35 resultados para Psychographic


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Research suggests that people differ in terms of changing their shopping behaviour during a recession. This paper reports on a preliminary descriptive study assessing what influences those consumers who have altered their shopping behaviour during such times. Driving the alteration of shopping behaviour were both demographic (age, gender, education, and nationality) and psychographic variables (attitudes, and head vs. heart decision making). Overall, the findings show that there are statistically significant differences between the two groups’ that marketers can address in their marketing strategies during the recession.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the psychographic (product attributes, motivation opinions, interest, lifestyle, values) characteristics of wine tourists along the Niagara wine r,~ute, located in Ontario, Canada, using a multiple case study method. Four wineries were selected, two wineries each on the East, and West sides of the wine route during the shoulder-season (January, February, 2004). Using a computer generated survey technique, tourists were approached to fill out a questionnaire on one of the available laptop computers, where a sample ofN=321 was obtained. The study findings revealed that there are three distinct wine tourist segments in the Niagara region. The segments were determined using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a K-means cluster analysis: Wine Lovers, Wine Interested, and Wine Curious wine tourists. These three segments displayed significant differences in their, motivation for visiting a winery, lifestyles, values, and wine purchasing behaviour. This study also examined differences between winery locations, on the East and West sides of the Niagara wine route, with respect to the aforementioned variables. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the regions with respect to these variables. The findings suggest that these differences present opportunities for more effective marketing strategies based on the uniqueness of each region. The results of this study provide insight for academia into a method of psychographic market segmentation of wine tourists and consumer behaviour. This study also contributes to the literature on wine tourism, and the identification of psychographic characteristics of wine tourists, an area where little research has taken place.


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Responses from a large (801) random sample of Beijing’s adult population were used to carry out this "values and lifestyles" segmentation process and it measured consumers’ "values" and "lifestyles" directly. The results indicate that "values and lifestyle" segmentation provides marketers with a more comprehensive understanding of the consumers than by demographics alone. This study also demonstrates that marketers should not carry out segmentation automatically. They need to determine where consumers perceive a particular category of product on the "luxury" and "non-luxury" continuum before deciding whether to carry out the segmentation process or not.


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Objective: This study investigated the associations of nutrition concerns, demographics, universalism (community oriented) values, perceived control over personal health and food buying, and perceived influence over the food system with intentions to purchase low fat, sugar and salt (LFSS) food products. Methods: A national online survey of 2204 Australian consumers administered in November 2011. Structural equation modeling was used to examine associations of LFSS purchasing intentions with demographic, values, perceived control, and influence factors. Results: Nutrition concern, perceived influence over the food system, and universalism values were key predictors of LFSS purchasing intentions. Almost two thirds (64.6%) of the variance associated with LFSS purchasing was explained by the structural equation model. Conclusion: Communication programs which focus on universalism values, nutrition concern and perceived influence over the food system are likely to increase LFSS purchasing and perhaps reduce the demand for energy dense, nutrient poor foods.


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This study examines the influence of demographic ( eg. gender and generational cohort) and psychographic ( eg. fashion fanship, attitudes and impulse buying) drivers on frequency and levels of expenditure on fanship purchases, Using regression analysis, the results suggest that for weekly and monthly expenditure, gender and fashion fanship were significant influences, while for yearly expenditure, gender and impulse buying were significant. Attitudes towards fanship had no significant influence on expenditure. Females purchase more often and were significantly different from males on yearly expenditure, fashion fanship, attitudes and impulse buying. Generation Y is higher on purchase frequency, fashion fanship, attitudes and impulse buying compared with other cohorts under investigation.


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This thesis provides a behavioural perspective to the problem of collusive tendering in the construction market by examining the decision making factors of individuals potentially involved in such agreements using marketing ethics theory and techniques. The findings of a cross disciplinary literature review were synthesised into a model of factors theoretically expected to determine the individual's behavioural intent towards a set of collusive tendering agreements and the means of reaching them. The factors were grouped as internal cognitive (the individuals' value systems) and affective (demographic and psychographic characteristics) as well as external environmental (legal, industrial and organisational codes and norms) and situational (company, market and economic conditions). The model was tested using empirical data collected through a questionnaire survey of estimators employed in the largest Australian construction firms. All forms of explicit collusive tendering agreements were considered as having a prohibitive moral content by the majority of respondents who also clearly differentiated between agreements and discussions of contract terms (which they found to be a moral concern but not prohibitive) or of prices. The comparisons between those of the respondents that would never participate in a collusive agreement and the potential offenders clearly showed two distinctly different groups. The law abiding estimators are less reliant on situational factors, happier and more comfortable in their work environments and they live according to personal value and belief systems. The potential offenders on the other hand are mistrustful of colleagues, feel their values are not respected, put company priorities above principles and none of them is religious or a member of a professional body. The research results indicate that Australian estimators are, overall law abiding and principled and accept the existing codification of collusion as morally defensible and binding. Professional bodies' and organisational codes of conduct as well as personal value and belief systems that guide one's own conduct appear to be deterrents to collusive tendering intent and so are moral comfort and work satisfaction. These observations are potential indicators of areas where intervention and behaviour modification can increase individuals' resistance to collusion.


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A one size fits all approach dominates alcohol programs in school settings (Botvin et al., 2007), which may limit program effectiveness (Snyder et al., 2004). Programs tailored to the meet the needs and wants of adolescent groups may be more effective. Limited attention has been directed towards employing a full segmentation process. Where segmentation has been examined, the focus has remained on socio-demographic characteristics and more recently psychographic variables (Mathijssen et al., 2012). The current study aimed to identify whether the addition of behaviour could be used to identify segments. Variables included attitudes towards binge drinking (α = 0.86), behavioral intentions’ (α = 0.97), perceived behavioral control (PBC), injunctive norms (α = 0.94); descriptive norms (α = 0.87), knowledge and reported behaviour. Data was collected from five schools, n = 625 (32.96% girls). Two-Step cluster analysis produced a sample (n = 625) with a silhouette measure of cohesion and separation of 0.4. The intention measure and whether students reported previously consuming alcohol were the most distinguishing characteristics - predictor importance scores of (1.0). A four segment solution emerged. The first segment (“Male abstainers” – 37.2%) featured the highest knowledge score (M: 5.9) along with the lowest-risk drinking attitudes and intentions to drink excessively. Segment 2 (“At risk drinkers” - 11.2%) were characterised by their high-risk attitudes and high-risk drinking intentions. Injunctive (M: 4.1) and descriptive norms (M: 4.9) may indicate a social environment where drinking is the norm. Segment 3 (”Female abstainers” – 25.9%) represents young girls, who have the lowest-risk attitudes and low intentions to drink excessively. The fourth and final segment (boys = 67.4%) (“Moderate drinkers” – 25.7%) all report previously drinking alcohol yet their attitudes and intentions towards excessive alcohol consumption are lower than other segments. Segmentation focuses on identifying groups of individuals who feature similar characteristics. The current study illustrates the importance of including reported behaviour in addition to psychographic and demographic characteristics to identify unique groups to inform intervention planning and design. Key messages The principle of segmentation has received limited attention in the context of school-based alcohol education programs. This research identified four segments amongst 14-16 year high school students, each of which can be targeted with a unique, tailored program to meet the needs and wants of the target audience.


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Childhood obesity is a leading public health concern globally. This study aimed to extend research applying the principle of market segmentation to gain insight into changing the physical activity behaviour of children, particularly their walk to/from school behaviour. It further examined the utility of employing theory, specifically the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), for this purpose. The study demonstrates the usefulness of behavioural, geographic and psychographic variables, as measured by the TPB, in distinguishing segments, offering an important contrast to prior segmentation studies emphasising demographic variables. This result provides empirical evidence of the value of employing the four segmentation bases, extending beyond a demographic focus, and the importance of incorporating behavioural theory in market segmentation. In so doing, this research provides key insights into changing children’s walking behaviour.


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Objective This study seeks establish whether meaningful subgroups exist within a 14-16 year old adolescent population and if these segments respond differently to the Game On: Know Alcohol (GOKA) intervention, a school-based alcohol social marketing program. Methodology This study is part of a larger cluster randomized controlled evaluation of the Game On: Know Alcohol (GOKA) program implemented in 14 schools in 2013/2014. TwoStep cluster analysis was conducted to segment 2114 high school adolescents (14-16 years old) on the basis of 22 demographic, behavioral and psychographic variables. Program effects on knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions, social norms, expectancies and refusal self-efficacy of identified segments was subsequently examined. Results Three segments were identified: (1) Abstainers (2) Bingers (3) Moderate Drinkers. Program effects varied significantly across segments. The strongest positive change effects post participation were observed for the Bingers, while mixed effects were evident for Moderate Drinkers and Abstainers. Conclusions These findings provide preliminary empirical evidence supporting application of social marketing segmentation in alcohol education programs. Development of targeted programs that meet the unique needs of each of the three identified segments is indicated to extend the social marketing footprint in alcohol education.


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India has been witnessing an economic boom which fuelling a huge growth in the financial sector especially the banks. The spending power and consumerism has been increasing along with the growth in GDP. The numbers of banks are around 3000 (data according to Reserve Bank of India). With a population base of close to 1.1 billion and a diverse culture that has been dictating the mindset and lifestyle of the population, it has been a challenge for the banks to understand the customer better and hence a the need of the hour is a proper psychographic study of retail banking customers.


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A growing number of consumers are choosing to wear sporting merchandise, from an‘other’ nation – whom they have no geographic or ethnic affiliation with. In addition, nation sports branding appears to have scaled pandemic heights; by reaching fever pitch, when actively carrying its message across boarders. Consumer preferences are being driven past simple behavioural characteristics; towards more transient psychographic and emotional constructs. In short, nation branded sporting uniform is no longer viewed as demanding restrictivemonogamous loyalty. Ownership of a uniform largely suggests exclusivity and encouraged competition. However, manufactures, national teams, athletes and sponsors are entering symbiotic brand relationships - where they are actively seeking publics, open to multiple adopted nationalities. This phenomenon draws consumers towards embracing temporal national identities, which are converted into an over-arching cross-border identity; ultimately gifting sports brands more significance. The following paper explores consumers’ entry into relationships with another nation, in preference to their own - in manner that has been likened to a form of surrogacy; by the authors. The aim is to stimulate further thinking in a field; which transcends national and cultural boundaries - in the interests of developing new insight, and to provide a platform for marketers to develop more effective communications.


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Apesar do avanço tecnológico, uma grande maioria dos consumidores contínua a utilizar excessivamente os recursos naturais não renováveis do planeta, resultado de um consumo exagerado e inconsciente. Atualmente, os consumidores possuem mais informação sobre as questões ambientais e, alguns, refletem esse conhecimento nas suas decisões de compra. Com a crescente preocupação e atenção, quer por parte da população, quer por parte das organizações governamentais e empresas, para com o meio ambiente e a sua preservação, as questões ecológicas têm cada vez mais importância nas estratégias das empresas. Na presente investigação é analisado o comportamento de compra verde com a utilização das variáveis sociodemográficas (género, idade, número de filhos, rendimento e habilitações literárias) e psicográficas (conhecimento ecológico, coletivismo e individualismo), indo ao encontro do objetivo geral de investigação que visa compreender qual a relevância destas variáveis face ao comportamento de compra verde. O estudo desenvolvido é operacionalizado por via de um método quantitativo, através da utilização de um inquérito por questionário com base nas escalas do conhecimento ecológico (Laroche et al., 2001), coletivismo e individualismo (Singelis et al., 1995 e Triandis & Gelfand (1998)) e do comportamento de compra verde (Jain & Kaur, 2004). O questionário foi aplicado a uma amostra de conveniência (N=350), dando origem a uma análise quantitativa face aos dados obtidos. Os resultados indicam que as variáveis psicográficas exercem maior influência no comportamento de compra verde do que as variáveis sociodemográficas. As variáveis psicográficas, conhecimento ecológico e coletivismo, têm uma grande influência no comportamento de compra verde, ao contrário do individualismo. Por seu lado, do conjunto das variáveis sociodemográficas, apenas a idade e o número de filhos influenciam significativamente o comportamento de compra verde.


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The study is significant from both an application perspective of marketing management as well as from an academic angle. The market for personal care products is a highly fragmented one, with intense competition for specific niche segments. It is well known in marketing literature that the bulk of the volume of sale is accounted for by the minority who are the heavy users. This study will help the marketers to identify the personality profile of such a group and understand how the interaction of personality factors at least partially explains differences in consumption. This knowledge might be useful for better segmentation using psychographic variables as well as for designing specific advertisement campaigns to target the vulnerable groups of customers. From a theoretical perspective, the research may contribute to understanding how specific personality variables and their interaction lead to differences in consumption. The knowledge corresponding to self theory, social comparison theory, persuasibility, evidence from psychology of eating disorders: these all may be integrated into a common frame work for explaining consumption of products having a social function.


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Kerala, a classic ecotourism destination in India, provides significant opportunities for livelihood options to the people who depend on the resources from the forest and those who live in difficult terrains. This article analyses the socio-demographic, psychographic and travel behavior patterns and its sub-characteristics in the background of foreign and domestic tourists. The data source for the article has been obtained from a primary survey of 350 randomly chosen tourists, 175 each from domestic and foreign tourists, visiting Kerala’s ecotourists destinations during August-December 2010-11. Several socio-demographic, psychographic and life style factors have been identified based on the inference from field survey. There is considerable divergence in most of the factors identified in the case of domestic and international tourists. Post-trip attributes like satisfaction and intentions to return show that the ecotourism destinations in Kerala have significant potential that can help communities in the region.