154 resultados para Pseudis paradoxa


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The previous uncertain placement of Lysapsus and Pseudis within the neobatrachians was recently resolved by molecular and morphological studies, which supported them as members of the Hylinae subfamily. Their inter- and intrageneric relationships, however, have long been under debate and no studies shed light on these questions. Aiming to elucidate such questions, this paper used 3.2 kb comprising the mitochondrial genes 12S, tRNA valine, 16S and cytochrome b, and the nuclear exon 1 coding for rhodopsin, to all representatives of both genera (except to two subspecies of Pseudis paradoxa). The results identified three major clades: the clade 1 was composed by Lysapsus species and subspecies; clade 2 included the subspecies of the Pseudis paradoxa (Pseudis paradoxa paradoxa, P. paradoxa platensis and P. paradoxa occidentalis), P. fusca, P. bolbodactyla and P. tocantins, and clade 3 was composed by Pseudis southern Brazil species (Pseudis cardosoi and P. minuta). As closely related taxa we found Pseudis minuta + P. cardosoi; P. tocantins + P. fusca, and the subspecies within each genus. Evidence that Pseudis is not monophyletic with respect to Lysapsus was found and we suggest Lysapsus to be a junior synonym of Pseudis. Based on pair-wise comparison among gene sequences, we also suggest that the subspecies of Pseudis paradoxa and Lysapsus limellum must be considered as full species. (c) the Willi Hennig Society 2007.


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The objective of this work was to make a comparative analysis of germ cell organization at different stages of cellular differentiation in adult males of Dendropsophus nanus (Boulenger, 1889), Pseudis limellum (Cope, 1862), P. paradoxa (Linnaeus, 1758), and Scinax acuminatus (Cope, 1862), belonging to the family Hylidae; and Leptodactylus chaquensis (Cei, 1950) and L. podicipinus (Cope, 1862), belonging to the family Leptodactylidae, collected in the Pantanal and in Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The testes were removed and fixed, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol and embedded in methacrylate glycol resin (Historesin Leica®). The sections were stained by 1% toluidine blue and observed under light microscope. It was detected that all individual of the Hylidae family show, throughout the year, the presence of all germ cell types of spermatogenesis. However, all Leptodactylidae family individuals only show the presence of all germ cell types during the rainy season. The variations of characteristics in seminiferous epithelium organization, as well as the evident difference in the amount of spermatozoa inside the tubules, are evidence that the anurans in this work show different forms of spermatogenesis development throughout the year: the cycle is continuous for the Hylidae family, and discontinuous with explosive release of spermatozoa for the Leptodactylidae family.


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A helmintofauna tem papel central no ecossistema, pois afeta a ecologia, evolução, crescimento e regulação da população de hospedeiros e, consequentemente, toda a biodiversidade. Neste estudo foram selecionados anuros pertencentes a uma guilda, de acordo com o modo reprodutivo e sítio de vocalização, e foi estudada a supracomunidade de parasitas associadas a estes anfíbios. Em janeiro de 2009 foram coletados 60 anuros no Pantanal Sul- Matogrossense, sub-região Miranda-Abobral no município de Corumbá, MS. As espécies de anuros coletadas foram Rhinella granulosa, R. schineideri, Pseudis paradoxa, P. limellum, Pleurodema fuscomaculata e Physalaemus albonotatus. Os anuros foram necropsiados e analisados quanto à presença de helmintos. Dezesseis espécies de helmintos foram identificadas em 50 indivíduos hospedeiros (prevalência total = 83,3%). Dentre os parasitas foram encontradas três espécies de trematódeos (Catadiscus marinholutzi, Catadiscus propinquus e Glypthelmins palmipedis), uma espécie de cestoda, Cylindrotaenia americana, dez espécies de nematóides (Aplectana sp., Contracecum sp.,Cosmocerca podicipinus, Cosmocercidae, Falcaustra mascula, Physaloptera sp., Ochoterenella sp., Oswaldocruzia subauricularis, Physalopteroides venancioi sp. e Rhabdias sp.) e cistos de acantocéfalo. Os trematódeos foram encontrados apenas em P. paradoxa e P. albonotatus, enquanto C. americana foi encontrada apenas em P. fuscomaculata. As espécies Aplectana sp. e Falcaustra máscula foi encontrada apenas em R. schineideri. O único indivíduo encontrado em P. limellum foi da espécie Physalopteroides venancoi. As suprapopulações de parasitas se mostraram mais agregadas em R. granulosa e P. paradoxa, onde seus hábitos de vida e hábitos alimentares podem influenciar na comunidade parasitária. Logo o tamanho do hospedeiro pode influenciar na sua ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The amphibian antimicrobial peptide pseudin-2 is a peptide derived from the skin of the South-American frog Pseudis paradoxa (Olson et al., 2001). This peptide possesses tremendous potential as a therapeutic lead since it has been shown to possess both antimicrobial as well insulin-releasing properties (Olson et al., 2001; Abdel-Wahab et al., 2008). This study aimed to develop pseudin-2’s potential by understanding and improving its properties as an antimicrobial agent. The structure-function relationships of pseudin-2 were explored using a combination of in-vitro and in-silico techniques, with an aim to predict how the structure of the peptide may be altered in order to improve its efficacy. A library of pseudin-2 mutants was generated by randomizing codons at positions 10, 14 and 18 of a synthetic gene, using NNK saturation mutagenesis. Analysis of these novel peptides broadly confirmed, in line with literature precedent, that anti-microbial activity increases with increased positive charge. Specifically, 2 positively-charged residues at positions 10 and 14 and a hydrophobic at position 18 are preferred. However, substitution at position 14 with some polar, non-charged residues also created peptides with antimicrobial activity. Interestingly, the pseudin-2 analogue [10-E, 14-Q, 18-L] which is identical to pseudin-2, except that the residues at positions 10 and 14 are switched, showed no anti-microbial activity at all. Molecular dynamics simulations of pseudin-2 showed that the peptide possesses two equilibrium structures in a membrane environment: a linear and a kinked a-helix which both embed into the membrane at an angle. Biophysical characterization using circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed that the peptide is helical within the membrane environment whilst linear dichroism established that the peptide has no defined orientation within the membrane. Collectively, these data indicate that Pseudin-2 exerts its antimicrobial activity via the carpet model.


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Espanol: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la recopilación de la información existente sobre las especies presentes en nuestro territorio. Para ello, se elaboraron fichas que contienen las referencias argentinas y de aquellas revisiones de autores extranjeros que involucran taxas de nuestro país. Como principales fuentes de información se consultaron Ringuelet et al. (1967), CLOFFSCA (2003), López et al. (2003; 2006), Liotta (2006) y las bases de datos on-line de W. N. Eschmeyer y Fish Base. Esta es una publicación abierta, por lo que requerirá de actualización permanente, para lo cual sería necesario se sume a nuestra tarea la buena voluntad y colaboración de la comunidad ictiológica. Esperamos con este aporte colaborar en la construcción de una base de datos de los peces continentales de la Argentina. La concreción de esta herramienta dará soporte a los planes generados desde los diferentes sectores involucrados en el tema, además de fomentar la difusión de la disciplina y la reafirmación de los derechos soberanos sobre nuestros recursos naturales. English: The goal of this work is to compile the existing information about the species present in our country. This has been done by means of datasheets that list both local references and reviews by foreign authors that include Argentine taxa. The main information sources consulted were Ringuelet et al. (1967), CLOFFSCA (2003), López et al. (2003; 2006), Liotta (2006) and the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating, which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. With this contribution, we hope to help to build a database of the freshwater fish of Argentina. The completion of this project will provide support to diverse plans emanating from different sectors, as well as promote the diffusion of this field of research and reaffirm Argentina’s sovereign rights over our natural resources. (Texto en English y Espanol. PDF tiene ocho paginas.)


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This partial translation of the original paper provides morphological observations on the fungus Spirospora paradoxa. Illustrations are included here.


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Se expone la paradoja que el mundo sufre en materia de alimentación: la éticamente difícil convivencia entre un tercer mundo que se muere de hambre y un primero que morirá de las secuelas del sobrepeso.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: 'Dones i educació'


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Proanthocyanidins (PA) from shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) meal were investigated by thiolytic degradation with benzyl mercaptan and the reaction products were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. These PA were galloylated (≈40%), contained only B-type linkages and had a high proportion of prodelphinidins (>70%). The mean degree of polymerisation was 8 (i.e. average molecular size was 2384 Da) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) was the major flavan-3-ol subunit in PA. Shea meal also proved to be a potentially valuable source for extracting free flavan-3-ol-O-gallates, especially EGCg (575 mg/kg meal), which is known for its health and anti-parasitic benefits. Proanthocyanidins were isolated and tested for bioactivity against Ascaris suum, which is an important parasite of pigs. Migration and motility tests revealed that these PA have potent activity against this parasitic nematode.


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Proanthocyanindins (PAs) from shea meal (SM), a by-product obtained after lipid extraction of the nuts, contained B-type linkages, had a high ratio of prodelphinidins (73%) and were galloylated (42%). The average polymer size was 8 flavan-3-ol subunits (≈2384 Daltons) and epigallocatechin gallate was the major subunit. Purified PA fractions from SM were tested in vitro for anthelmintic properties against gastrointestinal nematodes from ruminants (H. contortus and T. colubriformis) [1] by the larval exsheathment inhibition assay and from pigs (A. suum) by the larval migration inhibition assay. Results showed that PAs from SM have a potent anthelmintic activity against those parasites similar to white clover (Trifolium repens) flowers (WCF) [1, 2] (EC50 µg/mL; SM: 55.1, 16.5, 75.9; WCF: 37.4, 14.5, 110.1 for A. suum, H. contortus and T. colubriformis respectively). WCF PAs are constituted almost exclusively of prodelphinidin (PD) compared to SM (98% vs. 73%) but do not contained galloylated PAs. Studies [1, 2] have shown that anthelmintic activity of PAs was mainly associated with their PD ratio but our current results suggest that galloylation can be a major factor to anthelmintic activity and SM as a potential nutraceutical anthelmintic feed for controlling parasitic nematodes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Systemic arterial blood pressure and heart rate (f(H)) were measured in unanesthetized, unrestrained larvae and adults of the paradoxical frog, Pseudis paradoxus from São Paulo State in Brazil. Four developmental groups were used, representing the complete transition from aquatic larvae to primarily air-breathing adults. f(H) (49-66 beats/min) was not significantly affected by development, whereas mean arterial blood pressure was strongly affected, being lowest in the stage 37-39 larvae (10 mmHg), intermediate in the stage 44-45 larvae (18 mmHg), and highest in the juveniles and adults (31 and 30 mmHg, respectively). Blood pressure was not significantly correlated with body mass, which was greatest in the youngest larvae and smallest in the juveniles. In the youngest larvae studied (stages 37-39), lung ventilation was infrequent, causing a slight decrease in arterial blood pressure but no change in heart rate. Lung ventilation was more frequent in stages 44-45 larvae and nearly continuous in juveniles and adults floating at the surface. Bradycardia during both forced and voluntary diving was observed in almost every advanced larva, juvenile, and adult but in only one of four young larvae. Developmentally related changes in blood pressure were not complete until metamorphosis, whereas diving bradycardia was present at an earlier stage.