13 resultados para QND


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为了同时补偿固体增益介质的热致双折射及热透镜效应,进一步提高重复频率1 kHz激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运高平均功率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器的输出功率,设计了一种完全消除热退偏损耗的双调Q开关谐振腔结构,此结构在传统调Q谐振腔的基础上沿着偏振片的退偏方向增加了一个调Q谐振支路,并使得激光从增益介质方向输出。实验结果表明,此激光器的单脉冲能量比单Q开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量高出74.7%。当侧面抽运的激光二极管输出脉冲能量达到307 mJ时,激光输出能量达到26.2 mJ,光-光转换效率为8.5%,光束发


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La realizzazione di stati non classici del campo elettromagnetico e in sistemi di spin è uno stimolo alla ricerca, teorica e sperimentale, da almeno trent'anni. Lo studio di atomi freddi in trappole di dipolo permette di avvicinare questo obbiettivo oltre a offrire la possibilità di effettuare esperimenti su condesati di Bose Einstein di interesse nel campo dell'interferometria atomica. La protezione della coerenza di un sistema macroscopico di spin tramite sistemi di feedback è a sua volta un obbiettivo che potrebbe portare a grandi sviluppi nel campo della metrologia e dell'informazione quantistica. Viene fornita un'introduzione a due tipologie di misura non considerate nei programmi standard di livello universitario: la misura non distruttiva (Quantum Non Demolition-QND) e la misura debole. Entrambe sono sfruttate nell'ambito dell'interazione radiazione materia a pochi fotoni o a pochi atomi (cavity QED e Atom boxes). Una trattazione delle trappole di dipolo per atomi neutri e ai comuni metodi di raffreddamento è necessaria all'introduzione all'esperimento BIARO (acronimo francese Bose Einstein condensate for Atomic Interferometry in a high finesse Optical Resonator), che si occupa di metrologia tramite l'utilizzo di condensati di Bose Einstein e di sistemi di feedback. Viene descritta la progettazione, realizzazione e caratterizzazione di un servo controller per la stabilizzazione della potenza ottica di un laser. Il dispositivo è necessario per la compensazione del ligh shift differenziale indotto da un fascio laser a 1550nm utilizzato per creare una trappola di dipolo su atomi di rubidio. La compensazione gioca un ruolo essenziale nel miglioramento di misure QND necessarie, in uno schema di feedback, per mantenere la coerenza in sistemi collettivi di spin, recentemente realizzato.


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In the field of mechanics, it is a long standing goal to measure quantum behavior in ever larger and more massive objects. It may now seem like an obvious conclusion, but until recently it was not clear whether a macroscopic mechanical resonator -- built up from nearly 1013 atoms -- could be fully described as an ideal quantum harmonic oscillator. With recent advances in the fields of opto- and electro-mechanics, such systems offer a unique advantage in probing the quantum noise properties of macroscopic electrical and mechanical devices, properties that ultimately stem from Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Given the rapid progress in device capabilities, landmark results of quantum optics are now being extended into the regime of macroscopic mechanics.

The purpose of this dissertation is to describe three experiments -- motional sideband asymmetry, back-action evasion (BAE) detection, and mechanical squeezing -- that are directly related to the topic of measuring quantum noise with mechanical detection. These measurements all share three pertinent features: they explore quantum noise properties in a macroscopic electromechanical device driven by a minimum of two microwave drive tones, hence the title of this work: "Quantum electromechanics with two tone drive".

In the following, we will first introduce a quantum input-output framework that we use to model the electromechanical interaction and capture subtleties related to interpreting different microwave noise detection techniques. Next, we will discuss the fabrication and measurement details that we use to cool and probe these devices with coherent and incoherent microwave drive signals. Having developed our tools for signal modeling and detection, we explore the three-wave mixing interaction between the microwave and mechanical modes, whereby mechanical motion generates motional sidebands corresponding to up-down frequency conversions of microwave photons. Because of quantum vacuum noise, the rates of these processes are expected to be unequal. We will discuss the measurement and interpretation of this asymmetric motional noise in a electromechanical device cooled near the ground state of motion.

Next, we consider an overlapped two tone pump configuration that produces a time-modulated electromechanical interaction. By careful control of this drive field, we report a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of a single motional quadrature. Incorporating a second pair of drive tones, we directly measure the measurement back-action associated with both classical and quantum noise of the microwave cavity. Lastly, we slightly modify our drive scheme to generate quantum squeezing in a macroscopic mechanical resonator. Here, we will focus on data analysis techniques that we use to estimate the quadrature occupations. We incorporate Bayesian spectrum fitting and parameter estimation that serve as powerful tools for incorporating many known sources of measurement and fit error that are unavoidable in such work.


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Actual energy paths of long, extratropical baroclinic Rossby waves in the ocean are difficult to describe simply because they depend on the meridional-wavenumber-to-zonal-wavenumber ratio tau, a quantity that is difficult to estimate both observationally and theoretically. This paper shows, however, that this dependence is actually weak over any interval in which the zonal phase speed varies approximately linearly with tau, in which case the propagation becomes quasi-nondispersive (QND) and describable at leading order in terms of environmental conditions (i.e., topography and stratification) alone. As an example, the purely topographic case is shown to possess three main kinds of QND ray paths. The first is a topographic regime in which the rays follow approximately the contours f/h(alpha c) = a constant (alpha(c) is a near constant fixed by the strength of the stratification, f is the Coriolis parameter, and h is the ocean depth). The second and third are, respectively, "fast" and "slow" westward regimes little affected by topography and associated with the first and second bottom-pressure-compensated normal modes studied in previous work by Tailleux and McWilliams. Idealized examples show that actual rays can often be reproduced with reasonable accuracy by replacing the actual dispersion relation by its QND approximation. The topographic regime provides an upper bound ( in general a large overestimate) of the maximum latitudinal excursions of actual rays. The method presented in this paper is interesting for enabling an optimal classification of purely azimuthally dispersive wave systems into simpler idealized QND wave regimes, which helps to rationalize previous empirical findings that the ray paths of long Rossby waves in the presence of mean flow and topography often seem to be independent of the wavenumber orientation. Two important side results are to establish that the baroclinic string function regime of Tyler and K se is only valid over a tiny range of the topographic parameter and that long baroclinic Rossby waves propagating over topography do not obey any two-dimensional potential vorticity conservation principle. Given the importance of the latter principle in geophysical fluid dynamics, the lack of it in this case makes the concept of the QND regimes all the more important, for they are probably the only alternative to provide a simple and economical description of general purely azimuthally dispersive wave systems.


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We show how a test of macroscopic realism based on Leggett-Garg inequalities (LGIs) can be performed in a macroscopic system. Using a continuous-variable approach, we consider quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements applied to atomic ensembles undergoing magnetically driven coherent oscillation. We identify measurement schemes requiring only Gaussian states as inputs and giving a significant LGI violation with realistic experimental parameters and imperfections. The predicted violation is shown to be due to true quantum effects rather than to a classical invasivity of the measurement. Using QND measurements to tighten the “clumsiness loophole” forces the stubborn macrorealist to recreate quantum backaction in his or her account of measurement.


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Measuring the polarization of a single photon typically results in its destruction. We propose, demonstrate, and completely characterize a quantum nondemolition (QND) scheme for realizing such a measurement nondestructively. This scheme uses only linear optics and photodetection of ancillary modes to induce a strong nonlinearity at the single-photon level, nondeterministically. We vary this QND measurement continuously into the weak regime and use it to perform a nondestructive test of complementarity in quantum mechanics. Our scheme realizes the most advanced general measurement of a qubit to date: it is nondestructive, can be made in any basis, and with arbitrary strength.


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We investigate a scheme that makes a quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of the excitation level of a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator by utilizing the anharmonic coupling between two beam bending modes. The nonlinear coupling between the two modes shifts the resonant frequency of the readout oscillator in proportion to the excitation level of the system oscillator. This frequency shift may be detected as a phase shift of the readout oscillation when driven on resonance. We derive an equation for the reduced density matrix of the system oscillator, and use this to study the conditions under which discrete jumps in the excitation level occur. The appearance of jumps in the actual quantity measured is also studied using the method of quantum trajectories. We consider the feasibility of the scheme for experimentally accessible parameters.


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We discuss the characterization and properties of quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements on qubit systems. We introduce figures of merit which can be applied to systems of any Hilbert space dimension, thus providing universal criteria for characterizing QND measurements. The controlled-NOT gate and an optical implementation are examined as examples of QND devices for qubits. We also consider the QND measurement of weak values.


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The second generation of large scale interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors will be limited by quantum noise over a wide frequency range in their detection band. Further sensitivity improvements for future upgrades or new detectors beyond the second generation motivate the development of measurement schemes to mitigate the impact of quantum noise in these instruments. Two strands of development are being pursued to reach this goal, focusing both on modifications of the well-established Michelson detector configuration and development of different detector topologies. In this paper, we present the design of the world's first Sagnac speed meter (SSM) interferometer, which is currently being constructed at the University of Glasgow. With this proof-of-principle experiment we aim to demonstrate the theoretically predicted lower quantum noise in a Sagnac interferometer compared to an equivalent Michelson interferometer, to qualify SSM for further research towards an implementation in a future generation large scale GW detector, such as the planned Einstein telescope observatory.