42 resultados para Prune
Introduction: Prune belly syndrome (PBS) presents with large-capacity bladders, high compliance and post-void residual volumes. Operative and conservative treatments are controversial. When histologically compared to normal bladder, bladder outlet obstruction results in an up- or down-regulation of adrenoceptors. Our goal was to study the immunoexpression of adrenoceptors in detrusor from patients with PBS. Materials and methods: Bladder domes from PBS patients (n = 14) were studied (PBG). For normal controls, bladder specimens were obtained at adult surgery (n = 13) (CG1) and at child autopsy (n = 5) (CG2). Staining was performed using antibodies to alpha 1a, alpha 1b, alpha 1d and beta 3 adrenoceptors. Five to 10 images were captured on an optic microscope with a digital camera and analysed with Photoshop(R). The immunocyhistochemical index with arbitrary units was calculated and compared. Results: Mean age was 1.28, 64 and 1.41 years for PBG, CG1 and CG2, respectively. The immunohistochemical index with arbitrary units of alpha 1a receptors was 0.06 in PBG, 0.16 in CG1 and 0.14 in CG2 (p = 0.008); of alpha 1b 0.06, 0.06 and 0.07 (p = 0.781); and of alpha 1d 0.04, 0.04 and 0.05 (p = 0.618). Regarding beta 3 the respective values were 0.07, 0.14 and 0.10 (p = 0.378). Conclusion: Our results show a decrease in ala-adrenoceptor immunostaining intensity in detrusor from children with PBS. Further in vitro studies are needed to determine whether these observations are physiologically significant. (C) 2009 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
“Many-core” systems based on a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture offer various opportunities in terms of performance and computing capabilities, but at the same time they pose many challenges for the deployment of real-time systems, which must fulfill specific timing requirements at runtime. It is therefore essential to identify, at design time, the parameters that have an impact on the execution time of the tasks deployed on these systems and the upper bounds on the other key parameters. The focus of this work is to determine an upper bound on the traversal time of a packet when it is transmitted over the NoC infrastructure. Towards this aim, we first identify and explore some limitations in the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches to compute the Worst-Case Traversal Time (WCTT) of a packet. Then, we extend the existing model by integrating the characteristics of the tasks that generate the packets. For this extended model, we propose an algorithm called “Branch and Prune” (BP). Our proposed method provides tighter and safe estimates than the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches. Finally, we introduce a more general approach, namely “Branch, Prune and Collapse” (BPC) which offers a configurable parameter that provides a flexible trade-off between the computational complexity and the tightness of the computed estimate. The recursive-calculus methods and BP present two special cases of BPC when a trade-off parameter is 1 or ∞, respectively. Through simulations, we analyze this trade-off, reason about the implications of certain choices, and also provide some case studies to observe the impact of task parameters on the WCTT estimates.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados iniciais com o uso da técnica de abdominoplastia longitudinal anterior por plicatura parietal descrita por Furness et al (1998) no Hospital Municipal Jesus. MÉTODO: Descrevemos as características e resultados dos primeiros pacientes tratados em nosso serviço, inclusive duas modificações adotadas com relação à técnica descrita, a saber, a exploração retroperitoneal sistemática para cura da criptorquia bilateral simultânea à abdominoplastia e a celiotomia "de segurança" para todos os pacientes operados. RESULTADOS: O seguimento dos pacientes foi de 1,5 ano, 15 meses e 10 meses, respectivamente. Foi possível demonstrar que a técnica adotada foi de fácil execução e pequena morbidade, com resultados estéticos satisfatórios, grande melhora das condições psicológicas e do convívio social para os pacientes desde o pós-operatório imediato, melhora da constipação crônica, capacidade aeróbica e postura. Quanto às repercussões urodinâmicas, aguardamos reavaliação a longo prazo, para conclusões mais efetivas. CONCLUSÃO: A abdominoplastia longitudinal anterior é uma técnica de fácil execução e segura para o tratamento da síndrome de prune belly e melhora a capacidade funcional muscular abdominal. Tem conseqüências urodinâmicas, que necessitam de avaliação após longo prazo.
Prune Belly Syndrome is a fetal uropathy of unknown etiology with incidence of 1/35000 to 1/50000 alive been born, characterized by a classical triad: abdominal musculature congenital deficiency, bilateral criptorquidia and urinary tract malformations. The authors present a case of this rare pathology associated with a patent urachus. After complementary exams confirmed urinary tract alterations (bilateral ureterohidronefrosis and vesicoureteral reflux degree 5, besides urinary infection), the surgical approach was vesicostomy to decrease urinary infections and sepsis. Definitve surgery should be accomplished around the 12th month of life. Nowadays, the child is asymptomatic , with follow-up every two months, with return consultation bimonthly.
This document contains a report on the work done under the ESA/Ariadna study 06/4101 on the global optimization of space trajectories with multiple gravity assist (GA) and deep space manoeuvres (DSM). The study was performed by a joint team of scientists from the University of Reading and the University of Glasgow.
Background: Prune belly syndrome is a rare condition produced by an early mesodermal defect that causes abdominal abnormalities. However, the literature indicates that disturbances related to ectodermal development may also be present. This is the first case report in the literature to suggest that dental abnormalities are part of the broad spectrum of clinical features of prune belly syndrome. Because the syndrome causes many serious medical problems, early diagnosis of abnormalities involving the primary and permanent dentitions are encouraged.Case presentation: The authors report the clinical case of a 4-year-old Caucasian boy with prune belly syndrome. In addition to the triad of abdominal muscle deficiency, abnormalities of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, and cryptorchidism, a geminated mandibular right central incisor, agenesis of a mandibular permanent left incisor, and congenitally missing primary teeth (namely, the mandibular right and left lateral incisors) were noted.Conclusion: This original case report about prune belly syndrome highlights the possibility that dental abnormalities are a part of the broad spectrum of clinical features of the syndrome. Therefore, an accurate intra-oral clinical examination and radiographic evaluation are required for patients with this syndrome in order to provide an early diagnosis of abnormalities involving the primary and permanent dentitions.
Brown rot, caused by Monilinia fructicola, is the most widespread disease for organic peach production systems in Brazil. The objective of this study was to determine the favorable periods for latent infection by M. fructicola in organic systems. The field experiment was carried out during 2006, 2007 and 2008 using the cultivar Aurora. After thinning fruits were bagged using white paraffin bags, and the treatments were performed by removing the bags and exposing the fruit for four days to the natural infection during each of seven fruit stages from pit hardening to harvest. Throughout the entire growing season, the conidial density and the weather variables were measured and related to the disease incidence using multiple regression analyses. At the fourth day after harvest in each season, the cumulative disease incidence was assessed, and it ranged from 40 to 98%. The incidence of brown rot on fruit that were exposed during the embryo growing stage was lower than that of unbagged fruit throughout the entire season in 2006 and 2008. The relative humidity and the conidia density were significantly correlated to disease incidence. Based on our results, M. fructicola can infect peaches during any stage of fruit development, and control of the disease must be revised to account for organic peach production systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Optimization is a very important field for getting the best possible value for the optimization function. Continuous optimization is optimization over real intervals. There are many global and local search techniques. Global search techniques try to get the global optima of the optimization problem. However, local search techniques are used more since they try to find a local minimal solution within an area of the search space. In Continuous Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CCSP)s, constraints are viewed as relations between variables, and the computations are supported by interval analysis. The continuous constraint programming framework provides branch-and-prune algorithms for covering sets of solutions for the constraints with sets of interval boxes which are the Cartesian product of intervals. These algorithms begin with an initial crude cover of the feasible space (the Cartesian product of the initial variable domains) which is recursively refined by interleaving pruning and branching steps until a stopping criterion is satisfied. In this work, we try to find a convenient way to use the advantages in CCSP branchand- prune with local search of global optimization applied locally over each pruned branch of the CCSP. We apply local search techniques of continuous optimization over the pruned boxes outputted by the CCSP techniques. We mainly use steepest descent technique with different characteristics such as penalty calculation and step length. We implement two main different local search algorithms. We use “Procure”, which is a constraint reasoning and global optimization framework, to implement our techniques, then we produce and introduce our results over a set of benchmarks.
This work studies the combination of safe and probabilistic reasoning through the hybridization of Monte Carlo integration techniques with continuous constraint programming. In continuous constraint programming there are variables ranging over continuous domains (represented as intervals) together with constraints over them (relations between variables) and the goal is to find values for those variables that satisfy all the constraints (consistent scenarios). Constraint programming “branch-and-prune” algorithms produce safe enclosures of all consistent scenarios. Special proposed algorithms for probabilistic constraint reasoning compute the probability of sets of consistent scenarios which imply the calculation of an integral over these sets (quadrature). In this work we propose to extend the “branch-and-prune” algorithms with Monte Carlo integration techniques to compute such probabilities. This approach can be useful in robotics for localization problems. Traditional approaches are based on probabilistic techniques that search the most likely scenario, which may not satisfy the model constraints. We show how to apply our approach in order to cope with this problem and provide functionality in real time.
We give a 5-approximation algorithm to the rooted Subtree-Prune-and-Regraft (rSPR) distance between two phylogenies, which was recently shown to be NP-complete by Bordewich and Semple [5]. This paper presents the first approximation result for this important tree distance. The algorithm follows a standard format for tree distances such as Rodrigues et al. [24] and Hein et al. [13]. The novel ideas are in the analysis. In the analysis, the cost of the algorithm uses a \cascading" scheme that accounts for possible wrong moves. This accounting is missing from previous analysis of tree distance approximation algorithms. Further, we show how all algorithms of this type can be implemented in linear time and give experimental results.
La creació d'una ontologia partint de zero és una feina llarga i feixuga que pot simplificar-se si, partint d'una ontologia més general, es poden podar les parts que no formen part del domini de context. Aquesta memòria té una doble vessant: d'un costat l'estudi de l'estat de l'art de les ontologies (història, aplicacions, línies de treball, etc) i de l'altra l'anàlisi i disseny d'un plug-in en java per a Protégé que implementi l'algorisme de poda.
A model-based approach for fault diagnosis is proposed, where the fault detection is based on checking the consistencyof the Analytical Redundancy Relations (ARRs) using an interval tool. The tool takes into account the uncertainty in theparameters and the measurements using intervals. Faults are explicitly included in the model, which allows for the exploitation of additional information. This information is obtained from partial derivatives computed from the ARRs. The signs in the residuals are used to prune the candidate space when performing the fault diagnosis task. The method is illustrated using a two-tank example, in which these aspects are shown to have an impact on the diagnosis and fault discrimination, since the proposed method goes beyond the structural methods
This manual summarizes the roadside tree and brush control methods used by all of Iowa's 99 counties. It is based on interviews conducted in Spring 2002 with county engineers, roadside managers and others. The target audience of this manual is the novice county engineer or roadside manager. Iowa law is nearly silent on roadside tree and brush control, so individual counties have been left to decide on the level of control they want to achieve and maintain. Different solutions have been developed but the goal of every county remains the same: to provide safe roads for the traveling public. Counties in eastern and southern Iowa appear to face the greatest brush control challenge. Most control efforts can be divided into two categories: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical control includes cutting tools and supporting equipment. A chain saw is the most widely used cutting tool. Tractor mounted boom mowers and brush cutters are used to prune miles of brush but have significant safety and aesthetic limitations and boom mowers are easily broken by inexperienced operators. The advent of tree shears and hydraulic thumbs offer unprecedented versatility. Bulldozers are often considered a method of last resort since they reduce large areas to bare ground. Any chipper that violently grabs brush should not be used. Chemical control is the application of herbicide to different parts of a plant: foliar spray is applied to leaves; basal bark spray is applied to the tree trunk; a cut stump treatment is applied to the cambium ring of a cut surface. There is reluctance by many to apply herbicide into the air due to drift concerns. One-third of Iowa counties do not use foliar spray. By contrast, several accepted control methods are directed toward the ground. Freshly cut stumps should be treated to prevent resprouting. Basal bark spray is highly effective in sensitive areas such as near houses. Interest in chemical control is slowly increasing as herbicides and application methods are refined. Fall burning, a third, distinctly separate technique is underused as a brush control method and can be effective if timed correctly. In all, control methods tend to reflect agricultural patterns in a county. The use of chain saws and foliar sprays tends to increase in counties where row crops predominate, and boom mowing tends to increase in counties where grassland predominates. For counties with light to moderate roadside brush, rotational maintenance is the key to effective control. The most comprehensive approach to control is to implement an integrated roadside vegetation management (IRVM) program. An IRVM program is usually directed by a Roadside Manager whose duties may be shared with another position. Funding for control programs comes from the Rural Services Basic portion of a county's budget. The average annual county brush control budget is about $76,000. That figure is thought not to include shared expenses such as fuel and buildings. Start up costs for an IRVM program are less if an existing control program is converted. In addition, IRVM budgets from three different northeastern Iowa counties are offered for comparison in this manual. The manual also includes a chapter on temporary traffic control in rural work zones, a summary of the Iowa Code as it relates to brush control, and rules on avoiding seasonal disturbance of the endangered Indiana bat. Appendices summarize survey and forest cover data, an equipment inventory, sample forms for record keeping, a sample brush control policy, a few legal opinions, a literature search, and a glossary.
El presente trabajo muestra los resultados provisionales de un proyecto de viticultura de precisión, llevado a cabo entre la Universidad de Lleida y la empresa Codorníu, S.A., con el objeto de predecir el rendimiento, de forma localizada, de diferentes variedades de viña para la producción de vinos y cavas de calidad. Las variables de cultivo muestreadas de forma detallada han sido: número de yemas, número de brotes, número de racimos, peso de la poda, vigor del cultivo y cosecha del año anterior (2003). El vigor del cultivo se ha extraído de una imagen multiespectral Quickbird 2. Estas variables se han analizado en un modelo de regresión múltiple con la cosecha del año 2004 (variable dependiente), ofreciendo diferentes ajustes según la variedad considerada y variables incorporadas en el análisis.