991 resultados para Prunus communis


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Mediante ensayos de campo se determinó la auto-compatibilidad o auto-incompatibilidad sexual de 12 variedades de Prunus communis y 18 de Prunus Armeniaca pertenecientes a la colección de frutales existentes en la Estación Experimental Mendoza, Sub-Estación de Junín. Todos los almendros estudiados se comportaron como auto-incompatibles y los damascos como auto-compatibles, excepto la variedad Damasco.


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Background Flavonoids such as anthocyanins, flavonols and proanthocyanidins, play a central role in fruit colour, flavour and health attributes. In peach and nectarine (Prunus persica) these compounds vary during fruit growth and ripening. Flavonoids are produced by a well studied pathway which is transcriptionally regulated by members of the MYB and bHLH transcription factor families. We have isolated nectarine flavonoid regulating genes and examined their expression patterns, which suggests a critical role in the regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis. Results In nectarine, expression of the genes encoding enzymes of the flavonoid pathway correlated with the concentration of proanthocyanidins, which strongly increases at mid-development. In contrast, the only gene which showed a similar pattern to anthocyanin concentration was UDP-glucose-flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT), which was high at the beginning and end of fruit growth, remaining low during the other developmental stages. Expression of flavonol synthase (FLS1) correlated with flavonol levels, both temporally and in a tissue specific manner. The pattern of UFGT gene expression may be explained by the involvement of different transcription factors, which up-regulate flavonoid biosynthesis (MYB10, MYB123, and bHLH3), or repress (MYB111 and MYB16) the transcription of the biosynthetic genes. The expression of a potential proanthocyanidin-regulating transcription factor, MYBPA1, corresponded with proanthocyanidin levels. Functional assays of these transcription factors were used to test the specificity for flavonoid regulation. Conclusions MYB10 positively regulates the promoters of UFGT and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) but not leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR). In contrast, MYBPA1 trans-activates the promoters of DFR and LAR, but not UFGT. This suggests exclusive roles of anthocyanin regulation by MYB10 and proanthocyanidin regulation by MYBPA1. Further, these transcription factors appeared to be responsive to both developmental and environmental stimuli.


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The binding of Ricinus communis (castor-bean) agglutinin 1 to saccharides was studied by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization by using the fluorescently labelled sugar 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside. No appreciable change in ligand fluorescence of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside was considerably polarized on its binding to the lectin. The association constants obtained by Scatchard analysis of equilibrium-dialysis and fluorescence-polarization data do not differ much from each other, and at 25 degrees C, Ka = 2.4 (+/- 0.2) X 10(4)M-1. These values agree reasonably well with that reported in the literature for Ricinus agglutinin 1. The number of binding sites obtained by the different experimental procedures is 1.94 +/- 0.1 per molecule of 120 000 daltons and is equal to the reported value of 2. The consistency in the values of Ka and number of binding sites indicate the absence of additional subsites on Ricinus agglutinin 1 for its specific sugars. In addition, the excellent agreement between the binding parameters obtained by equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence polarization indicate the potential of ligand-fluorescence-polarization measurements in the investigation of lectin-sugar interactions.


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Ricinus communis agglutinin was subjected to various chemical treatments and the effect on its hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding properties was studied. Acetylation, succinylation and citraconylation led to a complete loss in the activity of the agglutinin, whereas reductive methylation had no effect on the activity, showing that charged amino groups were involved in the hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding activity of Ricinus agglutinin. Modification of tryptophyl, arginyl and carboxyl-group-containing residues did not lead to any loss in the activity of the agglutinin. Acetylation of tyrosyl groups with N-acetylimidazole strongly reduced the hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding property of Ricinus agglutinin. The loss in activity was restored on deacetylation of the tyrosyl groups. Modification of tyrosyl residues also led to a change in the immunological properties of the agglutinin. The initial rate of modification of tyrosyl and amino groups and the concomitant loss of activity was reduced in the presence of lactose.


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Diachasmimorpha kraussii is a larval parasitoid of dacine fruit flies. Host utilisation behaviour, including field foraging behaviour, is poorly known in this species. The diurnal foraging behaviour of D. kraussii and one of its common hosts, Bactrocera tryoni, in a nectarine orchard was concurrently recorded. Observations of mating, resting, feeding and oviposition were taken two-hourly on 42 trees, commencing at 07:00 h and terminating at 17:30 h, for 17 days. Resting and oviposition were common events within the orchard for both species, while mating behaviours were not recorded in the orchard for either species. Feeding was not observed for D. kraussii and was rare for B. tryoni. At the level of the individual tree there was a very weak, but significant correlation between parasitoid and fly abundance over a day, but when broken down to the individual observation periods the correlations were absent, or were weakly significant in an inconsistent manner (i.e. sometimes positively correlated, sometimes negatively correlated). At the orchard level, abundance of the parasitoid was not correlated with adult fly abundance. Results suggest that D. kraussii forage independently to adult B. tryoni, a result consistent with a prediction that their foraging is largely driven by larval or plant damage cues.


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Previous reviews of plum phytochemical content and health benefits have concentrated on the European plum, Prunus domestica L.. However, the potential bioactivity of red and dark red fleshed Japanese plum, Prunus salicina Lindl., so called blood plums, appears to warrant a significant increase in exposure as indicated in a recent review of the whole Prunus genus. Furthermore, Japanese plums are the predominate plum produced on an international basis. In this review the nutrient and phytochemical content, breeding programs, horticultural practice, post harvest treatment and processing as well as bioactivity (emphasizing in vivo studies) of Japanese plum are considered with a focus on the anthocyanin content that distinguishes the blood plums.


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A galactose-specific protein (RC1) isolated from Ricinus communis beans was found to give a precipitin reaction with concanavalin A. Its carbohydrate content amounted to 8–9% of the total protein and was found to be rich in mannose. The interaction of RC1 with galactose and lactose was measured in 0.05 M phosphate buffer containing 0.2 M NaCl (pH 6.8) by the method of conventional equilibrium dialysis. From the analysis of the binding data according to Scatchard method the association constant (Ka) at 5°C was calculated as 3.8 mM−1 and 1.2 mM−1 for lactose and galactose, respectively. In both cases the number of binding sites per molecule of RC1 with molecular weight of 120000 was found to be 2. From the temperature-dependent Ka values for the binding of lactose, the values of –5.7 kcal/mol and –4.3 cal × mol−1× K−1 were calculated for ΔH and ΔS, respectively. The addition of concanavalin A to RC1 or vice versa led to the formation of the insoluble complex RC1· ConA4 containing one molecule of RC1 and one molecule of tetrameric concanavalin A (ConA4) which could be dissociated upon addition of concanavalin A-specific sugars. The complex formation results in a time-dependent appearance of turbidity in the time range from 10s to 10 min. From the measurement of the time-dependent appearance and disappearance of the turbidity the formation (kf) and dissociation (kd) rate constants were calculated as 3 mM−1× s−1 and 0.07 ks−1 respectively. The ratio kf/kd (43μM −1), that corresponds to the association constant of complex RC1· ConA4, is higher than that of mannoside · ConA4 and thereby suggests that protein-protein interaction contributes significantly in stabilising glycoprotein · lectin complexes. The relevance of this finding to the understanding of the chemical specificities that are involved in a model cell-lectin interaction is discussed.


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L&in-induced agglutination is a complex process determined by several factprs such as the nature of lectin (valency, binding constant) the properties of cell membrane (fluidity, distribution of lectin receptor sites) and the metabolic state of the cell (microvilli, microtubules, microfilament) [l-3].


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This chapter provides a critical legal geography of outer Space, charting the topography of the debates and struggles around its definition, management, and possession. As the emerging field of critical legal geography demonstrates, law is not a neutral organiser of space, but is instead a powerful cultural technology of spatial production. Drawing on legal documents such as the Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Treaty, as well as on the analogous and precedent-setting legal geographies of Antarctica and the deep seabed, the chapter addresses key questions about the legal geography of outer Space, questions which are of growing importance as Space’s available satellite spaces in the geostationary orbit diminish, Space weapons and mining become increasingly viable, Space colonisation and tourism emerge, and questions about Space’s legal status grow in intensity. Who owns outer Space? Who, and whose rules, govern what may or may not (literally) take place there? Is the geostationary orbit the sovereign property of the equatorial states it supertends, as these states argued in the 1970s? Or is it a part of the res communis, or common property of humanity, which currently legally characterises outer Space? Does Space belong to no one, or to everyone? As challenges to the existing legal spatiality of outer Space emerge from spacefaring states, companies, and non-spacefaring states, it is particularly critical that the current spatiality of Space is understood and considered.