904 resultados para Pure-component Diffusivities
This review provides an overview of surface diffusion and capillary condensate flow in porous media. Emphasis has been placed on the distinction between purely surface diffusion, multilayer surface diffusion, and, capillary condensate flow.
This paper presents a new model based on thermodynamic and molecular interaction between molecules to describe the vapour-liquid phase equilibria and surface tension of pure component. The model assumes that the bulk fluid can be characterised as set of parallel layers. Because of this molecular structure, we coin the model as the molecular layer structure theory (MLST). Each layer has two energetic components. One is the interaction energy of one molecule of that layer with all surrounding layers. The other component is the intra-layer Helmholtz free energy, which accounts for the internal energy and the entropy of that layer. The equilibrium between two separating phases is derived from the minimum of the grand potential, and the surface tension is calculated as the excess of the Helmholtz energy of the system. We test this model with a number of components, argon, krypton, ethane, n-butane, iso-butane, ethylene and sulphur hexafluoride, and the results are very satisfactory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A Fourier transform infrared gas-phase method is described herein and capable of deriving the vapour pressure of each pure component of a poorly volatile mixture and determining the relative vapour phase composition for each system. The performance of the present method has been validated using two standards (naphthalene and ferrocene), and a Raoult’s plot surface of a ternary system is reported as proof-of-principle. This technique is ideal for studying solutions comprising two, three, or more organic compounds dissolved in ionic liquids as they have no measurable vapour pressures.
Lipidic mixtures present a particular phase change profile highly affected by their unique crystalline structure. However, classical solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE) thermodynamic modeling approaches, which assume the solid phase to be a pure component, sometimes fail in the correct description of the phase behavior. In addition, their inability increases with the complexity of the system. To overcome some of these problems, this study describes a new procedure to depict the SLE of fatty binary mixtures presenting solid solutions, namely the Crystal-T algorithm. Considering the non-ideality of both liquid and solid phases, this algorithm is aimed at the determination of the temperature in which the first and last crystal of the mixture melts. The evaluation is focused on experimental data measured and reported in this work for systems composed of triacylglycerols and fatty alcohols. The liquidus and solidus lines of the SLE phase diagrams were described by using excess Gibbs energy based equations, and the group contribution UNIFAC model for the calculation of the activity coefficients of both liquid and solid phases. Very low deviations of theoretical and experimental data evidenced the strength of the algorithm, contributing to the enlargement of the scope of the SLE modeling.
A theoretical analysis of adsorption of mixtures containing subcritical adsorbates into activated carbon is presented as an extension to the theory for pure component developed earlier by Do and coworkers. In this theory, adsorption of mixtures in a pore follows a two-stage process, similar to that for pure component systems. The first stage is the layering of molecules on the surface, with the behavior of the second and higher layers resembling to that of vapor-liquid equilibrium. The second stage is the pore-filling process when the remaining pore width is small enough and the pressure is high enough to promote the pore filling with liquid mixture having the same compositions as those of the outermost molecular layer just prior to pore filling. The Kelvin equation is applied for mixtures, with the vapor pressure term being replaced by the equilibrium pressure at the compositions of the outermost layer of the liquid film. Simulations are detailed to illustrate the effects of various parameters, and the theory is tested with a number of experimental data on mixture. The predictions were very satisfactory.
A simple expression for the Gibbs free energy of formation of a pure component or a eutectic alloy glass, relative to the stable crystalline phase (or phases) at the same temperature is deduced by use of thermodynamic arguments. The expression obtained is supposed to apply to both monocomponent and multicomponent liquid alloys that might become glasses from the supercooled liquid state, irrespective of the critical cooling rate needed to avoid crystallization.
Pure and mixed tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) were hydrolyzed at 35 degrees C, using oxalic acid as a catalyst and ultrasound stimulation. The hydrolysis reaction was carried out in a specially designed device, in which a heat flow steady state, between the ultrasound source and an external thermostatic bath, was maintained, in the absence of reactions. The exothermic hydrolysis causes a time dependent thermal peak. An induction time is apparent in pure TEOS before the hydrolysis peaks starts, which has been explained by the initial immiscibility gap of the TEOS-water system. The induction time was found to be approximately of the same magnitude as in the HCl catalyzed hydrolysis, in spite of the uncertainty accompanying the peak definition. No induction period is apparent in pure TMOS, so that the hydrolysis starts with its maximum rate. Two independent thermal peaks in the mixed TMOS-TEOS samples were found, both associated to the respective hydrolyses of the pure component. The induction time for the TEOS hydrolysis is decreased as more alcohol (and silanol) is produced in the earlier TMOS hydrolysis. This effect is explained by improvement of homogenization by alcohol.
Boiling points (T-B) of acyclic alkynes are predicted from their boiling point numbers (Y-BP) with the relationship T-B(K) = -16.802Y(BP)(2/3) + 337.377Y(BP)(1/3) - 437.883. In turn, Y-BP values are calculated from structure using the equation Y-BP = 1.726 + A(i) + 2.779C + 1.716M(3) + 1.564M + 4.204E(3) + 3.905E + 5.007P - 0.329D + 0.241G + 0.479V + 0.967T + 0.574S. Here A(i) depends on the substitution pattern of the alkyne and the remainder of the equation is the same as that reported earlier for alkanes. For a data set consisting of 76 acyclic alkynes, the correlation of predicted and literature T-B values had an average absolute deviation of 1.46 K, and the R-2 of the correlation was 0.999. In addition, the calculated Y-BP values can be used to predict the flash points of alkynes.
The first objective of this thesis was to examine the hygroscopic and morphological nature of various substances through the use of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). The hygroscopic growth and changes in morphology for pure-component aerosols were studied for particles greater than 2 µm in size. Hygroscopic growth was observed through changes in relative humidity (RH) and hygroscopic growth curves were created. The second objective of this thesis, the hygroscopic growth of multi-component aerosol mixtures, was studied using Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analysis(HTDMA). The size distribution for an aerosol stream was determined before and after the stream was subjected to an increase in relative humidity.
Adsorption of binary mixtures onto activated carbon Norit R1 for the system nitrogen-methane-carbon dioxide was investigated over the pressure range up to 15 MPa. A new model is proposed to describe the experimental data. It is based on the assumption that an activated carbon can be characterized by the distribution function of elements of adsorption volume (EAV) over the solid-fluid potential. This function may be evaluated from pure component isotherms using the equality of the chemical potentials in the adsorbed phase and in the bulk phase for each EAV. In the case of mixture adsorption a simple combining rule is proposed, which allows determining the adsorbed phase density and its composition in the EAV at given pressure and compositions of the bulk phase. The adsorbed concentration of each adsorbate is the integral of its density over the set of EAV. The comparison with experimental data on binary mixtures has shown that the approach works reasonably well. In the case of high-pressure binary mixture adsorption, when only total amount adsorbed was measured, the proposed model allows reliably determining partial amounts of the adsorbed components. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Adsorption of pure nitrogen, argon, acetone, chloroform and acetone-chloroform mixture on graphitized thermal carbon black is considered at sub-critical conditions by means of molecular layer structure theory (MLST). In the present version of the MLST an adsorbed fluid is considered as a sequence of 2D molecular layers, whose Helmholtz free energies are obtained directly from the analysis of experimental adsorption isotherm of pure components. The interaction of the nearest layers is accounted for in the framework of mean field approximation. This approach allows quantitative correlating of experimental nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherm both in the monolayer region and in the range of multi-layer coverage up to 10 molecular layers. In the case of acetone and chloroform the approach also leads to excellent quantitative correlation of adsorption isotherms, while molecular approaches such as the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) fail to describe those isotherms. We extend our new method to calculate the Helmholtz free energy of an adsorbed mixture using a simple mixing rule, and this allows us to predict mixture adsorption isotherms from pure component adsorption isotherms. The approach, which accounts for the difference in composition in different molecular layers, is tested against the experimental data of acetone-chloroform mixture (non-ideal mixture) adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black at 50 degrees C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we investigate the mixture adsorption of ethylene, ethane, nitrogen and argon on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores by means of the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Pure component adsorption isotherms on graphitized thermal carbon black are first characterized with the GCMC method, and then mixture simulations are carried out over a wide range of pore width, temperature, pressure and composition to investigate the cooperative and competitive adsorption of all species in the mixture. Results of mixture simulations are compared with the experimental data of ethylene and ethane (Friederich and Mullins, 1972) on Sterling FTG-D5 (homogeneous carbon black having a BET surface area of 13 m(2)/g) at 298 K and a pressure range of 1.3-93 kPa. Because of the co-operative effect, the Henry constant determined by the traditional chromatography method is always greater than that obtained from the volumetric method.
A total pressure apparatus has been developed to measure vapour-liquid equilibrium data on binary mixtures at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures. The method gives isothermal data which can be obtained rapidly. Only measurements of total pressure are made as a direct function of composition of synthetic liquid phase composition, the vapour phase composition being deduced through the Gibbs-Duhem relationship. The need to analyse either of the phases is eliminated. As such the errors introduced by sampling and analysis are removed. The essential requirements are that the pure components be degassed completely since any deficiency in degassing would introduce errors into the measured pressures. A similarly essential requirement was that the central apparatus would have to be absolutely leak-tight as any leakage of air either in or out of the apparatus would introduce erroneous pressure readings. The apparatus was commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of both degassed water and ethanol as a function of temperature. The pressure-temperature data on degassed water measured were directly compared with data in the literature, with good agreement. Similarly the pressure-temperature data were measured for ethanol, methanol and cyclohexane and where possible a direct comparison made with the literature data. Good agreement between the pure component data of this work and those available in the literature demonstrates firstly that a satisfactory degassing procedure has been achieved and that secondly the measurements of pressure-temperature are consistent for any one component; since this is true for a number of components, the measurements of both temperature and pressure are both self-consistent and of sufficient accuracy, with an observed compatibility between the precision/accuracy of the separate means of measuring pressure and temperature. The liquid mixtures studied were of ethanol-water, methanol-water and ethanol-cyclohexane. The total pressure was measured as the composition inside the equilibrium cell was varied at a set temperature. This gave P-T-x data sets for each mixture at a range of temperatures. A standard fitting-package from the literature was used to reduce the raw data to yield y-values to complete the x-y-P-T data sets. A consistency test could not be applied to the P-T-x data set as no y-values were obtained during the experimental measurements. In general satisfactory agreement was found between the data of this work and those available in the literature. For some runs discrepancies were observed, and further work recommended to eliminate the problems identified.
This study experimentally investigated methyl chloride (MeCl) purification method using an inhouse designed and built volumetric adsorption/desorption rig. MeCl is an essential raw material in the manufacture of silicone however all technical grades of MeCl contain concentrations (0.2 - 1.0 % wt) of dimethyl ether (DME) which poison the process. The project industrial partner had previously exhausted numerous separation methods, which all have been deemed not suitable for various reasons. Therefore, adsorption/desorption separation was proposed in this study as a potential solution with less economic and environmental impact. Pure component adsorption/desorption was carried out for DME and MeCl on six different adsorbents namely: zeolite molecular sieves (types 4 Å and 5 Å); silica gels (35-70 mesh, amorphous precipitated, and 35-60 mesh) and granular activated carbon (type 8-12 mesh). Subsequent binary gas mixture adsorption in batch and continuous mode was carried out on both zeolites and all three silica gels following thermal pre-treatment in vacuum. The adsorbents were tested as received and after being subjected to different thermal and vacuum pre-treatment conditions. The various adsorption studies were carried out at low pressure and temperature ranges of 0.5 - 3.5 atm and 20 - 100 °C. All adsorbents were characterised using Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA) to investigate their physical and chemical properties. The well-known helium (He) expansion method was used to determine the empty manifold and adsorption cell (AC) regions and respective void volumes for the different adsorbents. The amounts adsorbed were determined using Ideal gas laws via the differential pressure method. The heat of adsorption for the various adsorbate-adsorbent (A-S) interactions was calculated using a new calorimetric method based on direct temperature measurements inside the AC. Further adsorption analysis included use of various empirical and kinetic models to determine and understand the behaviour of the respective interactions. The gas purification behaviour was investigated using gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC-MC) analysis. Binary gas mixture samples were syringed from the manifold iii and AC outlet before and after adsorption/desorption analysis through manual sample injections into the GC-MS to detect and quantify the presence of DME and ultimately observe for methyl chloride purification. Convincing gas purification behaviour was confirmed using two different GC columns, thus giving more confidence on the measurement reliability. From the single pure component adsorption of DME and MeCl on the as received zeolite 4A subjected to 1 h vacuum pre-treatment, both gases exhibited pseudo second order adsorption kinetics with DME exhibiting a rate constant nearly double that of MeCl thus suggesting a faster rate of adsorption. From the adsorption isotherm classification both DME and MeCl exhibited Type II and I adsorption isotherm classifications, respectively. The strength of bonding was confirmed by the differential heat of adsorption measurement, which was found to be 23.30 and 10.21 kJ mol-1 for DME and MeCl, respectively. The former is believed to adsorb heterogeneously through hydrogen bonding whilst MeCl adsorbs homogenously via van der Waal’s (VDW) forces. Single pure component adsorption on as received zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) resulted in similar adsorption/desorption behaviour in similar quantities (mol kg-1). The adsorption isotherms for DME and MeCl on zeolite 5A, silica gels (35-70, amorphous precipitated and 35-60) and activated carbon 8-12 exhibited Type I classifications, respectively. Experiments on zeolite 5A indicated that DME adsorbed stronger, faster and with a slightly stronger strength of interaction than MeCl but in lesser quantities. On the silica gels adsorbents, DME exhibited a slightly greater adsorption capacity whilst adsorbing at a similar rate and strength of interaction compared to MeCl. On the activated carbon adsorbent, MeCl exhibited the greater adsorption capacity at a faster rate but with similar heats of adsorption. The effect of prolonged vacuum (15 h), thermal pre-treatment (150 °C) and extended equilibrium time (15 min) were investigated for the adsorption behaviour of DME and MeCl on both zeolites 4A and 5A, respectively. Compared to adsorption on as received adsorbents subjected to 1 h vacuum the adsorption capacities for DME and MeCl were found to increase by 1.95 % and 20.37 % on zeolite 4A and by 4.52 % and 6.69 % on zeolite 5A, respectively. In addition the empirical and kinetic models and differential heats of adsorption resulted in more definitive fitting curves and trends due to the true equilibrium position of the adsorbate with the adsorbent. Batch binary mixture adsorption on thermally and vacuum pre-treated zeolite 4A demonstrated purification behaviour of all adsorbents used for MeCl streams containing DME impurities, with a concentration as low as 0.66 vol. %. The GC-MS analysis showed no DME detection for the tested concentration mixtures at the AC outlet after 15 or 30 min, whereas MeCl was detectable in measurable amounts. Similar behaviour was also observed when carrying out adsorption in continuous mode. On the other hand, similar studies on the other adsorbents did not show such favourable MeCl purification behaviour. Overall this study investigated a wide range of adsorbents (zeolites, silica gels and activated carbon) and demonstrated for the first time potential to purify MeCl streams containing DME impurities using adsorption/desorption separation under different adsorbent pre-treatment and adsorption operating conditions. The study also revealed for the first time the adsorption isotherms, empirical and kinetic models and heats of adsorption for the respective adsorbentsurface (A-S) interactions. In conclusion, this study has shown strong evidence to propose zeolite 4A for adsorptive purification of MeCl. It is believed that with a technical grade MeCl stream competitive yet simultaneous co-adsorption of DME and MeCl occurs with evidence of molecular sieiving effects whereby the larger DME molecules are unable to penetrate through the adsorbent bed whereas the smaller MeCl molecules diffuse through resulting in a purified MeCl stream at the AC outlet. Ultimately, further studies are recommended for increased adsorption capacities by considering wider operating conditions, e.g. different adsorbent thermal and vacuum pre-treatment and adsorbing at temperatures closer to the boiling point of the gases and different conditions of pressure and temperature.
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures of isopropyl acetate plus an alkanol (1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, or 2-butanol) were measured at 101.32 kPa, using a dynamic recirculating still. An azeotropic behavior was observed only in the mixtures of isopropyl acetate + 2-propanol and isopropyl acetate + 1-propanol. The application of four thermodynamic consistency tests (the Herington test, the Van Ness test, the infinite dilution test, and the pure component test) showed the high quality of the experimental data. Finally, both NRTL and UNIQUAC activity coefficient models were successfully applied in the correlation of the measured data, with the average absolute deviations in vapor phase composition and temperature of 0.01 and 0.16 K, respectively.