946 resultados para Purchasing power
Existing point estimates of half-life deviations from purchasing power parity (PPP), around 3-5 years, suggest that the speed of convergence is extremely slow. This article assesses the degree of uncertainty around these point estimates by using local-to-unity asymptotic theory to construct confidence intervals that are robust to high persistence in small samples. The empirical evidence suggests that the lower bound of the confidence interval is between four and eight quarters for most currencies, which is not inconsistent with traditional price-stickiness explanations. However, the upper bounds are infinity for all currencies, so we cannot provide conclusive evidence in favor of PPP either. © 2005 American Statistical Association.
This paper evaluates the desirability of PPP rules vis-á-vis fixed exchange rates both in terms of welfare and stability properties. The analysis is conducted within a small open-economy New Keynesian framework extended to include a cost channel. In terms of stability, we find that while the equilibrium is always unique under fixed exchange rates its uniqueness critically depends upon the presence/absence of the cost channel under a PPP rule. Overall, then, in terms of welfare a fixed exchange rate always outperforms a PPP rule.
Empirical evidence suggests that real exchange rate is characterized by the presence of near-unity and additive outliers. Recent studeis have found evidence on favor PPP reversion by using the quasi-differencing (Elliott et al., 1996) unit root tests (ERS), which is more efficient against local alternatives but is still based on least squares estimation. Unit root tests basead on least saquares method usually tend to bias inference towards stationarity when additive out liers are present. In this paper, we incorporate quasi-differencing into M-estimation to construct a unit root test that is robust not only against near-unity root but also against nonGaussian behavior provoked by assitive outliers. We re-visit the PPP hypothesis and found less evidemce in favor PPP reversion when non-Gaussian behavior in real exchange rates is taken into account.
Looking closely at the PPP argument, it states that the currencies purchasing power should not change when comparing the same basket goods across countries, and these goods should all be tradable. Hence, if PPP is valid at all, it should be captured by the relative price indices that best Öts these two features. We ran a horse race among six di§erent price indices available from the IMF database to see which one would yield higher PPP evidence, and, therefore, better Öt the two features. We used RER proxies measured as the ratio of export unit values, wholesale prices, value added deáators, unit labor costs, normalized unit labor costs and consumer prices, for a sample of 16 industrial countries, with quarterly data from 1975 to 2002. PPP was tested using both the ADF and the DFGLS unit root test of the RER series. The RER measured as WPI ratios was the one for which PPP evidence was found for the larger number of countries: six out of sixteen when we use DF-GLS test with demeaned series. The worst measure of all was the RER based on the ratio of foreign CPIs and domestic WPI. No evidence of PPP at all was found for this measure.
The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for all Latin American countries. These countries share similar economic history and contagious effects from currency crises, which might lead to comovements in their real exchange rates. New time series unit root tests found evidence of PPP for the vast majority of countries. In the panel data framework, tests for the null of unit root, null of stationarity, and unit root under multiple structural breaks indicated stationary real exchange rates. Thus, there is convincing evidence that PPP holds for Latin-American countries in the post-1980 period.
Neste trabalho abordamos alguns “puzzles” da Paridade do Poder de Compra (PPC) ainda não resolvidos; durante esse processo propomos um novo modelo não-linear e estudamos o papel da agregação temporal e de bases de dados abrangendo apenas um pequeno período histórico. A hipótese de que não existe uma força de convergência agindo sobre o câmbio real ajustado (ARER) foi fortemente rejeitada estatisticamente, e a não-linearidade se mostrou um questão importante. As meia-vidas encontradas para o Brasil usando os modelos padrão parecem ser uma das menores já encontradas para um país, e chegamos à conclusão de que a velocidade de convergência em direção a PPC ainda não pode ser considerada um consenso. Pretendemos, em adição, dar contribuições através do levantamento e esclarecimento de alguns resultados e problemas potenciais concernentes ao estudo da PPC.
Includes bibliography