18 resultados para Putsch
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58629
Johann Schmitt [d.i. Karl Gottfried Nadler]
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58630
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58631
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58632
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58633
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58634
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58636
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58637
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58639
Le 11 septembre 1973, un coup d’État orchestré par les Forces Armées chiliennes met fin à trois années de gouvernement socialiste dirigé par Salvador Allende. Augusto Pinochet, à la tête du putsch, installe au pouvoir une violente dictature militaire pour dix-sept ans. Événement synonyme de trauma et instigateur d’une période répressive, ou sauvetage national venant freiner la descente aux enfers socialistes? La mémoire de la société chilienne demeure fragmentée vis-à-vis de son passé récent. Cette étude cherche à définir la transmission intergénérationnelle de la mémoire du passé répressif. Menée sur deux fronts, soit à Santiago et à Montréal, la présente recherche s’applique à établir quelles sont les interprétations du passé récent de la génération « postmémoire », c’est-à-dire des personnes nées peu avant ou durant la dictature. Les représentations, les perceptions, ainsi que les canaux d’apprentissage seront mis en perspective selon le territoire, afin de dégager les discours communs et antagonistes. Prenant assise sur des sources orales, ce mémoire présentera les différentes versions du passé selon vingt-huit témoignages.
This thesis questions the major esthetic differences between the artistic productions of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the nationalist artistic productions of the Civil War years and the first decade of the francoist dictatorship. These differences are analysed using the artistic productions of Josep Renau (1907 Valence – 1982 Berlin East) and of Ignacio Zuloaga (Elibar 1870 – Madrid 1945). Renau was an important artistic figure during the Spanich Republic. In this thesis, we analyse Renau’s different propaganda productions between 1931 and 1939. Zuloaga was an international artist when the nationalist uprising occurred in 1936. He was recognized by the European elites for his portraits of Andalousian and Castillian sceneries. Zuloaga supported the nationalist putsch and the francoist ideology. In 1939, the Caudillo ordered the painting of the portrait that we will be analysing. The theories of François Hartog, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur and Hannah Arendt are used to analyse the historical conceptual confrontation in Spain, portrayed by the artworks that we studied. During the Republic, it was the modern historical regime that was in force. The historical references used are close in time and the history is constructed in the future and attached to the idea of progress. With the nationalists, the historical conception is connected to the Historia magistra where the past is used as an example. In the first francoism, a return to Spain’s glorious past (the Middle Ages, the Golden Century and the Counter Reform) is clearly claimed in order to rescue the country from the ills of modernity. It is with these different historical conceptions in mind that we compare the esthetics specificities of the artworks, the identity and historical references and the mediums used to legitimize the power and the political actions of each front.
A thesis presented on the political history of Fiji from cession to Britain in 1874 compares and analyses the country’s four political coups. A military coup occurred in 1987 by Lt. Col Sitiveni Rabuka. Six months later he staged a self-coup. In 2000 George Speight staged an armed civilian coup or putsch, and in 2006 Commodore Frank Bainimarama, head of Fiji’s military forces, overthrew the government of Laisenia Qarase. This paper is an internal comparison of the four coups of which the aim is to examine why coups occur in Fiji. The conclusion is that the level of influence of the country’s traditional paramount chiefs is a strong causal factor in events leading to the political overthrows. Issues such as ethnicity, constitutionalism, democracy, traditionalism, and modernity make the study of the Fiji coups complex. All of the major actors involved have been present or have been somehow linked to each coup. Questions of leadership arise as do issues regarding pluralism and multiculturalism. These issues are discussed in this paper. The end result is that if the question of traditional leadership is not addressed within a democratic framework then Fiji will continue to have coups.
... Christophori Gulielmi Putschii ab Haching Tyrolensis ... ; ... Durch Paulsen Ottenthaler, der freyen Künst Magister, auß hieneben gesetzten Latein, inn Teutsche Rheim trewlich verfasset, Im 1571. Jar