999 resultados para Prosthetics and orthotics
The career of prosthetics and orthotics in Portugal have a recent formative path: need to investigate the employability and employment of the graduates in Prosthetic and Orthotics (P&O) in ESTeSL between the academic years of 2004/05 and 2012/13; approaching to socio-demographic data and also academic and professional path. The questionnaire was applied to the P&O professional population graduated in ESTeSL. The results had been important to observe the future perspectives trends for the profession.
The purpose of this study is a cross-qualitative and quantitative gait analysis in 3 traumatic unilateral amputees using prosthesis with pin suspension compared to the use of prosthesis with a high vacuum suspension, the Harmony® system. In Portugal, there aren’t many studies made in the field of orthotic and prosthetic and knowledge about the number of amputees in the country. The only know is that the major cause of lower limb amputation is diabetes mellitus, being the most affected population the older age groups. The combination of technological developments with daily needs of the amputees is becoming more and more important for they better quality of life. This work was done during the curricular unit “Investigation in Prosthetics and Orthotics” class, in the 4th year of Health Technology School of Lisbon, in Portugal. This study analyzes if the change of suspension in transtibial prosthesis will influence some physiological response in amputees.
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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Introdução – Atualmente, devido à elevada taxa de desemprego e à emigração de jovens licenciados, estes veem a carreira e o futuro profissional comprometidos no seu país de origem. Deste modo, a existência de uma reflexão sobre a sua situação profissional poderá clarificar o futuro dos estudantes e recém-licenciados da área de ortoprotesia. Objetivos – Quantificar a situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) e criar uma ferramenta de reflexão sobre as perspetivas profissionais futuras. Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo: aplicação de um questionário fechado online, através da plataforma LimeSurvey® ao universo dos ortoprotésicos licenciados na ESTeSL. Resultados/Discussão – A maioria dos licenciados é jovem e do sexo feminino e uma minoria possui ou está em formação pós graduada (17%). Dos inquiridos, a maioria encontra-se empregada na área da ortoprotesia (78,3%) e a taxa de desemprego situa-se em 8,7%. Constata-se uma mobilidade geográfica para o distrito de Lisboa, quer para estudos como posteriormente para o local de emprego. Conclusão – A elevada taxa de desemprego verificada nos jovens licenciados em Portugal não parece ter um impacto direto na população analisada, uma vez que a taxa de desemprego obtida e a duração da procura do primeiro emprego obtidas são ambas reduzidas; contudo a, taxa de desemprego é semelhante à de outros cursos das tecnologias da saúde. Registe-se a carência de investimento em formação pós-graduada ou de complementos de formação após a licenciatura.
Background: Amputations affect both the physical and the psychological aspects of an individual, causing significant impact on self-esteem. The main causes of finger amputations are work-related accidents with dangerous machinery, road traffic accidents, and animal bites, as well as systemic diseases such as diabetes. This report aims to describe a simple technique for fabrication of implant-retained finger prosthesis with a modified base of the retention system.Case Description and Methods: The O-Ring retention system was used with a modified hexagon-shaped base and a metallic capsule adapted to the acrylic resin to attach the prosthesis to the implant.Findings and Outcomes: The prosthesis was made with silicone, and after osseointegration, it was installed without complications, leading to a patient satisfied with the end result and encouraged to return to social life.
Bakgrund: För att uppnå en god barnanpassad vård inom ortopedteknik krävs information om hur barn uppfattar mötet på en ortopedteknisk avdelning. Genom att ta del av barns tankar, åsikter och förslag kan verksamheter i framtiden lättare argumentera för exempelvis hur lokaler bör inredas och hur man bör bemöta barn. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barn upplever mötet på en ortopedteknisk avdelning i avseendet vårdmiljö och möte med ortopedingenjören. Metod: En kvalitativ metod där deltagarna får rita och berätta kallad “Draw and tell” och åtta intervjuer med barn mellan 6 till 12 år om deras upplevelse efter besöket hos en ortopedingenjör genomfördes. Intervjuerna transkripterades och en innehållsanalys genomfördes. Resultat: Vissa gemensamma faktorer hittades i intervjuerna så som att det ansågs att det samtalades för mycket utan att engagera barnet samt att aktiviteter som fanns sågs som bra då det kunde bli lite väntan under besöket. Det fanns flera förslag på andra aktiviteter som önskades under väntan och speglade barnens egna intressen så som datorspel och böcker. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att det som ortopedingenjören är viktigt att engagera barnen vid mötena samt att aktiviteter finns till hands under långa väntetider. Nyckelord: Barns upplevelser, ortopedteknik, ortopedingenjör, bemötande, miljö
This study examined the association between oral candidiasis in elderly users and nonusers of prosthesis and its predisposing factors. To this end, we performed a cross-sectional study where saliva samples from 48 patients were collected they used prosthesis and 43 patients (control group) who did not use. Among the 91 patients, Candida spp were isolated in 40 (83.3%) who used prosthesis and in 23 (53.5%) in the control group. A statistically significant association was determined between the two groups, the isolation of yeasts and dental prosthesis (p < 0.05, OR = 4.3). The most common etiological agent was Candida albicans (37 isolates), with 23 (62.2%) in the denture group and 14 (37.8%) (control group). Among patients who presented clinical manifestations of oral candidiasis (n = 24), 83.3% (n = 20) belonged to the group that wore dentures, while only 16.7% (n = 4) belonged to the control group. Elderly patients with diabetes had 4.4 times higher estimated risk of developing oral candidiasis when compared with individuals without this condition. There was no statistically significant association between being user prostheses and have diabetes with the onset of candidiasis. No statistically significant association was determined between xerostomia, use of prosthesis and oral candidiasis. The use of prosthetics and poor oral hygiene in elderly patients predisposes to the development of oral candidiasis.
PURPOSE: The surgical treatment of oral cancer results in functional and aesthetical impairments. Patients' quality of life is considerably impaired by oral symptoms resulting from therapy of oral cancer. In many cases the inevitable resection of the tumor, as well as the adjuvant radiochemotherapy will cause the destruction of physiologically and anatomically important structures. One focus of research was the specific rehabilitation of dental loss by functional dentures. Another was the course of 19 impairments (comprehension of speech for unknown others, comprehension of speech for familiar others, eating/swallowing, mobility of the tongue, opening range of the mouth, mobility of lower jaw, mobility of neck, mobility of arms and shoulders, sense of taste, sense of smell, appearance, strength, appetite, respiration, pain, swelling, xerostomia, halitosis). METHODS: Commissioned by the German, Austrian and Swiss cooperative group on tumors of the maxillofacial region (DOSAK), data were collected in 3.894 questionnaires at 43 hospitals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The catalogue comprised 147 items in 9 chapters. At the end of the enquiry, 1.761 anonymous questionnaires were returned by 38 hospitals. 1.652 of these could be evaluated regarding the question. RESULTS: The sum score of the 19 impairments was highly increased immediately after the operation and recovered over the next 6 months, without, however, reaching the pre-surgery level. Of 1.652 patients, only 35% did not lose any teeth during therapy. 23% lost up to 5, 17% up to 10 teeth. A quarter of the patients lost more than 10 teeth. The more teeth were lost, the greater the decline of quality of life (p < or = 0.001), although this could be allayed by the functionality of the dentures (p < or = 0.001). There is a reciprocal dependence between the functionality of dental prosthetics and impairment by eating/swallowing (p < or = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients' quality of life after radical surgery of a carcinoma of the oral cavity depends not only on the functionality of dentures and the specificity of rehabilitation, but also from the initial findings, the extent and location of the resection, the chosen therapy, the general circumstances of the patient's life as well as their strategies of coping. These factors, however, unlike those of functionality of dental prosthesis and rehabilitation, are not modifiable.
Orthotic therapy is frequently advocated for the treatment Of musculoskeletal pain and injury of the lower limb. The clinical efficacy, mechanical effects, and Underlying mechanism of the action of foot orthotics has not been Conclusively determined making it difficult for practitioners to agree on a reliable and valid clinical approach to their application and indeed even their fabrication. This problem is compounded by evidence suggesting that the most commonly used approach for orthotic prescription, the (Biomechanical Evaluation of the Foot. Vol. 1. Clinical Biomechanics Corporation, Los Angeles, 1971) approach, has poor validity and many of the associated clinical measurements of that approach lack adequate levels of reliability. This paper proposes a new approach that is based on two key elements. One is the identification, verification and quantification of physical tasks that serve as client specific outcome measures. The second is the application of specific physical manipulations during the performance of these physical tasks. The physical manipulations are selected on the basis of motion dysfunction and their immediate effects on the client specific outcome measures serve as the basis to making an informed decision on the propriety of using orthotics in individual clients. The motion dysfunction also guides the type of orthotic that is applied. Practical case examples as well Lis generic and specific guidelines to the application of this clinical assessment process and orthotics are provided in this paper. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This thesis explores the relationship between body and architecture through a metaphorical and literal analysis of prosthetic devices. The thesis questions how the relationship between prosthetics and architecture can inform the design of a building that enables connection, movement and empowerment for its occupants. Driving questions of investigation include: How can a building enable growth, healing and wellbeing? , How can a building embody and reflect human growth and transformation? , and, How can a building enable equivalence between its users? The program of an inpatient prosthetic rehabilitation facility allows for the exploration of these questions and a study for how we can create spaces that influence rehabilitation and growth. Through body and prosthetics analysis the thesis explores what spaces are best for one to grow and develop in and study how concepts, such as connection, movement and empowerment can enable one and enhance one’s quality of life.
A comparison of the oral health of elderly people with and without a cognitive handicap was assessed. The cognitive condition, the indices of decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT), decayed, filled roots (DFR), the need for dental treatment, the presence of plaque (P), calculus (C), the community periodontal index (CPI), the rate of periodontal attachment loss (PAL), edentulism, prosthetic use and the need for prosthetics were evaluated in a complex probabilistic sample by conglomerates of the elderly (65-74 years). PASW(r) 17.0 was used for the statistical analyses with correction for the design effect, applying the Mann Whitney and chi-square test with 95% reliability. A total of 736 elderly individuals were interviewed and examined. Those with cognitive impairment had higher average DMFT, DFR and lower average healthy sextant CPI, a lower prevalence of sextants without plaque/calculus, use of prosthetics and higher prevalence of edentulism and need for prosthetics. Elderly individuals with a cognitive handicap had poorer oral health.
INTRODUÇÃO: A Prótese Implantável de Condução Óssea (BAHA) consiste em uma excelente opção na reabilitação auditiva de pacientes com perda auditiva condutiva e mista uni ou bilateral, e sensorioneural unilateral. Tem sido uma alternativa vantajosa sobre os aparelhos de condução óssea convencionais e os aparelhos de amplificação sonora individuais (AASI) quando o uso dos mesmos fica impossibilitado pela presença de otite externa crônica de difícil controle clínico. OBJETIVO: Apresentar o primeiro caso de BAHA realizado no Brasil, após a autorização da ANVISA, para a reabilitação da perda auditiva mista com episódios de otite externa crônica. MÉTODO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 50 anos, com perda auditiva de grau moderado à direita e severo à esquerda, zumbido bilateral, decorrente de otosclerose, submetida a quatro cirurgias de estapedotomia e com impossibilidade de uso de AASI devido a otorreia e otalgia bilateral. A avaliação médica e audiológica indicaram o benefício do BAHA. Realizada a cirurgia e implantação do sistema BAHA, a paciente apresentou melhora significativa nos limiares audiométricos, na percepção e discriminação da fala, além de relatar extrema satisfação relacionada ao fator estético. COMENTÁRIOS FINAIS: O processo cirúrgico do BAHA é seguro, simples e rápido, proporcionando excelentes resultados audiológicos e alto grau de satisfação por parte dos pacientes.
A atividade física é um bom indicador de saúde para a população em geral. Os amputados abaixo do joelho também beneficiam com o exercício físico regular. Este trabalho pretendeu analisar a atividade física dos amputados transtibais. Para a sua realização executou-se um manuscrito da revisão sistemática da literatura e um manuscrito com base em artigos científicos. A revisão sistemática da literatura teve como objetivo analisar a atividade física, medida por instrumentos próprios, dos amputados transtibais. O outro manuscrito visou verificar quais as diferenças de atividade física em amputados vasculares e traumáticos, expor fatores que possam influenciar a atividade física e determinar um possível tempo de recomendação de exercício físico para esta população. Os resultados indicam que os amputados são menos ativos fisicamente que os indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis. Os amputados traumáticos têm uma atividade física maior que os vasculares, mas a etiologia da amputação não é a principal razão que influencia a atividade física. Esta pode ser influenciada pelo nível de amputação, pelo tempo de uso da prótese, pela funcionalidade do amputado com a prótese e a idade do amputado. A partir dos 100 minutos de atividade moderada a vigorosa já poderá ser recomendável a amputados transtibiais. Será importante a realização de estudos que abordem os amputados, uma vez que em Portugal são raras as investigações que indicam a incidência e prevalência de amputados. Mais estudos que avaliam a atividade física também seriam bem-vindos, para uma maior diversidade de opiniões e conhecimento.
The aim of his study was to review the current scientific literature in order to discuss the surgical, prosthetics and psychological/psychosocial aspects during the treatment planning of edentulous patients, when a total fixed prosthesis or overdenture is indicated. To identify studies to take part in this review, a search was conducted for the following databases: PubMed, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, Journals@Ovid, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library, Nature (NPG), Oxford Journals. It was used as descriptors: total fixed prostheses and overdentures. Inclusion criteria were: clinical articles, clinical case reports, case series, literature reviews and systematic reviews that addressed the study and comparison of total fixed prostheses and overdentures for a surgical- prosthetic planning. Exclusion criteria were: laboratory and in vitro studies and those whose first language was not English or Portuguese. Of a total of 454 articles, after an analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 76 articles were selected. During an implantsupported prosthesis rehabilitation with dental in edentulous patients, the use of alternative procedures appear to be effective when compared to more invasive surgical techniques, and thus, the amount of dental implants possible to install associated with prosthetic issues such as lip support, smile line, quantity and quality of mucosa, phonetics, etc., will allow an appropriate treatment planning to each clinical case