928 resultados para Public Governance
In this paper we diverge from the existing empirical literature on FDI determinants in two ways. First, we decompose the sources of the foreign direct investment (FDI) gap between Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and other developing regions. Once market size has been accounted for, we nd that SSA's FDI de cit is mostly explained by insufficient provision of public goods: low human capital accumulation, especially health, in SSA explains 100-140% of the inter-regional FDI gaps. Second, we estimate the indirect effect of infectious diseases on FDI through their direct impact on health. We find that a 1% point rise in HIV prevalence in the adult population is associated with a decrease in net FDI inflows of 3.5%, while a country in which 100% of the population is at risk of contracting deadly malaria receives about 16% less FDI than a similar country located in a malaria-free region.
This paper investigates whether the higher prevalence of South multinational enterprises (MNEs) in risky developing countries may be explained by the experience that they have acquired of poor institutional quality at home. We confirm the intuition provided by our analytical model by empirically showing that the positive impact of good public governance on foreign direct investment (FDI) in a given host country is moderated significantly, and even in some cases eliminated, when MNEs have been faced with poor institutional quality at home.
SUMMARY This paper analyses the outcomes of the EEA and bilateral agreements vote at the level of the 3025 communities of the Swiss Confederation by simultaneously modelling the vote and the participation decisions. Regressions include economic and political factors. The economic variables are the aggregated shares of people employed in the losing, Winning and neutral sectors, according to BRUNETTI, JAGGI and WEDER (1998) classification, Which follows a Ricardo-Viner logic, and the average education levels, which follows a Heckscher-Ohlin approach. The political factors are those used in the recent literature. The results are extremely precise and consistent. Most of the variables have the predicted sign and are significant at the l % level. More than 80 % of the communities' vote variance is explained by the model, substantially reducing the residuals when compared to former studies. The political variables do have the expected signs and are significant as Well. Our results underline the importance of the interaction between electoral choice and participation decisions as well as the importance of simultaneously dealing with those issues. Eventually they reveal the electorate's high level of information and rationality. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Unser Beitrag analysiert in einem Model, welches gleichzeitig die Stimm- ("ja" oder "nein") und Partizipationsentscheidung einbezieht, den Ausgang der Abstimmungen über den Beitritt zum EWR und über die bilateralen Verträge für die 3025 Gemeinden der Schweiz. Die Regressionsgleichungen beinhalten ökonomische und politische Variabeln. Die ökonomischen Variabeln beinhalten die Anteile an sektoriellen Arbeitsplatzen, die, wie in BRUNETTI, JAGGIl.1I1d WEDER (1998), in Gewinner, Verlierer und Neutrale aufgeteilt Wurden, gemäß dem Model von Ricardo-Viner, und das durchschnittliche Ausbildungsniveau, gemäß dem Model von Heckscher-Ohlin. Die politischen Variabeln sind die in der gegenwärtigen Literatur üblichen. Unsere Resultate sind bemerkenswert präzise und kohärent. Die meisten Variabeln haben das von der Theorie vorausgesagte Vorzeichen und sind hoch signifikant (l%). Mehr als 80% der Varianz der Stimmabgabe in den Gemeinden wird durch das Modell erklärt, was, im Vergleich mit früheren Arbeiten, die unerklärten Residuen Wesentlich verkleinert. Die politischen Variabeln haben auch die erwarteten Vorzeichen und sind signifikant. Unsere Resultate unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Interaktion zwischen der Stimm- und der Partizipationsentscheidung, und die Bedeutung diese gleichzeitig zu behandeln. Letztendlich, belegen sie den hohen lnformationsgrad und die hohe Rationalität der Stimmbürger. RESUME Le présent article analyse les résultats des votations sur l'EEE et sur les accords bilatéraux au niveau des 3025 communes de la Confédération en modélisant simultanément les décisions de vote ("oui" ou "non") et de participation. Les régressions incluent des déterminants économiques et politiques. Les déterminants économiques sont les parts d'emploi sectoriels agrégées en perdants, gagnants et neutres selon la classification de BRUNETTI, JAGGI ET WEDER (1998), suivant la logique du modèle Ricardo-Viner, et les niveaux de diplômes moyens, suivant celle du modèle Heckscher-Ohlin. Les déterminants politiques suivent de près ceux utilisés dans la littérature récente. Les résultats sont remarquablement précis et cohérents. La plupart des variables ont les signes prédits par les modèles et sont significatives a 1%. Plus de 80% de la variance du vote par commune sont expliqués par le modèle, faisant substantiellement reculer la part résiduelle par rapport aux travaux précédents. Les variables politiques ont aussi les signes attendus et sont aussi significatives. Nos résultats soulignent l'importance de l'interaction entre choix électoraux et décisions de participation et l'importance de les traiter simultanément. Enfin, ils mettent en lumière les niveaux élevés d'information et de rationalité de l'électorat.
The process of global deforestation calls for urgent attention, particularly in South America where deforestation rates have failed to decline over the past 20 years. The main direct cause of deforestation is land conversion to agriculture. We combine data from the FAO and the World Bank for six tropical Southern American countries over the period 1970–2006, estimate a panel data model accounting for various determinants of agricultural land expansion and derive elasticities to quantify the effect of the different independent variables. We investigate whether agricultural intensification, in conjunction with governance factors, has been promoting agricultural expansion, leading to a ‘‘Jevons paradox’’. The paradox occurs if an increase in the productivity of one factor (here agricultural land) leads to its increased, rather than decreased, utilization. We find that for high values of our governance indicators a Jevons paradox exists even for moderate levels of agricultural productivity, leading to an overall expansion of agricultural area. Agricultural expansion is also positively related to the level of service on external debt and population growth, while its association with agricultural exports is only moderate. Finally, we find no evidence of an environmental Kuznets curve, as agricultural area is ultimately positively correlated to per-capita income levels.
Die aktuellen Entwicklungen der öffentlichen Aufgabenerfüllung und deren Finanzierung in zahlreichen Ländern werfen die Frage nach einer nachhalti-gen Staats- und Verwaltungsführung auf. Welche Aufgaben soll der Staat selbst erfüllen – und welche im staatlichen Verbund oder partnerschaftlich zusammen mit Privaten? Wie ist die Finanzierung unter Wahrung des Haus-haltgleichgewichts sicherzustellen? Nach welchen Modellen organisiert und führt der Staat seine Verwaltung? Und wie wird die Wirksamkeit und Effizi-enz der Aufgabenerfüllung im demokratischen Rechtsstaat überprüft? Die vorliegende Jubiläumsschrift zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des Kompetenz-zentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern vermittelt eine Über-sicht über das Schaffen des KPM, über dessen Umfeld sowie über aktuelle Forschungsprojekte und neue Forschungsfelder. Die Jubiläumsschrift ver-bindet Wissenschaft und Praxis der Public Governance aus einer nationalen und internationalen Perspektive. Und sie thematisiert den Mehrwert der verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Public Governance im Berufsalltag.
Waehrend zu Public Governance eine breite wissenschaftliche Debatte existiert und die Analyse staatlicher Aufgabeerfuellung davon profitiert, so steht die praxisnahe Umsetzung weniger im Zentrum der wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen. Open Government hingegen entwickelt sich als relevante Praktikerbewegung ohne in die wissenschaftliche Diskussion eingeflossen zu sein. Dieser Artikel verbindet die beiden bislang unabhaengig voneinander existierenden Ansaetze und zeigt den Mehrwert von Open Government zur Umsetzung von Public Governance auf.
This dissertation aims to contribute to the discourse on the governance of smart cities (SC) by examining the collaborative relationships between various actors involved in developing and implementing SC initiatives. Poorly organized collaboration can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, resulting in failures in realizing such complex technological initiatives. Hence, capturing the main elements of SC collaboration becomes essential for understanding how they should be developed and managed. However, the topic has been limitedly explored in prior research, with fragmented studies on narrow aspects related to the SC governance. Using Russia as an empirical setting, the study focuses on the interplay of both government and non-governmental stakeholders in constructing collaborative relationships within SC, covering both vertical and horizontal dimensions of their interaction. The overarching goal of this research is to understand how collaborative governance unfolds in the SC context by stating two guiding research questions: 1) who are the dominant actors in SC and what are their roles? 2) what are the relationships forged among them? The dissertation investigates the SC initiatives across three different cities – Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Perm – in a format of empirical illustration as well as an in-depth case study. The dissertation provides three main contributions. First, it strengthens the link between the SC domain, public governance, and literature on cross-sectoral collaboration by highlighting ‘urban smartness’ as a source for generating multiple values. Second, the thesis offers novel view on the strategic development paths which conceptually shape the SC framework. It connects the techno-centric and human-centric perspectives of SC by showing that they are naturally linked, rather than mutually exclusive. Third, the study illustrates that SC initiatives are contextually dependent, and this dependence covers specificities of public governance, including underlying informal mechanisms, which influence the inception, development, and management of SC in the organizational realms.
A teoria institucional constituiu o enquadramento no qual foi suportada a pergunta geral desta investigação: como e porquê a Normalização da Contabilidade de Gestão (NCG) nos hospitais públicos portugueses surgiu e evoluiu? O objetivo geral foi compreender de forma profunda o surgimento e a mudança nas regras de NCG dos hospitais públicos portugueses no período histórico 1954-2011. Face ao enquadramento institucional que justificou uma investigação interpretativa, foi usado como método de investigação um estudo de caso explanatório. A evidência sobre o caso da NCG nos hospitais públicos portugueses foi recolhida em documentos e através de 58 entrevistas realizadas em 47 unidades de análise (nos serviços centrais de contabilidade do Ministério da Saúde e em 46 hospitais públicos, num total de 53 existentes). Quanto aos principais resultados obtidos, no período 1954-1974, as regras criadas pelo poder político para controlo dos gastos públicos e a contabilidade orçamental de base de caixa estiveram na génese dos primeiros conceitos de Contabilidade de Gestão (CG) para os serviços públicos de saúde portugueses. A transição de um regime ditatorial para um regime democrático (25 de Abril de 1974), a criação do Plano Oficial de Contabilidade (POC/77) e a implementação de um estado social com Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) criaram a conjuntura crítica necessária para o surgimento de um Plano Oficial de Contabilidade para os Serviços de Saúde (POCSS/80) que incluiu regras de CG. A primeira edição do Plano de Contabilidade Analítica dos Hospitais (PCAH), aprovada em 1996, não foi uma construção de raiz, mas antes uma adaptação para os hospitais das regras de CG incluídas no POCSS/91 que havia revisto o POCSS/80. Após o início da implementação do PCAH, em 1998, ocorreram sequências de autorreforço institucionalizadoras destas normas, no período 1998-2011, por influência de pressões isomórficas coercivas que delinearam um processo de evolução incremental cujo resultado foi uma reprodução por adaptação, num contexto de dependência de recursos. Vários agentes internos e externos pressionaram, no período 2003-2011, através de sequências reativas para a desinstitucionalização do PCAH em resposta ao persistente fenómeno de loose coupling. Mas o PCAH só foi descontinuado nos hospitais com privatização da governação e rejeição dos anteriores sistemas de informação. Ao nível da extensão da teoria, este estudo de caso adotou o institucionalismo histórico na investigação em CG, quanto se sabe pela primeira vez, que se mostra útil na interpretação dos processos e dos resultados da criação e evolução de instituições de CG num determinado contexto histórico. Na condição de dependência de recursos, as sequências de autorreforço, via isomorfismo coercivo, tendem para uma institucionalização com fenómeno de loose coupling. Como resposta a este fenómeno, ocorrem sequências reativas no sentido da desinstitucionalização. Perante as pressões (políticas, funcionais, sociais e tecnológicas) desinstitucionalizadoras, o fator governação privada acelera o processo de desinstitucionalização, enquanto o fator governação pública impede ou abranda esse processo.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Políticas Públicas
English summary: From executive power to public governance (s.1276-1277)