961 resultados para Psychiatric Hospital


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This paper describes a study that used a mixed method approach to elicit the views of a range of stakeholders about experiences of compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital, and the use of the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT). The paper begins with an introduction to the background of the study, one that took place in Northern Ireland, a region in the UK with its own mental health legislation and policy. A review of literature is then presented. This highlights some of the disadvantages that service users and carers face when dealing with professionals during and following compulsory admission to hospital. This section concludes with an overview of literature on the MHRT in the UK. A range of methods was used to gather data from the following stakeholders: five service user and carer focus group interviews (n = 44); interviews with four lawyers experienced in Tribunal work; an interview with a legal member of the Tribunal; a survey of solicitors who identified themselves as equipped to carry out Tribunal work; interviews with three managers of organisations that provided patient advocacy services; letters to hospital managers requesting information provided to patients and carers. The findings reveal a number of themes associated with these experiences of compulsory admission to hospital and subsequent use of the Tribunal. Service users and carers generally found it difficult to access relevant information about rights, information provided by hospital managers was uneven and lawyers were often not familiar with processes associated with compulsory admission. There was a range of views about the Tribunal. Most respondents felt that the Tribunal was necessary and mostly satisfactory in the way it carried out its functions, but stakeholders raised a number of issues. Carers in particular felt that they should be more involved in decision-making processes, whereas lawyers tended to be focused on more technical, legal issues. Problems of regrading prior to the Tribunal and in examining medical evidence were highlighted by lawyers. There was an appeal for better information and advice by service users and carers, and recognition of the need for better training and education for lawyers. The paper concludes with a brief discussion about current mental health law in the UK, arguing that, in this context, professionals should more proactively use information and advice that can enable service users and carers to defend their rights. Keywords: compulsory mental health; law; legal and advice services


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Objective: To assess the outcomes for a group of elderly patients with mental illness following their discharge from a stand-alone psychiatric facility to seven extended care units (ECUs). Method: All patients (n = 60) who were relocated to the ECUs were assessed using a number of standardized clinical and general functioning instruments at 6 months and 6 weeks pre-move, and again at 6 weeks, 6 months and 18 months post-move. Results: By 18 months post-discharge, 13 of the 60 patients (21.7%) had died and seven others had been transferred to nursing homes. Those who died were older and had significantly higher levels of physical ill health when compared to those who did not die. Changes on measures of clinical and behavioural functioning in those who remained in the study did not reach statistical significance by 18 months post-move. However, participants did demonstrate improvements in quality of life with significantly higher scores on measures of social contact and community access. Conclusions: The mortality observed in the follow-up period is likely to be related to physical ill health and old age rather than the trauma associated with relocation. While overall functioning did not improve following relocation, patients had more independence and greater access to community-based activities.


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An exploration of the pages of two psychiatric hospital magazines, Speedwell from Holywell Hospital, Antrim, and The Sketch from Downshire Hospital, Downpatrick, reveals the activity filled lives of patients and staff during the 1960s and 1970s. This was a time of great change in mental health care. It was also a time of political turbulence in Northern Ireland. With large in-patient populations, both hospitals had a range of occupational and sporting activities available to patients and staff. The magazines formed part of the effort to promote the ethos of a therapeutic community. While hospital magazines may be viewed as one aspect of an institutional system that allowed people to cut themselves from the wider society, they also provided opportunities for budding writers to express their views on life in a hospital from the service user perspective. As such they offer some valuable insights into the lives of psychiatric patients.


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This article describes a follow-up study of 232 individuals who underwent psychiatric assessment by a Criminal Justice Mental Health Team (CJMHT) in 2001/2002, and also draws upon in-depth interviews conducted with 26 of the cohort. At assessment many people are identified with substance misuse problems, as homeless and with a history of psychiatric contact but in the main their problems are of insufficient severity to merit diversion to psychiatric hospital. The study mapped service contact, housing and offending in the 12 months following assessment and compared this to the 12 months prior to assessment, and found increased levels of service contact but also increased levels of offending and no decrease in homelessness. Thus assessment by the CJMHT brought few discernible advantages for the majority of clients. This was also the perception of the 26 clients who were interviewed. Their own perceptions of their lifestyle and the support that they deemed most valuable are described to identify means of enhancing the efficacy of court assessment.


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Objective: To examine the effects of personal and community characteristics, specifically race and rurality, on lengths of state psychiatric hospital and community stays using maximum likelihood survival analysis with a special emphasis on change over a ten year period of time. Data Sources: We used the administrative data of the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) from 1982-1991 and the Area Resources File (ARF). Given these two sources, we constructed a history file for each individual who entered the state psychiatric system over the ten year period. Histories included demographic, treatment, and community characteristics. Study Design: We used a longitudinal, population-based design with maximum likelihood estimation of survival models. We presented a random effects model with unobserved heterogeneity that was independent of observed covariates. The key dependent variables were lengths of inpatient stay and subsequent length of community stay. Explanatory variables measured personal, diagnostic, and community characteristics, as well as controls for calendar time. Data Collection: This study used secondary, administrative, and health planning data. Principal Findings: African-American clients leave the community more quickly than whites. After controlling for other characteristics, however, race does not affect hospital length of stay. Rurality does not affect length of community stays once other personal and community characteristics are controlled for. However, people from rural areas have longer hospital stays even after controlling for personal and community characteristics. The effects of time are significantly smaller than expected. Diagnostic composition effects and a decrease in the rate of first inpatient admissions explain part of this reduced impact of time. We also find strong evidence for the existence of unobserved heterogeneity in both types of stays and adjust for this in our final models. Conclusions: Our results show that information on client characteristics available from inpatient stay records is useful in predicting not only the length of inpatient stay but also the length of the subsequent community stay. This information can be used to target increased discharge planning for those at risk of more rapid readmission to inpatient care. Correlation across observed and unobserved factors affecting length of stay has significant effects on the measurement of relationships between individual factors and lengths of stay. Thus, it is important to control for both observed and unobserved factors in estimation.


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Estudo que possui como objeto violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico como risco psicossocial à saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cujo interesse investigativo iniciou-se na graduação e posteriormente ao trabalhar como enfermeiro em um hospital psiquiátrico. Tais experiências marcaram de forma peculiar a minha trajetória profissional e o interesse acerca do objeto de estudo, por entender que a violência em âmbito psiquiátrico precisa ser desvelada e discutida para que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas no coletivo dos trabalhadores com vistas ao bem estar, a satisfação no trabalho e qualidade do serviço ofertado a população. Objetivou-se neste estudo, identificar os tipos de violência presentes no trabalho da enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico; descrever as repercussões da violência laboral para a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico e analisar os mecanismos de enfrentamento adotados pelos trabalhadores da enfermagem diante da violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos em um hospital psiquiátrico situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, no período janeiro a fevereiro de 2013 com 16 trabalhadores (7 enfermeiros e 9 técnicos de enfermagem), a partir dos critérios de inclusão adotados. Trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, mediante um roteiro contendo questões sobre o objeto de estudo. O projeto atendeu as exigências presentes na Resolução 196/96, do Ministério da Saúde (MS), tendo sido aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) com o número 070.3.2012. Aplicada a técnica de conteúdo ao material emergiram os seguintes resultados: na vivencia dos trabalhadores do hospital psiquiátrico há três tipos de violência. A primeira refere-se à violência sofrida, principalmente durante as emergências psiquiátricas, momento em que o trabalhador sofre com as agressões verbais e, em alguns casos, físicas cometidas pelo paciente. Outro tipo de violência no trabalho foi a perpetrada pelo familiar em momentos de tensão e a terceira envolveu a violência simbólica por parte dos médicos, principalmente os residentes. A violência do trabalho foi identificada em decorrência da precarização das condições de trabalho em termos de recursos humanos e materiais. A violência laboral revelou-se como um risco psicossocial a saúde do trabalhador por acarretar sofrimento psíquico e físico evidenciado através de queixas de desgaste, estresse e medo, levando a insatisfação e desmotivação no trabalho. Para se manterem no trabalho, os trabalhadores elaboram estratégias de enfrentamento centradas na resolução dos problemas decorrentes da violência e na regulação da emoção. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que a violência em hospital psiquiátrico é um risco psicossocial que afeta a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cabendo a organização juntamente com os trabalhadores propor medidas que deem visibilidade a violência sofrida, através do diagnostico, da prevenção e enfrentamento coletivo, o que pode ser realizado mediante denuncia dos próprios trabalhadores junto a instituição, sindicatos e órgãos de classe. Salienta-se a importância de suporte psicoterápico dos trabalhadores de enfermagem vitimas de violência com vistas à identificação dos fatores de risco e fortalecimento dos fatores protetores. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos na área, considerando a incipiência dos mesmos.


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Trata-se de um estudo que possui como objeto as cargas de trabalho de enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico e as repercussões para a saúde. O trabalho da enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico tem particularidades ao se considerar a dinâmica do serviço e o cuidado de pacientes com diversos perfis de adoecimento psíquico; portanto com necessidades de cuidados e monitoramento extenuantes por parte da enfermagem durante 24 horas. Objetivos: identificar as cargas de trabalho vivenciadas pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem em um hospital psiquiátrico; descrever como as cargas de trabalho no hospital psiquiátrico afetam a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem; analisar os mecanismos de enfretamento adotados pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem diante das cargas de trabalho no hospital psiquiátrico. Estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo, tendo como campo um hospital psiquiátrico, situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e protocolado com o n 619.262. A coleta de dados ocorreu no primeiro semestre de 2014, tendo participado do estudo 30 trabalhadores de enfermagem (enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem) a partir dos critérios de inclusão estabelecidos. Na coleta dos dados, realizada no primeiro semestre de 2014, trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista do tipo semiestruturada mediante um roteiro e na caracterização dos participantes, utilizou-se um instrumento autoaplicado. Após a transcrição dos depoimentos recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo do tipo temática, que apontou os seguintes resultados: as cargas presentes em hospital psiquiátrico, na visão dos trabalhadores, devem-se aos cuidados prestados aos pacientes de ordem subjetiva e objetiva, como também em relação à imprevisibilidade do quadro clínico, principalmente nas emergências psiquiátricas. Para o grupo, as cargas de trabalho, tanto físicas quanto psíquicas são intensificadas em função da precariedade das condições de trabalho, a ausência de poder do trabalhador frente a organização e ao volume de trabalho. As cargas acarretam o sofrimento psíquico evidenciado através de queixas como cansaço, nervosismo, incômodo, ansiedade, irritação e desgaste, dores musculares, insônia e cefaleia. Diante do sofrimento psíquico decorrente das cargas de trabalho o grupo elabora mecanismos de enfrentamento centrados na solução de problemas; momentos em que buscam a chefia e conversam com os pares. Quanto aos mecanismos de enfrentamento centrados na emoção, os trabalhadores, buscam afastar-se temporariamente do trabalho, procuram não pensar, não falar a respeito ou extravasam a tensão através de gestos e reclamações. Conclui-se que o hospital psiquiátrico possui cargas de trabalho específicas em função do tipo de trabalho realizado e clientela assistida que exigem dos trabalhadores de enfermagem observação e cuidados contínuos. Pelo fato de as cargas acarretarem prejuízos à saúde do trabalhador, há necessidade de uma política voltada para a prevenção e a promoção da saúde do grupo. Sugere-se a criação e manutenção de grupos de suporte aos trabalhadores com vistas a elaboração e discussão dos problemas enfrentados, assim como a continuidade dos estudos.


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Este trabalho escrito visa relatar a experiência vivenciada com o Grupo de Teatro Terapêutico do Júlio de Matos do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa na preparação de um espectáculo de teatro pelo grupo. Nele vêm-se descritas as actividades referentes ao levantamento do trabalho teatral com um grupo de pessoas com diagnóstico psiquiátrico e ligadas a uma instituição hospitalar, e são referenciadas as práticas e teorias terapêuticas que são associadas à dinamização do grupo. Terminando com a reflexão sobre a componente terapêutica indissociável à natureza do processo artístico.


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The records of 392 men hospitalized in a maximum security forensic psychiatric hospital were reviewed. Demographic information was collected as well as data from the men's performance on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Prevalence rates for malingering were low across the sample. However, results of chi-square analysis revealed that those who scored high on the PCL-R received a diagnosis of malingering significantly more frequently than those who scored low on the PCL-R. Clinical applications and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.


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To determine the prevalence of current psychiatric disorders and unmet needs in a sample of police cell detainees in Victoria. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, including data linkage with the Victoria Police database and the Victorian Psychiatric Case Register. In Melbourne, Australia, 150 detainees were recruited from two busy metropolitan police stations. Outcome measures included estimated rates of psychiatric disorders, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR, and individual needs, using the Camberwell Assessment of Need – Forensic Version. One quarter (n = 32, 25.4%) of detainees had a prior admission to a psychiatric hospital, and three quarters met current criteria for a diagnosable mental disorder. The most common disorders were substance dependence (n = 81, 54%) and mood disorders (n = 60, 40%). A third met diagnostic criteria for both a mental illness and a substance use disorder. The odds of being classified with mood (OR = 10.1), anxiety (OR = 2.2), psychotic (OR = 15.4) and substance use disorders (OR = 26.3) were all significantly higher in the current sample as compared with the general population. Detainees with a mental illness identified significantly more needs and significantly more unmet needs (e.g. psychological distress) than those who did not rate as having a current mental illness. There remains a pressing need to evaluate standardized screening tools for mental illnesses in police cells to provide timely access to assessment and treatment services. The need for functional interagency collaborations are highlighted and discussed.


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The existence of chronic inhabitants in the psychiatric hospitals imposes a challenge to the Psychiatric Reform, that proposes things such as the gradual and progressive way to extinct mental institutions, once the permanence of the hospital in the system is only necessary because there is not a net of well structured substitute services capable of receiving that demand. This work considered relevant to deepen the knowledge about those people who passes their lives jailed by the walls of psychiatric hospitals and compose significant part of the world population. It also aimed to investigate the problem relative to the condition of being an inhabitant of a psychiatric hospital the Dr. João Machado Hospital (HJM), in the city of Natal/RN. The paper used different points of view (patients , families and professionals ) to define the profile of the inhabitants, to identify the possibility of insertion in substituting social equipment, to know the expectations of the inhabitants and their relatives regarding to the exit of the life shelter, to investigate the demands related to the net of cares social support for making feasible the discharge and to identify the difficulties that are involved in the exit of the chronic inhabitant of the hospital. There were defined three methodological phases: delineation of the identification, socio-economic and clinical profile of the inhabitants of the HJM; semi-structured interviews with professionals; and open interviews with inhabitants and family. It concluded that the psychiatric institutionalization contributes to the generation of chronic inhabitants in the psychiatric hospitals. Among the professionals, it was detached the defense of desospitalization, but an existence of devices of the asylum model. The relatives showed a resistance to participate in the care and the inhabitants exposed their desire to leave the hospital, as well like the wish of permanence. It was considered important: the construction of an extra-hospital net that enables to desinstitutionalization; the qualification of the technical; orientation to the family, stimulating its participation in the process of caring; give freedom to the individuals in mental suffering, enabling them to be ahead of their lives and express their desires and opinions; the implementation of an extended clinic that is capable of building new possibilities; and a subjectivity guided by the social enclosure