794 resultados para Pseudemys-scripta
The retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine was examined in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans, using neurochemical release studies, anatomical techniques, and biochemistry. There was a dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from turtle retinas incubated in $\sp3$H-dopamine after perfusion of the GABA antagonist bicuculline. This indicated that dopamine release was tonically inhibited by GABA. Other putative retinal transmitters were examined. Glutamate antagonists selective for hyperpolarizing bipolar cells, such as 2,3-piperidine dicarboxylic acid (PDA), caused dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from the retina. In contrast, release was not observed after perfusion with 4-aminophosphonobutyric acid, a specific antagonist of depolarizing bipolar cells. This indicated that depolarizing bipolar cells were not involved in retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine in the turtle retina. The release produced by PDA was blocked by bicuculline, indicating a polysynaptic mechanism of release. None of the other agents tested, which included carbachol, strychnine, dopamine uptake inhibitors, serotonin, tryptamine, muscimol, melatonin, or dopamine itself produced release.^ The cells capable of the release of dopamine were identified using both uptake autoradiography and immunocytochemical localization with dopamine antisera. The simplest circuitry based on these findings is signal transmission from photoreceptors to hyperpolarizing bipolar cells then to GABAergic cells, and finally to dopaminergic amacrine cells. ^
Seasonal changes in the diel surfacing behaviour of the bimodally respiring turtle Rheodytes leukops
The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship existed between the diel surfacing trends of the bimodally respiring freshwater turtle Rheodytes leukops and daily fluctuations in specific biotic and abiotic factors: The, diel surfacing behaviour of adult R. leukops was recorded over four consecutive seasons (Austral autumn 2000 - summer 2001) within Marlborough Creek, central Queensland, Australia, using pressure-sensitive time-depth recorders. Additionally, diurnal variations in water temperature and aquatic Po-2 level, as well as the turtle's behavioural state (i.e., active versus resting), were monitored. In autumn and summer, surfacing frequency increased significantly during the daylight hours, with peak levels normally occurring around dawn (0500-0700) and. dusk (1700-1900). However, no consistent diel surfacing trend was recorded, for the turtles in winter or spring, owing to considerable variation among individual R. leukops. Diurnal surfacing trends recorded for R. leukops in, autumn and summer are attributed to periods of increased activity (possibly associated with foraging) during the daylight hours and not to daily variations in water temperature or aquatic Po-2 level. Turtles generally remained at a depth greater than 1 m throughout the day, where the effect of diel fluctuations in water temperature, (
Changes in blood-gas, acid-base, and plasma-ion status were investigated in the bimodally respiring turtle, Rheodytes leukops, during prolonged dives of up to 12 h. Given that R. leukops routinely submerges for several hours, the objective of this study was to determine whether voluntarily diving turtles remain aerobic and simultaneously avoid hypercapnic conditions over increasing dive lengths. Blood PO2, PCO2, and pH, as well as plasma concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na+, K+, Cl-, total Ca, and total Mg were determined in venous blood collected from the occipital sinus. Blood PO2 declined significantly with dive length; however, oxy-haemoglobin saturation remained greater than 30% for all R. leukops sampled. No changes were observed in blood PCO2, pH, [HCO3-], or plasma glucose, with increasing dive length. Despite repeated dives lasting more than 2 h, plasma lactate remained less than 3 mmol l(-1) for all R. leukops sampled, indicating the absence of anaerobiosis. Compensatory acid-base adjustments associated with anaerobiosis (e.g. declining [Cl-], increasing total [Ca] and [Mg]) were likewise absent, with plasma-ion concentrations remaining stable with increasing dive length. Results indicate that R. leukops utilises aquatic respiration to remain aerobic during prolonged dives, thus effectively avoiding the development of a metabolic and respiratory acidosis.
A obra De orbis sitv (descrição do mundo), também chamada De chorographia (corografia), foi escrita em três partes, por volta de 43 d.C. Situa a Terra no centro do universo e descreve regiões, costumes e artes da África, Europa e Ásia, sem contudo detalhar suas distâncias e sistemas administrativo. É o único tratado de geografia da Antiguidade escrito em latim clássico. Esta edição traz extensos comentários de Joaquim Vadiano e observações do teólogo João Camerti e de Rodolfo Agrícola.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Comprend : Scripta ; Sancti Benedicti vita, ex libro II. Dialogorum... excerpta... ; Scripta universa ; Scripta universa
Division of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology