927 resultados para Public organization


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Correlations between absenteeism and work attitudes such as job satisfaction have often been found to be disappointingly weak. As prior work reveals, this might be due to ignoring interactive effects of attitudes with different attitude targets (e.g. job involvement and organizational commitment). Drawing on basic principles in personality research and insights about the situational variability of job satisfaction judgments, we proposed that similar interactions should be present also for attitudes with the same target. More specifically, it was predicted that job involvement affects absenteeism more if job satisfaction is low as this indicates a situation with weak constraints. Both attitudes were assessed in a sample of 436 employees working in a large civil service organization, and two indexes of absence data (frequency and time lost) were drawn from personnel records covering a 12-month period following the survey. Whereas simple correlations were not significant, a moderated regression documented that the hypothesized interaction was significant for both indicators of absence behaviour. As a range of controls (e.g. age, gender, job level) were accounted for, these findings lend strong support to the importance of this new, specific form of attitude interaction. Thus, we encourage researchers not only to consider interactions of attitudes with a different focus (e.g. job vs. organization) but also interactions between job involvement and job satisfaction as this will yield new insights into the complex function of attitudes in influencing absenteeism. © 2007 The British Psychological Society.


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The dissertation takes a multivariate approach to answer the question of how applicant age, after controlling for other variables, affects employment success in a public organization. In addition to applicant age, there are five other categories of variables examined: organization/applicant variables describing the relationship of the applicant to the organization; organization/position variables describing the target position as it relates to the organization; episodic variables such as applicant age relative to the ages of competing applicants; economic variables relating to the salary needs of older applicants; and cognitive variables that may affect the decision maker's evaluation of the applicant. ^ An exploratory phase of research employs archival data from approximately 500 decisions made in the past three years to hire or promote applicants for positions in one public health administration organization. A logit regression model is employed to examine the probability that the variables modify the effect of applicant age on employment success. A confirmatory phase of the dissertation is a controlled experiment in which hiring decision makers from the same public organization perform a simulated hiring decision exercise to evaluate hypothetical applicants of similar qualifications but of different ages. The responses of the decision makers to a series of bipolar adjective scales add support to the cognitive component of the theoretical model of the hiring decision. A final section contains information gathered from interviews with key informants. ^ Applicant age has tended to have a curvilinear relationship with employment success. For some positions, the mean age of the applicants most likely to succeed varies with the values of the five groups of moderating variables. The research contributes not only to the practice of public personnel administration, but is useful in examining larger public policy issues associated with an aging workforce. ^


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The aim of the study is to identify the opportunities and challenges a local government public asset manager is most likely to deal with when adopting the appropriate Public Asset Management Framework especially in developing countries. In order to achieve its aim, this study employs a Case Study in Indonesia for collecting all data i.e. interviews, document analysis and observations at South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study concludes that there are significant opportunities and challenges that local governments in developing countries, especially Indonesia, might be required to manage if apply public asset management framework appropriately. The opportunities are more effective and efficient local government, accountable and auditable local government organization, increase local government portfolio, reflect up to date information for decision makers in local government, and improve the quality of public services. On the other hand, there are also challenges. Those challenges are local governments has no clear legal and institutional framework to support the asset management application, non-profit principle of public assets, cross jurisdictions and applications in public asset management, the complexity of public organization objectives, and data availability required for managing public property. The study only covers the condition of developing countries where Indonesia as an example, which could not represent exactly the whole local governments’ condition in the world. Further study to develop an asset management system applicable for all local governments in developing countries is urgently needed. Findings from this study will provide useful input for the policy maker, scholars and asset management practitioners to develop an asset management framework for more efficient and effective local governments.


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Over the past several decades, many theories have been advanced as to why efforts to reform the public service have met with only limited success. Clearly, the role of leadership with respect to reform must be examined, since successful organizational leaders should be extremely accomplished in the promotion and protection of the values that underlie decision-making. The issue of effective leadership is particularly significant for the future of the public service of Canada. Large numbers of public servants in the executive ranks are due to retire within the next five years. Given their central role, it is vital that there be enough dedicated and committed public servants to staff future vacancies. It is also essential that future public service leaders possess the competencies and values associated with a world-class public service and, a new type of public organization. Related to this point is the importance of people-management skills. People management in the public service is an issue that has historically faced - and will continue to face - major challenges with respect to recruiting and retaining the leaders it requires for its continued success. It is imperative that the public service not only be revitalized and be seen as an employer of choice, but also that the process by which it accomplishes this goal - the practice of human resource management - be modernized. To achieve the flexibility needed to remain effective, the public service requires the kind ofleadership that supports new public service values such as innovation and which emphasizes a "people- first" approach. This thesis examines the kind of public service leadership needed to modernize the human resource management regime in the federal public service. A historical examination of public service values is presented to help determine the values that are important for public service leaders with respect to modernizing human resource management. Since replenishing the 2 ranks of public service leaders is crucial to ensure the quality of service to Canadians, leadership that supports career planning will be a major focus of this paper. In addition, this thesis demonstrates that while traditional public service values continue to endure, innovative leaders must effectively reconcile new public service values with traditional values in order to increase the possibilities for successful reform as well as achieve business objectives. Much of the thesis is devoted to explaining the crucial role of post-bureaucratic leadership to successful reform. One of the major findings of the thesis is that leaders who demonstrate a blending of new public service values and traditional values are critical to creating effective employment relationships, which are key to modernizing human resource management in the federal public service. It will be apparent that public service leaders must ensure that an appropriate accountability framework is in place before embarking on reform. However, leaders who support new public service values such as innovation and empowerment and who emphasize the importance of people are essential to successful reform.


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This paper provides an analysis of the relationships existing between citizen participation and satisfaction levels within the framework of Spanish local administrations, additionally paying attention to the links between organisational size and the said participation and satisfaction levels. The results of a survey questionnaire answered by 388 Human Resources (HR) managers from the largest Spanish Town Halls were examined for these purposes. A claim is made both to increase the degree of citizen participation in public decision-making and to ensure the delivery of efficient and effective public services that can really meet citizens’ needs in Spanish town Halls.


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The purpose of the study was to explore how a public, IT services transferor, organization, comprised of autonomous entities, can effectively develop and organize its data center cost recovery mechanisms in a fair manner. The lack of a well-defined model for charges and a cost recovery scheme could cause various problems. For example one entity may be subsidizing the costs of another entity(s). Transfer pricing is in the best interest of each autonomous entity in a CCA. While transfer pricing plays a pivotal role in the price settings of services and intangible assets, TCE focuses on the arrangement at the boundary between entities. TCE is concerned with the costs, autonomy, and cooperation issues of an organization. The theory is concern with the factors that influence intra-firm transaction costs and attempting to manifest the problems involved in the determination of the charges or prices of the transactions. This study was carried out, as a single case study, in a public organization. The organization intended to transfer the IT services of its own affiliated public entities and was in the process of establishing a municipal-joint data center. Nine semi-structured interviews, including two pilot interviews, were conducted with the experts and managers of the case company and its affiliating entities. The purpose of these interviews was to explore the charging and pricing issues of the intra-firm transactions. In order to process and summarize the findings, this study employed qualitative techniques with the multiple methods of data collection. The study, by reviewing the TCE theory and a sample of transfer pricing literature, created an IT services pricing framework as a conceptual tool for illustrating the structure of transferring costs. Antecedents and consequences of the transfer price based on TCE were developed. An explanatory fair charging model was eventually developed and suggested. The findings of the study suggested that the Chargeback system was inappropriate scheme for an organization with affiliated autonomous entities. The main contribution of the study was the application of TP methodologies in the public sphere with no tax issues consideration.


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Reporta resultados da aplicação de princípios da gestão do conhecimento na condução de um projeto de definição, modelagem e implementação de processo de desenvolvimento de software, no contexto de uma organização do setor público. O processo resultante, denominado SIGA-ME, se mostrou capaz de harmonizar práticas variadas, integrar processos técnicos de TI e formalizar papeis e responsabilidades dos participantes envolvidos. Estão relatadas neste trabalho as principais dificuldades encontradas e lições aprendidas registradas ao longo do trabalho, que adotou como estratégia o levantamento dos pontos de interesse das áreas envolvidas, a validação de práticas em projetos reais, o desenho do processo através da notação BPMN e a utilização do MediaWiki como ferramenta de comunicação, colaboração e compartilhamento de conhecimento.


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O grande impacto dos escândalos que afetam organizações das mais diversas áreas, inclusive as públicas, tem difundido um interesse generalizado em comportamentos éticos e antiéticos. A administração ideal baseia-se em um modelo de gestão, cujo processo utiliza mecanismos que assegurem sua eficiência e eficácia e, conseqüentemente, propiciem a redução de conflitos dentro da organização. A observância de um código de ética profissional favorece essa redução de conflitos, pois seu objetivo central é a formação da consciência sobre padrões de conduta. Nesse contexto, os servidores públicos devem constituir e observar determinadas regras de conduta que norteiam seu exercício profissional, pois a consciência dos princípios morais, seja no exercício do cargo ou função, ou fora dele, refletirá no exercício vocacional do poder do estado. Seus atos, comportamentos e atitudes deverão preservar a honra e a tradição do Funcionalismo Público diante da sociedade. Entretanto, a efetividade do cumprimento de um Código de Ética não se baseia nas leis administrativas e nem com estas se confunde, mas se apóia no sentimento de adesão moral e de convicção íntima de cada servidor público. Diante dos desafios encontrados na gestão de organizações públicas e de sua importância para a sociedade em geral, o objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar os fatores que influenciam a percepção dos servidores públicos civis municipais quanto ao valor do Código de Ética Profissional da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro como auxiliar na solução de dilemas éticos. A amostra foi constituída por 90 (noventa) servidores lotados na Controladoria Geral do Município (CGM). A metodologia utilizada para a análise exploratória e confirmatória dos dados, necessitou de técnicas de análise fatorial na redução de dados e regressão linear múltipla para testar as cinco hipóteses oriundas do problema de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a percepção dos servidores sobre os valores morais professados no Código de Ética e o conhecimento deles sobre o Código influenciam a percepção sobre o seu valor como auxiliar na resolução de dilemas éticos. Os resultados também sugerem que o servidor municipal percebe, em um nível baixo, o compromisso da Administração com o código.


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O balanço social se constitui num relatório de cunho financeiro e social que possibilita a evidenciação dos recursos e das influências recebidas e transmitidas pelas entidades às comunidades com as quais interage. Esse instrumento é encarado hoje em dia como de suma importância para a melhoria da imagem das organizações, tanto junto ao público externo como interno. Contudo, a gestão da responsabilidade social ainda é incipiente no setor público, o que enseja o desenvolvimento de pesquisas nessa área. Deste modo, o propósito deste trabalho foi o de estudar os aspectos inerentes ao balanço social dentro de uma organização pública, no caso a Marinha do Brasil, desenvolvendo-se um modelo próprio para ser implantado nessa instituição secular brasileira, a partir do modelo do Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas, que é o mais utilizado no país. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados partiram de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema balanço social. Posteriormente, foi realizado um estudo de caso, sendo a unidade de análise a Marinha do Brasil. Para coleta dos dados foram feitas entrevistas com dirigentes dessa Força. A abordagem do problema foi qualitativa, utilizando-se do método de análise de conteúdo para a análise dos dados. Ao final da pesquisa foram identificados os dados que podem ser coletados nos sistemas de informações hoje existentes na Força, tendo sido, inclusive, indicado onde cada um deles poderá ser buscado. O estudo se coaduna com a linha de pesquisa Controladoria em Entidades Públicas e Privadas do Programa de Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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This paper analyses the relationships between the autonomy and regulation of state agencies in Norway, Ireland and Flanders (Belgium). The empirical basis is provided by broad surveys of public sector organizations carried out in 2002-2004. Three hypotheses on these relationships are formulated and examined, indicating different patterns. The reinforcement hypothesis, stating a negative relationship does not get any support. On the other hand, the compensation hypothesis, stating a positive relationship gets some support. In general, however, the indifference hypothesis, stating low or no correlations seems to be the most adequate. The hypotheses are also linked to prevalent administrative doctrines, and the empirical findings indicate how relevant they are. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.


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Motivation: Auditing is not merely a collection of technical tasks but also a programmatic idea circulating in organizational environment, an idea which promises a certain style of control and organizational transparency (Power, 1998, p. 122) Performance appraisal within public organization aims to promote this organizational transparency and promote learning and improvement process both for employees and for the organization. However, we suggest that behind its clear intentions, there are some other goals tied to performance appraisal that could be seen as components of a discipline and surveillance systems to make the employee “knowable, calculable and administrative object” (Miller and Rose, 1990, p. 5). Objective: In Portuguese public organizations, performance appraisal follows the SIADAP (Performance Appraisal Systems for Public Administration). The objective of this study is to capture whatever employees of public organizations (appraisers and appraisee) perceived the performance appraisal system (SIADAP) as an appraisal model that promotes equity, learning and improvement or just as an instrument of control to which they feel dominated and watched over. Method: We developed an in-depth qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews with appraisers and their subordinates in the administrative department of a university institute of Medicine. The discourse of the participants was theoretically analyzed based on Foucauldian framework. Prior to qualitative data collection, we collected quantitative data, with a questionnaire, to measure the (un)satisfaction of employees with the all appraisal system. Findings: Although some key points of Foucault perspective were identified, its framework revealed some limitations to capture the all complexity of performance appraisal. Qualitative data revealed a significant tendency in discourses of appraisers and their subordinates considering SIADAP as an instrument that’s aims to introduced political rationalities and limits to the employer’s promotions within their careers. Contribution: This study brings a critical perspectives and new insights about performance appraisals in Portuguese’s public administrations. It is original contribution to management of human recourses in public administration and primary to audit of performance appraisal systems.


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En la permanente búsqueda de mejores condiciones que las organizaciones realizan con el propósito de dar respuesta a los cambios del entorno y la complejidad de la interacción con las organizaciones del mismo sector, se encuentra necesario identificar las características que les permiten a estas, sobrevivir, mantenerse en el mercado o crecer en él. En este orden de ideas, en este documento se desarrolla la caracterización de la forma como dos organizaciones importantes y líderes del sector asegurador en Colombia: Seguros Bolívar y Suramericana de Seguros, compiten, desde el punto de vista comercial, con el propósito de identificar como esto influye en cada organización. La investigación se centró en explicar a partir de los autores revisados y analizados con respecto al concepto de la competencia, en particular, la forma como se enfrenta la organización al entorno tanto interno como externo, la influencia de cada organización según su estructura, su importancia, la disponibilidad de los recursos necesarios para desarrollar sus actividades, el impacto y las implicaciones organizacionales a partir de la forma cómo se enfrenta el entorno. Para lo anterior y con base a la revisión conceptual, se realizó la recolección de datos y cifras tanto de las organizaciones como del sector al cual pertenecen, adicionalmente se realizaron entrevistas tanto estructuradas como semi estructuradas al área de ventas, debido a que es el área de las organizaciones encargada de generar estrategias de ventas, posicionar productos en el mercado, identificar el perfil del consumidor, conocer y comprender el mercado y la competencia. Lo anterior con el fin de caracterizar a las organizaciones analizadas, determinando cómo responden a la competencia y al entorno, para finalmente establecer cuáles son los comportamientos recurrentes, similares y diferentes entre ellas. Por lo tanto, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación permiten establecer si dos empresas con estructuras, tamaño y participación en el mercado similares compiten de igual forma y que implicación tiene esto en el comportamiento organizacional.


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Contenido Introducción 1. Inteligencia emocional, liderazgo transformacional y género: factores que influencian el desempeño organizacional / Ana María Galindo Londoño, Sara Urrego Mayorga; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa Méndez. 2. El rol de la mujer en el liderazgo / Andrea Patricia Cuestas Díaz; Directora: Francoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 3. Liderazgo transformacional, clima organizacional, satisfacción laboral y desempeño. Una revisión de la literatura / Juliana Restrepo Orozco, Ángela Marcela Ochoa Rodríguez; Directora: Françoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 4. “E-Leadership” una perspectiva al mundo de las compañías globalizadas / Ángela Beatriz Morales Morales, Mónica Natalia Aguilera Velandia; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 5. Liderazgo y cultura. Una revisión / Daniel Alejandro Romero Galindo; Directora: Francoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 6. La investigación sobre la naturaleza del trabajo directivo: una revisión de la literatura / Julián Felipe Rodríguez Rivera, María Isabel Álvarez Rodríguez; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 7. La mujer en la alta dirección en el contexto colombiano / Ana María Moreno, Juliana Moreno Jaramillo ; Directora: Françoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 8. Influencia de la personalidad en el discurso y liderazgo de George W. Bush después del 11 de septiembre de 2011 / Karen Eliana Mesa Torres; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 9. La investigación sobre el campo del followership: una revisión de la literatura / Christian D. Báez Millán, Leidy J. Pinzón Porras; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 10. El liderazgo desde la perspectiva del poder y la influencia. Una revisión de la literatura / Lina María García, Juan Sebastián Naranjo; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 11. El trabajo directivo para líderes y gerentes: una visión integradora de los roles organizacionales / Lina Marcela Escobar Campos, Daniel Mora Barrero; Director: Rafael Piñeros. 12. Participación emocional en la toma de decisiones / Lina Rocío Poveda C., Gloria Johanna Rueda L.; Directora: Francoise Contreras T. 13. Estrés y su relación con el liderazgo / María Camila García Sierra, Diana Paola Rocha Cárdenas; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 14. “Burnout y engagement” / María Paola Jaramillo Barrios, Natalia Rojas Mancipe; Director: Rafael Piñeros.


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A inserção do Princípio Constitucional da Eficiência no art. 37 da Constituição Federal do Brasil, por meio da Emenda Constitucional n. 19/98, representa a busca da maximização do aproveitamento dos recursos públicos na prestação apropriada de serviços públicos e da excelência da qualidade dos mesmos. Observa-se, ainda, que a aplicação deste Princípio na Administração Pública carece de instrumentos normativos que permitam o alcance da melhor efetividade possível. Este trabalho busca elencar indicadores com capacidade de mensurar o grau de eficiência de certos órgãos públicos, seja por intermédio de órgãos (organizações) fiscalizadores ou superiores, ou pelo público atendido, que se beneficia dos serviços disponibilizados. Para isso buscou-se, inicialmente, conceituar termos como princípio, eficiência e outros diretamente ligados à Administração Pública. Em seguida, são abordados os conceitos relativos a indicadores, em especial aos de eficiência. De forma mais específica, são apresentados indicadores usados por alguns órgãos públicos e, a fim de contribuir com a implementação mais efetiva destes, foram feitos acréscimos e adaptações de outros, bem como se sugere uma planilha para avaliar a gestão em seus diversos aspectos, seja por auditoria ou pela mensuração da qualidade e satisfação referentes aos serviços públicos prestados à população. Tenciona-se com este trabalho colaborar para a melhoria da gestão com foco nos resultados na Administração Pública, disponibilizando um rol de indicadores básicos que possam ser utilizados na mensuração da eficiência de um órgão público, destacando-se que é necessário atualizar e aprimorar constantemente a aplicação destes instrumentos.