977 resultados para QUANTUM-CONFINEMENT
We studied the effect of quantum confinement in Mn-doped InAs nanocrystals using theoretical methods. We observe that the stability of the impurities decreases with the size of the nanocrystals, making doping more difficult in small nanoparticles. Substitutional impurities are always more stable than interstitial ones, independent of the size of the nanocrystal. There is also a decrease in the energy difference between the high and low spin configurations, indicating that the critical temperature should decrease with the size of the nanoparticles, in agreement with experimental observations and in detriment to the development of functional spintronic devices with doped nanocrystals. Codoping with acceptors or saturating the nanocrystals with molecules that insert partially empty levels in the energy gap should be an efficient way to increase T(C).
The emission energy dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) decay rate at room temperature has been studied in Si nanoclusters (Si-ncl) embedded in Si oxide matrices obtained by thermal annealing of substoichiometric Si oxide layers Si(y)O(1-y), y=(0.36,0.39,0.42), at various annealing temperatures (T(a)) and gas atmospheres. Raman scattering measurements give evidence for the formation of amorphous Si-ncl at T(a)=900 degrees C and of crystalline Si-ncl for T(a)=1000 degrees C and 1100 degrees C. For T(a)=1100 degrees C, the energy dispersion of the PL decay rate does not depend on sample fabrication conditions and follows previously reported behavior. For lower T(a), the rate becomes dependent on fabrication conditions and less energy dispersive. The effects are attributed to exciton localization and decoherence leading to the suppression of quantum confinement and the enhancement of nonradiative recombination in disordered and amorphous Si-ncl. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3457900]
ZnO nanocrystals are studied using theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory. The two main effects related to the reduced size of the nanocrystals are investigated: quantum confinement and a large surface:volume ratio. The effects of quantum confinement are studied by saturating the surface dangling bonds of the nanocrystals with hypothetical H atoms. To understand the effects of the surfaces of the nanocrystals, all saturation is removed and the system is relaxed to its minimum energy position. Several different surface motifs are reported, which should be observed experimentally. Spin-polarized calculations are performed in the nonsaturated nanocrystals, leading to different magnetic moments. We propose that this magnetic moment can be responsible for the intrinsic magnetism observed in ZnO nanostructures.
In this work, the quantum confinement effect is proposed as the cause of the displacement of the vibrational spectrum of molecular groups that involve hydrogen bonds. In this approach, the hydrogen bond imposes a space barrier to hydrogen and constrains its oscillatory motion. We studied the vibrational transitions through the Morse potential, for the NH and OH molecular groups inside macromolecules in situation of confinement (when hydrogen bonding is formed) and nonconfinement (when there is no hydrogen bonding). The energies were obtained through the variational method with the trial wave functions obtained from supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism. The results indicate that it is possible to distinguish the emission peaks related to the existence of the hydrogen bonds. These analytical results were satisfactorily compared with experimental results obtained from infrared spectroscopy. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The hydrogen bond is a fundamental ingredient to stabilize the DNA and RNA macromolecules. The main contribution of this work is to describe quantitatively this interaction as a consequence of the quantum confinement of the hydrogen. The results for the free and confined system are compared with experimental data. The formalism to compute the energy gap of the vibration motion used to identify the spectrum lines is the Variational Method allied to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.
We study the details of electronic transport related to the atomistic structure of silicon quantum dots embedded in a silicon dioxide matrix using ab initio calculations of the density of states. Several structural and composition features of quantum dots (QDs), such as diameter and amorphization level, are studied and correlated with transport under transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The current is strongly dependent on the QD density of states and on the conduction gap, both dependent on the dot diameter. In particular, as size increases, the available states inside the QD increase, while the QD band gap decreases due to relaxation of quantum confinement. Both effects contribute to increasing the current with the dot size. Besides, valence band offset between the band edges of the QD and the silica, and conduction band offset in a minor grade, increases with the QD diameter up to the theoretical value corresponding to planar heterostructures, thus decreasing the tunneling transmission probability and hence the total current. We discuss the influence of these parameters on electron and hole transport, evidencing a correlation between the electron (hole) barrier value and the electron (hole) current, and obtaining a general enhancement of the electron (hole) transport for larger (smaller) QD. Finally, we show that crystalline and amorphous structures exhibit enhanced probability of hole and electron current, respectively.
Superparamagnetic nanocomposites based on Y-Fe2O3 and sulphonated polystyrene were synthesised by ion-exchange process and the structural characterisation has been carried out using X-ray diffraction technique. Doping of cobalt in to the Y-Fe2O3 lattice was effected in situ and the doping was varied in the atomic percentage range 1–10. The optical absorption studies show a band gap of 2.84 eV, which is blue shifted by 0.64 eV when compared to the reported values for the bulk samples (2.2 eV). This is explained on the basis of weak quantum confinement. Further size reduction can result in a strong confinement, which can yield transparent magnetic nanocomposites because of further blue shifting. The band gap gets red shifted further with the addition of cobalt in the lattice and this red shift increases with the increase in doping. The observed red shift can be attributed to the strain in the lattice caused by the anisotropy induced by the addition of cobalt. Thus, tuning of bandgap and blue shifting is aided by weak exciton confinement and further red shifting of the bandgap is assisted by cobalt doping.
Here we present the results of magneto resistance measurements in tilted magnetic field and compare them with calculations. The comparison between calculated and measured spectra for the case of perpendicular fields enable us to estimate the dependence of the valley splitting as a function of the magnetic field and the total Lande g-factor (which is assumed to be independent of the magnetic field). Since both the exchange contribution to the Zeeman splitting as well as the valley splitting are properties associated with the 2D quantum confinement, they depend only on the perpendicular component of the magnetic field, while the bare Zeeman splitting depends on the total magnetic field. This information aided by the comparison between experimental and calculated gray scale maps permits to obtain separately the values of the exchange and the bare contribution to the g-factor.
We have obtained numerically exact results for the spin-related geometric quantum phases that arise in p-type semiconductor ring structures. The interplay between gate-controllable (Rashba) spin splitting and quantum-confinement-induced mixing between hole-spin states causes a much higher sensitivity of magnetoconductance oscillations to external parameters than previously expected. Our results imply a much-enhanced functionality of hole-ring spin-interference devices and shed new light on recent experimental findings.
Multiple emission peaks have been observed from surface passivated PbS nanocrystals displaying strong quantum confinement. The emission spectra are shown to be strongly dependent on the excited-state parity. We also find that intraband energy relaxation from initial states excited far above the band-edge is nearly three orders of magnitude slower than that found in other nanocrystal quantum dots, providing evidence of inefficient energy relaxation via phonon emission. The initial-state parity dependence of the photoluminescent emission properties suggests that energy relaxation from the higher excited states occurs via a radiative cascade, analogous to energy relaxation in atomic systems. Such radiative cascade emission is possible from ideal zero-dimensional semiconductors, where electronic transitions can be decoupled from phonon modes.
We report that high quality PbS nanocrystals, synthesized in the strong quantum confinement regime, have quantum yields as high as 70% at room temperature. We use a combination of modelling and photoluminescence up-conversion to show that we obtain a nearly monodisperse size distribution. Nevertheless, the emission displays a large nonresonant Stokes shift. The magnitude of the Stokes shift is found to be directly proportional to the degree of quantum confinement, from which we establish that the emission results from the recombination of one quantum confined charge carrier with one localized or surface-trapped charge carrier. Furthermore, the surface state energy is found to lie outside the bulk bandgap so that surface-related emission only commences for strongly quantum confined nanocrystals, thus highlighting a regime where improved surface passivation becomes necessary.
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of silicon suboxide SiOx films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition have been studied for different Si excesses up to 24¿at.¿%. The layers have been fully characterized with respect to their atomic composition and the structure of the Si precipitates. Linear refractive index and extinction coefficient have been determined in the whole visible range, enabling to estimate the optical bandgap as a function of the Si nanocrystal size. Nonlinear optical properties have been evaluated by the z-scan technique for two different excitations: at 0.80¿eV in the nanosecond regime and at 1.50¿eV in the femtosecond regime. Under nanosecond excitation conditions, the nonlinear process is ruled by thermal effects, showing large values of both nonlinear refractive index (n2 ~ ¿10¿8¿cm2/W) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (ß ~ 10¿6¿cm/W). Under femtosecond excitation conditions, a smaller nonlinear refractive index is found (n2 ~ 10¿12¿cm2/W), typical of nonlinearities arising from electronic response. The contribution per nanocrystal to the electronic third-order nonlinear susceptibility increases as the size of the Si nanoparticles is reduced, due to the appearance of electronic transitions between discrete levels induced by quantum confinement.
The correlation between the structural (average size and density) and optoelectronic properties [band gap and photoluminescence (PL)] of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 is among the essential factors in understanding their emission mechanism. This correlation has been difficult to establish in the past due to the lack of reliable methods for measuring the size distribution of nanocrystals from electron microscopy, mainly because of the insufficient contrast between Si and SiO2. With this aim, we have recently developed a successful method for imaging Si nanocrystals in SiO2 matrices. This is done by using high-resolution electron microscopy in conjunction with conventional electron microscopy in dark field conditions. Then, by varying the time of annealing in a large time scale we have been able to track the nucleation, pure growth, and ripening stages of the nanocrystal population. The nucleation and pure growth stages are almost completed after a few minutes of annealing time at 1100°C in N2 and afterward the ensemble undergoes an asymptotic ripening process. In contrast, the PL intensity steadily increases and reaches saturation after 3-4 h of annealing at 1100°C. Forming gas postannealing considerably enhances the PL intensity but only for samples annealed previously in less time than that needed for PL saturation. The effects of forming gas are reversible and do not modify the spectral shape of the PL emission. The PL intensity shows at all times an inverse correlation with the amount of Pb paramagnetic centers at the Si-SiO2 nanocrystal-matrix interfaces, which have been measured by electron spin resonance. Consequently, the Pb centers or other centers associated with them are interfacial nonradiative channels for recombination and the emission yield largely depends on the interface passivation. We have correlated as well the average size of the nanocrystals with their optical band gap and PL emission energy. The band gap and emission energy shift to the blue as the nanocrystal size shrinks, in agreement with models based on quantum confinement. As a main result, we have found that the Stokes shift is independent of the average size of nanocrystals and has a constant value of 0.26±0.03 eV, which is almost twice the energy of the Si¿O vibration. This finding suggests that among the possible channels for radiative recombination, the dominant one for Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 is a fundamental transition spatially located at the Si¿SiO2 interface with the assistance of a local Si-O vibration.
The structural saturation and stability, the energy gap, and the density of states of a series of small, silicon-based clusters have been studied by means of the PM3 and some ab initio (HF/6-31G* and 6-311++G**, CIS/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G*) calculations. It is shown that in order to maintain a stable nanometric and tetrahedral silicon crystallite and remove the gap states, the saturation atom or species such as H, F, Cl, OH, O, or N is necessary, and that both the cluster size and the surface species affect the energetic distribution of the density of states. This research suggests that the visible luminescence in the silicon-based nanostructured material essentially arises from the nanometric and crystalline silicon domains but is affected and protected by the surface species, and we have thus linked most of the proposed mechanisms of luminescence for the porous silicon, e.g., the quantum confinement effect due to the cluster size and the effect of Si-based surface complexes.
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, have attracted great attention since they have interesting size-dependent properties due to the quantum confinement effect. These nanoparticles are highly luminescent and have potential applications in different technological areas, including biological labeling, light-emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices. The synthetic methods of semiconductor nanocrystals have progressed in the last 30 years, and several protocols were developed to synthesize monodisperse nanocrystals with good optical properties, different compositions and morphologies. This review describes the main methods used to synthesize nanocrystals in the II-VI and III-V systems, and the recent approaches in this field of research.