995 resultados para Proteína do núcleo p24 do HIV


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OBJETIVO: Verificar se pode haver eliminação da proteína p24, antígeno que é um dos marcadores da infecção pelo HIV, pelas fezes de triatomíneos. Foi avaliado o possível risco de contaminação por parte de profissionais que exercem atividades laboratoriais relacionadas aos triatomíneos, e também verificado o eventual mecanismo de disseminação do HIV. MÉTODO: Os triatomíneos (Triatoma infestans) alimentaram-se com sangue de 23 pacientes acometidos de AIDS e nos quais estava presente a p24. As fezes desses insetos foram examinadas 24 e 48 horas depois como tentativas de evidenciar a presença do antígeno. As pesquisas da p24 sempre ocorreram por meio de técnica imunoenzimática. RESULTADO E CONCLUSÃO: Em nenhuma das ocasiões sucedeu detecção da p24. De acordo com a metodologia adotada o objetivo pôde ser alcançado, no sentido de mostrar que a eliminação da p24 nunca aconteceu. Talvez outras formas de agir revelem fatos diferentes e subsidiem o que se conhece quanto aos riscos de veiculação do HIV.


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Worldwide, 700,000 infants are infected annually by HIV-1, most of them in resource-limited settings. Care for these children requires simple, inexpensive tests. We have evaluated HIV-1 p24 antigen for antiretroviral treatment (ART) monitoring in children. p24 by boosted enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of heated plasma and HIV-1 RNA were measured prospectively in 24 HIV-1-infected children receiving ART. p24 and HIV-1 RNA concentrations and their changes between consecutive visits were related to the respective CD4+ changes. Age at study entry was 7.6 years; follow-up was 47.2 months, yielding 18 visits at an interval of 2.8 months (medians). There were 399 complete visit data sets and 375 interval data sets. Controlling for variation between individuals, there was a positive relationship between concentrations of HIV-1 RNA and p24 (P < 0.0001). While controlling for initial CD4+ count, age, sex, days since start of ART, and days between visits, the relative change in CD4+ count between 2 successive visits was negatively related to the corresponding relative change in HIV-1 RNA (P = 0.009), but not to the initial HIV-1 RNA concentration (P = 0.94). Similarly, we found a negative relationship with the relative change in p24 over the interval (P < 0.0001), whereas the initial p24 concentration showed a trend (P = 0.08). Statistical support for the p24 model and the HIV-1 RNA model was similar. p24 may be an accurate low-cost alternative to monitor ART in pediatric HIV-1 infection.


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BACKGROUND: This study was designed to investigate, for the first time, the short-term molecular evolution of the HIV-2 C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions and its association with the immune response. Clonal sequences of the env C2V3C3 region were obtained from a cohort of eighteen HIV-2 chronically infected patients followed prospectively during 2-4 years. Genetic diversity, divergence, positive selection and glycosylation in the C2V3C3 region were analysed as a function of the number of CD4+ T cells and the anti-C2V3C3 IgG and IgA antibody reactivity RESULTS: The mean intra-host nucleotide diversity was 2.1% (SD, 1.1%), increasing along the course of infection in most patients. Diversity at the amino acid level was significantly lower for the V3 region and higher for the C2 region. The average divergence rate was 0.014 substitutions/site/year, which is similar to that reported in chronic HIV-1 infection. The number and position of positively selected sites was highly variable, except for codons 267 and 270 in C2 that were under strong and persistent positive selection in most patients. N-glycosylation sites located in C2 and V3 were conserved in all patients along the course of infection. Intra-host variation of C2V3C3-specific IgG response over time was inversely associated with the variation in nucleotide and amino acid diversity of the C2V3C3 region. Variation of the C2V3C3-specific IgA response was inversely associated with variation in the number of N-glycosylation sites. CONCLUSION: The evolutionary dynamics of HIV-2 envelope during chronic aviremic infection is similar to HIV-1 implying that the virus should be actively replicating in cellular compartments. Convergent evolution of N-glycosylation in C2 and V3, and the limited diversification of V3, indicates that there are important functional constraints to the potential diversity of the HIV-2 envelope. C2V3C3-specific IgG antibodies are effective at reducing viral population size limiting the number of virus escape mutants. The C3 region seems to be a target for IgA antibodies and increasing N-linked glycosylation may prevent HIV-2 envelope recognition by these antibodies. Our results provide new insights into the biology of HIV-2 and its relation with the human host and may have important implications for vaccine design.


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HIV-l isolation was attempted on 72 individuais, including persons with knoum HIV infection and five without proven HIV infection but with indeterminate Western blot patterns, as well as on low-risk HIV seronegative persons. The ahility to detect HIV- 1 frorn culture supernatant by p24 antigen capture assay was evaluated by segregating patients by absolute CD4+ cell counts, clinicai stage of disease, p24 antigenemia and zidovudine use. The likelihood of a p24 positive HIV culture was highest among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts below 200/ul and patients with advanced clinical disease. Use of zidovudine did not affect the rate ofHIV positwity in cultures.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo investigou a associação entre o polimorfismo no gene da lectina ligante de manose (MBL) e os níveis séricos da proteína com a infecção pelo HIV-1. MÉTODOS: As amostras de sangue (5mL) foram coletadas de 97 indivíduos infectados pelo HIV-1 residentes em Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil, que frequentavam a Unidade de Referência Especial para Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias Especiais (URE-DIPE). Os níveis de linfócitos T CD4+ e da carga viral plasmática foram quantificados. Um fragmento de 349pb do exon 1 da MBL foi amplificado via PCR, utilizando DNA genômico extraído das amostras controles e dos indivíduos portadores do HIV-1, seguindo protocolos previamente estabelecidos. O nível plasmático de MBL nos pacientes foi quantificado usando kit de ensaio imunoenzimático. RESULTADOS: Dois alelos foram observados - MBL*O, com uma frequência de 26,3% em indivíduos infectados e o alelo selvagem MBL*A (73,7%). Frequências similares foram observadas no grupo controle (p > 0,05). As frequências genotípicas estavam em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg em ambos os grupos. A média dos níveis plasmáticos MBL variou por genótipo, com diferenças significativas entre os genótipos AA e AO (p < 0,0001), e AA e OO (p < 0,001), mas não entre AO e OO (p=0,17). Além disso, os linfócitos T CD4+ e os níveis plasmáticos de carga viral não diferiram significativamente de acordo com o genótipo (p>0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados deste estudo não apoiam a hipótese de que o polimorfismo no gene MBL ou baixa concentração plasmática de MBL poderia ter uma influência direta sobre a infecção pelo HIV-1, embora um estudo com número maior de pacientes seja necessário.


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INTRODUCTION: The study of placentas from pregnant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive women has become the subject of numerous studies in the literature. Morphological, viral, immune and inflammatory placental aspects have been analyzed in order to grasp the vertical transmission of the virus. OBJECTIVE: To identify the most frequent findings in the placentas by associating them with a viral antigen and correlating them with the infection of newborns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-five placentas from HIV- positive pregnant women were pathologically and immunohistochemically analyzed with the use of p24 antibody in the period from 1992 to1997 in accordance with the routine laboratory testing from the Anatomopathological Department - Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro - Universidade Federal Fluminense (APD/HUAP/UFF). RESULTS: The microscopic alterations detected in all cases, including those with vertical transmission, were arteriopathy in the fetal blood circulation, chorioamnionitis, perivillous fibrin deposition, syncytial knotting, villous edema and villous immaturity. No specific macroscopic or histopathological changes were found in these placentas. The neonatal infection was observed in five cases. Vertical transmission was identified in two out of five placentas that had low weight for the respective stage of pregnancy. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed 14 positive cases, two of which showed vertical transmission. The viral protein was not identified in 10 out of 14 placentas from patients who had been medicated with zidovudine (AZT). CONCLUSION: Our study has contributed to the anatomopathological investigation into placentas from HIV-positive patients, although p24 expression per se did not allow a definite and early diagnosis of the vertical transmission.


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Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) as a tool for primary screening of blood donors became a reality in the end of the 1990 decade. We report here the development of an "in-house" RT-PCR method that allows the simultaneous (multiplex) detection of HCV and HIV-RNA in addition to an artificial RNA employed as an external control. This method detects all HIV group M subtypes, plus group N and O, with a detection threshold of 500 IU/mL. After validation, the method replaced p24 Ag testing, in use for blood donation screening since 1996 at our services. From July 2001 to February 2006, 102,469 donations were tested and 41 (0.04%) were found HIV-RNA reactive. One NAT-only reactive donation (antibody non-reactive) was observed, with subsequent seroconversion of the implied donor, giving a yield of 1:102,469. This rate is in contrast to the international experience that reports a detection of approximately 1:600,000 - 1:3,100,000 of isolated HIV-RNA donations.


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O Herpesvírus associado ao sarcoma de Kaposi (KSHV), ou Herpesvírus Humano tipo 8 (HHV-8), é o agente etiológico do sarcoma de Kaposi (SK), uma neoplasia maligna vascular. O ciclo biológico do KSHV apresenta duas fases, denominadas ciclo latente e ciclo lítico (ou produtivo). O ciclo latente é marcado pela expressão de um número reduzido de genes virais, com destaque para LANA e vFLIP. No ciclo lítico ocorre a replicação do genoma viral e a produção de novas partículas virais infecciosas; dentre seus principais produtos destacam-se as proteínas Rta, vGPCR e K1. LANA, vFLIP, vGPCR e K1 apresentam propriedades oncogênicas relatadas na literatura, enquanto Rta têm papel importante na regulação da transição entre os ciclos lítico e latente do KSHV. O KSHV é requerido para o desenvolvimento do SK. No entanto, a infecção pelo vírus não é suficiente para o desenvolvimento da doença. Por outro lado, sabe-se que o HIV é um co-fator importante, que favorece o desenvolvimento dessa neoplasia. Sugere-se que a proteína tat do HIV-1 amplifica a infectividade do KSHV, hiper-regulando a expressão de diferentes genes herpesvirais e colaborando para o crescimento e sobrevivência de células endoteliais que compõem as lesões do SK. A fim de contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos efeitos da proteína tat do HIV-1 em células infectadas pelo KSHV, o presente trabalho descreveu eventuais alterações na expressão dos genes codificadores de vFLIP, LANA, vGPCR, Rta e K1 em células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana imortalizada pela telomerase e infectada pelo KSHV a longo prazo (TIVE-LTCs) expostas à proteína tat do HIV-1 produzida por células linfóides T (CLTs) em co-cultivo. Células Jurkat contendo ou não vetor da proteína tat do HIV-1 foram utilizadas como CLTs e co-cultivadas com TIVE-LTCs por 48, 72 e 96 horas. Após extração do RNA total das...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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The dynamics of HIV-1 RNA during structured treatment interruptions (STIs) are well established, but little is known about viral proteins like p24. We studied 65 participants of an STI trial. Before the trial, continuous highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) had suppressed their viral load to <50 copies/mL during 6 months. They then interrupted HAART during weeks 1 through 2, 11 through 12, 21 through 22, 31 through 32, and 41 through 52. The p24 was measured by boosted enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of plasma pretreated by efficient virus disruption and heat denaturation. At time point 0, p24 was measurable in 22 patients (34%), who had maintained a viral load <50 copies/mL for 25.4 months (median, range: 6.2-38.9 months) under HAART. Viral rebounds during 2-week STIs led to a mean p24 increase of only 0.08 to 0.19 log10 (ie, 20%-60%). Pre-HAART viral load and p24 at time 0 independently predicted p24 rebounds during the 4 2-week STIs. The p24 at time 0 and HIV-1 RNA rebound during weeks 41 through 52 independently determined the concomitant p24 rebound. An increase of p24 but not viral load during the first 8 weeks of the long STI correlated significantly with concomitant CD4(+) T cell loss. Persisting p24 despite successful HAART may reflect virus replication in reservoirs not represented by plasma viral load and has implications for the concept of therapeutic vaccination.


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BACKGROUND Detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen permits early identification of primary HIV infection and timely intervention to limit further spread of the infection. Principally, HIV screening should equally detect all viral variants, but reagents for a standardised test evaluation are limited. Therefore, we aimed to create an inexhaustible panel of diverse HIV-1 p24 antigens. METHODS We generated a panel of 43 recombinantly expressed virus-like particles (VLPs), containing the structural Gag proteins of HIV-1 subtypes A-H and circulating recombinant forms (CRF) CRF01_AE, CRF02_AG, CRF12_BF, CRF20_BG and group O. Eleven 4th generation antigen/antibody tests and five antigen-only tests were evaluated for their ability to detect VLPs diluted in human plasma to p24 concentrations equivalent to 50, 10 and 2 IU/ml of the WHO p24 standard. Three tests were also evaluated for their ability to detect p24 after heat-denaturation for immune-complex disruption, a pre-requisite for ultrasensitive p24 detection. RESULTS Our VLP panel exhibited an average intra-clade p24 diversity of 6.7%. Among the 4th generation tests, the Abbott Architect and Siemens Enzygnost Integral 4 had the highest sensitivity of 97.7% and 93%, respectively. Alere Determine Combo and BioRad Access were least sensitive with 10.1% and 40.3%, respectively. Antigen-only tests were slightly more sensitive than combination tests. Almost all tests detected the WHO HIV-1 p24 standard at a concentration of 2 IU/ml, but their ability to detect this input for different subtypes varied greatly. Heat-treatment lowered overall detectability of HIV-1 p24 in two of the three tests, but only few VLPs had a more than 3-fold loss in p24 detection. CONCLUSIONS The HIV-1 Gag subtype panel has a broad diversity and proved useful for a standardised evaluation of the detection limit and breadth of subtype detection of p24 antigen-detecting tests. Several tests exhibited problems, particularly with non-B subtypes.


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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a worldwide infection and is considered a significant pathogen. The diagnosis of FIV infections is mainly based on commercially available rapid tests that are highly expensive in Brazil, hence it is rarely performed in the country. Furthermore, lentiviruses grow slowly and poorly in tissue cultures, making the production of viral antigen by classic means and thus the establishment of FIV immunodiagnosis impracticable. In order to deal with this, recombinant DNA techniques were adopted to produce the protein p24, a viral capsid antigen. The protein's reactivity evaluation analyzed by Western blot indicated that this recombinant antigen can be a useful tool for the immunodiagnostic of FIV infections.


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Vaccines capable of inducing mucosal immunity in early postnatal life until adulthood, protecting early sexual initiation, should be considered as strategies to vaccination against HIV. The HIV-1 GAG protein as a chimera with the lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP/gag), encoded by a DNA vaccine, is targeted to the endosomal/lysosomal compartment that contains class II MHC molecules and has been shown to be immunogenic in adult mice. Assuming that one such strategy could help to overcome the immunological immaturity in the early postnatal period, we have evaluated the systemic and mucosal immunogenicity of LAMP/gag immunization in neonatal mice. Intranasal immunization with LAMP/gag vaccine induced higher levels of sIgA and IgG anti-GAG antibodies in intestinal washes than did the gag vaccine. The combination of ID injections and the IN protocol with the chimeric vaccine promoted the increase of Ab levels in sera. Both vaccines induced splenic IFN-gamma- secreting cells against GAG peptide pools, as well as in vivo cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) function, and increased the percentage of CD8+ T cells to the immunodominant class I peptide in gut and spleen. However, only the chimeric vaccine was able to enhance Th1/Th2 cytokine secretion in response to class II GAG peptide and to enhance IL-4-secreting cells against GAG peptides and p24 protein stimuli. Long-lasting humoral and cellular responses were detected until adult age, following neonatal immunization with the chimeric vaccine. The LAMP/gag vaccination was able to induce potent GAG-specific T and B cell immune responses in early life which are essential to elicit sustained and long-lasting mucosal and systemic humoral response. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Three new peptidomimetics (1-3) have been developed with highly stable and conformationally constrained macrocyclic components that replace tripeptide segments of protease substrates. Each compound inhibits both HIV-1 protease and viral replication (HIV-I, HIV-2) at nanomolar concentrations without cytotoxicity to uninfected cells below 10 mu M. Their activities against HIV-1 protease (K-i 1.7 nM (1), 0.6 nM (2), 0.3 nM (3)) are 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than their antiviral potencies against HIV-1-infected primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (IC50 45 nM (1), 56 nM (2), 95 nM (3)) or HIV-1-infected MT2 cells (IC50 90 nM (1), 60 nM (2)), suggesting suboptimal cellular uptake. However their antiviral potencies are similar to those of indinavir and amprenavir under identical conditions. There were significant differences in their capacities to inhibit the replication of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in infected MT2 cells, 1 being ineffective against HIV-2 while 2 was equally effective against both virus types. Evidence is presented that 1 and 2 inhibit cleavage of the HIV-1 structural protein precursor Pr55(gag) to p24 in virions derived from chronically infected cells, consistent with inhibition of the viral protease in cells. Crystal structures refined to 1.75 Angstrom (1) and 1.85 Angstrom (2) for two of the macrocyclic inhibitors bound to HIV-1 protease establish structural mimicry of the tripeptides that the cycles were designed to imitate. Structural comparisons between protease-bound macrocyclic inhibitors, VX478 (amprenavir), and L-735,524 (indinavir) show that their common acyclic components share the same space in the active site of the enzyme and make identical interactions with enzyme residues. This substrate-mimicking minimalist approach to drug design could have benefits in the context of viral resistance, since mutations which induce inhibitor resistance may also be those which prevent substrate processing.