949 resultados para Q. liaotungensis
中国暖温带落叶阔叶林区维管植物共158科,931属,近4000种(含亚种,变种和变型),种子植物l3l科,877属,3770余种。暖温带植物区系有很强的温带性质,各类温带成分共548属,而各类热带成分仅226属,热带成分与温带成分(R/T)的比率为0.31。运用TWINSPAN和DCA对全国34个植物区系进行了数量分类排序,结果反映了一个地区的植物区系性质主要取决于其所在地的地理位置,同时也受山地海拔高度的强烈影响这一植物区系的基本特征。 根据暖温带森林植物的特点,修订了Raunkiear生活型系统。暖温带森林植物以地面芽植物(H)占较大的优势,占暖温带全部种类的33.9%;其次是地下芽(G)植物,占l 9.7%;全部高位芽植物占27.5%,绝大部分为落叶阔叶高位芽植物。主要由这些生活型组成的暖温带植物生活型总谱基本反映了暖温带夏季温暖多雨、冬季寒冷干旱的中纬度地区地面芽植物群落气候特征。 暖温带森林植被类型主要有7个植被亚型,约50个群系。辽东栎群落是典型的地带性森林群落。应用TWINSPAN和DCA程序将68块暖温带部分地区辽东栎群落样地和83块北京山区辽东栎群落样地分别划分为1 5个和14个群落类型。用物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数、多样性奇测法、Shannon-Wiene r指数、Pielou均匀度指数,Heip均匀度指数、AIatalo均匀度指数等常用的多样性测度方法,分别对暖温带和北京山区辽东栎群落的多样性进行了测度,结果发现,多样性作为一个整体与DCA第1轴有很大的相关关系:暖温带辽东栎群落多样性指数与DCA第1轴的复相关系数为0.7左右,北京山区较高,为0.8左右。多样性的空间特征为:随海拔的升高和纬度的降低,多样性指数呈上升趋势,反映了水热条件在辽东栎水平分布范围内、人类活动和水分因子在辽东栎垂直分布范围内对群落多样性的影响;不同群落之间多样性指数由低到高的顺序为:灌丛、辽东栎萌生丛、辽东栎林、辽东栎纯林、混交林,符合群落演替过程中多样性的动态规律。 对秦岭主峰太白山海拔1400-1600m之间植被类型和物种多样性进行了研究,在划分的1 5种群落类型中,以位于海拔1500-2300m之间的落叶阅叶混交林和栎类混交林的群落多样性最高,在海拔2300-3600m之间,群落多样性趋于单调下降,反映了热量的不足在这一海拔高度范围成为多样性的主要限制因子。
CFO and I/Q mismatch could cause significant performance degradation to OFDM systems. Their estimation and compensation are generally difficult as they are entangled in the received signal. In this paper, we propose some low-complexity estimation and compensation schemes in the receiver, which are robust to various CFO and I/Q mismatch values although the performance is slightly degraded for very small CFO. These schemes consist of three steps: forming a cosine estimator free of I/Q mismatch interference, estimating I/Q mismatch using the estimated cosine value, and forming a sine estimator using samples after I/Q mismatch compensation. These estimators are based on the perception that an estimate of cosine serves much better as the basis for I/Q mismatch estimation than the estimate of CFO derived from the cosine function. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes can improve system performance significantly, and they are robust to CFO and I/Q mismatch.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a major health issue in Queensland, Australia, which has the world’s highest incidence. Recent molecular and epidemiologic studies suggest that CMM arises through multiple etiological pathways involving gene-environment interactions. Understanding the potential mechanisms leading to CMM requires larger studies than those previously conducted. This article describes the design and baseline characteristics of Q-MEGA, the Queensland Study of Melanoma: Environmental and Genetic Associations, which followed up 4 population-based samples of CMM patients in Queensland, including children, adolescents, men aged over 50, and a large sample of adult cases and their families, including twins. Q-MEGA aims to investigate the roles of genetic and environmental factors, and their interaction, in the etiology of melanoma. Three thousand, four hundred and seventy-one participants took part in the follow-up study and were administered a computer-assisted telephone interview in 2002-2005. Updated data on environmental and phenotypic risk factors, and 2777 blood samples were collected from interviewed participants as well as a subset of relatives. This study provides a large and well-described population-based sample of CMM cases with follow-up data. Characteristics of the cases and repeatability of sun exposure and phenotype measures between the baseline and the follow-up surveys, from 6 to 17 years later, are also described.
Staff from QUT’s Creative Industries Faculty (Drama, Film & TV) collaborated with CARRS-Q (Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland) to research, develop and produce a series of screen products. These products are designed to profile CARRS-Q for a variety of Australian and international audiences including potential students, research colleagues and collaborators, industry partners and professional bodies. They are designed for multiplatform display, including web, DVD and mobile devices. This project entails the adoption of practice-led research methodologies to explore and apply innovative screen production techniques including multi-image display; rapid-cut editing; and a combination of trained and non-trained talent.
a presentation about immersive visualised simulation systems, image analysis and GPGPU Techonology
Staff and students of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences discipline at QUT have worked collaboratively with the Institute of Sustainable Resources in the creation and development of spatial information layers and infrastructure to support multi-disciplinary research efforts at the Samford Ecological Research Facility (SERF). The SERF property is unique in that it provides staff and students with a semi-rural controlled research base for multiple users. This paper aims to describe the development of a number of spatial information layers and network of survey monuments that assist and support research infrastructure at SERF. A brief historical background about the facility is presented along with descriptions of the surveying and mapping activities undertaken. These broad ranging activities include introducing monument infrastructure and a geodetic control network; surveying activities for aerial photography ground-control targets including precise levelling with barcode instruments; development of an ortho-rectified image spatial information layer; Real-Time-Kinematic Global Positioning Systems (RTK-GPS) surveying for constructing 100metre confluence points/monuments to support science-based disciplines to undertake environmental research transects and long-term ecological sampling; and real-world learning initiative to assist with water engineering projects and student experiential learning. The spatial information layers and physical infrastructure have been adopted by two specific yet diverse user groups with an interest in the long-term research focus of SERF.
[Selection of papers from the Older Road User Safety Symposium, 26 November 2000, Brisbane, Australia.]----- This publication is a selection of papers on older road user safety which were presented at the Older Road User Safety Symposium on Sunday 26 November 2000 at the Sheraton Brisbane Hotel, Queensland, Australia. The Symposium was held on the day before Australia’s annual Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, which provided an opportunity to garner both presenters and participants from the wider road safety community in Australia. Road safety is a large and diverse area of scholarship and practice, and many disciplines are drawn on in the processes of understanding and addressing road safety problems. The safety of older road users is no different. As this selection shows, work on older road user safety can be informed by demography, research on the mental and physical effects of ageing, social research on older people as road users, evaluation of educational and behavioural interventions, road crash analysis, engineering research and practice, and reviews of policy approaches within Australia and elsewhere. It is possible to summarise these into four constellations, which are reflected in the papers selected for this publication: social impacts and responses; physical and cognitive capability; specific road use performance; and environment/ecology. Though three years have passed since the Symposium, the issues raised in these papers remain current.
Recent research on bicycle helmets and concerns about how public bicycle hire schemes will function in the context of compulsory helmet wearing laws have drawn media attention. This monograph presents the results of research commissioned by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads to review the national and international literature regarding the health outcomes of cycling and bicycle helmets and examine crash and hospital data. It also includes critical examinations of the methodology used by Voukelatos and Rissel (2010), and estimates the likely effects of possible segmented approaches to bicycle helmet wearing legislation. The research concludes that current bicycle helmet wearing rates are halving the number of head injuries experienced by Queensland cyclists. Helmet wearing legislation discouraged people from cycling when it was first introduced but there is little evidence that it continues to do so. Cycling has significant health benefits and should be encouraged in ways that reduce the risk of the most serious injuries. Infrastructure and speed management approaches to improving the safety of cycling should be undertaken as part of a Safe System approach, but protection of the individual by simple and cost-effective methods such as bicycle helmets should also be part of an overall package of measures.
Overview of the CARRS-Q Simulators • CARRS-Q has two simulators: The Advanced Driving Simulator and a simpler “Desktop” simulator • Both use the same research grade simulation software SCANeR, produced by French company OKTAL • The Advanced Driving Simulator can integrate three aspects of simulation: – driving simulator – traffic simulator (links to AIMSUN) – control simulator
Born in Germany, Dr Paul moved to Australia in 2009 to join UniSA’s Mawson Institute. He is currently the Director of ErgoLab, a research facility dedicated to enhancing the field of ergonomics – where products are designed to better fit the people that use them. Dr Paul plays a major role in ergonomic studies from automotive design, to assistive technologies for the elderly and disabled. He currently supervises several PhD students and regularly consults to industry.