103 resultados para Psii
The cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans R2) adjusts its photosynthetic function by changing one of the polypeptides of photosystem II. This polypeptide, called Dl, is found in two forms in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. Changing the growth light conditions by increasing the light intensity to higher levels results in replacement of the original form of D 1 polypeptide, D 1: 1, with another form, D 1 :2. We investigated the role of these two polypeptides in two mutant strains, R2S2C3 (only Dl:l present) and R2Kl (only Dl:2 present) In cells with either high or low PSI/PSII. R2S2C3 cells had a lower amplitude for 77 K fluorescence emission at 695 nm than R2Kl cells. Picosecond fluorescence decay kinetics showed that R2S2C3 cells had shorter lifetimes than R2Kl cells. The lower yields and shorter lifetimes observed in the D 1 and Dl:2 containing cells. containing cells suggest that the presence of D 1: 1 results in more photochemical or non-photochemical quenching of excitation energy In PSII. One of the most likely mechanisms for the increased quenching in R2S2C3 cells could be an increased efficiency in the transfer of excitation energy from PSII to PSI. However, photophysical studies including 77 K fluorescence measurements and picosecond time resolved decay kinetics comparing low and high PSI/PSII cells did not support the hypothesis that D 1: 1 facilitates the dissipation of excess energy by energy transfer from PSII to PSI. In addition physiological studies of oxygen evolution measurements after photoinhibition treatments showed that the two mutant cells had no difference in their susceptibility to photoinhibition with either high PSI/PSII ratio or low PSI/PSII ratio. Again suggesting that, the energy transfer efficiency from PSII to PSI is likely not a factor in the differences between Dl:l and Dl:2 containing cells.
Recent reports of contamination of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by herbicides used in antifouling paints and in agriculture have caused concern over the possible effects on corals in nearshore areas. Pulse-Amplitude Modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine changes in the maximum effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′) of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the host tissues (in hospite) of the coral Seriatopora hystrix exposed to a number of Photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting herbicides in short-term toxicity tests. The concentration of herbicide required to reduce ΔF/Fm′ by 50% (median effective concentration [EC50]) differed by over 2 orders of magnitude: Irgarol 1051 (0.7 μg l-1) > ametryn (1.7 μg l-1) > diuron (2.3 μg l-1) > hexazinone (8.8 μg l -1) > atrazine (45 μg l-1) > simazine (150 μg l-1) > tebuthiuron (175 μg l-1) > ionynil (> 1 mg l-1). Similar absolute and relative toxicities were observed with colonies of the coral Acropora formosa (Irgarol 1051 EC50: 1.3 μg l-1, diuron EC50: 2.8 μg l-1), Time-course experiments indicated that ΔF/Fm′ was rapidly reduced (i.e. within minutes) in S. hystrix exposed to Irgarol 1051 and diuron. On return to fresh running seawater, ΔF/Fm′ recovered quickly in diuron-exposed corals (i.e. in minutes to hours), but slowly in corals exposed to Irgarol 1051 (i.e. hours to days). Time-course experiments indicated that the effects of diuron (3 μg l-1) on S. hystrix were inversely related to temperature over the range 20 to 30 °C, although initially the effects were less at the lower temperatures. Repeated exposure to pulses of Irgarol 1051 (daily 2 h exposure to 30 μg l -1 over 4 d) resulted in a 30% decrease in the density of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the tissues of S. hystrix.
Low temperatures negatively impact the metabolism of orange trees, and the extent of damage can be influenced by the rootstock. We evaluated the effects of low nocturnal temperatures on Valencia orange scions grafted on Rangpur lime or Swingle citrumelo rootstocks. We exposed six-month-old plants to night temperatures of 20ºC and 8ºC under controlled conditions. After decreasing the temperature to 8ºC, there were decreases in leaf CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, mesophyll conductance and CO2 concentration in the chloroplasts, in plant hydraulic conductivity and in the maximum electron transport rate driven ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration in plants grafted on both rootstocks. However, the effects of low night temperature were more severe in plants grafted on Rangpur rootstock, which also presented reduction in the maximum rate of RuBP carboxylation and in the maximum quantum efficiency of the PSII. In general, irreversible damage due to night chilling was found in the photosynthetic apparatus of plants grafted on Rangpur lime. Low night temperatures induced similar changes in the antioxidant metabolism, preventing oxidative damage in citrus leaves on both rootstocks. As photosynthesis is linked to plant growth, our findings indicate that the rootstock may improve the performance of citrus trees in environments with low night temperatures, with Swingle rootstock improving the photosynthetic acclimation in leaves of orange plants.
In order for solar energy to serve as a primary energy source, it must be paired with energy storage on a massive scale. At this scale, solar fuels and energy storage in chemical bonds is the only practical approach. Solar fuels are produced in massive amounts by photosynthesis with the reduction of CO(2) by water to give carbohydrates but efficiencies are low. In photosystem II (PSII), the oxygen-producing site for photosynthesis, light absorption and sensitization trigger a cascade of coupled electron-proton transfer events with time scales ranging from picoseconds to microseconds. Oxidative equivalents are built up at the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) for water oxidation by the Kok cycle. A systematic approach to artificial photo synthesis is available based on a ""modular approach"" in which the separate functions of a final device are studied separately, maximized for rates and stability, and used as modules in constructing integrated devices based on molecular assemblies, nanoscale arrays, self-assembled monolayers, etc. Considerable simplification is available by adopting a ""dyesensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell"" (DSPEC) approach inspired by dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Water oxidation catalysis is a key feature, and significant progress has been made in developing a single-site solution and surface catalysts based on polypyridyl complexes of Ru. In this series, ligand variations can be used to tune redox potentials and reactivity over a wide range. Water oxidation electrocatalysis has been extended to chromophore-catalyst assemblies for both water oxidation and DSPEC applications.
The aim of this study was to evaluate how the summer and winter conditions affect the photosynthesis and water relations of well-watered orange trees, considering the diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and leaf water potential (I) of potted-plants growing in a subtropical climate. The diurnal pattern of photosynthesis in young citrus trees was not significantly affected by the environmental changes when compared the summer and winter seasons. However, citrus plants showed higher photosynthetic performance in summer, when plants fixed 2.9 times more CO(2) during the diurnal period than in the winter season. Curiously, the winter conditions were more favorable to photosynthesis of citrus plants, when considering the air temperature (< 29 A degrees C), leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (< 2.4 kPa) and photon flux density (maximum values near light saturation) during the diurnal period. Therefore, low night temperature was the main environmental element changing the photosynthetic performance and water relations of well-watered plants during winter. Lower whole-plant hydraulic conductance, lower shoot hydration and lower stomatal conductance were noticed during winter when compared to the summer season. In winter, higher ratio between the apparent electron transport rate and leaf CO(2) assimilation was verified in afternoon, indicating reduction in electron use efficiency by photosynthesis. The high radiation loading in the summer season did not impair the citrus photochemistry, being photoprotective mechanisms active. Such mechanisms were related to increases in the heat dissipation of excessive light energy at the PSII level and to other metabolic processes consuming electrons, which impede the citrus photoinhibition under high light conditions.
The heat sensitivity of photochemical processes was evaluated in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars A222, A320, and Carioca grown under well-watered conditions during the entire plant cycle (control treatment) or subjected to a temporal moderate water deficit at the preflowering stage (PWD). The responses of chlorophyll fluorescence to temperature were evaluated in leaf discs excised from control and PWD plants seven days after the complete recovery of plant shoot hydration. Heat treatment was done in the dark (5 min) at the ambient CO2 concentration. Chlorophyll fluorescence was assessed under both dark and light conditions at 25, 35, and 45 degrees C. In the dark, a decline of the potential quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) and an increase in minimum chlorophyll fluorescence were observed in all genotypes at 45 degrees C, but these responses were affected by PWD. In the light, the apparent electron transport rate and the effective quantum efficiency of PSII were reduced by heat stress (45 degrees C), but no change due to PWD was demonstrated. Interestingly, only the A222 cultivar subjected to PWD showed a significant increase in nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching at 45 degrees C. The common bean cultivars had different photochemical sensitivities to heat stress altered by a previous water deficit period. Increased thermal tolerance due to PWD was genotype-dependent and associated with an increase in potential quantum efficiency of PSII at high temperature. Under such conditions, the genotype responsive to PWD treatment enhanced its protective capacity against excessive light energy via increased nonphotochemical quenching.
The physiological responses of sugarcane (Succharion officinarum L.) to oxidative stress induced by methyl viologen (paraquat) were examined with respect to photochemical activity, chlorophyll content, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities. Thirty-day-old sugarcane plants were sprayed with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mM methyl viologen (MV). Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured after 18 It and biochemical analyses were performed after 24 and 48 h. Concentrations of MV above 2 mM caused significant damage to photosystem II (PSII) activity. Potential and effective quantum efficiency of PSII and apparent electron transport rate were greatly reduced or practically abolished. Both chlorophyll and soluble protein contents steadily decreased with MV concentrations above 2 mM after 24 It of exposure, which became more pronounced after 48 It, achieving a 3-fold decrease. Insoluble protein contents were little affected by MV. Oxidative stress induced by MV was evidenced by increases in lipid peroxidation. Specific activity of SOD increased, even after 48 h of exposure to the highest concentrations of MV, but total activity on a fresh weight basis did not change significantly. Nondenaturing YAGE assayed with H2O2 and KCN showed that treatment with MV did not change Cu/Zn-SOD and MnSOD isoform activities. In contrast, APX specific activity increased at 2 mM MV but then dropped at higher doses. Oxidative damage induced by MV was inversely related to APX activity. It is suggested that the major MV-induced oxidative damages in sugarcane leaves were related to excess H2O2, probably in chloroplasts, caused by an imbalance between SOD and APX activities, in which APX was a limiting step. Reduced photochemical activity allowed the early detection of the ensuing oxidative stress. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The early effects of heat stress on the photosynthesis of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) within the tissues of a reef-building coral were examined using pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence and photorespirometry. Exposure of Stylophora pistillata to 33 and 34 degrees C for 4 h resulted in (1) the development of strong non-photochemical quenching (qN) of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal, (2) marked decreases in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, and (3) decreases in optimal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of photosystern II (PSII), Quantum yield decreased to a greater extent on the illuminated surfaces of coral branches than on lower (shaded) surfaces, and also when high irradiance intensities were combined with elevated temperature (33 degrees C as opposed to 28 degrees C), qN collapsed in heat-stressed samples when quenching analysis was conducted in the absence of oxygen, Collectively, these observations are interpreted as the initiation of photoprotective dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat (qN) and O-2-dependent electron flow through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase cycle (MAP-cycle) following the point at which the rate of light-driven electron transport exceeds the capacity of the Calvin cycle. A model for coral bleaching is proposed whereby the primary site of heat damage in S, pistillata is carboxylation within the Calvin cycle, as has been observed during heat damage in higher plants, Damage to PSII and a reduction in F-v/F-m (i.e. photoinhibition) are secondary effects following the overwhelming of photoprotective mechanisms by light. This secondary factor increases the effect of the primary variable, temperature. Potential restrictions of electron flow in heat-stressed zooxanthellae are discussed with respect to Calvin cycle enzymes and the unusual status of the dinoflagellate Rubisco, Significant features of our model are that (1) damage to PSII is not the initial step in the sequence of heat stress in zooxanthellae, acid (2) light plays a key secondary role in the initiation of the bleaching phenomena.
Pulse-amplitude-modulation fluorometry and oxygen respirometry were used to investigate diel photosynthetic responses by symbiotic dinoflagellates to light levels in summer and winter on a high latitude coral reef. The symbiotic dinoflagellates from 2 species of reef-building coral (Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata) showed photoinhibitory decreases in the ratio of variable (F-v) to maximal (F-m) fluorescence (F-v/F-m) as early as 09:00 h on both summer and winter days on the reefs associated with One Tree Island (23 degrees 30' S, 152 degrees 06' E; Great Barrier Reef, Australia). This was due to decreases in maximum, F-m, and to a smaller extent minimum, F-0, chlorophyll fluorescence. Complete recovery took 4 to 6 h and began to occur as soon as light levels fell each day. Chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis of corals measured during the early afternoon revealed classic regulation of photosystem II (PSII) efficiency through non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). These results appear to be similar to data collected for other algae and higher plants, suggesting involvement of the xanthophyll cycle of symbiotic dinoflagellates in regulating the quantum efficiency of PSII. The ability of symbiotic dinoflagellates to develop significant NPQ, however, depended strongly on when the symbiotic dinoflagellates were studied. Whereas symbiotic dinoflagellates from corals in the early afternoon showed a significant capacity to regulate the efficiency of PSII using NPQ, those sampled before sunrise had a slower and much reduced capacity, suggesting that elements of the xanthophyll cycle are suppressed prior to sunrise. A second major finding of this study is that the quantum efficiency of PSII in symbiotic dinoflagellates is strongly diurnal, and is as much as 50% lower just prior to sunrise than later in the day. When combined with oxygen flux data, these results indicate that a greater portion of the electron transport occurring later in the day is likely to be due to the increases in the rate of carbon fixation by Rubisco or to higher flutes through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase (MAP) cycle.
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements have a wide range of applications from basic understanding of photosynthesis functioning to plant environmental stress responses and direct assessments of plant health. The measured signal is the fluorescence intensity (expressed in relative units) and the most meaningful data are derived from the time dependent increase in fluorescence intensity achieved upon application of continuous bright light to a previously dark adapted sample. The fluorescence response changes over time and is termed the Kautsky curve or chlorophyll fluorescence transient. Recently, Strasser and Strasser (1995) formulated a group of fluorescence parameters, called the JIP-test, that quantify the stepwise flow of energy through Photosystem II, using input data from the fluorescence transient. The purpose of this study was to establish relationships between the biochemical reactions occurring in PS II and specific JIP-test parameters. This was approached using isolated systems that facilitated the addition of modifying agents, a PS II electron transport inhibitor, an electron acceptor and an uncoupler, whose effects on PS II activity are well documented in the literature. The alteration to PS II activity caused by each of these compounds could then be monitored through the JIP-test parameters and compared and contrasted with the literature. The known alteration in PS II activity of Chenopodium album atrazine resistant and sensitive biotypes was also used to gauge the effectiveness and sensitivity of the JIP-test. The information gained from the in vitro study was successfully applied to an in situ study. This is the first in a series of four papers. It shows that the trapping parameters of the JIP-test were most affected by illumination and that the reduction in trapping had a run-on effect to inhibit electron transport. When irradiance exposure proceeded to photoinhibition, the electron transport probability parameter was greatly reduced and dissipation significantly increased. These results illustrate the advantage of monitoring a number of fluorescence parameters over the use of just one, which is often the case when the F-V/F-M ratio is used.
The rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) is a native tree species of Amazon rainforest growing naturally in acidic forest soils with reduced redox potential. However, this species can also been found growing in forest gaps containing oxide soils. Variations in the forms of mineral nitrogen (NO3- or NH4+) may be predicted in these different edaphic conditions. Considering that possibility, an experiment was carried out to analyze the effects of different NO3-:NH4+ ratios on the growth performance, mineral composition, chloroplastid pigment contents, photochemical efficiency photosystem II (PSII), and nitrate redutase activity (RN, E.C. on A. rosaeodora seedlings. Nine-month-old seedlings were grown in pots with a washed sand capacity of 7.5 kg and submitted to different NO3-:NH4+ ratios (T1 = 0:100%, T2 = 25:75%, T3 = 50:50%, T4 = 75:25%, and T5 = 100:0%). The lowest relative growth rate was observed when the NO3-:NH4+ ratio was equal to 0:100%. In general, high concentrations of NO3- rather than NH4+ favored a greater nutrient accumulation in different parts of the plant. For the chloroplastid pigment, the highest Chl a, Chl b, Chl tot, Chl a/b and Chl tot/Cx+c contents were found in the treatment with 75:25% of NO3-:NH4+, and for Chl b and Cx+c it was observed no difference. In addition, there was a higher photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) when high NO3- concentrations were used. A linear and positive response for the nitrate reductase activity was recorded when the nitrate content increased on the culture substrate. Our results suggest that A. rosaeodora seedlings have a better growth performance when the NO3- concentrations in the culture substrate were higher than the NH4+ concentrations.
Photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthesis is susceptible to photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is defined as light induced damage resulting in turnover of the D1 protein subunit of the reaction center of PSII. Both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light cause photoinhibition. Photoinhibition induced by UV light damages the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) via absorption of UV photons by the Mn ion(s) of OEC. Under visible light, most of the earlier hypotheses assume that photoinhibition occurs when the rate of photon absorption by PSII antenna exceeds the use of the absorbed energy in photosynthesis. However, photoinhibition occurs at all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. The aim of my thesis work was to build a model of photoinhibition that fits the experimental features of photoinhibition. I studied the role of electron transfer reactions of PSII in photoinhibition and found that changing the electron transfer rate had only minor influence on photoinhibition if light intensity was kept constant. Furthermore, quenching of antenna excitations protected less efficiently than it would protect if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. To identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition, I measured the action spectrum of photoinhibition. The action spectrum showed resemblance to the absorption spectra of Mn model compounds suggesting that the Mn cluster of OEC acts as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under visible light, too. The role of Mn in photoinhibition was further supported by experiments showing that during photoinhibition OEC is damaged before electron transfer activity at the acceptor side of PSII is lost. Mn enzymes were found to be photosensitive under visible and UV light indicating that Mn-containing compounds, including OEC, are capable of functioning as photosensitizers both in visible and UV light. The experimental results above led to the Mn hypothesis of the mechanism of continuous-light-induced photoinhibition. According to the Mn hypothesis, excitation of Mn of OEC results in inhibition of electron donation from OEC to the oxidized primary donor P680+ both under UV and visible light. P680 is oxidized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll, and if not reduced by OEC, P680+ may cause harmful oxidation of other PSII components. Photoinhibition was also induced with intense laser pulses and it was found that the photoinhibitory efficiency increased in proportion to the square of pulse intensity suggesting that laser-pulse-induced photoinhibition is a two-photon reaction. I further developed the Mn hypothesis suggesting that the initial event in photoinhibition under both continuous and pulsed light is the same: Mn excitation that leads to the inhibition of electron donation from OEC to P680+. Under laser-pulse-illumination, another Mn-mediated inhibitory photoreaction occurs within the duration of the same pulse, whereas under continuous light, secondary damage is chlorophyll mediated. A mathematical model based on the Mn hypothesis was found to explain photoinhibition under continuous light, under flash illumination and under the combination of these two.
This study evaluated the tolerance of mango cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins' and 'Uba' grafted on rootstock 'Imbú' to salt stress using chlorophyll fluorescence. Plants were grown in modified Hoagland solution containing 0, 15, 30, and 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. At 97 days the parameters of the chlorophyll fluorescence (F0, Fm, Fv, F0/Fm, Fv/Fm, Fv'/Fm', ΦPSII = [(Fm'-Fs)/(Fm')], D = (1- Fv'/Fm') and ETR = (ΦPSII×PPF×0,84×0,5) were determined. At 100 days, the leaf emission and leaf area, toxicity and leaf abscission indexes were determined. In all cultivars evaluated, in different degree, there were decreases in photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, enhanced concentrations from 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. The decreases in the potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were 27.9, 18.7, 20.5, and 27.4%, for cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins', and 'Uba', respectively, when grown in 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. It was found decreases in leaf emission and mean leaf area in all cultivars from 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. There were increases in leaf toxicity of 33.0, 67.5, 41.6 and 80.8% and in leaf abscission of 71.8, 29.2, 32.5, and 67.9% for the cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins', and 'Uba' respectively, when grown in 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. Leaf toxicity and leaf abscission were not observed in 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. The decrease in Fv/Fm ratio were accompanied by decreasing in leaf emission and increased leaf toxicity index, showing, therefore, the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence in the early detection of salt stress in mango tree.
During the past few years, a considerable number of research articles have been published relating to the structure and function of the major photosynthetic protein complexes, photosystem (PS) I, PSII, cytochrome (Cyt) b6f, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. Sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) genome together with several high-quality proteomics studies has, however, revealed that the thylakoid membrane network of plant chloroplasts still contains a number of functionally unknown proteins. These proteins may have a role as auxiliary proteins guiding the assembly, maintenance, and turnover of the thylakoid protein complexes, or they may be as yet unknown subunits of the photosynthetic complexes. Novel subunits are most likely to be found in the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex, the structure and function of which have remained obscure in the absence of detailed crystallographic data, thus making this thylakoid protein complex a particularly interesting target of investigation. In this thesis, several novel thylakoid-associated proteins were identified by proteomics-based methods. The major goal of characterization of the stroma thylakoid associated polysome-nascent chain complexes was to determine the proteins that guide the dynamic life cycle of PSII. In addition, a large protein complex of ≥ 1,000 kDa, residing in the stroma thylakoid, was characterized in greater depth and it was found to be a supercomplex composed of the PSI and NDH complexes. A set of newly identified proteins from Arabidopsis thylakoids was subjected to detailed characterization using the reverse genetics approach and extensive biochemical and biophysical analysis. The role of the novel proteins, either as auxiliary proteins or subunits of the photosynthetic protein complexes, was revealed. Two novel thylakoid lumen proteins, TLP18.3 and AtCYP38, function as auxiliary proteins assisting specific steps of the assembly/repair of PSII. The role of the 10-kDa thylakoid lumen protein PsbR is related to the optimization of oxygen evolution of PSII by assisting the assembly of the PsbP protein. Two integral thylakoid membrane proteins, NDH45 and NDH48, are novel subunits of the chloroplast NDH complex. Finally, the thylakoid lumen immunophilin AtCYP20-2 is suggested to interact with the NDH complex, instead of PSII as was hypothesized earlier.