832 resultados para Química (Ensino médio) - Estudo e ensino
Esta dissertação contém a caracterização crítica de prática do ensino e da pesquisa em Química na universidade brasileira a partir dos conceitos de base extraídos da obra de Gaston Bachelard. A validade das idéias de Bachelard permite a colocaça0 de propostas de pesquisas pedagógicas e epistemológicas que possivelmente abrirão novos caminhos de encontro e enriquecimento mútuo entre o ensino e a pesquisa no campo da Química.
Despite the relatively organized cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) productive chain and the number of cashew derivatives found in the market, it is estimated that over 90% of the cashew peduncle is wasted. A possible strategy for a better commercial exploitation of this agroindustrial commodity would be the production of spray dried cashew pulp. Thus, this paper approaches the yellow cashew pulp spray drying process and the final product evaluation. Based on that, the shelf life of the spray dried cashew pulp packed in different packaging was evaluated. Drying was conducted in two drying temperatures (140 °C to 150 °C) and two concentrations of Arabic gum (AG, 15% and 25%), which summed four experimental groups. The drying performance was evaluated as well as the physicochemical characteristics (moisture, water activity, total soluble solids, pH, density, solubility, particle diameter, hygroscopicity, degree of caking, color, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction), composition (protein, ash, fat and sugars) and bioactive and functional value (total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity) of the final products. Results showed spray drying efficiency higher than 65% for all experiments, mainly for the C4 group (150 °C and 25% AG) which reached efficiency of 93.4%. It was also observed high solubility (94.7% to 97.9%) and the groups with lower hygroscopicity (5.8% and 6.5%) were those with the highest proportion of drying coadjuvant. The particle diameters ranged between 14.7 μm and 30.2 μm and increased with the proportion of AG. When comparing the product before and after spray drying, the drying impact was evident. However, despite the observed losses, dried yellow cashew showed high phenolic concentration (from 235.9 to 380.4 mg GAE eq / 100 g DM), carotenoids between 0.22 and 0.49 mg/100 g DM and remarkable ascorbic acid levels (852.4 to 1346.2 mg/100 g DM), in addition to antioxidant activity ranging from 12.9 to 16.4 μmol TE/ g DM. The shelf life study revealed decreased phenolic content over time associated to a slight water activity increase. Overall, our results unveil the technological and bioactive potential of dried yellow cashew as a functional ingredient to be used in food formulations or as a ready-to-use product. The technological approach presented here can serve as an efficient strategy for a rational use of the cashew apple, avoiding its current underutilization
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study shows new alternatives to the teaching of chemistry in high school and wants to be an aid to the teacher at the time of the planning of lessons and a way to help students improve their performance in this discipline. The central issue is the exploration of differentiated teaching strategies for a just end: improvement of education in chemistry. To reach the main point is to undertake a survey of the most important issues for students and teachers, and from there many teaching strategies are suggested to help in understanding the contents studied. The idea is to propose strategies that may be of interest to students of chemistry, stimulating the curiosity of wanting to know more about a certain content that is being studied in the classroom. This study shows that chemistry is not boring, is not as difficult as it seems, and everyone can indeed take pleasure in studying a world as real and so fascinating, if you understand the facts
For this study, a research was conducted in order to answer the question "What chemistry teaching has been developed in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) ?". The research provides an overview of the object to the proposed changes, leading students to live with different realities and investigating the issue of contextualization based on the daily lives of these students related to the subject of chemistry. The methodology focuses ethnographic research of the case study, in which a case is studied in depth using the participant observation. In the survey data a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach was used. The work involved 6 schools that offer adult education high school; 6 directors of these schools; 6 coordinators who work in adult education; 6 Chemistry teachers and 123 students of the EJA, level high school, enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods. The first stage of the research consisted of questionnaires in schools where everyone involved responded closed and open questions applied to each specific group. In the second stage two schools were selected in order to conduct a deeper knowledge of adult education through practical activities of Chemistry and subsequent interview conducted in groups with students. Three teachers were also interviewed to enable a deepening of issues relating to EJA and Chemistry Teaching. The interviews were analyzed by the technique of Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). The main issues addressed in the questionnaires and interviews were on the school structure, reasons that lead students to drop out or remained in adult education and those who make the stay, the view of those involved of the importance of chemistry discipline for students of EJA and how this should be offered. It is necessary that we need to promote changes in the chemistry class and its activities, respecting the experiences and experience already gained by the student during his life story. Another factor to be highlighted is the need for ongoing training of teachers working in adult education. Note that your continued education is given more by the experience and the ways in which they try to overcome adverse situations. The Chemistry subject taught is not agree with the principles of EJA and practiced curriculum is just an adaptation or content reduction from the regular curriculum. The improvement in chemistry teaching of EJA will take place through a dialogue between those involved in the process, clearer educational policies and willingness to implement change. Thus the teaching of chemistry contribute to the students of the EJA are actually scientifically literate and integrated into society.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os gêneros de discursos utilizados por alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio a respeito de um dos conteúdos vinculados ao ensino de química ambiental: o estudo do gás ozônio e os problemas relacionados à degradação de sua camada na atmosfera terrestre. Os resultados apontam para um nível de envolvimento discursivo em que se percebe a apropriação da linguagem científica como ferramenta de argumentação acerca das questões ambientais.
A importância da analogia no processo ensino-aprendizagem é assunto trabalhado exaustivamente por vários autores, embora existam algumas limitações associadas ao seu uso. O trabalho apresentado, que se insere numa investigação qualitativa, que procura verificar a utilidade das analogias no processo ensinoaprendizagem dos conteúdos de química no ensino médio, teve como objetivo mostrar como os professores fazem uso do processo analógico em suas explanações sobre modelos atômicos. O estudo foi realizado com três professores de química de uma escola pública de Belém. Os principais resultados apontam para diversas dificuldades dos professores na produção e exploração de analogias, que parecem estar estreitamente relacionadas com a dificuldade que os alunos apresentam em assimilar os conceitos químicos, o que, em geral, culmina com a má escolha dos análogos a serem explorados durante as aulas, tornando ineficaz o uso desses procedimentos.
This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study
This study sought to raise the water issue is addressed in the teaching of chemistry in public schools through the notebooks Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo. First we tried to do a survey of knowledge related to construction of the concept of historical perspective, the physical and chemical properties, their importance to man and the particulars of the national curriculum for this subject. The methodology used was qualitative, descriptive and documentary. We analyzed the books for the first, second and third marking periods and the three series (the 4th book had not yet been distributed). As expected the first scenario, the proposed curriculum addresses the topic in greater depth in only one of the notebooks of the second year of high school. The approaches are no longer linked to health issues and the environment, cross-cutting issues considered by the NCP and important for students to make associations between the chemical content and their daily lives. We conclude that the contract should be evaluated by teachers and that their use should be involved in drawing up a plan that takes into account the aspects that seem incomplete. We also emphasize that although the proposal is interesting from the standpoint of teaching, teachers need training to its full use in the classroom
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La enseñanza de problemas se ha investigado en la didáctica de las ciencias naturales como un medio importante para desarrollar el aprendizaje de los conocimientos científicos y la formación de competencias básicas. Dada la importancia de los libros de texto para la enseñanza de la ciencia, con el fin de verificar el enfoque de la enseñanza con problemas en los libros de química, se procedió a una investigación realizada en las obras aprobadas en PNLD 2012, basado en el método de Análisis de Contenido. Se analizó el contenido de la estructura atómica, como marco teórico la perspectiva de la enseñanza problémica, basada en el materialismo histórico y dialéctico. Metodológicamente la investigación presenta un carácter cualitativo. Los resultados del análisis de contenido corroboraron la cuestiones de estudio iniciales relacionadas con la explicación centrándose en los problemas, lo que permitió inferir la elaboración de una Unidad Didactica basada en los métodos problémicos para la enseñanza de los modelos atómicos por la exposición problémica, la conversación heurística y la busca parcial, como forma de aproximar los estudiantes a la naturaleza de las ciencias naturales y contribuir al desarrollo de actitudes positivas en el aprendizaje de la química
Nowadays, chemistry contents taught in high school continue to be presented in a fragmented and decontextualized manner by the teachers and the textbooks. Even though it is known that contextualization and interdisciplinary exchange play an important role in the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. Therefore, the present study aims at enlightening the importance of these methodological foundations in the learning of chemistry. The data acquisition about the subject Contextualization and Interdisciplinary Exchange involved in Chemistry Teaching was developed through bibliographical researches on chemistry textbooks, which focused on the analysis of the topics acid and base , since it is a theme studied throughout all three years of high school. The present study also developed questionnaires which were applied to analyze to what extent chemistry teachers are working in a contextualized and interdisciplinary manner throughout the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. The results obtained in the researches show that a contextualized and interdisciplinary teaching contributes to a more meaningful acquisition of chemistry knowledge, in a dynamic and interactive way, but there are still many roadblocks towards the achievement of this kind of Chemistry teaching/learning process
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa investigativa realizada no campo do ensino e aprendizagem de línguas buscando desenvolver a autonomia do aluno referente à aquisição do conhecimento de língua inglesa em uma escola rural. Este trabalho derivou da necessidade de tornar significativa a aprendizagem de inglês levando em consideração também a motivação como um elemento importante na construção desse conhecimento. Do ponto de vista teórico foram relevantes as contribuições de e Harmer (2001), Brown e Jacob (apud WILLIAN et al, 2004) sobre motivação; Holec (apud PAIVA, 2005), Little (1991), Dickinson (1994) Benson (2001) e Paiva (2007) no que se refere à autonomia no ensino e aprendizagem de línguas. Do ponto de vista metodológico, as contribuições de Hadley (2004) e Viana (2007) foram importantes para o direcionamento dos procedimentos de constituição dos dados à luz dos estudos da pesquisa-ação. Este trabalho foi realizado por mim enquanto professora e pesquisadora, coletando os dados em minha sala de aula com uma turma de Ensino Médio composta por vinte e oito alunos do primeiro ano do turno da noite em uma escola pública na cidade de São Francisco do Pará. A análise dos dados permitiu afirmar que uma aprendizagem significativa deve partir de situações que envolvam os alunos em condições de uso da língua. Ele também mostrou que situação de uso da língua em contexto real faz a aprendizagem ter mais sentido para os alunos ao mesmo tempo em que adotam autonomia. A atividade que conduziu este estudo foi chamada de foi Posters' show cujo objetivo desenvolver nos alunos comportamentos diferenciados em relação à aprendizagem. Pois, em se tratando de autonomia, a vivência dos alunos, a experiência, e a responsabilidade na situação de aprendizagem são mais importantes do que o domínio das regras gramaticais ou mesmo do conteúdo programático anual destinado à cada etapa de ensino. A análise dos dados permitiu afirmar que o trabalho obteve resultados positivos, pois ocorreram mudanças nos alunos acerca da própria aprendizagem, evidenciando que é possível construir atitudes autônomas se forem dadas condições apropriadas aos alunos.
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE