941 resultados para Public control
Pages 87-92.
This article is the result of a narrative literature review. The objective is to show the development of an overview on the ideological debate on the design of state health policies. We argue that the role of the state in the development of health policy, even under the pressure of the global market, may create alternatives to promote and drive economic and social development, meaning they are not subject to economic constraints imposed by the liberal ideal of market. Here is a part of a theoretical discussion about the construction and presence of the State in Latin America, particularly in Brazil. We take the approaches of the Marxist tradition and liberal to the issue as reference. This discussion allows us to understand the historical role of the state in the maintenance of social policies, specifically health, is an alternative to public control eases the intense capital mobility promoted by economic globalization. In this sense, the theme makes the Brazilian health an important issue of social sciences, why is the historicity of the construction of the Brazilian health system, as a public policy that can mirror the actual reconstruction of the institutional framework of the Brazilian state with the establishment instances of negotiation between the various spheres of power that strengthen the state in this process of democratization of Brazilian society.
El tema del control del aparato a través del cual actúa el Estado, también llamado administración estatal, adquiere gran relevancia debido a la evolución del concepto del control, que ya no se restringe a la simple detección de errores y corrección de desviaciones del pasado, sino que aparece como un valioso auxiliar de la toma de decisiones capaz de reorientar acciones y metas hacia lo que es mejor para las organizaciones y sus integrantes. En tal sentido, verificar la exactitud con que se cumplen las decisiones de gobierno, evitar desviaciones, redefinir metas a alcanzar y cursos de acción a transitar, hacen del control una función importante que es necesario estudiar, comprender, explicitar. El trabajo indaga en los sistemas y modalidades del control público en la Nación, precisando las características de la administración estatal y de los órganos encargados de su control.
The purpose of this paper is to provide new evidence on the issue of the effect on public enterprises economic performance of the introduction of some given changes in organisational status and management practices, while keeping the enterprises under public control. Our approach is case study type and relies on comparative efficiency literature. We identify relevant changes on the organisational status of a State owned large hotel group along a period of twenty years, next we measure its annual efficiency indicators, and then evaluate to which extent the observed changes in economic performance can be attributable to the corresponding management reforms carried out. As a result we find that the formally more relevant change in organisational status (the enterprise passing to be a Limited Company), which implied a substantial increase in the enterprise autonomy, did not produce a significant improvement in its economic performance; a finding contrary to what we expected according to agency theory. However, a second relevant organisational change –five years later- when both the principal (government) and the agent (firm’s CEO) changed is consistently related to a significant improvement in economic performance. As a research implication we abide for use more precise agency theory statements; and as a practical implication we argue here that potentialities of improvement brought about by a formal-legal change in the status of the enterprise may require also –in order to actually improve firm’s efficiency- some changes in the firm’s key personal positions: supervisor (principal) and CEO (agent), in the sense that a change to a greater-autonomy for the enterprise it seems should come together a parallel new ‘management culture’. Practical implications Management good practises to apply to other public enterprise’s restructuring in order to improve their efficiency. It’s the first study on organizational changes and efficiency for an important Spanish public enterprise.
L’installation architecturale, l’objet de recherche central de cette thèse, est un type d’intervention architecturale qui échappe autant au discours professionnel qu’à celui des chercheurs en architecture lorsqu’il s’agit de définir les limites de la profession et celles de la discipline. Prenant ses distances avec le déterminisme fonctionnaliste qui domine la pensée et la pratique courantes de l’architecture, la recherche a pour but de montrer que l’installation architecturale s’inscrit dans une tradition classique bien ancrée dans la pratique et dans la théorie de l’architecture et que son rôle dans la pensée sur le projet architectural et urbain de la ville contemporaine a occupé et occupe encore une place importante. C’est pour ces raisons que la recherche se présente essentiellement comme une exploration guidée avant tout par le souci de contribuer à la reconnaissance de cette pratique particulière de l’architecture. Avant de poser l’hypothèse de recherche, nous avons présumé que l’installation architecturale agit comme une construction active dans l’espace public, qu’elle comble certains manques quant à la définition des enjeux urbains de la ville contemporaine, particulièrement dans un contexte où les libertés de choix, de mouvances et d’opportunités sont largement accompagnés par des stratégies d’organisation, de contrôle public et de constructions technologiques, d’efficacité énergétique et fonctionnelle. La recherche a également supposé que cette valeur d’agitation sociale et culturelle est liée à certaines caractéristiques inhérentes à l’architecture, à la ville et à l’individu et qu’elle représente, par le fait même, un objet de recherche important tout en offrant une porte d’entrée dans les questions plus larges qui traversent la discipline. Parmi celles-ci sont particulièrement étudiés des pratiques et des discours qui échappent aux définitions usuelles et qui offrent un regard critique quant aux limites de la discipline, des pratiques qui mettent en lumière des idées telles que l’instable et l’événement, des notions d’intervention et d’éthique, d’action et d’exploration. Cette thèse cherche ainsi à éclairer la contribution potentielle de l’installation architecturale dans les problématiques urbaines et architecturales et de montrer comment l’expérience de la ville à travers le dispositif architectural peut transformer nos manières d’aborder l’espace construit.
Globalization is widely regarded as the rise of the borderless world. However in practice, true globalization points rather to a “spatial logic” by which globalization is manifested locally in the shape of insular space. Globalization in this sense is not merely about the creation of physical fragmentation of space but also the creation of social disintegration. This study tries to proof that global processes also create various forms of insular space leading also to specific social implications. In order to examine the problem this study looks at two cases: China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Jakarta in Indonesia. The PRD case reveals three forms of insular space namely the modular, concealed and the hierarchical. The modular points to the form of enclosed factories where workers are vulnerable for human-right violations due to the absent of public control. The concealed refers to the production of insular space by subtle discrimination against certain social groups in urban space. And the hierarchical points to a production of insular space that is formed by an imbalanced population flow. The Jakarta case attempts to show more types of insularity in relation to the complexity of a mega-city which is shaped by a culture of exclusion. Those are dormant and hollow insularity. The dormant refers to the genesis of insular– radical – community from a culture of resistance. The last type, the hollow, points to the process of making a “pseudo community” where sense of community is not really developed as well as weak social relationship with its surrounding. Although global process creates various expressions of territorial insularization, however, this study finds that the “line of flight” is always present, where the border of insularity is crossed. The PRD’s produces vernacular modernization done by peasants which is less likely to be controlled by the politics of insularization. In Jakarta, the culture of insularization causes urban informalities that have no space, neither spatially nor socially; hence their state of ephemerality continues as a tactic of place-making. This study argues that these crossings possess the potential for reconciling venue to defuse the power of insularity.
Based on a combined internet and mail survey in Germany the independence of indica-tors of trust in public authorities from indicators of attitudes toward genetically modified food is tested. Despite evidence of a link between trust indicators on the one hand and evaluation of benefits and perceived likelihoods of risks, correlation with other factors is found to be moderate on average. But the trust indicators exhibit only a moderate relation with the re-spondents’ preference for either sole public control or a cooperation of public and private bodies in the monitoring of GM food distribution. Instead, age and location in either the New or the Old Lander are found to be significantly related with such preferences.
The scene prevalecente, in this work was to analyze the capacity of BANRISUL - Bank of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, as bank of public control, was assumen of the continued increase of the profitability of the Brazilian banking sector, remaining itself as a brought up to date financial institution tecnologicamente and managemental structuralized by mechanisms of brought up to date taking of decision and permanently revised in compatibility with the increasing instabilidades imposed for the incited competition of the banking sector in adequacy with the macroeconomic volatillidades. On the basis of the extremely positive performance in the analyzed period enters 1997 the 2007, the commercial strategy remains focada in the constant improvement of the rendering of services and in the growth of the credit average small the physical people and the e companies. The abrangência of the attendance points and the ample base of customers are aggregate advantages to an exclusive differential: the Banricompras, the biggest card of proper mark of Latin America. Stronger and income-producing, with an adequate and transparent management, the BANRISUL follows in propósito de to gain position of prominence in the national economic-financial scene.
Dentro do atual contexto de crescente urbanização e novas oportunidades econômicas, a relação entre economia local e governo emerge como uma área estratégica para a promoção do desenvolvimento. No presente contexto de consolidação democrática e reforma do Estado, a responsabilização está associada à capacidade dos cidadãos em atuar na definição de metas coletivas e na criação de mecanismos institucionais que garantam o controle público da ação governamental e seus líderes, incrementando a governabilidade e, se não a eficiência, a eficácia de políticas públicas e seus processos de gestão. Esse trabalho pretende contribuir para o entendimento do papel dos órgãos de financiamento multilaterais em projetos de DEL, nomeadamente, para compreensão e a avaliação desses programas quanto ao resgate e aperfeiçoamento de bases de legitimidade social em ações de governo vinculadas à processos de desenvolvimento e promoção democrática. De modo específico, esse trabalho ambiciona compreender a concepção de grupos de interesse e sociedade civil presentes nos contratos fomentados pelo banco, assim como, a relevância conferida à esses agentes pelos técnicos do banco por ocasião da formulação desses contratos. Ao investigar esses pontos a pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o debate acerca dos dilemas e desafios para a implementação de programas de desenvolvimento urbano promovidos por governos locais em conjunto com organismos multilaterais.
Trabalho elaborado de acordo com o termo de referência acordado entre FGV e Secretaria de Gestão Pública, cujo objetivo é analisar e propor melhorias ao relatório semestral das Ouvidorias Públicas do Estado de São Paulo. O relatório semestral é uma compilação das informações de todas as ouvidorias de todos os órgãos públicos estaduais, contempla as reclamações e manifestações recebidas por cada um dos órgãos e é elaborado pela Secretaria de Gestão Pública (SGP). O trabalho contempla a análise do relatório e dos processos relacionados à sua elaboração. Procurou-se entender: o papel institucional das Ouvidorias Públicas como representantes do cidadão, apesar da falta de independência frente aos Poder Executivo; os tipos de análise feitos no relatório semestral, que contemplam apresentações e comparações quantitativas que não consideram as realidades de órgãos e períodos distintos; o fluxo da informação, desde a manifestação do cidadão até a confecção do relatório, com diferentes e pouco integrados canais de entrada, sistema de TI subutilizado, e alta incidência de cidadãos que utilizam a ouvidoria como fonte de informação; os ouvidores, coordenados informalmente pela SGP e com percepções diferentes de sua função. A partir da análise, foram feitas sugestões para a Secretaria de Gestão Pública melhorar relatório semestral das ouvidorias, envolvendo uma melhor forma da apresentação das informações, a padronização de formas de contato, o incentivo à participação, a orientação por meio dos sites institucionais do Governo do Estado, a melhoria dos sistemas de TI, de coordenação e de governança.
During the last few years, the evolution of fieldbus and computers networks allowed the integration of different communication systems involving both production single cells and production cells, as well as other systems for business intelligence, supervision and control. Several well-adopted communication technologies exist today for public and non-public networks. Since most of the industrial applications are time-critical, the requirements of communication systems for remote control differ from common applications for computer networks accessing the Internet, such as Web, e-mail and file transfer. The solution proposed and outlined in this work is called CyberOPC. It includes the study and the implementation of a new open communication system for remote control of industrial CNC machines, making the transmission delay for time-critical control data shorter than other OPC-based solutions, and fulfilling cyber security requirements.
In recent years, the strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has placed increased emphasis on the role of health education, public information, and communication. This should, not only bring about specific changes in behavior aiming at disease prevention, but also stimulate participation of the community in health programs. Beyond this, it is desirable that both community members and researchers should seek better life conditions through a transformative social action. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by critically reviewing some health education programs that were developed in Brazil, and, secondly, by analyzing and suggesting ways to improve this area.