20 resultados para Ptychomitrium gardneri
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tillandsia gardneri is a bromeliad with ornamental value and a wide geographical distribution over Brazil. However, due to habitat loss and illegal overcollection in the wild it is included as a vulnerable species in the official list of endangered plants of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The development of a protocol for T. gardneri seed propagation in vitro may be useful for reintroducing plants in their natural habitats, and for germplasm conservation. A difficult problem encountered during the establishment of an in vitro culture is explants disinfection, especially when working with endangered species, from which explant availability is restricted. Thus, the establishment of a sterilization protocol is crucial for the initiation and success of a micropropagation system for T. gardneri. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sodium hypochlorite concentration and exposure time in seed and seedling surface disinfection, tissue sensitivity and development. Sodium hypochlorite solutions (10 or 20%/5, 10 or 15 min; 25%/5 or 10 min; and 50%/5 min) were effective in eliminating seed superficial contaminants. There was no significant difference among the effective sterilization treatments in relation to seed germination (%), and seedling length and number of leaves, after 120 days in vitro. Also, no damage to seed and seedling tissues were observed. Surface sterilization of seedlings, for initiation of an in vitro culture, required higher concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (25%/15 min; 20 or 50%/5, 10 or 15 min; and 40%/5 and 10 min) for controlling fungal and yeast contamination, compared to seed sterilization. No significant differences among these treatments were found in relation to seedling length and number of leaves, after 60 days in vitro.
Tillandsia gardneri Lindi, is a herbaceous perennial with ornamental value. However, in Brazil there is no report about this species' cultivation on a commercial scale. The low multiplication rate of T. gardneri (in average one offshoot/plant/year) leads to illegal over-collection in the wild to meet commercial demands. The development of protocols for in vitro propagation of T. gardneri may be useful for increasing multiplication rate, producing enough plants to supply the ornamental market and also to reduce the pressure over plants collection in the wild. The present study evaluated the effect of growth regulators (6-benzylaminopurine-BA alone or in combinations with naphthaleneacetic acid-NAA) on shoots development from seedlings pre-established in vitro, from seed germination on 1/4 MS medium without growth regulators. Seedlings (with about 1.0 cm long) were re-cultured to solid 1/2 MS media supplemented with growth regulators. After 30 days on the induction medium seedlings were re-cultured to MS basal medium. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with four replications and ten treatments: control (free of growth regulators), BA (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L), BA (0.5 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (1.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (1.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.5 mg/L), BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.5 mg/L), and BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (1.0 mg/L). The outgrowth of shoots did not occur on medium devoid of growth regulators (control). Regression analysis for some evaluated parameters, such as percentage of seedlings responsive to shoot formation and number of shoots/seedling, and regulators concentrations (BA or ANA) were significant, allowing the establishment of the growth regulators concentration for obtaining the best multiplication rate. Some seedlings maintained in media with ANA (0.5 or 1.0 mg/L) were completely converted into callus masses that turned dark brown leading to seedlings death.
The three poikilophydric and homoiochlorophyllous moss species Campylopus savannarum (C. Muell.) Mitt., Racocarpus fontinaloides (C. Muell.) Par. and Ptychomitrium vaginatum Besch. grow on sun-exposed rocks of a tropical inselberg in Brazil subject to regular drying and wetting cycles. Effective photo-oxidative protection in the light-adapted desiccated state in all three species is achieved by a reduction of ground chlorophyll fluorescence, F, to almost zero. Upon rewatering, the kinetics of the recovery of F in air dry cushions to higher values is very fast in the first 5min, but more than 80min are needed until an equilibrium is reached gradually. The kinetics were not different between the three species. The three moss species, have a distinct niche occupation and form a characteristic zonation around soil vegetation islands on the rock outcrops, where C. savannarum and R. fontinaloides form an inner and outer belt, respectively, around vegetation islands and P vaginatum occurs as small isolated cushions on bare rock. However, they were not distinguished by the reduction of F in the dry state and the rewetting recovery kinetics and only slightly different in their photosynthetic capacity. Stable isotope ratios (delta C-13, delta N-15) indicate that liquid films of water limiting diffusion of CO2 are important in determining carbon acquisition and suggest that limitation of CO2 fixation by water films must be more pronounced over time in P vaginatum than in the latter species. This is determined by both the micro site occupied and the form of the moss cushions. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
(Nectandra Rol. ex Rottb. (Lauraceae) in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). This paper presents the taxonomic study of the species of Nectandra from Mato Grosso do Sul. Eight species of Nectandra were identified through the morphological analyses of specimens collected in different regions from the State: N. amazonum Nees, N. cissiflora Nees, N. cuspidata Nees, N. falcifolia (Nees) J.A. Castigl. ex Mart. Crov. & Piccinini, N. gardneri Meisn., N. hihua (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohwer, N. megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez and N. psammophila Nees. Identification key, morphological descriptions, geographic distribution, habitat, fenologic aspect, taxonomic comments, and illustrations are presented.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foi estudada a anatomia foliar de Tillandsia crocata (E. Morren) Baker, T. gardneri Lindl., T. geminiflora Brongn., T. linearis Vell., T. lorentziana Griseb., T. mallemontii Glaziou ex Mez, T. recurvata L., T. streptocarpa Baker, T. stricta Soland ex Sims, T. tenuifolia L. T. usneoides L. e Tillandsia sp., dos Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil. em vista frontal a epiderme apresenta células com paredes lineares até sinuosas, corpos silicosos e escamas epidérmicas que protegem os estômatos anomocíticos. A epiderme e o primeiro estrato da hipoderme apresentam células lignificadas na maioria das espécies. em secção transversal observa-se estômatos que ocorrem um pouco abaixo do nível das demais células da epiderme; presença de parênquima aqüífero; canais de ar longitudinais e feixes vasculares colaterais circundados por bainha dupla. Essas estruturas anatômicas são xeromórficas e usualmente consideradas como adaptações ao hábito epifítico das Tillandsia atmosféricas. Além disso, elas poderiam também ser usadas com finalidades diagnósticas para as espécies. Forma do limbo da folha em secção transversal, ornamentação da cutícula, estrutura das escamas epidérmicas, espessamento das paredes das células epidérmicas, distribuição dos estômatos, estrutura e distribuição das células do parênquima aqüífero, presença de canais de ar e tamanho de feixes vasculares são caracteres que podem auxiliar na delimitação taxonômica das espécies dentro do gênero.
Toucans are prominent components of the tropical American avifauna. Although these birds are very conspicuous, there are few ecological studies focusing on them. In this study, the diets of four sympatric toucans (Ramphastos vitellinus, R. dicolorus, Selenidera maculirostris, and Baillonius bailloni) were assessed by recording feeding bouts at two altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. Our results show that toucans are predominantly frugivorous birds (96.5% of the 289 feeding bouts were on fruits). In the lowlands (70 m elev.), only fruits (48 species, 27 families) were recorded, while in the highlands (700 m elev.), toucans were observed feeding on fruits (25 species, 22 families), flowers, leaves, and insects. Non-fruit items were recorded only in the highlands, most of them eaten by B. bailloni. Cecropia glaziovii and Euterpe edulis, two abundant plants in the highland and lowland sites, respectively, and Virola oleifera, a plant that produces lipid-rich arillate fruits, were eaten heavily by the toucans. The number of feeding bouts recorded for R. vitellinus in the lowlands was positively correlated with lipid content of the fruits eaten. The diameters of fruits eaten by toucans varied greatly (range = 0.4-25.0 mm). While the large Ramphastos species not only ate tiny fruits (e.g., Hyeronima alchorneoides) but also large ones (e.g., Virola gardneri), the toucanets ate piecemeal the large fruits that exceeded their gape width, suggesting that gape size did not limit the use of any fruit by the toucans at our study sites.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Antioxidant capacities of seven species of Passiflora were evaluated through comparation of the free radical DPPH scavenging activity. The studied species included cultivated and traditionally used P. edulis, P. incarnata and P. alata and less common species P. coccinea, P. laurifolia, P. mucronata and P. gardneri. The experimental design was completely randomized with ANOVA and Tukey test as main statistical analyses. The results showed that species of Passiflora had variable antioxidant capacities, ranging from 28 to 95% of free radical DPPH scavenging activity.