978 resultados para QRS SCORING SYSTEM
Investiga-se a equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica entre o instrumento Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System (DVSS), utilizado para avaliar a disfunção funcional do trato urinário inferior em crianças, concebido em inglês e uma versão em português. Na primeira etapa realizou-se a avaliação da equivalência conceitual e de itens, seguida de duas traduções do instrumento original para o português. Na segunda etapa foram realizadas 63 entrevistas, com crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis, e modificação de itens segundo dificuldades de interpretação. Na terceira etapa foi realizada a retradução do instrumento em português para o inglês e avaliação da equivalência semântica. Na quarta etapa, a versão pré-teste foi aplicada em vinte duplas de crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis. Apresenta-se o instrumento em português com equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica. Sugere-se que a aplicação do DVSS seja realizada por meio de entrevista por profissional treinado e não baseada em autopreenchimento como proposto no instrumento original.
Pulmonary abnormalities are observed in chronic hepatopathy. The measurement of the maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure may evaluate lung function and the risks associated with hepatic transplantation. Thus, the present work sought to evaluate the respiratory muscle strength of 29 patients between 17 and 63 years old who were enrolled for liver transplantation. The patients were classified according to Child-Turcotte-Pugh score as A, B, or C, and also according to a physiotherapeutic evaluation, which included measurement of respiratory muscle strength by means of a digital manovactrometer, which determines the maximum inspiratory pressure (MaxIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MaxEP). The tests were performed with seated individuals having their nostrils obstructed by a nasal clip. The MaxIP was measured during the effort initiated in the residual volume, whereas the MaxEP was measured during the effort initiated in the total pulmonary capacity, keeping pressures stable for at least 1 second. The statistical analysis was performed through using the Mann-Whitney test with a 5% level of significance. The MaxIP values of Child A 95.5 +/- 40.507 cm H2O (average +/- DP) and Child B 87.2 +/- 35.02 patients were higher than those for Child C patients (34.83 +/- 3.68; P <.05). Similar results were observed for the MaxEP of Child A and B groups (116.25 +/- 31.98 and 97.28 +/- 31.08, respectively; P <.05), versus the Child C group (48.16 +/- 22.60). Between groups A and B, the MaxEP were similar (P >.05). We concluded that Child C patients display muscle weakness significantly greater than that of subjects classified as Child A or B.
Objectives To introduce a comprehensive and reliable scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee joint synovitis based on contrast-enhanced (CE) MRI. Methods Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) is a cohort study of people with, or at high risk of, knee osteoarthritis (OA). Subjects are an unselected subset of MOST who volunteered for CE-MRI. Synovitis was assessed at 11 sites of the joint. Synovial thickness was scored semiquantitatively: grade 0 (< 2 mm), grade 1 (2-4 mm) and grade 2 (> 4 mm) at each site. Two musculoskeletal radiologists performed the readings and inter-and intrareader reliability was evaluated. Whole-knee synovitis was assessed by summing the scores from all sites. The association of Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index pain score with this summed score and with the maximum synovitis grade for each site was assessed. Results 400 subjects were included (mean age 58.8 +/- 7.0 years, body mass index 29.5 +/- 4.9 kg/m(2), 46% women). For individual sites, intrareader reliability (weighted kappa) was 0.67-1.00 for reader 1 and 0.60-1.00 for reader 2. Inter-reader agreement (kappa) was 0.67-0.92. For the summed synovitis scores, intrareader reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)) was 0.98 and 0.96 for each reader and inter-reader agreement (ICC) was 0.94. Moderate to severe synovitis in the parapatellar subregion was associated with the higher maximum pain score (adjusted OR (95% CI), 2.8 (1.4 to 5.4) and 3.1 (1.2 to 7.9), respectively). Conclusions A comprehensive semiquantitative scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee synovitis is proposed. It is reliable and identifies knees with pain, and thus is a potentially powerful tool for synovitis assessment in epidemiological OA studies.
O estudo avalia a capacidade do Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS-28) de discriminar pacientes internados em UTI, prováveis de morrer daqueles possíveis de sobreviver e estabelecer a pontuação limiar para alta probabilidade de morte. Os resultados, obtidos da amostra de 200 pacientes internados em 14 UTIs do Município de São Paulo, mostraram que o TISS-28 apresentou associação com mortalidade (p=0,0001). O ponto de corte estabelecido foi 21. Encontrou-se que 80,88% dos que morreram tinham pontuação do TISS-28 maior ou igual, e 68,18% dos sobreviventes tinham pontuação menor que 21. Além disso, quanto ao valor prognóstico do TISS-28, constatou-se acurácia de 0,72.
O Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28 (TISS-28) é um instrumento que permite dimensionar carga de trabalho de enfermagem em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e estimar gravidade da doença. Apresenta-se nesta publicação as definições operacionais para sua aplicação, proposta por um grupo de especialistas na área, com vistas a uniformizar o significado de cada um dos itens e evitar vieses de interpretação.
The predictive potential of six selected factors was assessed in 72 patients with primary myelodysplastic syndrome using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis of survival at 18 months. Factors were age (above median of 69 years), dysplastic features in the three myeloid bone marrow cell lineages, presence of chromosome defects, all metaphases abnormal, double or complex chromosome defects (C23), and a Bournemouth score of 2, 3, or 4 (B234). In the multivariate approach, B234 and C23 proved to be significantly associated with a reduction in the survival probability. The similarity of the regression coefficients associated with these two factors means that they have about the same weight. Consequently, the model was simplified by counting the number of factors (0, 1, or 2) present in each patient, thus generating a scoring system called the Lausanne-Bournemouth score (LB score). The LB score combines the well-recognized and easy-to-use Bournemouth score (B score) with the chromosome defect complexity, C23 constituting an additional indicator of patient outcome. The predicted risk of death within 18 months calculated from the model is as follows: 7.1% (confidence interval: 1.7-24.8) for patients with an LB score of 0, 60.1% (44.7-73.8) for an LB score of 1, and 96.8% (84.5-99.4) for an LB score of 2. The scoring system presented here has several interesting features. The LB score may improve the predictive value of the B score, as it is able to recognize two prognostic groups in the intermediate risk category of patients with B scores of 2 or 3. It has also the ability to identify two distinct prognostic subclasses among RAEB and possibly CMML patients. In addition to its above-described usefulness in the prognostic evaluation, the LB score may bring new insights into the understanding of evolution patterns in MDS. We used the combination of the B score and chromosome complexity to define four classes which may be considered four possible states of myelodysplasia and which describe two distinct evolutional pathways.
Background: Network reconstructions at the cell level are a major development in Systems Biology. However, we are far from fully exploiting its potentialities. Often, the incremental complexity of the pursued systems overrides experimental capabilities, or increasingly sophisticated protocols are underutilized to merely refine confidence levels of already established interactions. For metabolic networks, the currently employed confidence scoring system rates reactions discretely according to nested categories of experimental evidence or model-based likelihood. Results: Here, we propose a complementary network-based scoring system that exploits the statistical regularities of a metabolic network as a bipartite graph. As an illustration, we apply it to the metabolism of Escherichia coli. The model is adjusted to the observations to derive connection probabilities between individual metabolite-reaction pairs and, after validation, to assess the reliability of each reaction in probabilistic terms. This network-based scoring system uncovers very specific reactions that could be functionally or evolutionary important, identifies prominent experimental targets, and enables further confirmation of modeling results. Conclusions: We foresee a wide range of potential applications at different sub-cellular or supra-cellular levels of biological interactions given the natural bipartivity of many biological networks.
BACKGROUND: In Fabry nephropathy, alpha-galactosidase deficiency leads to accumulation of glycosphingolipids in all kidney cell types, proteinuria and progressive loss of kidney function. METHODS: An international working group of nephrologists from 11 Fabry centres identified adult Fabry patients, and pathologists scored histologic changes on renal biopsies. A standardized scoring system was developed with a modified Delphi technique assessing 59 Fabry nephropathy cases. Each case was scored independently of clinical information by at least three pathologists with an average final score reported. RESULTS: We assessed 35 males (mean age 36.4 years) and 24 females (43.9 years) who mostly had clinically mild Fabry nephropathy. The average serum creatinine was 1.3 mg/dl (114.9 micromol/l); estimated glomerular filtration rate was 81.7 ml/min/1.73 m(2) and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 1.08 g/g (122.0 mg/mmol). Males had greater podocyte vacuolization on light microscopy (mean score) and glycosphingolipid inclusions on semi-thin sections than females. Males also had significantly more proximal tubule, peritubular capillary and vascular intimal inclusions. Arteriolar hyalinosis was similar, but females had significantly more arterial hyalinosis. Chronic kidney disease stage correlated with arterial and glomerular sclerosis scores. Significant changes, including segmental and global sclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis were seen even in patients with stage 1-2 chronic kidney disease with minimal proteinuria. CONCLUSIONS: The development of a standardized scoring system of both disease-specific lesions, i.e. lipid deposition related, and general lesions of progression, i.e. fibrosis and sclerosis, showed a spectrum of histologic appearances even in early clinical stage of Fabry nephropathy. These findings support the role of kidney biopsy in the baseline evaluation of Fabry nephropathy, even with mild clinical disease. The scoring system will be useful for longitudinal assessment of prognosis and responses to therapy for Fabry nephropathy.
Background Computerised databases of primary care clinical records are widely used for epidemiological research. In Catalonia, the InformationSystem for the Development of Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) aims to promote the development of research based on high-quality validated data from primary care electronic medical records. Objective The purpose of this study is to create and validate a scoring system (Registry Quality Score, RQS) that will enable all primary care practices (PCPs) to be selected as providers of researchusable data based on the completeness of their registers. Methods Diseases that were likely to be representative of common diagnoses seen in primary care were selected for RQS calculations. The observed/ expected cases ratio was calculated for each disease. Once we had obtained an estimated value for this ratio for each of the selected conditions we added up the ratios calculated for each condition to obtain a final RQS. Rate comparisons between observed and published prevalences of diseases not included in the RQS calculations (atrial fibrillation, diabetes, obesity, schizophrenia, stroke, urinary incontinenceand Crohn’s disease) were used to set the RQS cutoff which will enable researchers to select PCPs with research-usable data. Results Apart from Crohn’s disease, all prevalences were the same as those published from the RQS fourth quintile (60th percentile) onwards. This RQS cut-off provided a total population of 1 936 443 (39.6% of the total SIDIAP population). Conclusions SIDIAP is highly representative of the population of Catalonia in terms of geographical, age and sex distributions. We report the usefulness of rate comparison as a valid method to establish research-usable data within primary care electronic medical records
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of the Marshall scoring system to evaluate the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP). Methods : We performed a prospective, observational study in 39 patients with AP evaluated by the Marshall scoring system and the Ranson criteria (admission and 48 hours). We assessed the progression of the disease for seven days and compared the data of the two criteria. Results : Seven patients died during the observation period and one died afterwards. All deaths had shown failure of at least one system by the Marshall method. Conclusion : The Marshall scoring system may be used as an effective and simplified application method to assess the severity of acute pancreatitis.
Aim: To validate a non-nutritive sucking (NNS) scoring system for oral feeding in preterm newborns (PTNB). Methods: A cohort study was carried out in two phases. In phase one of the study, 22 mastered speech-language pathologists received the protocol and procedure for a NNS scoring system to evaluate the content and presentation of the form and to define the grading scale. In phase two, six speech-language pathologists evaluated 51 PTNBs weekly, using the defined scoring system. Setting: This study was carried out in the Nursery Annex to the Maternity at the Intensive and Neonatal Pediatrics Service, Instituto da Crianca, Hospital das Clinicas, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (FMUSP) during the period from May 2004 to May 2006. Participants: A total of 28 speech-language pathologist experts and 51 PTNBs. Results: In the first phase of the study, 22 speech-language pathologists selected the criteria, utilized in the NNS evaluation with 80% agreement. In the second phase of the study, the NNS evaluation was carried out on 51 PTNB, and a scoring system of 50 points was proposed, which corresponds to the smallest number of false positive and negative results regarding oral feeding ability. Conclusion: An NNS evaluation system was validated that was able to indicate when oral feeding could safely begin in PTNBs with a high level of agreement among the speech-language pathologists who have participated.
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico histopatológico de algumas lesões melanocíticas pode ser muito difícil, mesmo para especialistas, mas há casos em que a dificuldade surge pela inadequada e subjetiva aplicação dos critérios diagnósticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um método de aplicação sistemática desses critérios, atribuindo valores para os mais importantes. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Selecionaram-se os critérios mais relevantes para o diagnóstico de melanoma, atribuindo valores de 1 a 5 de acordo com sua importância. Foram escolhidos 101 casos de melanomas de tipo extensivo-superficial com menos de 2mm de espessura para análise comparativa com 33 lesões melanocíticas benignas (13 nevos de Spitz, seis de Reed, seis displásicos, três congênitos, três adquiridos, um combinado e um recorrente). RESULTADOS: A soma dos valores dados aos critérios (score) apresentou diferença significativa entre lesões malignas e benignas, mostrando que esse método pode ser útil ao patologista cirúrgico generalista em sua rotina diária. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação objetiva e sistemática dos critérios histopatológicos pelo sistema de pontos (scoring system) pode ajudar o diagnóstico diferencial entre maligno e benigno em muitas lesões, porém não tendo o efeito desejado nas lesões melanocíticas de comportamento biológico indeterminado.
Background: The prevalence and severity of tooth wear and dental erosion is rising in children and there is no consensus about an index to be employed. Aim: To assess the reliability of an epidemiological scoring system dental wear index (DWI) to measure tooth wear and dental erosive wear. Design: An epidemiological cross-sectional survey was conducted to evaluate and compare tooth wear and dental erosion using the dental wear index and erosion wear index (EWI). The study was conducted with randomised samples of 2,371 children aged between 4 years and 12 years selected from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Records were used for calculating tooth wear and dental erosion; the incisal edge and canine cusp were excluded. Results: As the schoolchildren's ages increased the severity of primary tooth wear increased in canines (P = 0.0001, OR = 0.34) and molars (P = 0.0001, OR = 2.47) and erosion wear increased in incisal/occlusal (P = 0.0001, OR = 5.18) and molars (P = 0.0001, OR = 2.47). There was an increased prevalence of wear in the permanent teeth of older schoolchildren, particularly on the incisal/occlusal surfaces (P = 0.0001, OR = 7.03). Conclusion: The prevalence of tooth wear and dental erosion increased as age increased in children. The epidemiological scoring system Dental Wear Index is able to measure both tooth wear and dental erosive wear. This index should be used to monitor the progression of non-carious lesions and to evaluate the levels of disease in the population.