976 resultados para QCD vacuum replicas


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We outline a comprehensive study of spin-0 glueball properties which, in particular, keeps track of the topological gluon structure. Specifically, we implement (semi-hard) topological instanton physics as well as topological charge screening in the QCD vacuum into the operator product expansion (OPE) of the glueball correlators. A realistic instanton size distribution and the (gauge-invariant) renormalization of the instanton contributions are also implemented. Predictions for 0(++) and 0(-+) glueball properties are presented.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nonperturbative infrared finite solutions for the gluon polarization tensor have been found, and the possibility that gluons may have a dynamically generated mass is supported by recent Monte Carlo simulation on the lattice. These solutions differ among themselves, due to different approximations performed when solving the Schwinger-Dyson equations for the gluon polarization tensor. Only approximations that minimize energy are meaningful, and, according to this, we compute an effective potential for composite operators as a function of these solutions in order to distinguish which one is selected by the vacuum. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Using the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential for composite operators we compute the QCD vacuum energy as a function of the dynamical quark and gluon propagators, which are related to their respective condensâtes as predicted by the operator product expansion. The identification of this result to the vacuum energy obtained from the trace of the energy-momentum tensor allows us to study the gluon self-energy, verifying that it is fairly represented in the ultraviolet by the asymptotic behavior predicted by the operator product expansion, and in the infrared it is frozen at its asymptotic value at one scale of the order of the dynamical gluon mass. We also discuss the implications of this identity for heavy and light quarks. For heavy quarks we recover, through the vacuum energy calculation, the relation nij{filif)-îi(asl'n)GlivGllv obtained many years ago with QCD sum rules. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The scattering of charmed mesons on nucleons is investigated within a chiral quark model inspired on the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The microscopic model incorporates a longitudinal Coulomb confining interaction derived from a self-consistent quasi-particle approximation to the QCD vacuum, and a traverse hyperfine interaction motivated from lattice simulations of QCD in Coulomb gauge. From the microscopic interactions at the quark level, effective meson-baryon interactions are derived using a mapping formalism that leads to quark-Born diagrams. As an application, the total cross-section of heavy-light D-mesons scattering on nucleons is estimated.


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The wave functions of moving bound states may be expected to contract in the direction of motion, in analogy to a rigid rod in classical special relativity, when the constituents are at equal (ordinary) time. Indeed, the Lorentz contraction of wave functions is often appealed to in qualitative discussions. However, only few field theory studies exist of equal-time wave functions in motion. In this thesis I use the Bethe-Salpeter formalism to study the wave function of a weakly bound state such as a hydrogen atom or positronium in a general frame. The wave function of the e^-e^+ component of positronium indeed turns out to Lorentz contract both in 1+1 and in 3+1 dimensional quantum electrodynamics, whereas the next-to-leading e^-e^+\gamma Fock component of the 3+1 dimensional theory deviates from classical contraction. The second topic of this thesis concerns single spin asymmetries measured in scattering on polarized bound states. Such spin asymmetries have so far mainly been analyzed using the twist expansion of perturbative QCD. I note that QCD vacuum effects may give rise to a helicity flip in the soft rescattering of the struck quark, and that this would cause a nonvanishing spin asymmetry in \ell p^\uparrow -> \ell' + \pi + X in the Bjorken limit. An analogous asymmetry may arise in p p^\uparrow -> \pi + X from Pomeron-Odderon interference, if the Odderon has a helicity-flip coupling. Finally, I study the possibility that the large single spin asymmetry observed in p p^\uparrow -> \pi(x_F,k_\perp) + X when the pion carries a high momentum fraction x_F of the polarized proton momentum arises from coherent effects involving the entire polarized bound state.


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Parity (P)-odd domains, corresponding to nontrivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the orbital momentum of the system created in noncentral collisions. To study this effect, we investigate a three-particle mixed-harmonics azimuthal correlator which is a P-even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge-separation effect. We report measurements of this observable using the STAR detector in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62 GeV. The results are presented as a function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. A signal consistent with several of the theoretical expectations is detected in all four data sets. We compare our results to the predictions of existing event generators and discuss in detail possible contributions from other effects that are not related to P violation.


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A nonlocal version of the NJL model is investigated. It is based on a separable quark-quark interaction, as suggested by the instanton liquid picture of the QCD vacuum. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The nonlocality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Features of the continuation of amplitudes from Euclidean space to Minkowski energies are discussed. These features lead to restrictions on the model parameters as well as on the range of applicability of the model. Conserved currents are constructed, and their consistency with various Ward identities is demonstrated. In particular, the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is derived both in the ladder approximation and at meson loop level. The importance of maintaining chiral symmetry in the calculations is stressed throughout. Calculations with the model are performed to all orders in momentum. Meson masses are determined, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. Also calculated are the electromagnetic form factor of the pion and form factors associated with the processes gamma gamma* --> pi0 and omega --> pi0 gamma*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and demonstrate a possible dynamical origin for vector-meson dominance. In addition, the results produced at meson loop level validate the use of 1/Nc as an expansion parameter and indicate that a light and broad scalar state is inherent in models of the NJL type.


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The behavior of the transition pion form factor for processes gamma (*)gamma --> pi(0) and gamma (*)gamma (*) --> pi(0) at large values of space-like photon momenta is estimated within the nonlocal covariant quark-pion model. It is shown that, in general, the coefficient of the leading asymptotic term depends dynamically on the ratio of the constituent quark mass and the average virtuality of quarks in the vacuum and kinematically on the ratio of photon virtualities. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor allows us to obtain the relation between the pion light-cone distribution amplitude and the quark-pion vertex function. The dynamic dependence indicates that the transition form factor gamma (*)gamma -->, pi(0) at high momentum transfers is very sensitive to the nonlocality size of nonperturbative fluctuations in the QCD vacuum. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The covariant quark model of the pion based on the effective nonlocal quark-hadron Lagrangian involving nonlocality induced by instanton fluctuations of the QCD vacuum is reviewed. Explicit gauge invariant formalism allows us to construct the conserved vector and axial currents and to demonstrate their consistency with the Ward-Takahashi identities and low-energy theorems. The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry results in the dynamic quark mass and the vertex of the quark-pion interaction, both momentum-dependent. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, the average size of the instantons, and the effective quark mass are expressed in terms of the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimension quark-gluon operators and low-energy pion observables. The transition pion form factor for the processes gamma*gamma --> pi (0) and gamma*gamma* --> pi (0) is analyzed in detail. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor at high momentum transfers allows one to determine the relationship between the light-cone amplitude of the quark distribution in the pion and the quark-pion vertex function. Its dynamic dependence implies that the transition form factor gamma*gamma --> pi (0) at high momentum transfers is acutely sensitive to the size of the nonlocality of nonperturbative fluctuations in the QCD vacuum. In the leading twist, the distribution amplitude and the distribution function of the valence quarks in the pion are calculated at a low normalization point of the order of the inverse average instanton size rho (-1)(c). The QCD results are evolved to higher momentum transfers and are in reasonable agreement with available experimental data on the pion structure.


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Topological charge screening in the QCD vacuum is found to provide crucial nonperturbative contributions to the short-distance expansion of the pseudoscalar (0-+) glueball correlator. The screening contributions enter the Wilson coefficients and are an indispensable complement to the direct instanton contributions. They restore consistency with the anomalous axial Ward identity and remedy several flaws in the 0-+ glueball sum rules caused by direct instantons in the absence of screening (lack of resonance signals, violation of the positivity bound and of the underlying low-energy theorem). The impact of the finite width of the instanton size distribution and the (gauge-invariant) renormalization of the instanton contributions are also discussed. New predictions for the 0-+ glueball mass and decay constant are presented.


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The electromagnetic tensor for inclusive electron scattering off the pion Wμν for momentum transfers such that q+ = 0, (q+ = q0 + q3) is shown to obey a sum-rule for the component W++. From this sum-rule, one can define the quark-antiquark correlation function in the pion, which characterizes the transverse distance distribution between the quark and antiquark in the light-front pion wave-function. Within the realistic models of the relativistic pion wave function (including instanton vacuum inspired wave function) it is shown that the value of the two-quark correlation radius (rqq̄) is near twice the pion electromagnetic radius (rπ), where rπ ≈ 2/3 fm. We also define the correlation length lcorr where the two-particle correlation have an extremum. The estimation of lcorr ≈ 0.3-0,5 fm is very close to estimations from instanton models of QCD vacuum. It is also shown that the above correlation is very sensitive to the pion light-front wave-function models. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We suggest a constrained instanton (CI) solution in the physical QCD vacuum which is described by large-scale vacuum field fluctuations. This solution decays exponentially at large distances. It is stable only if the interaction of the instanton with the background vacuum field is small and additional constraints are introduced. The CI solution is explicitly constructed in the ansatz form, and the two-point vacuum correlator of the gluon field strengths is calculated in the framework of the effective instanton vacuum model. At small distances the results are qualitatively similar to the single instanton case; in particular, the D1 invariant structure is small, which is in agreement with the lattice calculations.


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Nonperturbative functions that parametrize off-diagonal hadronic matrix elements of the light-cone leading-twist quark operators are considered. These functions are calculated within the proposed relativistic quark model allowing for the nontrivial structure of the QCD vacuum, special attention being given to gauge invariance. Hadrons are treated as bound states of quarks; strong-interaction quark-pion vertices are described by effective interaction Lagrangians generated by instantons. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, such as the effective radius of the instanton and the quark mass, are related to the vacuum expectation values of the quark-gluon operators of the lowest dimension and to low-energy pion observables. © 2000 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.