consequences of CBE on consumer perceived value (CPV). Using LISREL-SIMPLIS 8.30, the study finds direct and significant influential links between consumer brand equity and consumer value perception.
The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort.
The aim of TinyML is to bring the capability of Machine Learning to ultra-low-power devices, typically under a milliwatt, and with this it breaks the traditional power barrier that prevents the widely distributed machine intelligence. TinyML allows greater reactivity and privacy by conducting inference on the computer and near-sensor while avoiding the energy cost associated with wireless communication, which is far higher at this scale than that of computing. In addition, TinyML’s efficiency makes a class of smart, battery-powered, always-on applications that can revolutionize the collection and processing of data in real time. This emerging field, which is the end of a lot of innovation, is ready to speed up its growth in the coming years. In this thesis, we deploy three model on a microcontroller. For the model, datasets are retrieved from an online repository and are preprocessed as per our requirement. The model is then trained on the split of preprocessed data at its best to get the most accuracy out of it. Later the trained model is converted to C language to make it possible to deploy on the microcontroller. Finally, we take step towards incorporating the model into the microcontroller by implementing and evaluating an interface for the user to utilize the microcontroller’s sensors. In our thesis, we will have 4 chapters. The first will give us an introduction of TinyML. The second chapter will help setup the TinyML Environment. The third chapter will be about a major use of TinyML in Wake Word Detection. The final chapter will deal with Gesture Recognition in TinyML.
Metrics estimate the quality of different aspects of software. In particular, cohesion indicates how well the parts of a system hold together. A metric to evaluate class cohesion is important in object-oriented programming because it gives an indication of a good design of classes. There are several proposals of metrics for class cohesion but they have several problems (for instance, low discrimination). In this paper, a new metric to evaluate class cohesion is proposed, called SCOM, which has several relevant features. It has an intuitive and analytical formulation, what is necessary to apply it to large-size software systems. It is normalized to produce values in the range [0..1], thus yielding meaningful values. It is also more sensitive than those previously reported in the literature. The attributes and methods used to evaluate SCOM are unambiguously stated. SCOM has an analytical threshold, which is a very useful but rare feature in software metrics. We assess the metric with several sample cases, showing that it gives more sensitive values than other well know cohesion metrics.
As the ideal method of assessing the nutritive value of a feedstuff, namely offering it to the appropriate class of animal and recording the production response obtained, is neither practical nor cost effective a range of feed evaluation techniques have been developed. Each of these balances some degree of compromise with the practical situation against data generation. However, due to the impact of animal-feed interactions over and above that of feed composition, the target animal remains the ultimate arbitrator of nutritional value. In this review current in vitro feed evaluation techniques are examined according to the degree of animal-feed interaction. Chemical analysis provides absolute values and therefore differs from the majority of in vitro methods that simply rank feeds. However, with no host animal involvement, estimates of nutritional value are inferred by statistical association. In addition given the costs involved, the practical value of many analyses conducted should be reviewed. The in sacco technique has made a substantial contribution to both understanding rumen microbial degradative processes and the rapid evaluation of feeds, especially in developing countries. However, the numerous shortfalls of the technique, common to many in vitro methods, the desire to eliminate the use of surgically modified animals for routine feed evaluation, paralleled with improvements in in vitro techniques, will see this technique increasingly replaced. The majority of in vitro systems use substrate disappearance to assess degradation, however, this provides no information regarding the quantity of derived end-products available to the host animal. As measurement of volatile fatty acids or microbial biomass production greatly increases analytical costs, fermentation gas release, a simple and non-destructive measurement, has been used as an alternative. However, as gas release alone is of little use, gas-based systems, where both degradation and fermentation gas release are measured simultaneously, are attracting considerable interest. Alternative microbial inocula are being considered, as is the potential of using multi-enzyme systems to examine degradation dynamics. It is concluded that while chemical analysis will continue to form an indispensable part of feed evaluation, enhanced use will be made of increasingly complex in vitro systems. It is vital, however, the function and limitations of each methodology are fully understood and that the temptation to over-interpret the data is avoided so as to draw the appropriate conclusions. With careful selection and correct application in vitro systems offer powerful research tools with which to evaluate feedstuffs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.