981 resultados para Pulmonary C-fibers


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1. The present brief review covers some novel aspects of integration between respiration and movement of the body. 2. There are potent viscerosomatic reflexes in animals involving small-diameter pulmonary afferents that, when excited, would limit exercise. However, recent studies using lobeline injections to excite pulmonary afferents in awake humans suggest that there is no evoked reflex motoneuronal inhibition. Instead, the noxious respiratory sensations generated by the vagal afferents may be crucial in the decision to stop exercise. 3. While respiratory movements may affect limb movements, the control of the trunk and limbs can involve interaction (and even interference) with key respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm. Recent studies have revealed that not only does the diaphragm receive feed-forward drive prior to some limb movements, but that it also contracts both phasically and tonically during repetitive limb movements. 4. Thus, challenges to posture can indirectly challenge ventilation, while coordinated diaphragm contraction may contribute to control of the trunk.


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Adenosine is the first drug of choice in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias. While the effects of adenosine on sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) have been investigated, no information is available on the effects on cardiac vagal nerve activity (VNA). We assessed in rats the responses of cardiac VNA, SNA and cardiovascular variables to intravenous bolus administration of adenosine. In 34 urethane-anaesthetized rats, cardiac VNA or cervical preganglionic sympathetic fibres were recorded together with ECG, arterial pressure and ventilation, before and after administration of three doses of adenosine (100, 500 and 1000 mu g kg-1). The effects of adenosine were also assessed in isolated perfused hearts (n= 5). Adenosine induced marked bradycardia and hypotension, associated with a significant dose-dependent increase in VNA (+204 +/- 56%, P < 0.01; +275 +/- 120%, P < 0.01; and +372 +/- 78%, P < 0.01, for the three doses, respectively; n= 7). Muscarinic blockade by atropine (5 mg kg-1, i.v.) significantly blunted the adenosine-induced bradycardia (-56.0 +/- 4.5%, P < 0.05; -86.2 +/- 10.5%, P < 0.01; and -34.3 +/- 9.7%, P < 0.01, respectively). Likewise, adenosine-induced bradycardia was markedly less in isolated heart preparations. Previous barodenervation did not modify the effects of adenosine on VNA. On the SNA side, adenosine administration was associated with a dose-dependent biphasic response, including overactivation in the first few seconds followed by a later profound SNA reduction. Earliest sympathetic activation was abolished by barodenervation, while subsequent sympathetic withdrawal was affected neither by baro- nor by chemodenervation. This is the first demonstration that acute adenosine is able to activate cardiac VNA, possibly through a central action. This increase in vagal outflow could make an important contribution to the antiarrhythmic action of this substance.


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BackgroundAcute pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common cause of death, accounting for 50,000 to 200,000 deaths annually. It is the third most common cause of mortality among the cardiovascular diseases, after coronary artery disease and stroke.The advent of multi-detector computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) has allowed better assessment of PE regarding visualisation of the peripheral pulmonary arteries, increasing its rate of diagnosis. More cases of peripheral PEs, such as isolated subsegmental PE (SSPE) and incidental PE, have thereby been identified. These two conditions are usually found in patients with few or none of the classic PE symptoms such as haemoptysis or pleuritic pain, acute dyspnoea or circulatory collapse. However, in patients with reduced cardio-pulmonary (C/P) reserve the classic PE symptoms can be found with isolated SSPEs. Incidental SSPE is found casually in asymptomatic patients, usually by diagnostic imaging performed for other reasons (for example routine CT for cancer staging in oncologic patients).Traditionally, all PEs are anticoagulated in a similar manner independent of the location, number and size of the thrombi. It has been suggested that many patients with SSPE may be treated without benefit, increasing adverse events by possible unnecessary use of anticoagulants.Patients with isolated SSPE or incidental PE may have a more benign clinical presentation compared with those with proximal PEs. However, the clinical significance in patients and their prognosis have to be studied to evaluate whether anticoagulation therapy is required.ObjectivesTo assess the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulation therapy versus no intervention in patients with isolated subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE) or incidental SSPE.Search methodsThe Cochrane Peripheral Vascular Diseases Group Trials Search Co-ordinator searched the Specialised Register (last searched October 2013) and CENTRAL (2013, Issue 9). MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and clinical trials databases were also searched (October 2013).Selection criteriaRandomised controlled trials of anticoagulation therapy versus no intervention in patients with SSPE or incidental SSPE.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors inspected all citations to ensure reliable selection. We planned for two review authors to independently extract data and to assess the methodological quality of identified trials using the criteria recommended in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.Main resultsNo studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria.Authors' conclusionsThere is no randomised controlled trial evidence for the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulation therapy versus no intervention in patients with isolated subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE) or incidental SSPE, and therefore we can not draw any conclusions. Well-conducted research is required before informed practice decisions can be made.


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Microneurography is a method suitable for recording intraneural single or multiunit action potentials in conscious subjects. Microneurography has rarely been applied to animal experiments, where more invasive methods, like the teased fiber recording technique, are widely used. We have tested the feasibility of microneurographic recordings from the peripheral nerves of rats. Tungsten microelectrodes were inserted into the sciatic nerve at mid-thigh level. Single or multiunit action potentials evoked by regular electrical stimulation were recorded, digitized and displayed as a raster plot of latencies. The method allows unambiguous recording and recognition of single C-fiber action potentials from an in vivo preparation, with minimal disruption of the nerve being recorded. Multiple C-fibers can be recorded simultaneously for several hours, and if the animal is allowed to recover, repeated recording sessions can be obtained from the same nerve at the same level over a period of weeks or months. Also, single C units can be functionally identified by their changes in latency to natural stimuli, and insensitive units can be recognized as 'silent' nociceptors or sympathetic efferents by their distinctive profiles of activity-dependent slowing during repetitive electrical stimulation, or by the effect on spontaneous efferent activity of a proximal anesthetic block. Moreover, information about the biophysical properties of C axons can be obtained from their latency recovery cycles. Finally, we show that this preparation is potentially suitable for the study of C-fiber behavior in models of neuropathies and nerve lesions, both under resting conditions and in response to drug administration.


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Background: Providing analgesia without suppressing motor or sensory function is a challenge for regional anesthesia and postoperative pain management. Resiniferatoxin (RTX), an ultrapotent agonist for transient receptor potential subtype-1 (TRPV1) can produce this selective blockade, as TRPV1 is selectively expressed on nociceptors. Futhermore, after peripheral nerve injury, spontaneous ectopic activity arises from all types of nerve fibers that can affect spinal neurons and glial cells. The goal of the present experiment is to determine whether spontaneous activity generated in C-fibers or in both A&C-fibers is required for microglia activation. Method: We applied RTX (0.01%) or bupivacaine microspheres to the sciatic nerve of rats to block the conduction of C-fibers or A&C-fibers, respectively, before spared nerve injury (SNI). Behavior was tested and all the rats were sacrificed 2 days later; immunohistochemistry was performed on their spinal cord for mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU, marker of proliferation) and Iba1 (microglial marker). Result: At day 2 after SNI robust mechanical allodynia and p38 activation in spinal microglia were documented. There was also a substantial cell proliferation in the spinal cord, all proliferating cells (BrdU+) being microglia (Iba1+). RTX blocked heat sensitivity and produced heat hypoalgesia without affecting mechanical allodynia and motor function. Microglial proliferation and p38 activation in the spinal cord were not affected by RTX (p >0.05). In contrast, a complete sensory and motor blockade was seen with bupivacaine which also significantly inhibited p38 activation and microglial proliferation in the spinal cord (p <0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that (1) RTX can provide a selective nociceptive blockade but that (2) blocking only nociceptive fibers does not impair the development of mechanical allodynia and microglia activation. Therefore (3) if microglia activation is important for chronic pain development then specific nociceptive blockade won't be sufficient to prevent it.


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BACKGROUND: After peripheral nerve injury, spontaneous ectopic activity arising from the peripheral axons plays an important role in inducing central sensitization and neuropathic pain. Recent evidence indicates that activation of spinal cord microglia also contributes to the development of neuropathic pain. In particular, activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in spinal microglia is required for the development of mechanical allodynia. However, activity-dependent activation of microglia after nerve injury has not been fully addressed. To determine whether spontaneous activity from C- or A-fibers is required for microglial activation, we used resiniferatoxin (RTX) to block the conduction of transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1) positive fibers (mostly C- and Adelta-fibers) and bupivacaine microspheres to block all fibers of the sciatic nerve in rats before spared nerve injury (SNI), and observed spinal microglial changes 2 days later. RESULTS: SNI induced robust mechanical allodynia and p38 activation in spinal microglia. SNI also induced marked cell proliferation in the spinal cord, and all the proliferating cells (BrdU+) were microglia (Iba1+). Bupivacaine induced a complete sensory and motor blockade and also significantly inhibited p38 activation and microglial proliferation in the spinal cord. In contrast, and although it produced an efficient nociceptive block, RTX failed to inhibit p38 activation and microglial proliferation in the spinal cord. CONCLUSION: (1) Blocking peripheral input in TRPV1-positive fibers (presumably C-fibers) is not enough to prevent nerve injury-induced spinal microglial activation. (2) Peripheral input from large myelinated fibers is important for microglial activation. (3) Microglial activation is associated with mechanical allodynia.


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Les kinines sont des peptides neuro- et vaso- actifs impliqués dans les processus hémodynamiques, inflammatoires et douloureux. Leurs effets biologiques sont produits par l’entremise de deux types de récepteurs couplés aux protéines G, soit B1 (B1R) et B2 (B2R). Le B1R est inductible, son expression est augmentée à la suite d’un dommage tissulaire ou de l’exposition à des endotoxines bactériennes (lipopolysaccharide bactérien (LPS)), à des cytokines pro-inflammatoires (interleukine-1β (IL-1β), facteur de nécrose tumorale-α (TNF-α)) ou à des espèces réactives oxygénées (ROS). Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse avaient pour objectif d’élucider et/ou de raffiner les connaissances sur 1) la localisation, 2) le mécanisme d’induction et 3) le rôle physiopathologique du B1R dans des modèles expérimentaux de douleur chez le rat. Nos données ont permis de démontrer pour la première fois que le B1R est augmenté de façon significative dans la moelle épinière du rat diabétique de type 1 où il est localisé sur les fibres sensorielles de type C, les astrocytes et les cellules de la microglie (1er article). Également, l’inhibition de l’activation des cellules de la microglie supprime les neuropathies diabétiques, l’expression de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires ainsi que l’activité pro-nociceptive du B1R (2e et 3e articles). Finalement, nous avons démontré que la stimulation systémique du TRPV1 par la capsaïcine induit une surexpression du B1R au niveau microgliale, via un mécanisme impliquant l’augmentation de la production de ROS et possiblement de cytokines (4e article). Ces données nous permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans l’expression et l’activité du B1R. Aussi, elles nous permettent d’imaginer de nouvelles stratégies pour prévenir l’induction du B1R (inhibition du TRPV1) ou son activité délétère (inhibition de l’activation des cellules de la microglie) dans la douleur inflammatoire et neuropathique. 


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Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.


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Primary dysmenorrhea is pelvic pain during the menstrual cycle. The A delta and C fibers aresensitized by the increased release of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, thus causing pain. TransElectric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigatespain sensation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present six cases of women in childbearingage who were diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and received transcutaneous electricnerve stimulation. Materials and methods: A type of study, case report, was conducted with sixwomen between 15 and 25 years of age with medical diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea. Weassessed pain intensity utilizing the visual analogue pain scale and located the pain by usinga pain test map. Results: Pain intensity decreased in all treated women. Conclusion: Transcutaneouselectric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigates painsensation. We conclude that high frequency TENSis a safe noninvasive modality to achievereduction of pain in primary dysmenorrhea.


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This study aimed to investigate the in vivo and in vitro reactivity of airway smooth muscle in rats depleted of sensory neuropeptides by treatment with capsaicin at neonatal stage. Wistar rats were neonatally injected with either capsaicin (50 mg/kg, s.c., 2nd day of life) or its vehicle (10% ethanol and 10% Tween 80, in 0.9% w/v NaCl solution) and used at adult ages (60-70 days later). Analysis of the lungs showed a higher number of infiltrating neutrophils, eosinophils and mononuclear cells into the peribronchiolar regions of capsaicin-pretreated rats compared to vehicle group. This was associated with a higher contraction index of bronchiolar wall in the capsaicin group. The in vitro tracheal reactivity in response to methacholine (full muscarinic agonist) and pilocarpine (partial muscarinic agonist) was also significantly higher in capsaicin-pretreated rats compared to vehicle group. In conclusion, the neuropeptide depletion by capsaicin neonatal treatment lead to marked contraction of the rat airways at adult age, suggesting a protective role for C fibers in the lungs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chronic respiratory illnesses are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, and acute changes in respiratory function often lead to hospitalization. Air pollution is known to exacerbate asthma, but the molecular mechanisms of this are poorly understood. The current studies were aimed at clarifying the roles of nerve subtypes and purinergic receptors in respiratory reflex responses following exposure to irritants. In C57Bl/6J female mice, inspired adenosine produced sensory irritation, shown to be mediated mostly by A-delta fibers. Secondly, the response to inhaled acetic acid was discovered to be dually influenced by C and A-delta fibers, as indicated by the observed effects of capsaicin pretreatment, which selectively destroys TRPV1-expressing fibers (mostly C fibers) and pretreatment with theophylline, a nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist. The responses to both adenosine and acetic acid were enhanced in the ovalbumin-allergic airway disease model, although the particular pathway altered is still unknown.


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Inflammatory pain manifests as spontaneous pain and pain hypersensitivity. Spontaneous pain reflects direct activation of specific receptors on nociceptor terminals by inflammatory mediators. Pain hypersensitivity is the consequence of early posttranslational changes, both in the peripheral terminals of the nociceptor and in dorsal horn neurons, as well as later transcription-dependent changes in effector genes, again in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons. This inflammatory neuroplasticity is the consequence of a combination of activity-dependent changes in the neurons and specific signal molecules initiating particular signal-transduction pathways. These pathways phosphorylate membrane proteins, changing their function, and activate transcription factors, altering gene expression. Two distinct aspects of sensory neuron function are changed as a result of these processes, basal sensitivity, or the capacity of peripheral stimuli to evoke pain, and stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, the capacity of certain inputs to generate prolonged alterations in the sensitivity of the system. Posttranslational changes largely alter basal sensitivity. Transcriptional changes both potentiate the system and alter neuronal phenotype. Potentiation occurs as a result of the up-regulation in the dorsal root ganglion of centrally acting neuromodulators and simultaneously in the dorsal horn of their receptors. This means that the response to subsequent inputs is augmented, particularly those that induce stimulus-induced hypersensitivity. Alterations in phenotype includes the acquisition by A fibers of neurochemical features typical of C fibers, enabling these fibers to induce stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, something only C fiber inputs normally can do. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible provides new opportunities for therapeutic approaches to managing inflammatory pain.


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Le projet de recherche est une étude prospective consistant à déterminer la séquence de récupération des fibres sensitives de la troisième division du nerf trijumeau (V3) suite à une ostéotomie sagittale mandibulaire bilatérale (OSMB). Dix-neuf sujets ont été recrutés entre les mois de mars et septembre 2008. Tous ont eu une chirurgie orthognathique d’OSMB afin de corriger une malocclusion. La sensibilité dans le territoire cutané innervé par V3 de chacun des sujets a été évaluée en pré-opératoire de même qu’à cinq autres reprises en post-opératoire (2, 4, 20, 36 et 52 semaines). Deux méthodes d’évaluation objectives de la récupération nerveuse sensitive ont été utilisées. La première consistait à utiliser un appareil nommé Neurometer afin de déterminer l’intensité minimale de courant électrique (Current Perception Threshold [CPT]) pouvant être ressentie spécifiquement par chacun des trois types de fibres nerveuses sensitives (A-Bêta, A-Delta et C) dans le territoire cutané de V3. La deuxième méthode consistait à utiliser les monofilaments de Semmes-Weinstein afin de déterminer le seuil minimal de pression (Von Frey) pouvant être ressenti dans le même territoire cutané. De plus, lors de chacun des rendez-vous post-opératoires, il a été demandé à chaque sujet de quantifier subjectivement sa sensibilité à l’aide d’une échelle visuelle analogue. Cela a permis de corréler les valeurs de CPT, les seuils de perception de la pression et l’évaluation subjective que le patient a de sa propre sensibilité. Il a été démontré que la séquence de récupération des fibres sensitives de V3 suite à une OSMB est la suivante : les fibres A-Delta récupèrent en premier, suivies des fibres C puis des fibres A-Bêta.


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Patients with paracoccidioidomycosis often present pulmonary fibrosis and exhibit important respiratory limitations. Based on an already established animal model, the contribution of viable and non-viable P. brasiliensis propagules to the development of fibrosis was investigated. BALB/c male mice, 4-6 weeks old were inoculated intranasally either with 4x10(6 )viable conidia (Group I), or 6.5x10(6) fragmented yeast cells (Group II). Control animals received PBS. Six mice per period were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72h (initial) and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks post-challenge (late). Paraffin embedded lungs were sectioned and stained with H&E, trichromic (Masson), reticulin and Grocott´s. During the initial period PMNs influx was important in both groups and acute inflammation involving 34% to 45% of the lungs was noticed. Later on, mononuclear cells predominated. In group I, the inflammation progressed and granulomas were formed and by the 12th week they fussed and became loose. Thick collagen I fibers were observed in 66.6% and 83.3% of the animals at 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. Collagen III, thick fibers became apparent in some animals at 4weeks and by 12 weeks, 83% of them exhibited alterations in the organization and thickness of these elements. In group II mice, this pattern was different with stepwise decrease in the number of inflammatory foci and lack of granulomas. Although initially most animals in this group had minor alterations in thin collagen I fibers, they disappeared by the 4th week. Results indicate that tissue response to fragmented yeast cells was transitory while viable conidia evoked a progressive inflammatory reaction leading to granuloma formation and to excess production and/or disarrangement of collagens I and III; the latter led to fibrosis.


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The importance of lung tissue in asthma pathophysiology has been recently recognized. Although nitric oxide mediates smooth muscle tonus control in airways, its effects on lung tissue responsiveness have not been investigated previously. We hypothesized that chronic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition by N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) may modulate lung tissue mechanics and eosinophil and extracellular matrix remodeling in guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary inflammation. Animals were submitted to seven saline or ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1 similar to 5 mg/ml for 4 wk) and treated or not with L-NAME in drinking water. After the seventh inhalation (72 h), animals were anesthetized and exsanguinated, and oscillatory mechanics of lung tissue strips were performed in baseline condition and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%). Using morphometry, we assessed the density of eosinophils, neuronal NOS (nNOS)- and inducible NOS (iNOS)-positive distal lung cells, smooth muscle cells, as well as collagen and elastic fibers in lung tissue. Ovalbumin-exposed animals had an increase in baseline and maximal tissue resistance and elastance, eosinophil density, nNOS- and iNOS-positive cells, the amount of collagen and elastic fibers, and isoprostane-8-PGF(2 alpha) expression in the alveolar septa compared with controls (P < 0.05). L-NAME treatment in ovalbumin-exposed animals attenuated lung tissue mechanical responses (P < 0.01), nNOS- and iNOS-positive cells, elastic fiber content (P < 0.001), and isoprostane-8-PGF(2 alpha) in the alveolar septa (P < 0.001). However, this treatment did not affect the total number of eosinophils and collagen deposition. These data suggest that NO contributes to distal lung parenchyma constriction and to elastic fiber deposition in this model. One possibility may be related to the effects of NO activating the oxidative stress pathway.