933 resultados para Public experience


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The idea of public experience is often invoked in different social and academic contexts. However, it seldom deserved a reflection that specifically sought to deepen its meaning from the point of view of social life. In this article we contribute to the understanding of the uniqueness of the public form of experience. We believe that one of the best ways through which we can observe the public experience is by the objectification, performance and dramatization of the culture, i.e., the “expression of lived experiences”. There is, in publicity, the possibility of simultaneous allocation of individual and collective experiences, and it is in this sense that we can see how culture influences the shaping of experience itself. Public experience is characterized by the weaving and intertwining of singular experiences that are pluralized and plural lived experiences that are singularized, in a process where individual and society interpenetrate. The relationship between experience and publicity arises from this symbolic communion contained in the systems of thought and action of societies. The decisive role of the principle of publicity to experience consists, according with the hypothesis we wish to put forward, in making available and communicating the social world of symbolic (cultural) activity. Public experience is, then, envisaged as the experience of a common world where both singular and plural definitions of the individual (taken as society) converge through lived experiences and, particularly, through their expression, which can take different symbolic forms.


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The idea of public experience is often invoked in different social and academic contexts. However, it seldom deserved a reflection that specifically sought to deepen its meaning from the point of view of social life. In this article we contribute to the understanding of the uniqueness of the public form of experience. We believe that one of the best ways through which we can observe the public experience is by the objectification, performance and dramatization of the culture, i.e., the “expression of lived experiences”. There is, in publicity, the possibility of simultaneous allocation of individual and collective experiences, and it is in this sense that we can see how culture influences the shaping of experience itself. Public experience is characterized by the weaving and intertwining of singular experiences that are pluralized and plural lived experiences that are singularized, in a process where individual and society interpenetrate. The relationship between experience and publicity arises from this symbolic communion contained in the systems of thought and action of societies. The decisive role of the principle of publicity to experience consists, according with the hypothesis we wish to put forward, in making available and communicating the social world of symbolic (cultural) activity. Public experience is, then, envisaged as the experience of a common world where both singular and plural definitions of the individual (taken as society) converge through lived experiences and, particularly, through their expression, which can take different symbolic forms.


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A presente pesquisa visa refletir, sob a ótica do discurso, a cultura noticiosa a respeito do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), no que se refere à cobertura jornalística dos jornais Zero Hora e Folha de S.Paulo das linhas políticas sobre as questões conjunturais apresentadas pelo Movimento em seus três últimos Congressos Nacionais (1995, 2000 e 2007), para comprovar o tratamento dado pela mídia ao MST e o modo como as formações discursivas em textualizações jornalísticas são indiciárias de permanente tensão em torno da luta pela terra, o que dificulta o diálogo do Movimento com a sociedade. Este trabalho pretende ainda debater qual a intervenção do MST na construção das agendas política e pública e por que o Movimento não consegue provocar mudanças em seu enquadramento noticioso e, assim, constatar o que o processo de saturação do discurso midiático, neste caso o do jornalismo impresso, é capaz de produzir sobre a sociedade, partindo da hipótese de que a mídia, em geral, funciona como aparelho político-ideológico, que elabora e divulga concepções de mundo, cumprindo a função de contribuir com orientações para exercer influência na compreensão dos fatos sociais. A mediação dos meios de comunicação de massa, em geral, produz um deslocamento na experiência pública e, ao mesmo tempo, dá forma aos saberes possíveis que essa experiência desenvolve sobre si mesma. Sabemos que as ideologias presentes nos discursos jornalísticos podem não produzir novos saberes sobre o mundo, mas produzem um reconhecimento do mundo tal como já aprendemos a apropriá-lo. Demonstrar-se-á que, na fase atual do capitalismo sistema que demanda maior valorização da informação , a reprodução ideológica se dá diretamente pelos meios de comunicação, por intermédio de pautas e agendas. Considerando o contexto apresentado pela pesquisa, o trabalho destaca também dois fios condutores para alcançar seus objetivos: a submissão da mídia à hegemonia neoliberal e a luta do MST pela reforma agrária diante da valorização do agronegócio latifundiário.


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Este trabalho mostra a relação entre psicodrama e linguagem. A oposição posta por Moreno entre a ação e a fala não pareceu convincente. Em todo o seu trabalho, encontramos referências à ação que podem ser compreendidas sob o título mais geral de linguagem. Partimos da retrospectiva histórica do psicodrama, suas conexões com o teatro, as modificações, ligações com outras teorias. A teoria dos papéis é da maior importância. O papel é a linguagem em ação. Com o relato de uma experiência pública de trabalho psicodramático, pretendemos mostrar a possibilidade de lidar com vários referenciais teóricos já que podem ser vinculados pelas diferentes funções da linguagem. Na própria prática do psicodrama estamos lidando mesmo é com linguagem, e a relação entre o significado e sua expressão.


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This article focuses on the public experience of science by studying the exhibition practice of a small popular anatomy museum. The owner, Gustav Zeiller, a little-known German model maker and entrepreneur, opened his private collection in Dresden in 1888 with the aim of providing experts and laymen alike with a scientific education on bodily matters and health care. The spatial configuration of his museum environment turned the wax models into didactic instruments. Relying on the possible connexion between material culture studies and history of the emotions, this article highlights how Zeiller choreographed the encounter between the museum objects and its visitors. I argue that the spatial set up of his museum objects entailed rhetorical choices that did not simply address the social utility of his museum. Moreover, it fulfilled the aim of modifying the emotional disposition of his intended spectatorship. I hope to show that studying the emotional responses toward artefacts can offer a fruitful approach to examine the public experience of medicine.


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This chapter considers how open content licences of copyright-protected materials – specifically, Creative Commons (CC) licences - can be used by governments as a simple and effective mechanism to enable reuse of their PSI, particularly where materials are made available in digital form online or distributed on disk.


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Public transportation is an environment with great potential for applying location-based services through mobile devices. This paper provides the underpinning rationale for research that will be looking at how the real-time passenger information system deployed by the Translink Transit Authority across all of South East Queensland in Australia can provide a core platform to improve commuters’ user experiences. This system relies on mobile computing and GPS technology to provide accurate information on transport vehicle locations. The proposal builds on this platform to inform the design and development of innovative social media, mobile computing and geospatial information applications. The core aim is to digitally augment the public transport environment to enhance the user experience of commuters for a more enjoyable journey.


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This paper introduces our research on influencing the experience of people in urban public places through mobile mediated interactions. Information and communication technology (ICT) devices are sometimes used to create personal space while in public. ICT devices could also be utilised to digitally augment the urban space with non-privacy sensitive data enabling mobile mediated interactions in an anonymous way between collocated strangers. We present what motivates the research on digital augmentations and mobile mediated interactions between unknown urban dwellers, define the research problem that drives this study and why it is significant research in the field of pervasive social networking. The paper illustrates three design interventions enabling social pervasive content sharing and employing pervasive presence, awareness and anonymous social user interaction in urban public places. The paper concludes with an outlook and summarises the research effort.


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Public transportation is an environment with great potential for applying innovative ubiquitous computing services to enhance user experiences. This paper provides the underpinning rationale for research that will be looking at how real-time passenger information system deployed by transit authorities can provide a core platform to improve commuters’ user experiences during all stages of their journey. The proposal builds on this platform to inform the design and development of innovative social media, mobile computing and geospatial information applications, with the hope to create fun and meaningful experiences for passengers during their everyday travel. Furthermore, we present the findings of our pilot study that aims to offer a better understanding of passengers’ activities and social interactions during their daily commute.


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Background: Pregnant women find themselves subject to comments and questions from people in public areas. Normally, becoming ‘public property’ is considered friendly and is relatively easy for pregnant women to deal with. However, following diagnosis of a fetal anomaly, the experience of being public property can exacerbate the emotional turmoil experienced by couples. Original research question: What is the experience of couples who continue pregnancy following the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly? Method: The study used an interpretive design informed by Merleau-Ponty and this paper reports on a subset of findings. Thirty-one interviews with pregnant women and their partners were undertaken following the diagnosis of a serious or lethal fetal anomaly. Women were between 25 and 38 weeks gestation at the time of their first interview. The non-directive interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and the transcripts were thematically analysed. Findings: A prominent theme that emerged during data analysis was that pregnancy is embodied therefore physically evident and ‘public’. Women found it difficult to deal with being public property when the fetus had a serious or lethal anomaly. Some women avoided social situations; others did not disclose the fetal condition but gave minimal or avoidant answers to minimise distress to themselves and others. The male participants were not visibly pregnant and they could continue life in public without being subject to the public’s gaze, but they were very aware and concerned about its impact on their partner. Conclusion: The public tend to assume that pregnancy is normal and will produce a healthy baby. This becomes problematic for women who have a fetus with an anomaly. Women use strategies to help them cope with becoming public property during pregnancy. Midwives can play an important role in reducing the negative consequences of a woman becoming public property following the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly.


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Despite the rapidly urbanising population, public transport usage in metropolitan areas is not growing at a level that corresponds to the trend. Many people are reluctant to travel using public transport, as it is commonly associated with unpleasant experiences such as limited services, long wait time, and crowded spaces. This study aims to explore the use of mobile spatial interactions and services, and investigate their potential to increase the enjoyment of our everyday commuting experience. The main goal is to develop and evaluate mobile-mediated design interventions to foster interactions for and among passengers, as well as between passengers and public transport infrastructures, with the aim to positively influence the experience of commuting. Ultimately, this study hopes to generate findings and knowledge towards creating a more enjoyable public transport experience, as well as to explore innovative uses of mobile technologies and context-aware services for the urban lifestyle.


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This study presents research findings to informthe design and development of innovativemobile services aiming to enable collocated people to interact with each other in public urban places. The main goal of this research is to provide applications and deliver guidelines to positively influence the user experience of different public urban places during everyday urban life. This study describes the design and evaluation of mobile content and services enabling mobile mediated interactions in an anonymous way. The research described in this thesis is threefold. First, this study investigates how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be utilised in particular urban public places to influence the experience of urban dwellers during everyday life. The research into urban residents and public places guides the design of three different technologies that form case studies to investigate and discover possibilities to digitally augment the public urban space and make the invisible data of our interactions in the urban environment visible. • Capital Music enables urban dwellers to listen to their music on their mobile devices as usual but also visualises the artworks of songs currently being played and listened to by other users in ones’ vicinity. • PlaceTagz uses QR codes printed on stickers that link to a digital message board enabling collocated users to interact with each other over time resulting in a place-based digital memory. • Sapporo World Window, Brisbane Hot Spots, and YourScreen are interactive content applications allowing people to share data with their mobile phones on public urban screens. The applications employ mobile phones to mediate interactions in form of location and video sharing. Second, this study sets out to explore the quality and nature of the experiences created through the developed and deployed case study applications. The development of a user experience framework for evaluating mobile mediated interactions in urban public places is described and applied within each case. Third, drawing on research from urban sociology, psychology, urban design, and the findings from this study, this thesis discusses how such interactions can have an impact on the urban experience.


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Research on the sensual experience of place is not a mainstream topic in the architectural debate; it is more common in other disciplines like landscape architecture or interior design. The curriculum sometime offers opportunities of cross-pollination between disciplines; students in architecture courses might be exposed to different theories of space more typical to other fields. This paper explore the teaching/research nexus within QUT Master of Architecture research stream; the focus of the discussion is students’ experimentation with people’s experience and navigation of the public space. Theories of placemaking in relation to urban design are first introduced; then the teaching/research nexus is discussed; finally students’ experience in approaching phenomenological research within the Master of Architecture are presented.