994 resultados para Pull Factors


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The purpose of this article is to explore the factors influencing residential decisions of Finnish seniors. Analysis draws on qualitative data gathered from in-depth interviews and open-ended survey questions completed by 37 seniors living in three independent living facilities in Finland. Content analysis was used to identify key factors pushing residents out of their former living situations and pulling them into their respective independent living facility. Analysis indicates that different senior houses attract different types of residents. Nevertheless, as a group, they reported similar motivational factors relating to community, physical, and social environments and to their personal circumstances.


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Most elderly Finnish residents prefer to age in place, but some relocate because of push factors that create stress in their current homes and pull factors that attract them to a new dwelling. This survey examines the important pull factors that attract seniors to senior houses. Grocery nearby is the strongest pull factor followed by hospital or medical center and public transportation. A factor analysis reveals that attributes can be grouped into three factors: onsite services that allow the residents to maintain an active lifestyle with some luxury, everyday services and facilities that would enable aging in place, and physical activity facilities. Residents have chosen the type of senior housing that supports their lifestyle. Meanwhile, socioeconomic characteristics do not explain the differences in the types of features that attract residents.


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Aim  To identify the reasons why nurses continue migrating across international borders. Background  International nurse recruitment and migration have been increasing in the last decade and recent trends show an increase in the movement of nurses between developing and developed countries, resulting in a worldwide shortage of nurses. Methods  A manual and electronic database literature search was conducted from January 2004 to May 2010. Qualitative content analysis was completed for the final 17 articles that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Results  Motivators to nurse migration were linked to financial, professional, political, social and personal factors. Although economic factors were the most commonly reported, they were not the only reason for migration. This was especially evident among nurses migrating between developed countries. Conclusion  Nurses migrate for a wide variety of reasons as they respond to push and pull factors. Implications for nursing management  It is important for nurse managers in the source countries to advocate incentives to retain nurses. In the recipient countries the number of international nurses continues to increase implying the need for more innovative ways to mentor and orientate these nurses.


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Over the last decade, researchers and legislators have struggled to get an accurate picture of the scale and nature of the problem of human trafficking. In the absence of reliable data, some anti-prostitution activists have asserted that a causal relationship exists between legalised prostitution and human trafficking. They claim that systems of legalised or decriminalised prostitution lead to increases in trafficking into the sex industry. This paper critically analyses attempts to substantiate this claim during the development of anti-trafficking policy in Australia and the United States. These attempts are explored within the context of persistent challenges in measuring the scale and nature of human trafficking. The efforts of abolitionist campaigners to use statistical evidence and logical argumentation are analysed, with a specific focus on the characterisation of demand for sexual services and systems of legalised prostitution as ‘pullfactors fuelling an increase in sex trafficking. The extent to which policymakers sought to introduce evidence-based policy is also explored.


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This thesis explores migration and the attractiveness of urban living in the Greater Helsinki region. The aim of the thesis is to explore the attractiveness of the city of Helsinki in terms of regional migration and to identify what characterizes migration to Helsinki. The study focuses in particular on housing, which is a key factor influencing migration decisions in the region. Other central themes in the study are housing policy and regional competition among municipalities. This study focuses solely on households moving within Finnish borders excluding international migration. Migration is examined by comparing in- and out-migration in Helsinki, as well as studying migration to the city s inner and outer areas. The primary research material in the study is a questionnaire data collected by the National Consumer Research Centre. In this thesis the data is used for studying migrants aged 25 45. The main research method is analyzing the data statistically using the SPSS software. Methods include frequency analysis, cross tabulation, factor analysis and descriptive analysis. Additionally, statistical data is used to complement the questionnaire data. The research results indicate that Helsinki s in- and out-migration differs both in terms of the type of households that migrate as well as in the reasons why they migrate. Furthermore, differences can also be detected between migration to the inner and outer parts of Helsinki. According to the research results, a household s current phase of life is crucial in determining where and why they move within the Greater Helsinki region. A household s set of values on the other hand, seems to have a lesser impact on migration within the region, even though households moving to Helsinki seem to value a somewhat more urban lifestyle than the ones moving out of the city. The research also shows a direct correlation between the values of migrants and their current phase of life. Decisions of migrating are heavily influenced by wider societal issues. In the Greater Helsinki region the labor and housing market appear to have a great influence on the direction of migration streams. According to the results, households move to and from Helsinki for different reasons. The primary reasons for moving to Helsinki are related to the city s diverse labor market and to the working careers of households. Issues related to urban living and an urban lifestyle seem to be relevant although not the main reason why people move to Helsinki. The research material indicates that Helsinki s urban environment is both a pull and a push factor affecting the decisions of migrants. The city attracts those seeking urban living, but on the contrary does not appeal to households seeking more space and wishing to live closer to nature. According to the research, Helsinki with its densely built urban environment mainly attracts singles and childless couples, whereas the city region s other municipalities are more attractive for families with children. Housing policy is one of the main reasons determining where people move within the Helsinki region. As for the city of Helsinki, improving the city s attractiveness seems to be closely linked to how well the city manages to execute its future housing policies and how well alternative living preferences can be taken into account in planning.


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This article highlights how problems of recruitment and retention in front-line services create a particular challenge to traditional HRM models and solutions. Private day nurseries make an interesting example of the challenges facing managers in the service sector as the combination of a feminised workforce, a price-sensitive service, public-private competition and state regulation create particular difficulties. We report on a study of 33 day nurseries involving interviews with managers and employees over an eight-month period. Our findings show that childcare providers have to cope with recruitment and retention problems associated with high-end interactive service provision compounded by gender segregation and small business characteristics. Our analysis of employer and employee perspectives examines labour market issues affecting recruitment, and categorises the reasons for staff turnover into internal 'push' factors, external 'pull' factors, outside factors and functional turnover.


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Muitas são as teorias que sugerem uma explicação para a realização do comércio internacional, tentando justificar porque é que determinados países são mais atrativos para Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (IDE) do que outros. A revisão de literatura realizada no âmbito desta investigação permitiu perceber que, embora sejam muitas as teorias existentes, os autores são unânimes ao afirmar que a internacionalização das empresas, através de IDE, é influenciada por fatores de atração relacionados com as características específicas dos países de acolhimento (meio envolvente contextual e transacional) e por fatores impulsionadores relacionados com características específicas das empresas e do país de origem das mesmas. Apesar do número existente de estudos sobre IDE ser vasto, são poucos aqueles que analisam este tipo de investimento no setor do Turismo e inexistentes os que analisam o IDE no setor do Turismo português. A presente investigação pretende colmatar essa lacuna e tem como objetivo identificar os principais fatores de atratividade para IDE no setor do Turismo português. Para o efeito, foi construído um modelo teórico onde foram considerados como fatores de atração seis fatores relacionados com o meio envolvente de Portugal e cinco fatores relacionados com o setor do Turismo. Como fatores impulsionadores consideraram-se aspetos relativos ao país de origem das empresas estrangeiras e às características endógenas das mesmas. A metodologia utilizada para validar o modelo e respetivas hipóteses assentou, numa primeira fase, na elaboração de entrevistas exploratórias semiestruturadas à Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal e ao Turismo de Portugal. Numa segunda fase, foram aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos investidores estrangeiros a explorar empreendimentos turísticos e unidades de alojamento local em Portugal continental. Foram considerados válidos para análise 53 questionários, representando 63,9% do universo de investidores estrangeiros em Portugal (subsetor do Alojamento), responsáveis pela exploração de 20.999 camas. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito deste estudo permitem concluir que a localização geográfica de Portugal, a imagem/marca do setor do Turismo português e a oferta turística portuguesa são considerados os fatores de atração mais importantes para IDE. As afinidades culturais e históricas foram consideradas fatores de atração pelos investidores de pequena dimensão, enquanto a procura turística foi considerada atrativa pelos investidores de média/grande dimensão. Este estudo identificou claramente que os maiores entraves ao IDE são a burocracia, a carga fiscal e a atual situação económica do país. Conclui-se, ainda, que os países que mais investem no setor do Turismo português são também os principais emissores de turistas para Portugal e que investidores provenientes de diferentes mercados de origem procuram diferentes regiões em Portugal para investir. Por fim, apresentam-se as principais contribuições da investigação do ponto de vista teórico e prático, indicam-se algumas limitações e sugerem-se recomendações para investigações futuras.


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In this paper, we investigate whether being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza of capital flows. Our sample period is from 1995 until 2014. We identify these two phenomena and we evaluate which push and pull factors help predict the conditional probability of experiencing one of them. We find that most countries had significant capital inflows until 2008 and that there were more sudden stops during the recent financial crisis than in any other moment in our sample. The factors that better help forecast the conditional probability of a sudden stop are global uncertainty (represented by the push factor “Volatility Index”), and the domestic economic activity (pull factors “GDP growth” and “consumer confidence”). An indicator of country risk (pull factor “change in credit rating”) is the most significant one for predicting bonanzas. Ultimately, we find no evidence that being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza.


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Despite China's rapid growth in inbound tourism, the nature of its Canadian tourist market has been insufficiently studied. In response to this need, the objectives of this study are to identify China's destination image in Canadian students' minds, their possible internal motivations for visiting China as well as examining demographic influences on people's destination image formation. The study reviews image formation process and travel motivation categorisation, discusses their relationship, and implements Baloglu and McCleary's (1999) perceptual and affective image formation model and "push and pull factors" theory as its framework. A self-administered survey was applied to 424 undergraduate students in a Canadian university in early 2004. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted to identify perceived images and travel motivation. Summated means were calculated to illustrate the affective attitudes. A series of f-test and ANOVA tests were employed to examine the influence of demographics. An open-ended question format was adopted to analyse other images, motivations and visitation barriers that students may have. Findings demonstrate that cultural and natural attractions are the predominant image which the Canadian students have of China'; some stereotypes and negative images still influence the students' perception; travel service quality is largely unknown; increasing knowledge and seeking excitement and fun are the significant motivators in the likelihood of the Canadian students choosing to visit China; and personal interests may be a factor that significantly influences an individual's destination image and travel motivation. Raising awareness and increasing familiarity through promotion are suggested as methods to create a positive destination image of China.


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Ce mémoire a pour but de comprendre la façon dont s’articulent les mouvements migratoires et les politiques qui s’y rattachent, d’abord au plan international puis au niveau des migrations régionales vers l’Argentine. Depuis les quarante dernières années, l’Argentine présente des caractéristiques sociales et économiques qui agissent comme facteurs d’attraction pour des milliers d’immigrants latino-américains. Ces flux migratoires appelés limitrophes s’inscrivent dans un système migratoire caractérisé par la constance des mouvements migratoires régionaux. De plus, la nouvelle visibilité accordée aux immigrants limitrophes en Argentine est, par extension, une conséquence de la rigidité qu’ont acquiert les législations migratoires des pays de destinations classiques (Europe occidentale, États-Unis, Canada, Australie, etc.). Ce durcissement des cadres légaux lié aux migrations internationales a en effet déjà fait surgir de nouveaux pays de destination (Espagne, Italie, Grèce notamment), lesquels ont, face aux nouveaux flux migratoires non planifiés, élaboré les lois calquées sur celles des pays de destinations classique. Ces nouveaux pays de destination, qui étaient avant la fin des années 1970 exclusivement expulseurs d’immigrants sont progressivement devenus des pays récepteurs en bonne et due forme. Aujourd’hui, ils ont adopté l’approche restrictive préconisée à l’échelle mondiale, ce qui représente de nouveaux défis en matière de souveraineté et de cohésion sociale pour de nombreux pays dont l’Argentine. Le contexte actuel de mondialisation a engendré une crise migratoire à l’échelle mondiale dans la mesure où, les immigrants voient leurs possibilités de migrer grandement réduites par la recrudescence des politiques migratoires dites restrictives. C’est donc aujourd’hui que les migrations régionales se convertissent en de très intéressants objets d’étude puisqu’elles sont la preuve de la réduction des options de destination pour les potentiels immigrants. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons étudié les flux migratoires limitrophes vers l’Argentine, afin de comprendre les causes qui les motivent et les conséquences qu’ils entraînent au sein de la société argentine contemporaine. Notre étude nous a permis de conclure que d’une part, les migrations régionales vers l’Argentine et les politiques qui s’y rattachent sont intimement liées au contexte économique de la région, et ensuite, que l’adoption de mesures restrictives à l’égard de ces flux était mieux comprise si l’on tenait compte de la vision collective des Argentins en ce qui a trait à la composition ethnique du pays.


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The higher education environment in Australia has undergone a radical change since the 1980s with the phenomenal increase in the intake of international students, particularly from what are referred to as Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC): China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. Students from these countries view the Australian higher education system very favourably. The present increase in the proportion of full-fee paying students at Australian universities is also a result of decreasing government funding to the Australian higher education sector, which has now risen to be one of the most important elements of the Australian economy. These push-pull factors have drawn more Australian tertiary institution providers into the market place, as they seek more international student enrolments for their domestic campuses and also establish campuses overseas. Potential higher education students are becoming more discerning in their choices and are choosing learning environments that offers them both relevant and stimulating educational experiences and good qualifications, along with a range of both IT and academic support services that cater to their individual learning needs. Increasing competition, both within Australia and internationally, calls for a focus on student satisfaction in order to sustain the existence of the providers. This paper addresses the issue of what international students seek in terms of academic support and demonstrates that present levels of cost efficient services by Australian higher education providers, generally characterized by IT and language support services, are inadequate and do not meet the specific needs of the students.


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One might expect natural area visitation to offer time-conscious leisure seekers a competitive, low-cost alternative to the vast array of activities available in a major metropolitan area. However, data obtained by Parks Victoria revealed that there has been a decline in the number of regional visitors to Melbourne's metropolitan parks over the past few years. Interviews with regional visitors highlighted the importance of the role that their Melbourne-based friends and relatives were as an information resource. This article investigates the reasons for the decline in park visitation by incorporating the viewpoints of both regional visitors and residents of Melbourne. Focus groups and in-depth interviews provided useful information about pull factors of metropolitan parks and how these parks should be promoted to attract more visitors.


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The aspirations and expectations of the growing international student cohort in Australia are implicitly incorporated into recruitment and internationalization strategies but have received little academic analysis. To address this gap in the literature, this paper develops a conceptual model built upon earlier research by Tim Mazzarol and Geoffrey Soutar, which focuses on the push and pull factors relating to home country and country of destination, respectively, in relation to students’ decisions to seek international study. Focusing predominantly on Chinese and Indian students, we conceptualize, extend and place the push and pull factors within a social psychological framework in relation to students’ aspirations and expectations of international education, indicating factors that can be influenced by higher education (HE) institutions and their programmes, and those which cannot. We then interrogate the model and its applicability in Australian HE through the case study of an Indian international Study Tour conducted in our Australian HE institution in 2009. In the present context of decreased international student enrolments in Australia in 2010, where we seek to better understand our international students, the proposed model provides a basis for identifying international students’ expectations and aspirations and developing prospective international relations.