47 resultados para Prosorhynchoides arcuatus
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton, 1900) from the intestine of Pomatomus saltator (L.) from the Atlantic coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro is studied by scanning electron microscopy, with detailed description of tegumental spines. Comments on the synonymy of this species with Bucephalopsis callicotyle Kohn, 1962 are made. The tegument of adult P. arcuatus presents scale like and serrated spines and uniciliated sensory papillae, distributed over the body surface and is compared with other digenetic trematodes.
The tegument of the adult form of Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton, 1900) (Trematoda, Bucephalidae) from the intestine of Pomatomus saltator (L.) from the Atlantic coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The tegument consists of two layers: an external, constituted by a syncytium, containing spines, unicilliated papillae, inclusion bodies and mitochondria and an internal, consisting of a muscular layer and mononucleated tegumental cells.
A new species of trilete zonate miospores, Radiizonates arcuatus, is established for Lower Carboniferous Western Gondwanan forms hitherto ascribed misguidedly to Radiizonates genuinus (Jushko) Loboziak and Alpern (1978), a Russian Lower Carboniferous species. The latter binomen is, moreover, not a valid combination and is more correctly designated as Vallatisporites genuinus (Jushko) Byvsheva, 1980. R. arcuatus is, from records to date, confined to westerly parts of Gondwana (Brazil, North Africa and Middle East), in which it is characteristic of Early Carboniferous strata, albeit with some slightly older and slightly younger occurrences.
A abundância e o potencial inseticida de Derris amazonica e a necessidade de controle de Cerotoma arcuatus Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) na cultura do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) estimularam a realização desta pesquisa, que objetivou avaliar a ação inseticida do extrato de D. amazonica a adultos de C. arcuatus em condições de laboratório. Os bioensaios testaram as vias de intoxicação por ingestão de folhas contaminadas, contato com superfície contaminada e aplicação tópica, com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os valores de mortalidade e consumo foliar dos insetos foram submetidos à análise de regressão, sendo utilizada a análise de Probit para determinação das CL50, da DL50 e dos TL50. O extrato de D. amazonica, contendo 3,7% de rotenona, foi tóxico para adultos de C. arcuatus via ingestão de folhas contaminadas (CL50=15,14 µL do extrato.mL-1 de água), superfície contaminada (CL50=0,45 µL do extrato.cm-2) e aplicação tópica (DL50=1,44 µL do extrato.g-1 do inseto). Mortalidades de adultos de C. arcuatus superiores a 80% e os menores tempos letais médios foram obtidos na concentração de 5% (v v-1) do extrato em todos os bioensaios. O consumo foliar de adultos de C. arcuatus foi inversamente proporcional a concentração do extrato quando expostos por via de ingestão foliar ou aplicação tópica, sendo inclusive observada inibição da alimentação dos indivíduos. O extrato de D. amazonica é tóxico para C. arcuatus e inibe a alimentação dos insetos a partir da concentração de 1% (v v-1).
Cerotoma arcuatus Olivier (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) é considerado um dos principais crisomelídeos que causam danos a leguminosas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os danos diretos causados por diferentes densidades de larvas em plantas de soja infestadas em duas fases do desenvolvimento, em casa de vegetação. Não houve interação de época de infestação e número de larvas, porém a infestação aos oito dias após a emergência causou maiores danos do que aos 20 dias. A partir de 30 larvas por planta, houve redução significativa em todos os parâmetros, indicando que o nível de controle está aquém desse valor.
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli n. sp. ( Digenea: Bucephalidae) is described from the intestine of the brassy trevally, Caranx papuensis (Carangidae) from off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species is differentiated from other species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 by the shape and distribution of its vitelline follicles, the shape and extent of its uterus and the configuration of its digestive system. This is the first bucephalid to be described from Caranx papuensis; we have not encountered this species from other carangids or from over 1,500 individuals of other teleosts species we have found to be infected with bucephalids from the Great Barrier Reef.
Prosorhynchoides apogonis n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) is described from the intestine of the apogonid Cheilodipterus macrodon on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species is differentiated from other species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 by the configuration of its digestive system, shape and distribution of its vitelline follicles, and the shape and extent of its uterus. This is the first bucephalid to be described from the teleost family Apogonidae, and our records suggest that this species is strongly host-specific, at least to the genus Cheilodipterus. The host family is consistent with the pattern of Prosorhynchoides being reported from a very wide range of piscivorous fish families. As a result of comparisons made in the description of this species, 18 species formerly included in Bucephaloides Hopkins, 1954, Bucephalopsis Diesing, 1855 and Neobucephalopsis Dayal, 1948 are transferred to Prosorhynchoides, 16 as new combinations and two as replacement names to prevent secondary homonymy.
O exame microscópico de 160 amostras de cereais (arroz, feijão, trigo, milho, a veia, ervilha e sorgo), 40% fornecidas pelo Instituto Adolfo Lutz e provenientes de distribuidores como COBAL, CIBRAZEM, PETROPACK, CEAGESP, DECOM e do 2º Exército, e 60% adquiridas em mercadinhos e armazéns na Grande São Paulo, feito no ato e após 42 dias de incubação a 25°C e 70% UR revelou que 49% das amostras apresentavam populações de ácaros primários de alimentos armazenados. Destas, 48% revelaram a presença de Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), 17,5% Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau), 6,8% Glycyphagus domesticus (DeGeer), 4,37% Chortoglyphus arcuatus (Troupeau), 3,8% Suidasia pontifica Oudemans, 3,12% Blomia tropicallis Bronswijck, Cook & Oshima, 1,25% Histiostoma sp. e Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart). Ácaros secundários também foram encontra dos destacando-se Tarsonemus sp., Cheyletus malaccensis Oudemans e Blattisocius dentriticus (Berlese), entre outros. As amostras originárias dos grandes distribuidores apresentavam bem menos ácaros do que aquelas dos pequenos armazéns onde a rotatividade de estoque é bem menor. O resultado positivo para ácaros de amostras mantidas em incubador por 42 dias quando seu exame no ato não os revelou, mostra que o simples exame de uma amostra de cereal num dado momento não exclui a hipótese dele estar contaminado por ovos de ácaros primários de alimentos. Dentre os insetos, o mais frequente foi o gorgulho Sitophilus orizae (L.) presente em amostras de arroz, milho e trigo.
O presente trabalho é um estudo taxinômico de ácaros admitidos ou não como alergizantes, encontrados em amostras de poeira domiciliar, colhidas em todas as capitais do Brasil e Território Fernando de Noronha por guardas da SUCAM e enviadas por essa entidade ao Professor Leonidas de Mello Deane. Foram classificadas dez espécies pertencentes a cinco famílias, cujas posições sistemáticas são determinadas por definições e chaves: Pyroglyphus africanus, Euroglyphus maynei, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides deanei, Sturnophagoides brasiliensis, Blomia tropicalis, Suidasia pontifica, Chortoglyphus arcuatus e Cheyletus malaccensis.
From August 1999 to January 2000, samples of house dust were collected from 160 domiciles in the city of Juiz de Fora, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 36 of these domiciles kitchen samples were obtained. Prevalence rate was 77.5%, varying according to the geographical sector. There were found 2,278 specimens of mites, with 1,530 (67.2%) in the adult stage and 748 (32.8%) in immature forms. The main species found were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Euroglyphus maynei, Blomia tropicalis and Tyrophagus putrescentiae. In a minor incidence we found Lepidoglyphus destructor, Suidasia pontificiae, Chortoglyphus arcuatus, Cheyletus malaccensis, C. fortis, Ker bakeri, Cheletonella vespertilionis, C. caucasica and others. C. vespertilionis and C. caucasica were identified for the first time in the domiciliary ecosystem and in Brazil. The abundance rate and the infestation intensity were analyzed. There was a varied correlation between climatic conditions and positive domiciles and number of mites. The difference between the number of positive domiciles in the urban area and in the expanding urban area was significant and so was the difference between samples from the domiciles compared to those from the kitchens.
The melanocortin system is an important regulator of feeding, energy metabolism,and cardiovascular function and it consists of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) derived melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-, β- and γ-MSH) and their endogenous melanocortin receptors, MC1R to MC5R. In the hypothalamus, α-MSH reduces food intake, and increases energy expenditure and sympathetic tone by binding to MC4R. Mutations affecting the MC4R gene lead to obesity in mammals. On the other hand, the metabolic effects of MC3R stimulation using agonists such as the endogenously expressed γ-MSH have been less extensively explored. The main objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increased melanocortin tone in key areas of metabolic regulation in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to investigate the sitespecific roles of both α-MSH and γ-MSH. The aim was to stereotaxically induce local overexpression of single melanocortin peptides using lentiviral vectors expressing α-MSH (LVi-α-MSH-EGFP) and γ-MSH (LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP). The lentiviral vectors were shown to produce a long-term overexpression and biologically active peptides in cell-based assays. The LVi-α-MSHEGFP was targeted to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus of diet induced obese mice where it reduced weight gain and adiposity independently of food intake. When the nucleus tractus solitarus in the brainstem was targeted, the LVi-α-MSH-EGFP treatment was shown to cause a small decrease in adiposity, which did not impact weight development. However, the α-MSH treatment increased heart rate, which was attenuated by adrenergic receptor blockade indicative of increased sympathetic activity. The LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP was targeted to the hypothalamus where it decreased fat mass in mice eating the standard diet, but the effect was abated if animals consumed a high-fat Western type diet. When the diet induced obese mice were subjected again to the standard diet, the LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP treated animals displayed increased weight loss and reduced adiposity. These results indicate that the long-term central anti-obesity effects of α-MSH are independent of food intake. In addition, overexpression of α-MSH in the brain stem efficiently blocked the development of adiposity, but increased sympathetic tone. The evidence presented in this thesis also indicates that selective MC3R agonists such as γ-MSH could be potential therapeutics in combination with low fat diets.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 114 recovered nannofossil-bearing sediments from seven sites in the high latitudes of the South Atlantic Ocean. Cretaceous sections were recovered from Sites 698 and 700, located on the Northeast Georgia Rise and its lower flanks, respectively. These contain distinctive high-latitude nannofossil floras similar to those from high-latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the biostratigraphic datums used to date the upper Campanian to Maestrichtian interval appear to lie at approximately the same level in both hemispheres. The FAD of Nephrolithus frequens is confirmed to be diachronous with an earlier occurrence in high latitudes. The LAD of Monomarginatus primus n. sp. also appears to be diachronous with a later LAD in the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Fossiliferous Paleocene to lowermost Miocene sediments were recovered at all seven sites, from the Northeast Georgia Rise in the west to the Meteor Rise in the east. These nannofossil floras, although restricted in diversity and only poorly preserved, are sufficiently distinctive to allow the recognition of 19 zones and three subzones, which are used to date and correlate the cores recovered. Only Site 704 on the Meteor Rise yielded a substantial section of Miocene to Quaternary nannofossil-rich sediments. The nannofossil floras of this section are of very low diversity, with usually fewer than eight species present. Some stratigraphic ranges of important biostratigraphic datum species are observed to be different in the high-latitude sections from those recorded from low-latitude areas. The LAD of Reticulofenestra bisecta, when calibrated by magnetostratigraphy, appears to occur earlier in Hole 699A (within Chron C6CR) than in Hole 703A and possibly Hole 704B and in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. The FAD of Nannotetrina fulgens/N. cristata appears to occur later in Hole 702B (Chron C20R) than it does in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. Diachroneity is also suspected in the stratigraphic ranges of Chiasmolithus solitus and Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, although poor magnetostratigraphic results through the critical interval prevent confirmation of this. Differences in the relative stratigraphic ranges of lsthmolithus recurvus and Cribrocentrum coenurumlC. reticulatum at Sites 699 and 703 are noted. These possibly suggest warmer surface waters on the eastern side (Site 703) of the middle to late Eocene South Atlantic than those on the western side (Site 699). The diversities of the nannofossil floras and the presence of the warm-water genera Discoaster, Sphenolithus, Helicosphaera, and Amaurolithus reflect the changing surface water temperatures throughout the Cenozoic. Warmer periods are inferred for the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene, late middle Eocene to late Eocene, latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene, and possibly the Pliocene. Colder periods are inferred for the middle Eocene, most of the Oligocene, and the Miocene. Dramatic changes in the nannofossil floras of the Pleistocene of Site 704 are thought to reflect a rapidly changing environment. Monomarginatus primus, a new species from the Upper Cretaceous strata of Hole 700B, is described.