801 resultados para Promiscuidade sexual
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
As DST/HIV e a gestação não-planejada entre jovens têm exigido o incremento da atenção em saúde sexual e reprodutiva, desafiando a formação profissional tradicional, os processos de trabalho e gestão na atenção primária. Este estudo etnográfico (observação e entrevistas) foi realizado em duas unidades básicas de município turístico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, focalizando o trabalho das agentes comunitárias de saúde. As agentes abordavam a sexualidade jovem, principalmente das garotas; orientavam o fluxo de ações e influenciavam as estratégias de prevenção e cuidado, enfatizando "gravidez precoce" e "promiscuidade sexual". A saúde de jovens não era considerada integralmente, embora o trabalho das agentes constituísse uma tecnologia de processo com grande potencial na atenção à saúde sexual de jovens. A juventude se beneficia da atuação dessas profissionais, que podem ter seu saber prático mais valorizado. Sugere-se a formação em abordagens baseadas nos direitos humanos e na construção social da sexualidade.
Estudo referente a avaliação do Programa de HIV/aids em um hospital de referência, na concepção dos usuários. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi descrever a concepção dos usuários na unidade de internação e ambulatorial, sobre o programa de HIV/aids em um hospital universitário de referência na cidade de Belém-PA. Para o estudo foram traçados como objetivos específicos: apresentar as sugestões dos usuários do programa para a melhoria no desenvolvimento das atividades do programa e fornecer as ferramentas mínimas para a construção de um modelo de avaliação para o programa. No referencial foi utilizado o panorama da epidemia de HIV/AIDS, políticas de saúde no Brasil e a aids, e a avaliação de programas e serviços em saúde. O método e a abordagem foram qualitativo, descritivo do tipo estudo de caso. Foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevistas semi-estruturado sobre a temática. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida nas dependências do HUJBB, mais especificamente nos serviços do Programa de HIV/aids, em que foram entrevistados usuários do SAE e os internados na clínica de doenças infecto-parasitárias. Através da análise dos dados, foram divididas as falas em quatro categorias: caracterização do usuário quanto ao acesso ao serviço; a motivação do usuário pela qualidade do serviço; dificuldades frente às atividades e orientações do serviço; expectativas para a melhoria do programa. O resultado da pesquisa esclarece as restrições e qualidades do programa; a insatisfação do usuário no acesso ao serviço; o alto grau de motivação bem como a ausência da mesma; as principias dificuldades dos usuários em aderir as orientações e atividades do programa, como o medo de encarar a morte, a falta de recurso para chegar ao serviço, o preconceito vivido pelas pessoas com HIV/aids e a promiscuidade sexual; e as expectativas dos usuários para o programa: rapidez no atendimento, melhor infraestrutura. Conclui-se com as melhorias que podem contribuir para a qualidade de vida dos usuários, subsidiar demanda suficiente de profissionais para atender no programa e oferecer tratamento completo às pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids atendidas no programa do HUJBB.
Background There are limited studies on the prevalence and risk factors associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Objective Identify the prevalence and risk factors for HCV infection in university employees of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Digital serological tests for anti-HCV have been performed in 3153 volunteers. For the application of digital testing was necessary to withdraw a drop of blood through a needlestick. The positive cases were performed for genotyping and RNA. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used, with P-value <0.05 indicating statistical significance. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were also used. Results Prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.7%. The risk factors associated with HCV infection were: age >40 years, blood transfusion, injectable drugs, inhalable drugs (InDU), injectable Gluconergam®, glass syringes, tattoos, hemodialysis and sexual promiscuity. Age (P=0.01, OR 5.6, CI 1.4 to 22.8), InDU (P<0.0001, OR=96.8, CI 24.1 to 388.2), Gluconergam® (P=0.0009, OR=44.4, CI 4.7 to 412.7) and hemodialysis (P=0.0004, OR=90.1, CI 7.5 – 407.1) were independent predictors. Spatial analysis of the prevalence with socioeconomic indices, Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index by the geoprocessing technique showed no positive correlation. Conclusions The prevalence of HCV infection was 0.7%. The independent risk factors for HCV infection were age, InDU, Gluconergan® and hemodialysis. There was no spatial correlation of HCV prevalence with local economic factors.
This study approaches the ways that stigmas and stereotypes of lesbianity influence the sexuality realm of the lives of women who define themselves as lesbians. Basing on the gender and feminists studies, we questioned the legitimations of the heteronormativist society presented as arbitrary speeches about the lesbian existence - the promiscuity and the sexual illegitimacy. Starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) discourse regarding the construction of their subjectivations, through their life histories narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.
To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.
Sexual dysfunction (SD) affects up to 80% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) play an important role in the sexual function of these patients. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of a rehabilitation program to treat lower urinary tract symptoms on SD of women with MS. Thirty MS women were randomly allocated to one of three groups: pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) with electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback and sham neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) (Group I), PFMT with EMG biofeedback and intravaginal NMES (Group II), and PFMT with EMG biofeedback and transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) (Group III). Assessments, before and after the treatment, included: PFM function, PFM tone, flexibility of the vaginal opening and ability to relax the PFMs, and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. After treatment, all groups showed improvements in all domains of the PERFECT scheme. PFM tone and flexibility of the vaginal opening was lower after the intervention only for Group II. All groups improved in arousal, lubrication, satisfaction and total score domains of the FSFI questionnaire. This study indicates that PFMT alone or in combination with intravaginal NMES or TTNS contributes to the improvement of SD.
To assess sexual function (SF) and quality of life (QOL) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess 56 women with PCOS and 102 control women with regular menstrual cycles. To assess SF and QOL in Brazilian women with PCOS with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the WHOQOL-bref questionnaires. Women with PCOS had a worse evaluation to arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, pain and total FSFI, and there was no difference in sexual desire and orgasm. Besides, they had a worse evaluation concerning health status than controls. The body mass index was inversely correlated to the QOL, especially to the physical, psychological, environment aspects and self-assessment of QOL, but it did not show correlation to the SF. Women with PCOS had a worse sexual function and self-assessment of health condition in comparison to controls. The body weight as isolated symptom was correlated to the worsening in quality of life, but not with the worsening of sexual function.
Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) often manifest complaints involving different aspects of sexual function (SF), regardless of using hormone therapy. SF involves a complex interaction between physical, psychological, and sociocultural aspects. There are doubts about the impact of different complaints on the global context of SF of women with POF. To evaluate the percentage of influence of each of the sexuality domains on the SF in women with POF. Cross-sectional study with 80 women with POF, matched by age to 80 women with normal gonadal function. We evaluated SF through the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), a comparison between the POF and control groups using the Mann-Whitney test. Component exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the proportional influence of each domain on the composition of the overall SF for women in the POF group. SF was evaluated using FSFI. Exploratory Factor Analysis for components was used to evaluate the role of each domain on the SF of women with POF. The FSFI score was significantly worse for women with POF, with a decrease in arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and dyspareunia. Exploratory factor analysis of SF showed that the domain with greater influence in the SF was arousal, followed by desire, together accounting for 41% of the FSFI. The domains with less influence were dyspareunia and lubrication, which together accounted for 25% of the FSFI. Women with POF have impaired SF, determined mainly by changes in arousal and desire. Aspects related to lubrication and dyspareunia complaints have lower determination coefficient in SF. These results are important in adapting the approach of sexual disorders in this group of women. Benetti-Pinto CL, Soares PM, Giraldo HPD, and Yela DA. Role of the different sexuality domains on the sexual function of women with premature ovarian failure. J Sex Med 2015;12:685-689.
Studies have associated the metabolic syndrome with poor sexual function; the results, however, are controversial. To evaluate the relationship between the metabolic syndrome and sexual function and to identify the factors associated with poor sexual function. A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional cohort study including 256 women of 40-60 years of age receiving care at the outpatient department of a university teaching hospital. A specific questionnaire was applied to collect sociodemographic and behavioral data, and the Short Personal Experience Questionnaire was used to evaluate sexual function, with a score ≤ 7 being indicative of poor sexual function. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, fasting glucose, high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone levels were determined. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, as defined by the International Diabetes Federation, was 62.1%, and the prevalence of poor sexual function was 31.4%. The only factor related to female sexual function that was associated with the metabolic syndrome was sexual dysfunction in the woman's partner. The factors associated with poor sexual function in the bivariate analysis were age >50 years (P=0.003), not having a partner (P<0.001), being postmenopausal (P=0.046), the presence of hot flashes (P=0.02), poor self-perception of health (P=0.04), partner's age ≥ 50 years, and time with partner ≥ 21 years. Reported active (P=0.02) and passive (P=0.01) oral sex was associated with an absence of sexual dysfunction. In the multiple regression analysis, the only factor associated with poor sexual function was being 50 years of age or more. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was high and was not associated with poor sexual function in this sample of menopausal women. The only factor associated with poor sexual function was being over 50 years of age.
In order to evaluate the psychological variables that affect sexual dysfunction (SD) in epilepsy, where compared 60 epileptics (Group 1) with 60 healthy individuals (Group 2), through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger et al., 1970), Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, 1974) and Sexual Behavior Interview (Souza, 1995). Sexual dysfunction (SD), anxiety and depression were found more frequently in Group 1 than in Group 2 and were not related to sex. Variables such as the onset duration and frequency of seizures as well as the use to medication were not associated with SD. Temporal lobe epilepsy was related to SD (p = 0.035) but not to anxiety or depression. Anxiety and depression were related to SD in both groups. Perception in controlling the seizures was closely related to anxiety (p = 0) and depression (p = 0.009). We conclude that psychological factors play an important role in the alteration of sexual behavior in epileptics and that suitable attention must be given to the control of these variables.
The XX male syndrome - Testicular Disorder of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) is a rare condition characterized by a spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from ambiguous to normal male genitalia. We report hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic evaluations of a boy presenting with this syndrome. Examination of the genitalia at age of 16 months, showed: penis of 3.5 cm, proximal hypospadia and scrotal testes. Pelvic ultrasound did not demonstrate Mullerian duct structures. Karyotype was 46,XX. Gonadotrophin stimulation test yielded insufficient testosterone production. Gonadal biopsy showed seminiferous tubules without evidence of Leydig cells. Molecular studies revealed that SRY and TSPY genes and also DYZ3 sequences were absent. In addition, the lack of deletions or duplications of SOX9, NR5A1, WNT4 and NROB1 regions was verified. The infant was heterozygous for all microsatellites at the 9p region, including DMRT1 gene, investigated. Only 10% of the patients are SRY-negative and usually they have ambiguous genitalia, as the aforementioned patient. The incomplete masculinization suggests gain of function mutation in one or more genes downstream to SRY gene.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A detecção do sexo de mosquitos da família Culicidae é importante em estudos faunísticos e epidemiológicos, pois somente as fêmeas possuem competência vetora para patógenos. O dimorfismo sexual de genitália e de apêndices cefálicos é, em geral, facilmente visível em culicídeos. As asas também podem ser dimórficas e assim poderiam complementar o procedimento de sexagem. No entanto, tal distinção não é facilmente notável à observação direta. Visando descrever formalmente o dimorfismo sexual alar em Aedes scapularis, um culicídeo vetorialmente competente para arbovírus e filárias, asas de machos e fêmeas foram comparadas usando-se métodos de morfometria geométrica e análise estatística multivariada. Nestas análises, populações dos municípios São Paulo e Pariquera-Açu (Estado de São Paulo) foram amostradas. A forma das asas mostrou evidente dimorfismo sexual, o que permitiu um índice de acurácia de 100% em testes-cegos de reclassificação, independentemente da origem geográfica. Já o tamanho alar foi sexualmente dimórfico apenas na população de São Paulo. Aparentemente, a forma alar é evolutivamente mais estável que o tamanho, interpretação que está de acordo com a teoria de Dujardin (2008b), de que a forma alar de insetos seria composta por caracteres genéticos quantitativos e pouco influenciada por fatores não-genéticos, enquanto que o tamanho alar seria predominantemente determinado por plasticidade decorrente de influências ambientais.