740 resultados para Psychological counseling
BACKGROUND Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may occur in patients after exposure to a life-threatening illness. About one out of six patients develop clinically relevant levels of PTSD symptoms after acute myocardial infarction (MI). Symptoms of PTSD are associated with impaired quality of life and increase the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. The main hypothesis of the MI-SPRINT study is that trauma-focused psychological counseling is more effective than non-trauma focused counseling in preventing posttraumatic stress after acute MI. METHODS/DESIGN The study is a single-center, randomized controlled psychological trial with two active intervention arms. The sample consists of 426 patients aged 18 years or older who are at 'high risk' to develop clinically relevant posttraumatic stress symptoms. 'High risk' patients are identified with three single-item questions with a numeric rating scale (0 to 10) asking about 'pain during MI', 'fear of dying until admission' and/or 'worrying and feeling helpless when being told about having MI'. Exclusion criteria are emergency heart surgery, severe comorbidities, current severe depression, disorientation, cognitive impairment and suicidal ideation. Patients will be randomly allocated to a single 45-minute counseling session targeting either specific MI-triggered traumatic reactions (that is, the verum intervention) or the general role of psychosocial stress in coronary heart disease (that is, the control intervention). The session will take place in the coronary care unit within 48 hours, by the bedside, after patients have reached stable circulatory conditions. Each patient will additionally receive an illustrated information booklet as study material. Sociodemographic factors, psychosocial and medical data, and cardiometabolic risk factors will be assessed during hospitalization. The primary outcome is the interviewer-rated posttraumatic stress level at three-month follow-up, which is hypothesized to be at least 20% lower in the verum group than in the control group using the t-test. Secondary outcomes are posttraumatic stress levels at 12-month follow-up, and psychosocial functioning and cardiometabolic risk factors at both follow-up assessments. DISCUSSION If the verum intervention proves to be effective, the study will be the first to show that a brief trauma-focused psychological intervention delivered within a somatic health care setting can reduce the incidence of posttraumatic stress in acute MI patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01781247.
Background: Improved survivorship has led to increased recognition of the need to manage the side effects of cancer and its treatment. Exercise and psychological interventions benefit survivors; however, it is unknown if additional benefits can be gained by combining these two modalities. Objective: Our purpose was to examine the feasibility of delivering an exercise and counseling intervention to 43 breast cancer survivors, to determine if counseling can add value to an exercise intervention for improving quality of life (QOL) in terms of physical and psychological function. Methods: We compared exercise only (Ex), counseling only (C), exercise and counseling (ExC), and usual care (UsC) over an 8 week intervention. Results: In all, 93% of participants completed the interventions, with no adverse effects documented. There were significant improvements in VO2max as well as upper body and lower body strength in the ExC and Ex groups compared to the C and UsC groups (P < .05). Significant improvements on the Beck Depression Inventory were observed in the ExC and Ex groups, compared with UsC (P < .04), with significant reduction in fatigue for the ExC group, compared with UsC, and no significant differences in QOL change between groups, although the ExC group had significant clinical improvement. Limitations: Limitations included small subject number and study of only breast cancer survivors. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that a combined exercise and psychological counseling program is both feasible and acceptable for breast cancer survivors and may improve QOL more than would a single-entity intervention.
Objective: To establish the extent of psychological problems among patients who require orthognathic treatment. Materials and Methods: Five aspects of psychological functioning were assessed for 162 patients who required orthognathic treatment and compared with 157 control subjects.
Results: Analysis of variance did not detect any significant difference in the five psychological scores recorded for the skeletal II, skeletal III, and control groups. The proportion of subjects with one or more psychological measure beyond the normal range was 27% for skeletal II subjects, 25% for skeletal III subjects, and 26% for control subjects. One skeletal II subject (1.5%), three skeletal III subjects (3%), and five control subjects (3%) required referral for psychological counseling.
Conclusions: The orthognathic patients did not differ significantly from the control subjects in their psychological status. © 2010 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
Contemporary research aims to investigate background factors that contribute to successful sport performance. Of these factors the psychological well-being and mental health status should be underlined that have gained a significant role, particularly in the frames of sport psychological counseling. The aim of the present study is to seek for interrelations of psychological variables and sport performance of young athletes, and to reveal what advantages might be utilized in younger ages to strengthen sport performance. No gender differences were found in sport performance; while age showed significant difference. The findings indicated differences of the investigated psychological variables by age and gender. Regression analyses were employed to test how psychological factors predict successful sport performance. The analyses strengthened the role of age and gender specific factors that should be considered during sport psychological counseling. The benefits should be highlighted in young age in order to ensure more successful performance in adulthood.
Background Cancer and its treatments produce lingering side-effects that undermine the quality of life (QOL) of survivors. Exercise and psycho-therapies increase QOL among survivors, however, research is needed to identify intervention characteristics most associated with such improvements. Objective This research aimed to assess the feasibility of a 9 week individual or group based exercise and counselling program, and to examine if a group based intervention is as effective at improving the QOL of breast cancer survivors as an individual-based intervention. Methods A three group design was implemented to compare the efficacy of a 9 week individual (IEC n = 12) and group based exercise and counselling (GEC n = 14) intervention to a usual care (UsC n = 10) group on QOL of thirty-six breast cancer survivors. Results Across all groups, 90% of participants completed the interventions, with no adverse effects documented. At the completion of the intervention, there was a significant difference between groups for change in global QOL across time (p < 0.023), with IEC improving significantly more (15.0 points) than the UsC group (1.8 points). The effect size was moderate (0.70). Although the GEC improved QOL by almost 10.0 points, this increase did not reach significance. Both increases were above the minimally important difference of 7–8 points. Conclusion These preliminary results suggest a combined exercise and psychological counseling program is both a feasible and acceptable intervention for breast cancer survivors. Whilst both the individual and group interventions improved QOL above the clinically important difference, only the individual based intervention was significant when compared to UsC.
Attitudes towards suicide among Master’s degree students in Chang Sha (China) and Helsinki (Finland) were compared in order to explore possible cross-cultural differences. The sample included 206 Master’s degree students, 101 Chinese and 105 Finnish. Data were collected using the 30-item Multi-Attitudes Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) and a demographic information form. According to the results, both Chinese and Finnish students held positive attitudes towards life, they held contradictory attitudes towards suicide, with Finnish students having more permissive and liberal attitudes towards suicide than their Chinese counterparts. In addition, three socio-demographic characteristics, namely religion, family structure, and economic status, associated with attitudes towards suicide among the Chinese Master’s degree students; meanwhile, all socio-demographic characteristics, including gender, religion, major subject, family structure, economic status, and received social support related to attitudes towards suicide among the Finnish Master’s degree students. However, after examining the interaction effect between socio-demographics and cultural backgrounds on attitudes towards suicide, the attitudes of Chinese students were more related to gender, marital status, family economic status, and received social support, whereas Finnish students were more influenced by religion. These findings suggest that culture plays an important role in shaping country-specific differences in attitudes towards suicide and their association with socio-demographic characteristics. Understanding individual attitudes towards suicide could help in intervention to prevent the development of suicidal ideation and in providing appropriate psychological counseling to reduce mental problems. Therefore, these cross-cultural differences may provide indications on how to conduct suicide prevention programs while considering culture-specific contexts.
Essa dissertação de mestrado avaliou os fatores associados à recaída do tabagismo de pacientes assistidos em unidades básicas de saúde. Avaliou-se o índice de recaída do tratamento do fumante no Programa Nacional de Controle de Tabagismo, e a associação entre tempo de recaída e preocupação com peso, depressão e/ou ansiedade. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte prospectivo, composta por 135 pacientes, sendo 95 mulheres e 40 homens, que pararam de fumar após 4 semanas de adesão ao tratamento, sendo acompanhados até 6 meses. O índice de recaída encontrado foi semelhantes em ambos os sexos, sendo próximo de 30% aos 3 meses e 50% aos 6 meses. O tempo de sobrevivência mediano também foi semelhante, em torno de 130 dias. A média de ganho de peso foi maior entre os homens aos 3 e 6 meses. Para avaliar os fatores associados ao tempo de recaída foram calculadas as Hazard Ratios (HR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC 95%), através do modelo semiparamétrico de riscos proporcionais de Cox. Na análise bivariada, as mulheres que achavam que fumar emagrece ou que faziam dieta apresentaram um risco maior de recaída, porém não estatisticamente significante. Entre as que referiram fazer acompanhamento psicológico e/ou psiquiátrico, o tempo de recaída foi 2,62 vezes menor se comparado àquelas que não o faziam. O risco também mostrou-se aumentado com o uso de álcool (HR=2,11, IC 95%1,15-3,89). Entre os homens, os dois pacientes que faziam uso de medicamentos para depressão e/ou ansiedade tiveram recaída. As demais variáveis analisadas não se mostraram associadas ao risco de recaída por apresentarem HR com intervalos não estatisticamente significativos. Os fumantes poderiam se beneficiar de tratamentos que oferecessem de forma complementar atendimentos para nutrição e saúde mental. O aprimoramento das estratégias de cessação do tabagismo devem levar em conta as diferenças de gênero, a necessidade de assistência a problemas psicológicos e psiquiátricos e o controle de peso para os pacientes com maior dificuldade; passos essenciais para o sucesso das políticas públicas de controle do tabagismo no país.
La investigación se propuso identificar las posibilidades que ofrece el marco universitario actual para la práctica de la orientación y la tutoría en Cuba y asesorar el diseño e implementación de un programa de orientación a ser aplicado en el Centro Universitario de Sancti Spíritus. El abordaje de la problemática desde una perspectiva interpretativa, con un marco metodológico cualitativo, basado en la investigación - acción como estrategia de intervención y el asesoramiento colaborativo como modelo de interrelación de las partes implicadas, nos posibilitó conocer que las modificaciones en las concepciones y políticas educativas cubanas están creando un espacio en el que la tutoría se convierte en un instrumento capaz de facilitar el autoaprendizaje desarrollador, la cual desarrollada sobre la base de un asesoramiento psicopedagógico colaborativo propicia un alto grado de participación e implicación de los profesores en sus decisiones y les concede un importante nivel de autonomía en sus prácticas.
Nos últimos anos, vem sendo desenvolvido um número significativo de abordagens dos problemas comportamentais e sociais. Todas elas fazem parte de um movimento mais amplo de mudança de funções, papéis, metodologias e programas tradicionais das profissões de ajuda. As novas direções vislumbradas em psicologia, ultrapassam os limites de uma postura profissional passiva e destacam que os modelos intrapessoais da psicologia nem sempre condizem com as realidades sociais. o objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer uma visão geral destas abordagens inovadoras, que refletem um posiconamento novo, não tradicional, nas profissões de ajuda, integrando-as em um conjunto coeso: a abordagem comunitária em psicologia e, mais especificamente, no aconselhamento psicológico. A abordagem comunitária enfatiza a necessidade de se desenvolver modelos preventivos e desenvolvimentistas de amplo alcance, em psicologia, bem como a necessidade de se reconhecer o contexto social no qual ela é praticada. Requer novas definições de muitas e papéis para as atividades de ajuda. Tratou-se, neste estudo, de apresentar definições e de estabelecer um fundamento histórico, ideológico e teórico para esta posição, bem como de ilustra-la através de programas de nível comunitário, que extrapolam a orientação tradicional de ajuda. Tratou-se também, dos muitos problemas enfrentados nestes programas e das perspectivas para o novo campo da psicologia e do aconselhamento comunitário. Concluiu-se que a descrição de tal posição poderá fornecer importantes subsídios para aqueles psicólogos interessados em desempenhar um papel profissional mais completo e em atualizar-se acerca das modalidades preventivas e desenvolvimentistas de prestação de serviços.
The objective of this study as it is presented, is to analyze the position taken by the professional psychologist in the face of psycholog1cal counseling services, being with a study of an actual situation in the area of psychological counseling. Through the results obtained, likewise submitted to an appropriate statistical treatment and presented at the end of this study, are some conclusions in regards to the attitude of the professional psychologist in the presence of psychological counseling service. Thus, this study to contribute in some way to a better comprehension and a greater consciousness of the significance and importance of the service of the psychological counseler in the midst of a class of psychologist as also, in the midst of actual society.
Violence in adolescence, specifically sexual violence, is a topic of great relevance. Not only in Brazil but the world has witnessed the increase of sexual violence, becoming the most prevalent morbid occurrence in adolescence. Draws attention to the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and adolescents not only the fact that most of the victims are assaulted in their own home environment, but also the type of relationship between victim and aggressor. Thus, based on systemic approach, this study aimed to compose eend family dynamics of adolescent victims of sexual intra-familial. Participants were seven teenagers and their parents, users and beneficiaries of services offered by CREAS - Reference Center for Specialized Social Assistance in a municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul. The instruments used were the Test of Drawing in Colour of the Family (FCDT) and a questionnaire about the pictures taken and family interactions. The results indicated the difficulty in differentiating family roles, especially regarding the differentiation of the mother and daughter, a fact that seemed to be the motivator for the impoverishment of individuation in groups. Also noted the presence of conflict between the familiar figures probably originated from this abusive situation. In this context, the studied families showed communication difficulties between family members, hindering the integration between them, as well as the existence of an authoritarian leadership and strict rules performed by the father figure. These results may support preventive and therapeutic actions to situations of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Thus, it is suggested that psychological counseling for the study participants and other stakeholders with a view to reducing damage and recovery of quality of life for all family members, as well as the need for further studies in the area in question.
This study with 31 obese binge eaters (body mass index [BMI] 39.5+/-8.6 kg/m(2) [SD]) was designed to assess whether diet counseling with psychological support and imipramine or placebo has an effect on the frequency of binge eating, body weight, and depression during an 8-week treatment phase. This was followed by an open medication-free phase of 6 months of continuous diet counseling with psychological support.
Cover title: Psychology training program.
The outcomes of school-based counseling incorporating the Partners for Change Outcome Monitoring System (PCOMS) were evaluated using a cohort design, with multilevel modeling to identify predictors of change. Participants were 288 7-11 year olds experiencing social, emotional or behavioral difficulties. The intervention was associated with significant reductions in psychological distress, with a pre-post effect size (d) of 1.49 on the primary outcome measure and 88.7% clinical improvement. Greater improvements were found for disabled children, older children, and where CBT methods were used. The findings provide support for the use of systematic feedback in therapy with children.