997 resultados para Pulp cavity


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In order to determine the age of adult wild dogs, we compared two methods ( that of Thomson and Rose (TR method) and that of Knowlton and Whittemore (KW method)) of measuring and calculating pulp cavity : tooth width ratios on upper and lower canine teeth from 68 mixed-sex, known-age wild dogs of 9 months to 13 years of age reared at two localities. Although significant relationships ( P = 0.0001) were found between age and pulp cavity ratios by both methods, the TR ratio calculation and measurement showed heteroscedasity in error variance whereas the KW ratios had a more stable error variance and were normally distributed. The KW method also found significant differences between pulp cavity ratios between teeth of the upper and lower jaws ( P < 0.0001) and sex ( P = 0.01) but not geographic origin ( P = 0.1). Regressions and formulae for fitted curves are presented separately for male and female wild dogs. Males show greater variability in pulp cavity decrements with age than do females, suggesting a physiological difference between the sexes. We conclude that the KW method of using pulp cavity as a proportion of tooth width, measured 15 mm from the root tip and averaged over both upper canines, is the more accurate method of estimating the age of adult wild dogs.


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The aim of this paper was to compare the dentin-pulp complex response to cavity preparation in human teeth using ultrasonic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond tip and high-speed diamond bur. Class V buccal cavities were randomly prepared in 40 premolars from 14 patients aged 11 to 15 years. The cutting time was recorded and the cavities had the axial walls protected with gutta-percha and were filled with glass ionomer cement. The teeth were extracted at intervals of 0, 5, 10 and 20 days, and were decalcified, sectioned and stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin, Masson's Trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. The inflammatory response and cell disorganization were blindly evaluated by two examiners. The remaining dentin thickness (RDT) was measured by a linear scale using computer software. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference (P≤0.05) among the cavities prepared with either type of instrument, with mean RDT of 1132.50 mm. Cutting time and the pulp-dentin complex responses were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P≤0.05). The ultrasonic CVD diamond tip took 5 times longer to prepare the cavities and there were no typical inflammatory pulp responses in cavities prepared with either type of cutting instrument, only mild to moderate cell disorganization was present. Even taking longer to cut the dental substrate, the ultrasonic CVD diamond tip produced similar pulp response compared to the conventional high-speed diamond bur.


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Aim: To investigate pulp chamber penetration of bleaching agents in teeth following restorative procedures. Methodology: Bovine lateral incisors were sectioned 3 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction and the coronal pulpal tissue was removed. Teeth were divided into six groups (n = 10): G1, G2 and G3 were not submitted to any restorative procedure, while G4, G5 and G6 were submitted to Class V preparations and restored with composite resin. Acetate buffer was placed in the pulp chamber and treatment agents were applied for 60 min at 37°C as follows: G1 and G4, immersion into distilled water; G2 and G5, 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) exposure; G3 and G6, 35% CP bleaching. The buffer solution was removed and transferred to a glass tube where leuco crystal violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined spectrophotometrically at 596 nm. A standard curve made with known amounts of hydrogen peroxide was used to convert the optical density values of the coloured samples into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). Results: Amounts of hydrogen peroxide found in the pulp chamber of G2 and G5 specimens (0.1833 ± 0.2003 μg) were significantly lower (P = 0.001) when compared to G3 and G6 specimens (0.4604 ± 0.3981 μg). Restored teeth held significantly higher (P = 0.001) hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the pulp chamber than intact teeth. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of the bleaching agent produced higher levels of hydrogen peroxide in the pulp chamber, especially in restored teeth.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shape of dental cavities made with the CVDentus® system using different ultrasound power levels. One standard cavity was made on the buccal aspect of 15 bovine incisors with a CVDentus® cylindrical bur (82142). The sample was divided into three groups: G1 - ultrasound with power II; G2 - ultrasound with power III; and G3 - ultrasound with power IV. A standardizing device was used to obtain standardized preparations and ultrasound was applied during one minute in each dental preparation. The cavities were sectioned in the middle, allowing observation of the cavity's profile with a magnifying glass, and width and depth measurement using the Leica Qwin program. The Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0.05) and Dunn statistical analyses demonstrated differences between the dental cavity shapes when powers III and IV were used. However, the cavities that were made with power III presented dimensions similar to those of the bur used for preparation. We concluded that the power recommended by the manufacturer (III) is the most adequate for use with the CVDentus® system.


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This study evaluated the Influence of the coloring agent concentration on the temperature of the gel layer and pulp chamber during dental bleaching with an LED/laser light source. Ten human incisors and a digital thermometer with K-type thermocouples were used. Using a high-speed spherical diamond bur, endodontic access was gained through openings on the lingual faces until pulp chamber was exposed. One end of the thermocouple was placed on the labial surface (immersed in bleaching gel) and the other end in the pulp chamber. The same 10 specimens were used in the 12 groups, according to the type and concentration of bleaching gel. Each bleaching gel was used in four different concentrations: manipulated without coloring, with normal quantity recommended by the manufacturer, with double the recommended amount of coloring, and with triple the recommended amount of coloring. The temperature rise was measured every 30 seconds for three minutes with a K-type thermocouple. The data were analyzed by ANOVA to examine the concentration and type of bleaching gel. This test was followed by Tukey's test, which was performed Independently for the gel at the labial surface and the pulp chamber (a = 5%). For both surfaces, values of p = 0.00 were obtained for all factors and for the Interaction between them. The varying concentrations of coloring agent produced statistically significant differences in terms of temperature increase for both the gel layer and the pulp chamber during activation.


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The use of growth layers in teeth as an indicator of age in odnotocetes and pinnipeds was suggested by Laws (1954) and since then the method has been used extensively in both marine and non-marine mammals. Dentinal growth layers are groups (growth layer groups) of repetitive alternating bands which in cross-section are similar to growth rings in trees. The most commonly used methods for counting growth layer groups (GLGs) are by undecalcified longitudinal thin sections (150 um) or decalcified and stained thin sections (10-30 um). In longitudinal sections viewed with light microscopy, GLGs appear as opaque and translucent cones nestled one inside another, with the oldest dentine Iying adjacent to the enamel, and the newest layer borderinq the pulp cavity.


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Preliminary results show microradiography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to be more accurate methods of accessing growth layer groups (GLGs) in the teeth of Tursiops truncatus than transmitted light microscopy. Microradiography shows the rhythmic deposition of mineral as alternating radiopaque and radiolucent layers. It improves the resolution of GLGs near the pulp cavity in older individuals, better than either SEM or light microscopy. SEM of etched sections show GLGs as ridges and grooves which are easily counted from the micrograph. SEM also shows GLGs to be composed of fine incremental layers of uniform size and number which may allow for more precise age determination. Accessory layers are usually hypomineralized layers within the hypermineralized layer of the GLG and are more readily distinguishable as such in SEM of etched sections and microradiographs than in thin sections viewed under transmitted light. The neonatal line is hypomineralized, appearing translucent under transmitted light, radiolucent in a microradiograph, and as a ridge in SEM. (PDF contains 6 pages.)


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Dentin wall structural changes caused by 810-nm-diode laser irradiation can influence the sealing ability of endodontic sealers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of AH Plus and RealSeal resin-based sealers with and without prior diode laser irradiation. Fifty-two single-rooted mandibular premolars were prepared and divided into 4 groups, according to the endodontic sealer used and the use or non-use of laser irradiation. The protocol for laser irradiation was 2.5W, continuous wave in scanning mode, with 4 exposures per tooth. After sample preparation, apical leakage of 50% ammoniacal silver nitrate impregnation was analyzed. When the teeth were not exposed to irradiation, the Real Seal sealer achieved the highest scores, showing the least leakage, with significant differences at the 5% level (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.0004), compared with AH Plus. When the teeth were exposed to the 810-nm-diode laser irradiation, the sealing ability of AH Plus sealer was improved (p = 0282). In the Real Seal groups, the intracanal laser irradiation did not interfere with the leakage index, showing similar results in the GRS and GRSd groups (p = 0.1009).


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Taurodontism does not involve molar teeth exclusively. To call attention to the occurrence of this phenomenon in premolars, 4,459 extracted mandibular and maxillary premolars were examined. Eleven showed evidence of taurodontism. Roentgenograms taken from a buccolingual direction confirmed the diagnosis of taurodont teeth.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate radiographically and bacteriologically apical and periapical repair in dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions with the use of two different operative techniques (techniques 1 and 2). The study was conducted on 40 root canals of upper and lower premolars from two dogs aged approximately 12 months. Periapical lesions were induced by leaving the root canals exposed to the oral environment for 5 days and then sealing them with zinc oxide-eugenol for 45 days. After this period, radiographic examination revealed the occurrence of a radiolucent lesion and endodontic treatment was started. The two techniques did not differ in terms of chemomechanical preparation, final filling, or type of cement, but differed in terms of irrigating solution and the presence of an antibacterial dressing. Thus 4% to 6% hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide (10 volumes) were used in technique 1 during chemomechanical preparation and an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide was applied between sessions, whereas Dakin's fluid (0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution) and a final filling with no antibacterial dressing were used in technique 2. After chemomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and Sealapex (Sealapex-Sybron, Kerr, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and the animals were killed 270 days after the final filling. Blocks were cut into 6-μm sections and stained by the Brown and Brenn method. Radiographic, histomicrobiologic and statistical analysis permitted us to conclude the following: radiographically there was a marked reduction or even the disappearance of the radiolucent area present before treatment with greater success in the group treated with technique 1 (group I) than in the group treated with technique 2 (group II); the extent of bacterial invasion of dentinal tubules was greater and more intense in group II than in group I; and the amount of microorganisms detected in the ramifications of the apical delta and in the lumen of the root canal was intense in group II and mild or absent in group I. © 1994.


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This study was conducted to observe the healing process of intentional lateral root perforation repaired with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Forty-eight root canals of dogs' teeth were instrumented and filled. After partial removal of the filling, an intentional perforation was made with a bur in the lateral area of the root. The perforations were repaired with MTA or Sealapex (control group). Histological analysis occurred 30 and 180 days after treatment. Results showed no inflammation and deposition of cementum over MTA in the majority of the specimens. In the 180-day period, Sealapex exhibited chronic inflammation in all the specimens and slight deposition of cementum over the material in only three cases. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better results than the control group. Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after root canal treatment of dogs' teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion using different root canal sealers. After periapical lesion induction, forty-four root canals of 3 dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. A calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen PMCC) was applied for 15 days and the root canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex, AH Plus or Sealer Plus for sealing. After 180 days, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical microscopic analysis of the apical and periapical repair. The groups filled with Sealapex and AH Plus had better histological repair (p < 0.05) than the group filled with Sealer Plus, that had unsatisfactory results.


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The purpose of this study was to carry out a scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of the cleaning qualities and smear layer removal from root canal walls, instrumented and irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl, 2.0% chlorhexidine and saline solutions. Fifty extracted teeth were used in this study. All teeth were radiographed to determine the existence of a single canal. The crowns were cut at the cervical limit and the root canals were instrumented with K-type files up to size 45. During root canal preparation, irrigations were made with the different solutions being evaluated: Group 1: 2.5% NaOCl (10 roots); Group 2: 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA for 2 minute (10 roots); Group 3: 2.0% chlorhexidine (10 roots); Group 4: 2.0% chlorhexidine and 17% EDTA for 2 minutes (10 roots); Group 5: saline solution (5 roots); Group 6: saline solution and 17% EDTA for 2 minutes (5 roots). After instrumentation, the canals were irrigated with each one of the solutions and the roots were cut in the buccolingual direction for SEM analysis, at the cervical, middle and apical thirds, to ascertain the presence or absence of smear layer and debris. SEM analysis was performed by three calibrated examiners and scores were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test at the significance level of p = 5%. Results showed that the use of 17% EDTA decreased the smear layer significantly (p < 0.05) for all evaluated solutions in all thirds. When EDTA was not used, a significantly higher quantity of smear layer on the apical third was observed only in the NaOCl groups. The use of 17% EDTA was significant for debris removal except for the chlorhexidine groups. The following conclusion could be drawn: the use of 17% EDTA was necessary to enhance cleanness of the root canals.


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Dentin hypersensitivity is a common painful condition observed in clinics. Dietary habits have been much associated with its development and persistence during and following periodontal treatment. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of vinegars on the removal of smear layer and exposure of dentinal tubules. Extracted human teeth were submitted to manual scaling with Gracey curettes in order to remove the cementum as well as to form a smear layer. Dentin samples with 3 mm(2) were obtained and distributed into six experimental groups: one control and five types of vinegars (alcohol, apple, rice, white wine and balsamic). Each group included two methods of vinegar application: topical and friction. After routine preparation for SEM analysis, photomicrographs were assessed by a calibrated and blind examiner using an appropriate index system. Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant influence of vinegars on smear layer removal. There was a statistically significant difference between groups treated with apple, white and rice vinegars and the control group (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, Mann-Whitney test indicated that removal of smear layer did not vary with the method of application (topical versus friction) for any of the tested substances. We can conclude that the contact of vinegar may remove smear layer and expose dentinal tubules, regardless of the type of application. However, balsamic vinegar was associated with less removal of smear layer after both methods of application.


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The purpose of this study was to show anatomical variations in permanent maxillary molars. Two clinical cases of four-rooted maxillary molars and a macroscopic study of an extracted tooth, showing a five-rooted maxillary molar, are presented.