1000 resultados para Psychoanalytic research


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Die Wissenschaft weist im Zuge der Entwicklung von der Industrie- zu einer Wissensgesellschaft einschneidende Veränderungen in der Wissensordnung auf, welche sich bis hin zu einem zunehmenden Verlust der wissenschaftlichen Selbststeuerungsmechanismen bemerkbar machen und einen veränderten Umgang mit dem generierten Wissensschatz erfordern. Nicht nur Änderungen in der Wissensordnung und -produktion stellen die Psychoanalyse vor neue Herausforderungen: In den letzten Jahrzehnten geriet sie als Wissenschaft und Behandlungsverfahren zunehmend in die Kritik und reagierte mit einer konstruktiven Diskussion um ein dem Forschungsgegenstand – die Untersuchung unbewusster Prozesse und Fantasien – adäquates psychoanalytisches Forschungsverständnis. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Forderungen gesellschaftlicher Geldgeber, politischer Vertreter und Interessensgruppen wie auch der wissenschaftlichen Community stellt die Psychoanalyse vor besondere Herausforderungen. Um wissenschaftsexternen wie -internen Gütekriterien zu genügen, ist häufig ein hoher personeller, materieller, finanzieller, methodischer wie organisatorischer Aufwand unabdingbar, wie das Beispiel des psychoanalytischen Forschungsinstitutes Sigmund-Freud-Institut zeigt. Der steigende Aufwand schlägt sich in einer zunehmenden Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses nieder, die unter anderem in den vielschichtigen Fragestellungen und Zielsetzungen, dem vermehrt interdisziplinären, vernetzten Charakter, dem Umgang mit dem umfangreichen, hochspezialisierten Wissen, der Methodenvielfalt, etc. begründet liegt. Um jener Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses gerecht zu werden, ist es zunehmend erforderlich, Wege des Wissensmanagement zu beschreiten. Tools wie z. B. Mapping-Verfahren stellen unterstützende Werkzeuge des Wissensmanagements dar, um den Herausforderungen des Forschungsprozesses zu begegnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zunächst die veränderten Forschungsbedingungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses - insbesondere auch des psychoanalytischen Forschungsprozesses - reflektiert. Die mit der wachsenden Komplexität einhergehenden Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen werden am Beispiel eines interdisziplinär ausgerichteten EU-Forschungsprojektes näher illustriert. Um dieser wachsenden Komplexität psychoanalytischer Forschung erfolgreich zu begegnen, wurden in verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten am Sigmund-Freud-Institut Wissensmanagement-Maßnahmen ergriffen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher in einem zweiten Teil zunächst auf theoretische Aspekte des Wissensmanagements eingegangen, die die Grundlage der eingesetzten Wissensmanagement-Instrumente bildeten. Dabei spielen insbesondere psychologische Aspekte des Wissensmanagements eine zentrale Rolle. Zudem werden die konkreten Wissensmanagement-Tools vorgestellt, die in den verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten zum Einsatz kamen, um der wachsenden Komplexität psychoanalytischer Forschung zu begegnen. Abschließend werden die Hauptthesen der vorliegenden Arbeit noch einmal reflektiert und die geschilderten Techniken des Wissensmanagements im Hinblick auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile kritisch diskutiert.


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This article is part of the methodological approach concerning theoretical investigation aspects, developed from the analysis of research in Psychoanalysis. Due to its peculiarities, research in Psychoanalysis raises issues and questions which advance far beyond the positivist conceptions which underline the dominant paradigm of our present day production of knowledge. Considering Psychoanalysis as the effect of the psychoanalitic act in itself, mainly when considering its theoretical scientific approach which must be part of a specific method, the following question is raised: what are the real possibilities of research in Psychoanalysis, specifically theoretic al research in Psychoanalysis? The article aims at articulating relevant issues concerning the field of Psychoanalysis and their relevant development for research in this field. To sum up, the article highlights issues concerning the role of the researcher as a necessary and decisive condition for any theoretical research in the field of Psychoanalysis.


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Profissionais da área da saúde entram em contato com o sofrimento humano mesmo quando não trabalham diretamente no campo da Psicologia. Este estudo baseou-se no referencial da psicanálise com vistas a compreender os aspectos do sofrimento humano que emerge para os médicos no exercício da reprodução assistida, e a importância do estudo do imaginário coletivo sobre situações de difícil manejo em suas clínicas. Participaram vinte e dois médicos que atuam em hospitais e clínicas do estado de São Paulo em âmbitos público e privado, independentemente de sexo, idade e tempo de formação. Foi utilizado o procedimento desenhos-estórias com tema, compreendido como procedimento dialógico. A entrevista caracterizou-se como uma situação especial de comunicação e expressão das emoções geradas nos atendimentos relacionados à temática proposta. Constatou-se a necessidade de proposição de espaços facilitadores da expressão emocional, que promovem a continência do sofrimento humano e a ocorrência de experiências reflexivo-vivenciais transformadoras do real.


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Este trabajo aborda críticamente los argumentos fundamentales de un sector de teorizaciones y prácticas psicoanalíticas que han sido agrupadas bajo la denominación de "tradición hermenéutica", basándose en dos aspectos: primero, atendiendo a la distancia que dichos argumentos mantienen respecto de la propuesta original de Freud; segundo, analizando los supuestos y valores epistémicos que han orientado (explícita e implícitamente) a tales perspectivas. Posteriormente al abordaje crítico, se conjeturan argumentos tendientes a trascender o reenfocar algunos problemas metodológicos de la investigación y práctica psicoanalítica, tales como la conceptualización y formalización de la acción causal, la validación de las conjeturas (metapsicológicas y clínicas) y el lugar de las formalizaciones teóricas en la clínica


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Este trabajo aborda críticamente los argumentos fundamentales de un sector de teorizaciones y prácticas psicoanalíticas que han sido agrupadas bajo la denominación de "tradición hermenéutica", basándose en dos aspectos: primero, atendiendo a la distancia que dichos argumentos mantienen respecto de la propuesta original de Freud; segundo, analizando los supuestos y valores epistémicos que han orientado (explícita e implícitamente) a tales perspectivas. Posteriormente al abordaje crítico, se conjeturan argumentos tendientes a trascender o reenfocar algunos problemas metodológicos de la investigación y práctica psicoanalítica, tales como la conceptualización y formalización de la acción causal, la validación de las conjeturas (metapsicológicas y clínicas) y el lugar de las formalizaciones teóricas en la clínica


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Este trabajo aborda críticamente los argumentos fundamentales de un sector de teorizaciones y prácticas psicoanalíticas que han sido agrupadas bajo la denominación de "tradición hermenéutica", basándose en dos aspectos: primero, atendiendo a la distancia que dichos argumentos mantienen respecto de la propuesta original de Freud; segundo, analizando los supuestos y valores epistémicos que han orientado (explícita e implícitamente) a tales perspectivas. Posteriormente al abordaje crítico, se conjeturan argumentos tendientes a trascender o reenfocar algunos problemas metodológicos de la investigación y práctica psicoanalítica, tales como la conceptualización y formalización de la acción causal, la validación de las conjeturas (metapsicológicas y clínicas) y el lugar de las formalizaciones teóricas en la clínica


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Este trabajo aborda críticamente los argumentos fundamentales de un sector de teorizaciones y prácticas psicoanalíticas que han sido agrupadas bajo la denominación de "tradición hermenéutica", basándose en dos aspectos: primero, atendiendo a la distancia que dichos argumentos mantienen respecto de la propuesta original de Freud; segundo, analizando los supuestos y valores epistémicos que han orientado (explícita e implícitamente) a tales perspectivas. Posteriormente al abordaje crítico, se conjeturan argumentos tendientes a trascender o reenfocar algunos problemas metodológicos de la investigación y práctica psicoanalítica, tales como la conceptualización y formalización de la acción causal, la validación de las conjeturas (metapsicológicas y clínicas) y el lugar de las formalizaciones teóricas en la clínica


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Drawing on Joke Hermes’ (2006) account of a troubling interview, this article reproduces and reflects on passages from a qualitative interview with a user of a social networking site that was experienced as uncomfortable by both interviewee and interviewer (myself). The psychoanalytic concept of (counter-)transference is used to analyse the possible processes that led to the emergence of two narratives by the interviewee and interviewer and resulted in an unsuccessful research encounter. It is suggested that the analysis of the interview narratives may contribute to Wanda S. Pillow’s (2003) notion of an ‘uncomfortable reflexivity’. It may further add to methodological discussions of the interview in media research by placing an emphasis on a complex theory of the subject and intersubjective dynamics.


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This short commentary outlines psychoanalysis as a theory and method and its potential value to media research. Following Dahlgren (2013), it is suggested that psychoanalysis may enrich the field because it may offer a complex theory of the human subject, as well as methodological means of doing justice to the richness, ambivalence and contradictions of human experience. The psychoanalytic technique of free association and how it has been adapted in social research (Hollway and Jefferson 2000) is suggested as a means to open up subjective modes of expression and thinking – in researchers and research participants alike – that lie beyond rationality and conscious agency.


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Background Major depressive disorders (MDD) are a debilitating and pervasive group of mental illnesses afflicting many millions of people resulting in the loss of 110 million working days and more than 2,500 suicides per annum. Adolescent MDD patients attending NHS clinics show high rates of recurrence into adult life. A meta-analysis of recent research shows that psychological treatments are not as efficacious as previously thought. Modest treatment outcomes of approximately 65% of cases responding suggest that aetiological and clinical heterogeneity may hamper the better use of existing therapies and discovery of more effective treatments. Information with respect to optimal treatment choice for individuals is lacking, with no validated biomarkers to aid therapeutic decision-making. Methods/Design Magnetic resonance-Improving Mood with Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies, the MR-IMPACT study, plans to identify brain regions implicated in the pathophysiology of depressions and examine whether there are specific behavioural or neural markers predicting remission and/or subsequent relapse in a subsample of depressed adolescents recruited to the IMPACT randomised controlled trial (Registration # ISRCTN83033550). Discussion MR-IMPACT is an investigative biomarker component of the IMPACT pragmatic effectiveness trial. The aim of this investigation is to identify neural markers and regional indicators of the pathophysiology of and treatment response for MDD in adolescents. We anticipate that these data may enable more targeted treatment delivery by identifying those patients who may be optimal candidates for therapeutic response.


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Background Up to 70% of adolescents with moderate to severe unipolar major depression respond to psychological treatment plus Fluoxetine (20-50 mg) with symptom reduction and improved social function reported by 24 weeks after beginning treatment. Around 20% of non responders appear treatment resistant and 30% of responders relapse within 2 years. The specific efficacy of different psychological therapies and the moderators and mediators that influence risk for relapse are unclear. The cost-effectiveness and safety of psychological treatments remain poorly evaluated. Methods/Design Improving Mood with Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies, the IMPACT Study, will determine whether Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Short Term Psychoanalytic Therapy is superior in reducing relapse compared with Specialist Clinical Care. The study is a multicentre pragmatic effectiveness superiority randomised clinical trial: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy consists of 20 sessions over 30 weeks, Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 30 sessions over 30 weeks and Specialist Clinical Care 12 sessions over 20 weeks. We will recruit 540 patients with 180 randomised to each arm. Patients will be reassessed at 6, 12, 36, 52 and 86 weeks. Methodological aspects of the study are systematic recruitment, explicit inclusion criteria, reliability checks of assessments with control for rater shift, research assessors independent of treatment team and blind to randomization, analysis by intention to treat, data management using remote data entry, measures of quality assurance, advanced statistical analysis, manualised treatment protocols, checks of adherence and competence of therapists and assessment of cost-effectiveness. We will also determine whether time to recovery and/or relapse are moderated by variations in brain structure and function and selected genetic and hormone biomarkers taken at entry. Discussion The objective of this clinical trial is to determine whether there are specific effects of specialist psychotherapy that reduce relapse in unipolar major depression in adolescents and thereby costs of treatment to society. We also anticipate being able to utilise psychotherapy experience, neuroimaging, genetic and hormone measures to reveal what techniques and their protocols may work best for which patients.


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This article will explore the issues of otherness in the IPA and also consider the local institute level using the example of the British Psychoanalytic Society. According to the IPA it is 'The world's primary psychoanalytic accrediting and regulatory body, with 10,500 members in over forty-five countries. The IPA works in partnership with its Component Organizations to train, support and network psychoanalysts, developing clinical, educational and research programmes'. It is well-known that the history of psychoanalysis is replete with organizational schisms and primary issues of 'inclusion-exclusion'. Who is a real psychoanalyst? "That are the necessary acceptable professional 'standards'? 'While standards' should be derived from knowledge, they are often derived from power and are often really a mask for power-plays. The others' have included those from both outside and within the psychoanalytic movement. Outsiders include medicine and the universities, psychotherapists, other psychoanalysts and other disciplines. Deviationists ,.vithin the IPA include other schools vvithin the'broad church' of psychoanalysis or even just those who don't fit with the proclivities of those in power sometimes rationalized into issues of standards


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Occupational stress in nursing has attracted considerable attention as a focus for research and as a consequence multiple objects of nurses' stress, or 'stressors', have been identified. This paper puts into question the dominant conceptual and methodological approach to occupational stress in nursing research by both foregrounding the notion of anxiety and juxtaposing it with the notion of 'stress'. It is argued that the notion of 'stress' and the domination of the questionnaire have produced a narrow reading of the topic. Some of the literature on occupational stress/anxiety in nursing is reviewed and our analysis illustrates how the identified objects of stress have a tendency to multiply contingent on the number of studies undertaken. Thus definitive objects of nurses' stress remain elusive. We argue that a return to the notion of 'anxiety' and methodological approaches other than empirical ones can bring both depth and breadth to the consideration of occupational distress in nursing. Further, we argue that the object of 'anxiety' is unconscious, thus unknown, and given this, a more informative approach is to map nurses' response to anxiety, the discursive formations arising out of anxiety, rather than attempt to define those objects of anxiety.