986 resultados para Pseudonaja-textilis Venom


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The snake venom group C prothrombin activators contain a number of components that enhance the rate of prothrombin activation. The cloning and expression of full-length cDNA for one of these components, an activated factor X (factor Xa)-like protease from Pseudonaja textilis as well as the generation of functional chimeric constructs with procoagulant activity were described. The complete cDNA codes for a propeptide, light chain, activation peptide (AP) and heavy chain related in sequence to mammalian factor X. Efficient expression of the protease was achieved with constructs where the AP was deleted and the cleavage sites between the heavy and light chains modified, or where the AP was replaced with a peptide involved in insulin receptor processing. In human kidney cells (H293F) transfected with these constructs, up to 80% of the pro-form was processed to heavy and light chains. Binding of the protease to barium citrate and use of specific antibodies demonstrated that gamma-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues had occurred on the light chain in both cases, as observed in human factor Xa and the native P. textilis protease. The recombinant protease caused efficient coagulation of whole citrated blood and citrated plasma that was enhanced by the presence of Ca2+. This study identified the complete cDNA sequence of a factor Xa-like protease from P. textilis and demonstrated for the first time the expression of a recombinant form of P. textilis protease capable of blood coagulation.


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Venom from the Australian elapid Pseudonaja textilis (Common or Eastern Brown snake), is the second most toxic snake venom known and is the most common cause of death from snake bite in Australia. This venom is known to contain a prothrombin activator complex, serine proteinase inhibitors, various phospholipase A(2)s, and pre-and postsynaptic neurotoxins. In this study, we performed a proteomic identification of the venom using two- dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and de novo peptide sequencing. We identified most of the venom proteins including proteins previously not known to be present in the venom. In addition, we used immunoblotting and post-translational modification-specific enzyme stains and antibodies that reveal the complexity and regional diversity of the venom. Modifications observed include phosphorylation, gamma-carboxylation, and glycosylation. Glycoproteins were further characterized by enzymatic deglycosylation and by lectin binding specificity. The venom contains an abundance of glycoproteins with N-linked sugars that include glucose/mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, and sialic acids. Additionally there are multiple isoforms of mammalian coagulation factors that comprise a significant proportion of the venom. Indeed two of the identified proteins, a procoagulant and a plasmin inhibitor, are currently in development as human therapeutic agents.


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Textilinin-1 (Txln-1), a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, is a 59-amino-acid polypeptide isolated from the venom of the Australian Common Brown snake Pseudonaja textilis textilis. This molecule has been suggested as an alternative to aprotinin, also a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, for use as an anti-bleeding agent in surgical procedures. Txln-1 shares only 47% amino-acid identity to aprotinin; however, six cysteine residues in the two peptides are in conserved locations. It is therefore expected that the overall fold of these molecules is similar but that they have contrasting surface features. Here, the crystallization of recombinant textilinin-1 (rTxln-1) as the free molecule and in complex with bovine trypsin (229 amino acids) is reported. Two organic solvents, phenol and 1,4-butanediol, were used as additives to facilitate the crystallization of free rTxln-1. Crystals of the rTxln-1-bovine trypsin complex diffracted to 2.0 angstrom resolution, while crystals of free rTxln-1 diffracted to 1.63 angstrom resolution.


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A key component of the venom of many Australian snakes belonging to the elapid family is a toxin that is structurally and functionally similar to that of the mammalian prothrombinase complex. In mammals, this complex is responsible for the cleavage of prothrombin to thrombin and is composed of factor Xa in association with its cofactors calcium, phospholipids, and factor Va. The snake prothrombin activators have been classified on the basis of their requirement for cofactors for activity. The two major subgroups described in Australian elapid snakes, groups C and D, are differentiated by their requirement for mammalian coagulation factor Va. In this study, we describe the cloning, characterization, and comparative analysis of the factor X- and factor V-like components of the prothrombin activators from the venom glands of snakes possessing either group C or D prothrombin activators. The overall domain arrangement in these proteins was highly conserved between all elapids and with the corresponding mammalian clotting factors. The deduced protein sequence for the factor X-like protease precursor, identified in elapids containing either group C or D prothrombin activators, demonstrated a remarkable degree of relatedness to each other (80%-97%). The factor V-like component of the prothrombin activator, present only in snakes containing group C complexes, also showed a very high degree of homology (96%-98%). Expression of both the factor X- and factor V-like proteins determined by immunoblotting provided an additional means of separating these two groups at the molecular level. The molecular phylogenetic analysis described here represents a new approach for distinguishing group C and D snake prothrombin activators and correlates well with previous classifications.


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The abundance and activity of the prothrombin activator (pseutarin C) within the venom of the Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis textilis) is the primary determinant of its coagulation potency. Textilinin-1, also in this venom, is a plasmin inhibitor which is thought to exert its toxic effects through the slowing of fibrinolysis. The aim of this report is to determine if there are differences in the potency of the venom from Eastern brown snakes collected from South Australia (SA) compared to those from Queensland (QLD). A concentration of 0.4 mu g/ml venom protein from six QLD specimens clotted citrated plasma in an average time of 21.4 +/- 3.3 s compared to 68.7 +/- 2.4 s for the same amount of SA venom (averaged for six individuals). The more potent procoagulant activity of the QLD venom was measured between 0.4 and 94 mu g/ml venom protein in plasma. The anti-plasmin activity of textilinin was also greater in the venom of the snakes collected from QLD, causing full inhibition of plasmin at approximately 1.88 mu g/ml of venom protein compared to approximately 7.5 mu g/ml for the SA venoms. It is concluded that geographic differentiation of the Eastern brown snakes results in significant differences venom potency.


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The venom from Australian elapid snakes contains a complex mixture of polypeptide toxins that adversely affect multiple homeostatic systems within their prey in a highly specific and targeted manner. Included in these toxin families are the recently described venom natriuretic peptides, which display similar structure and vasoactive functions to mammalian natriuretic peptides. This paper describes the identification and detailed comparative analysis of the cDNA transcripts coding for the mature natriuretic peptide from a total of nine Australian elapid snake species. Multiple isoforms were identified in a number of species and represent the first description of a natriuretic peptide from the venom gland for most of these snakes. Two distinct natriuretic peptide isoforms were selected from the common brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis), PtNP-a, and the mulga (Pseudechis australis), PaNP-c, for recombinant protein expression and functional analysis. Only one of these peptides, PtNP-a, displayed cGMP stimulation indicative of normal natriuretic peptide activity. Interestingly, both recombinant peptides demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity, which is predictive of the vasoactive effects of the toxin. The natriuretic peptides, however, did not possess any coagulopathic activity, nor did they inhibit or potentiate thrombin, adenosine diphosphate or arachidonic acid induced platelet aggregation. The data presented in this study represent a significant resource for understanding the role of various natriuretic peptides isoforms during the envenomation process by Australian elapid snakes. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


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The Australian endemic brown songlark, Cinclorhamphus cruralis, is one of the most sexually size-dimorphic of all birds, and yet its breeding ecology remains poorly documented. Here we redress this situation by describing the breeding activities of brown songlarks over three years (1998–2000) in the semi-arid grasslands of south-western New South Wales. Study populations of this nomadic species were selected in late August of each year on the basis of high adult abundance. Adult males at these sites were, on average, 2.3 times heavier than females. Over the three seasons, nesting activities started in early to late August and continued until early November or December. Males were highly polygynous and, on average, occupied territories of about 4.0 ha. Nests were well concealed at the base of small shrubs and grass tussocks or in thick herbage. Clutches ranged in size from 2 to 5 eggs (mean 3.2) and were incubated exclusively by the female for 11–13 days (mean 12.1). Nestlings received a range of invertebrate prey, mainly from the female, for 10–14 days (mean 11.5) before leaving the nest. Only 17% of nesting attempts were estimated to be successful, and each of these nests produced an average of 2.7 fledglings. Predators, including foxes, Vulpes vulpes, and brown snakes, Pseudonaja textilis, were the main cause of nest failure. Some females produced replacement clutches following nest failure, while others laid second clutches after the success of an earlier brood. We speculate that extreme size dimorphism has evolved in this species because (i) males compete physically for breeding territories, and (ii) habitat heterogeneity and excellent visibility of their surroundings allow some males to defend territories of sufficient size to support nesting by multiple females


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Antigen selection of B cells within the germinal center reaction generally leads to the accumulation of replacement mutations in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of immunoglobulin genes. Studies of mutations in IgE-associated VDJ gene sequences have cast doubt on the role of antigen selection in the evolution of the human IgE response, and it may be that selection for high affinity antibodies is a feature of some but not all allergic diseases. The severity of IgE-mediated anaphylaxis is such that it could result from higher affinity IgE antibodies. We therefore investigated IGHV mutations in IgE-associated sequences derived from ten individuals with a history of anaphylactic reactions to bee or wasp venom or peanut allergens. IgG sequences, which more certainly experience antigen selection, served as a control dataset. A total of 6025 unique IgE and 5396 unique IgG sequences were generated using high throughput 454 pyrosequencing. The proportion of replacement mutations seen in the CDRs of the IgG dataset was significantly higher than that of the IgE dataset, and the IgE sequences showed little evidence of antigen selection. To exclude the possibility that 454 errors had compromised analysis, rigorous filtering of the datasets led to datasets of 90 core IgE sequences and 411 IgG sequences. These sequences were present as both forward and reverse reads, and so were most unlikely to include sequencing errors. The filtered datasets confirmed that antigen selection plays a greater role in the evolution of IgG sequences than of IgE sequences derived from the study participants.


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The complete amino acid sequence of a cytotoxin-like basic protein (CLBP) from the venom of Naja naja naja (Indian Cobra) was determined by manual degradation using a 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. Peptide fragments obtained by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymic cleavages with trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus proteases for sequence analysis were purified by reversed-phase chromatography. The total number of amino acid residues was 61, with leucine as the C-terminal residue. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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A major myonecrotic zinc containing metalloprotease `malabarin' with thrombin like activity was purified by the combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography from T. malabaricus snake venom. MALDI-TOF analysis of malabarin indicated a molecular mass of 45.76 kDa and its N-terminal sequence was found to be Ile-Ile-Leu-Pro(Leu)-Ile-Gly-Val-Ile-Leu(Glu)-Thr-Thr. Atomic absorption spectral analysis of malabarin raveled the association of zinc metal ion. Malabarin is not lethal when injected i.p. or i.m. but causes extensive hemorrhage and degradation of muscle tissue within 24 hours. Sections of muscle tissue under light microscope revealed hemorrhage and congestion of blood vessel during initial stage followed by extensive muscle fiber necrosis with elevated levels of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Malabarin also exhibited strong procoagulant action and its procoagulant action is due to thrombin like activity; it hydrolyzes fibrinogen to form fibrin clot. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes A alpha followed by B beta subunits of fibrinogen from the N-terminal region and the released products were identified as fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B by MALDI. The myonecrotic, fibrinogenolytic and subsequent procoagulant activities of malabarin was neutralized by specific metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, EGTA and 1, 10-phenanthroline but not by PMSF a specific serine protease inhibitor. Since there is no antivenom available to neutralize local toxicity caused by T. malabaricus snakebite, EDTA chelation therapy may have more clinical relevance over conventional treatment.


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Conformational diversity or shapeshifting in cyclic peptide natural products can, in principle, confer a single molecular entity with the property of binding to multiple receptors. Conformational equilibria have been probed in the contryphans, which are peptides derived from Conus venom possessing a 23-membered cyclic disulfide moiety. The natural sequences derived from Conus inscriptus, GCV(D)LYPWC* (In936) and Conus loroisii, GCP(D)WDPWC* (Lo959) differ in the number of proline residues within the macrocyclic ring. Structural characterisation of distinct conformational states arising from cis-trans equilibria about Xxx-Pro bonds is reported. Isomerisation about the C2-P3 bond is observed in the case of Lo959 and about the Y5-P6 bond in In936. Evidence is presented for as many as four distinct species in the case of the synthetic analogue V3P In936. The Tyr-Pro-Trp segment in In936 is characterised by distinct sidechain orientations as a consequence of aromatic/proline interactions as evidenced by specific sidechain-sidechain nuclear Overhauser effects and ring current shifted proton chemical shifts. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that Tyr5 and Trp7 sidechain conformations are correlated and depend on the geometry of the Xxx-Pro bond. Thermodynamic parameters are derived for the cis trans equilibrium for In936. Studies on synthetic analogues provide insights into the role of sequence effects in modulating isomerisation about Xxx-Pro bonds.


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The marine snail Conus araneosus has unusual significance due to its confined distribution to coastal regions of southeast India and Sri Lanka. Due to its relative scarceness, this species has been poorly studied. In this work, we characterized the venom of C. araneosus to identify new venom peptides. We identified 14 novel compounds. We determined amino acid sequences from chemically-modified and unmodified crude venom using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Ten sequences showed six Cys residues arranged in a pattern that is most commonly associated with the M-superfamily of conotoxins. Four other sequences had four Cys residues in a pattern that is most commonly associated with the T-superfamily of conotoxins. The post-translationally modified residue (pyroglutamate) was determined at the N-terminus of two sequences, ar3h and ar3i respectively. In addition, two sequences, ar3g and ar3h were C-terminally amidated. At a dose of 2 nmol, peptide ar3j elicited sleep when injected intraperitoneally into mice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a peptide from a molluscivorous cone snail with sleep-inducing effects in mice. The novel peptides characterized herein extend the repertoire of unique peptides derived from cone snails and may add value to the therapeutic promise of conotoxins. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.