995 resultados para Psychological clinic


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Vols. 1-12 include section "Reviews and criticism."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Tendo como base os estudos recentes sobre as sexualidades e os gêneros e, em especial, os relativos à diversidade sexual, este artigo promove uma discussão ética sobre as vicissitudes da clínica psicológica com a população LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais). Para tanto, problematizamos a construção sócio-histórica-cultural da homossexualidade e da heterossexualidade, as hierarquias das sexualidades e algumas ações terapêuticas na clínica direcionada ao público não-heterossexual, tendo em vista a Resolução do Conselho Federal de Psicologia nº 1/99 que estabelece normas de atuação para os psicólogos em relação à questão da orientação sexual. Desse modo, matizamos o discurso da clínica usualmente orientada para o trabalho com pessoas heterossexuais, pensando de modo crítico o trabalho desenvolvido com sujeitos que transitam entre a vulnerabilidade e a invisibilidade devido a sua dissidência dos preceitos heteronormativos.


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O presente trabalho visou investigar qual a importância da Psicoterapia em homens doentes de aids marcados pela proximidade com a morte ou a finitude existencial internados em uma enfermaria hospitalar. A intervenção psicológica, na área da saúde e da clínica psicológica, foi procedimento interventivo que permitiu efetivar a escuta socialmente engajada visando superar a premissa acerca da doença enquanto centro do tratamento, transmitida ao longo da história e veiculando a concepção de um sujeito patológico. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste trabalho foi incentivar os participantes da pesquisa a vivenciar a atenção à própria saúde reconhecendo-a enquanto um direito de cidadania básico a todos os homens. Sobre os procedimentos a psicoterapia breve gestáltica e os cuidados paliativos foram as estratégias utilizadas nos atendimentos realizados no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto em Belém do Pará-Brasil. Os participantes da pesquisa foram quatro homens adultos, com faixa etária entre 18 e 49 anos de idade. A seleção iniciou com a pesquisa documental dos relatórios e documentos elaborados pelos profissionais que atendem na enfermaria da clinica infecto-parasitária (DIP) como fichas de identificação, prontuários de identificação dos casos, onde estava descrita o diagnóstico, o histórico de saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa, que utilizou o método fenomenológico e concepções existencialistas, e referencial teórico da Gestalt-terapia. Para a análise do discurso dos informantes se valeu da Hermenêutica da linguagem proposta em Paul Ricouer, que propõe a compreensão da dimensão linguística (sentido) e dimensão extralinguística (referência), partindo da análise gramatical da frase do locutor, perpassando pela análise semântica da fala, com atenção às funções e atos da linguagem. Nas analises nos atentamos unicamente à assimilação da função Expressiva ou Emotiva, em que o sujeito que se destacou foi o EU, e aos atos do discurso: locucionários (ato de dizer; expressão verbal), ilocucionários (aquilo que fazemos ao dizer; recursos não verbais que acompanham a fala) e atos perlocucionários (reflexo da linguagem no outro). Os resultados mostraram que os homens são responsáveis por suas próprias habilidades, e que podem ampliar as possibilidades em suas vidas, mesmo em situação de fragilidade e sem possibilidade de cura, identificando os meios a sua disposição, que permitiram lidar com uma situação de dificuldade. Quanto à psicoterapia ela foi um facilitador, e proporcionou a possibilidade de se compreender alguns modos de vinculação, subjetivação e relação dos homens atendidos no hospital.


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Considering that our practice is intended to deconstruct stigmas andstereotypes socially produced and institutionalized from normativities ofgender and sexuality, this work proposes a reflection on two issues which hascaused concerns: the secrecy and the ethics in relation to the patients whocome to us. This is because, most of these are LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual,transvestite, transsexual and transgender), and that by being in a situation ofghettoization created by homophobia and resized by inner city context, aresubject to coexist and to relate, what makes be serviced by the same internshipproject or have friends or lovers in this. And, in this configuration, the group isquestioned by ethical dilemmas which imposes on the therapeutic relationship,forcing him to repositioning the respect of aesthetics, this is, the pictureframe setting, the treatment policy, the transference, the ethics and thesecrecy, forcing these concepts to the limit.


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These tests were developed in the Detroit psychological clinic, a department of the Detroit public schools. cf. Pref.


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Os sintomas psicológicos nos indivíduos consumidores de álcool é o tema investigado neste trabalho, que se dedicou a analisar as diferenças entre grupos de indivíduos alcoólicos e não alcoólicos homens e mulheres. A oportunidade desta investigação se originou no trabalho de psicologia clínica com pacientes alcoólicos e, principalmente, frente às carências bibliográficas no mercado sobre o assunto. O presente trabalho, buscou, portanto, investigar-se, a partir das hipóteses, a intensidade de problemas psicológicos e sintomas psicopatológicos em sujeitos alcoólicos de ambos os sexos. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas orientadas para a aplicação do instrumento. O instrumento utilizado na pesquisa foi o SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) que se propõe a medir a intensidade dos sintomas, especificamente em casos de alcoolismo, sendo este instrumento validado no Brasil (LALONI, 2001). Os sintomas psicológicos avaliados foram: Psicose, Relações Interpessoais, Ansiedade, Ideação Paranóide, Hostilidade, Depressão, Fobia e Obsessivo Compulsivo. A população investigada abrangeu pessoas não consumidoras de álcool da comunidade e pessoas alcoólicas pertencentes aos AA (Alcoólicos Anônimos). Os dois grupos pertencem à Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A comparação foi abrangente em relação aos aspectos de gênero, pois além de comparar o grupo de alcoólicos e não alcoólicos verificou as relações de gênero, analisando as diferenças entre o grupo de homens e mulheres alcoólicos e não alcoólicos. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que os alcoólicos são mais sintomáticos que os não alcoólicos e as mulheres apresentam-se em relação aos sintomas avaliados com médias mais altas que os homens. Os alcoólicos homens e mulheres não diferem de forma estatisticamente significativa em seus sintomas psicológicos. Da mesma forma homens e mulheres não alcoólicos não diferem em seus sintomas psicológicos. / The subject of this research concerns about psychological symptoms on alcohol consuming individuals, analyzing the differences between groups of alcoholic and non alcoholic individuals, men and women. This investigation arose from the psychological clinic work with alcoholic patients in face of the lack of literature about this subject. Based on the hypothesis we investigated the intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in alcoholic individuals of both sexes. We also evaluated the presence and intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in non alcoholic individuals of both sexes. For this research we performed interviews oriented to the application of the instrument. The instrument employed in the research was SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) which measures the intensity of the symptoms. The instrument was validated in Brazil (LALONI, 2001) and is specific to evaluate symptoms in case of alcoholism. The psychological symptoms we evaluated were: Psychosis, Interpersonal Relations, Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation, Hostility, Depression, Phobia, and Obsessive Compulsive. The population investigated is formed by non alcohol consuming people and alcoholics belonging to the Anonymous Alcoholics (AA). Both groups are from the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre in the southern sate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The comparison was comprehensive regarding the aspects of gender, since besides comparing the group of alcoholics and non alcoholics, it compared alcoholic men and women among themselves, and non alcoholic men and women as well. The results that were found demonstrate that alcoholics are more symptomatic than non alcoholics and women, regarding the evaluated symptoms, present themselves with higher averages than men. Alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms, as non alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms as well.


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BACKGROUND: Family-based cardiac screening programmes for persons at risk for genetic cardiac diseases are now recommended. However, the psychological wellbeing and health related quality of life (QoL) of such screened patients is poorly understood, especially in younger patients. We sought to examine wellbeing and QoL in a representative group of adults aged 16 and over in a dedicated family cardiac screening clinic.

METHODS: Prospective survey of consecutive consenting patients attending a cardiac screening clinic, over a 12 month period. Data were collected using two health measurement tools: the Short Form 12 (version 2) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), along with baseline demographic and screening visit-related data. The HADS and SF-12v.2 outcomes were compared by age group. Associations with a higher HADS score were examined using logistic regression, with multi-level modelling used to account for the family-based structure of the data.

RESULTS: There was a study response rate of 86.6%, with n=334 patients providing valid HADS data (valid response rate 79.5%), and data on n=316 retained for analysis. One-fifth of patients were aged under 25 (n=61). Younger patients were less likely than older to describe significant depression on their HADS scale (p<0.0001), although there were overall no difference between the prevalence of a significant HADS score between the younger and older age groups (18.0% vs 20.0%, p=0.73). Significant positive associates of a higher HADS score were having lower educational attainment, being single or separated, and being closely related to the family proband. Between-family variance in anxiety and depression scores was greater than within-family variance.

CONCLUSIONS: High levels of anxiety were seen amongst patients attending a family-based cardiac screening clinic.Younger patients also had high rates of clinically significant anxiety. Higher levels of anxiety and depression tends to run in families, and this has implications for family screening and intervention programmes.


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This article provides an overview of the psychological intervention in a Unit Care of Mental Health. The objectives and therapeutic actions to follow are defined through the participation of an interdisciplinary team and networking; it includes support groups and, especially, the families of patients that suffer a severe mental disorder. The materials and resources used were weekly sessions of one hour and forty minutes, for two years of monitoring (2005-2007). The study population consists of families of patients with different pathologies, which are in the Intensive Care Unit. In terms of design, it is made a qualitativeanalysis of 100 field day formats, and fills a matrix of content analysis. It is reviewed the objectives, the approach Multi-Focus, methodology, used techniques, the procedures developed and the feedback given at each session. The findings from this study show that mental disorders are related to the environment in which the patient is developed and complex social process. They also suggest a greater need for psychiatric patient care and its networks, timely and relevantly. By the other hand, it shows the importance of increasing efforts to make available in the field of mental health brief strategic interventions in interdisciplinary teams, it is appropriate a psycho educational and therapeutic approach in which the actions are coordinated at different levels.


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To improve mental health services, the World Health Organization proposes an “epidemiological approach” based on the constant screening of existing research, and aimed at continuous improvement of psychological treatment rather than strict application of prescribed techniques. This study provides an epidemiological survey conducted at the psychology ward of the municipal Ambulatório de Saúde Mental in Birigui, São Paulo, Brazil. Data from 180 patients in psychotherapeutic care were collected, and subsequent descriptive analysis showed that the population consisted predominantly of adults (82.8% of total) and females (81.0%). Depressive disorder was the most common symptom (61.1%), and the majority of the participants (72.2%) received psychological treatment for the first time. The data presented in this paper can assist mental health professionals in selecting appropriate treatment by creating a profile of patients.


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This study examined the utility of self-efficacy as a predictor of social activity and mood control in multiple sclerosis (MS). Seventy-one subjects with MS were recruited from people attending an MS centre or from a mailing list and were examined on two occasions that were two months apart. Clinic patients were more disabled than patients who completed assessments by post, but they were of higher socioeconomic status and were less dysphoric. We attempted to predict self-reported performance of mood control and social activity at two months, from self-efficacy or performance on these tasks at pretest. Demographic variables, disorder status, disability, self-esteem and depression were also allowed to compete for entry into multiple regressions. Substantial stability in mood, performance and disability was observed over the two months. In both mood control and social activity, past performance was the strongest predictor of later performance, but self-efficacy also contributed significantly to the prediction. The disability level entered a prediction of socila activity, but no other variables predicted either type of performance. A secondary analysis predicting self-esteem at two months also included self-efficacy for social activity, illustrating the contribution of perceived capability to later assessments of self-worth. The study provided support for self-efficacy as a predictor of later behavioural outcomes and self-esteem in multiple sclerosis.


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Objective: Given the Australian government’s current policy of placing asylum seekers into the community while their applications for asylum are being considered, it is important that mental health practitioners are able to offer culturally safe, sensitive, and competent services in this context. Method: A qualitative approach was used to interview seven practitioners, who provided services to asylum seekers at a specialist health clinic in the community. These professionals used their experience to identify the psychosocial issues faced by these asylum seekers, the challenges of providing culturally effective services to this group, and how these services can be improved. Result: Data were thematically analysed using NVivo. The findings indicated that participants perceived that clients experienced psychological, health, and cultural difficulties. The stress and uncertainty around visa applications emerged as the most severe factor impacting asylum seekers’ mental health. Working effectively with interpreters and culturally adapting assessment and treatment for these clients emerged as effective strategies. Gathering information in a conversational way and using clients’ different cultural explanatory models were methods used to identify and address mental health issues, rather than using formal measures. Interventions were eclectic and holistic, and reflected treatments that were appropriate for the clients’ cultural backgrounds. Conclusion: The study has implications for how psychological services are offered to asylum seekers in the community. Further, it identifies areas that can be incorporated in the future training of practitioners.


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- Background In the UK, women aged 50–73 years are invited for screening by mammography every 3 years. In 2009–10, more than 2.24 million women in this age group in England were invited to take part in the programme, of whom 73% attended a screening clinic. Of these, 64,104 women were recalled for assessment. Of those recalled, 81% did not have breast cancer; these women are described as having a false-positive mammogram. - Objective The aim of this systematic review was to identify the psychological impact on women of false-positive screening mammograms and any evidence for the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce this impact. We were also looking for evidence of effects in subgroups of women. - Data sources MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, EMBASE, Health Management Information Consortium, Cochrane Central Register for Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Cochrane Methodology, Web of Science, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science, Conference Proceeding Citation Index-Social Science and Humanities, PsycINFO, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Sociological Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents and others. Initial searches were carried out between 8 October 2010 and 25 January 2011. Update searches were carried out on 26 October 2011 and 23 March 2012. - Review methods Based on the inclusion criteria, titles and abstracts were screened independently by two reviewers. Retrieved papers were reviewed and selected using the same independent process. Data were extracted by one reviewer and checked by another. Each included study was assessed for risk of bias. - Results Eleven studies were found from 4423 titles and abstracts. Studies that used disease-specific measures found a negative psychological impact lasting up to 3 years. Distress increased with the level of invasiveness of the assessment procedure. Studies using instruments designed to detect clinical levels of morbidity did not find this effect. Women with false-positive mammograms were less likely to return for the next round of screening [relative risk (RR) 0.97; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96 to 0.98] than those with normal mammograms, were more likely to have interval cancer [odds ratio (OR) 3.19 (95% CI 2.34 to 4.35)] and were more likely to have cancer detected at the next screening round [OR 2.15 (95% CI 1.55 to 2.98)]. - Limitations This study was limited to UK research and by the robustness of the included studies, which frequently failed to report quality indicators, for example failure to consider the risk of bias or confounding, or failure to report participants' demographic characteristics. - Conclusions We conclude that the experience of having a false-positive screening mammogram can cause breast cancer-specific psychological distress that may endure for up to 3 years, and reduce the likelihood that women will return for their next round of mammography screening. These results should be treated cautiously owing to inherent weakness of observational designs and weaknesses in reporting. Future research should include a qualitative interview study and observational studies that compare generic and disease-specific measures, collect demographic data and include women from different social and ethnic groups.


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Background : The development of e-mental health interventions to treat or prevent mental illness and to enhance wellbeing has risen rapidly over the past decade. This development assists the public in sidestepping some of the obstacles that are often encountered when trying to access traditional face-to-face mental health care services. Objective : The objective of our study was to investigate the posttreatment effectiveness of five fully automated self-help cognitive behavior e-therapy programs for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PD/A), obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder (SAD) offered to the international public via Anxiety Online, an open-access full-service virtual psychology clinic for anxiety disorders. Methods : We used a naturalistic participant choice, quasi-experimental design to evaluate each of the five Anxiety Online fully automated self-help e-therapy programs. Participants were required to have at least subclinical levels of one of the anxiety disorders to be offered the associated disorder-specific fully automated self-help e-therapy program. These programs are offered free of charge via Anxiety Online. Results : A total of 225 people self-selected one of the five e-therapy programs (GAD, n = 88; SAD, n = 50; PD/A, n = 40; PTSD, n = 30; OCD, n = 17) and completed their 12-week posttreatment assessment. Significant improvements were found on 21/25 measures across the five fully automated self-help programs. At postassessment we observed significant reductions on all five anxiety disorder clinical disorder severity ratings (Cohen d range 0.72–1.22), increased confidence in managing one’s own mental health care (Cohen d range 0.70–1.17), and decreases in the total number of clinical diagnoses (except for the PD/A program, where a positive trend was found) (Cohen d range 0.45–1.08). In addition, we found significant improvements in quality of life for the GAD, OCD, PTSD, and SAD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.11–0.96) and significant reductions relating to general psychological distress levels for the GAD, PD/A, and PTSD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.23–1.16). Overall, treatment satisfaction was good across all five e-therapy programs, and posttreatment assessment completers reported using their e-therapy program an average of 395.60 (SD 272.2) minutes over the 12-week treatment period. Conclusions : Overall, all five fully automated self-help e-therapy programs appear to be delivering promising high-quality outcomes; however, the results require replication.


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Given increased survival rates and treatment-related late effects, follow-up for cancer survivors is increasingly recommended. However, information about adverse events (e.g. possibility of late effects) may be distressing for the cancer survivor and lead to poor clinic attendance. Survivor satisfaction with appointments and the information provided are important. The Monitoring Process Model provides a theoretical framework to understand how survivors cope with threatening information, and consequences for follow-up care. Our aims were to describe satisfaction with routine follow-up and association between monitoring/blunting and satisfaction with care.