987 resultados para Projeto Uni
The aim of this paper was to assess the Projeto UNI (Kellogg Foundation) in one of the Mental Health Centers (ARE) of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. We analysed 20% of the charts and the number of patients seen by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals before and after. Our results showed that: 1) the service users were mainly of neurotic patients (anxious, dysthymiacs, ICD-9 V code), followed by psychotics (schizophrenics, affectives) and organics (epileptics, mental deficients, demented patients); 2) there were more treatment options after the Projeto UNI implementation and over 2,495 group consultations were made in one year (as opposed to 90 in the year prior the project); 3) medical and nurse students are evaluating the program favourably; 4) there is a clear necessity of reassessing and changing some prescription practices: 43% of the patients were taking drug associations, there was an excessive use of benzodiazepines (54%) and low use of mood stabilizers (5%). There is also a need for more availability of depot neuroleptics, other antidepressants and better quality psychotropic drugs, and 5) there is a necessity of improving quality and quantity of charts information.
O trabalho realiza uma avaliação de eficácia do Projeto UNI Botucatu, projeto elaborado pela universidade, serviços de saúde e movimento popular da cidade, avaliando a influência do projeto no movimento popular da cidade. Aborda o processo de participação popular e as mudanças na estrutura do Estado a ocorridas a partir da década de 70. Faz uma reconstituição histórica da formação do modelo de formação dos profissionais de saúde e descreve a proposta do Projeto UNI. Descreve as características da universidade, serviços de saúde e movimento popular em Botucatu, analisando as mudanças propostas pelo Projeto UNI, seus principais resultados e limites.
O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no mês de setembro 2003, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, região da grande Porto Alegre (Canoas e São Leopoldo), entre estudantes universitários do Curso de Comunicação Social, participantes e não participantes de um evento promovido pela BBC, durante os meses de fevereiro e março, em oito capitais brasileiras. Tal pesquisa, de caráter quantitativo, teve como principal intuito avaliar os resultados do projeto BBC Uni, em termos de conhecimento e imagem de marca da empresa BBC. Entre os objetivos específicos do trabalho estão: investigar a avaliação geral do evento realizado pelo projeto BBC Uni junto ao público-alvo deste e avaliar se a série de eventos realizados no projeto BBC Uni incrementou o número de acessos ao site BBC Brasil. Como principais conclusões obtidas a partir do trabalho tem-se que o BBC Uni, de forma geral, gerou um maior conhecimento sobre a empresa e aumentou as experiências e percepções positivas do público universitário a respeito da marca. Verifica-se também, que o evento incrementou o número de acessos à página da Internet e a relação da empresa com este público.
This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society
Relata-se experiência inicial de trabalho com as áreas de Comunicação e Educação em Saúde em projeto de cooperação entre universidade, serviços de saúde e organizações comunitárias para o desenvolvimento integrado de modelos inovadores de ensino, de sistemas locais de saúde e de ação comunitária. Apresenta-se proposta de operacionalização de ações de Comunicação e Educação em Saúde, com ênfase na interação serviços-comunidade. Nesta busca-se não só fortalecer as instâncias formais de participação dos usuários, mas ainda desenvolver outros espaços de comunicação e interação serviços-comunidade, procurando, assim, transformar progressivamente pacientes em usuários-cidadãos.
Este estudo apresenta diferentes metodologias aplicadas para compreender o funcionamento dos ambientes de um trecho do rio Xingu (PA), em relação à comunidade de peixes que nele habitam. Através do uso da ictiofauna procurou-se confirmar alguns padrões ambientais, visando constatar o estado atual de conservação de um trecho deste rio. A partir de levantamentos da ictiofauna local conforme a variação sazonal do rio, foram feitas diferentes análises ao nível espécies, populações e guildas tróficas. No nível de organização das populações, o estudo de parâmetros biológicos tais como: taxa de crescimento corporal, tamanho corporal máximo, taxa de mortalidade e o tamanho médio do início da maturação sexual constituíram uma boa aproximação para entender a história de vida dos diferentes grupos de peixes. Foi evidenciada uma tendência das comunidades de estarem conformadas por espécies tipo r-estrategistas e com menor tamanho corporal, em relação ao número de k-estrategistas de maior tamanho. Numa abordagem funcional, foi verificado que estruturar as comunidades em guildas constitui um bom indicador tanto dos padrões de convergência de uni ecossistema afim ao setor estudado do Xingu quanto do atual estado de conservação do mesmo. Um modelo de balanço de massas construído para o setor do médio rio Xingu indicou que se trata de um sistema com grande instabilidade ambiental e, que por sua vez, se comporta como um sistema sazonalmente maduro. A aparente restrição sazonal na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares observada para o setor de rio estudado pode incidir numa máxima eficiência no uso e transferência dos mesmos no ecossistema. Uma análise biogeográfica foi feita a partir da ocorrência das espécies para contextualizar o setor do rio compreendido entre a confluência dos rios Iriri e Xingu até as proximidades do povoado de Senador José Porfirio, na bacia do Xingu. Através desta análise verificou-se que o médio (a montante das cachoeiras) e baixo Xingu (a jusante) encontram-se inseridos em duas áreas de endemismo. A baixa afinidade na composição de espécies, observada para estes dois setores, é atribuída a uma variação geográfica na paisagem. Assim, a ocorrência do limite das cachoeiras nas proximidades do povoado de Belomonte e o efeito do rio Amazonas no setor do baixo Xingu podem ser os principais fatores que explicam as diferenças na composição ictiofaunística e na abundância das espécies em relação ao setor do médio Xingu. Finalmente, ressalta-se a importância da manutenção da conectividade hidrológica como forma de manter os processos ecológicos que ligam o sistema das cabeceiras à foz, e discutem-se os eventuais impactos na dinâmica ambiental e nas espécies de peixes do médio rio Xingu que serão ocasionados com a construção do projeto hidrelétrico de Belomonte.
This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society
This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society
Large margin learning approaches, such as support vector machines (SVM), have been successfully applied to numerous classification tasks, especially for automatic facial expression recognition. The risk of such approaches however, is their sensitivity to large margin losses due to the influence from noisy training examples and outliers which is a common problem in the area of affective computing (i.e., manual coding at the frame level is tedious so coarse labels are normally assigned). In this paper, we leverage the relaxation of the parallel-hyperplanes constraint and propose the use of modified correlation filters (MCF). The MCF is similar in spirit to SVMs and correlation filters, but with the key difference of optimizing only a single hyperplane. We demonstrate the superiority of MCF over current techniques on a battery of experiments.
The ineffectiveness of current design processes has been well studied and has resulted in widespread calls for the evolution and development of new management processes. Perhaps one problem is that with the advent of BIM we are moving from one stage to another without necessarily having resolved all the issues. CAD design technology, if well handled, could have significantly raised the level of quality and efficiency of current processes, but in practice this was not fully realized. Therefore, technology alone can´t solve all the problems and the advent of BIM could result in a similar bottleneck. For a precise definition of the problem to be solved we should start by understanding what are the main current bottlenecks that have yet to be overcome by either new technologies or management processes, and the impact of human behavior related issues despite the advent of new technologies. The fragmented and dispersed nature of the AEC sector and the huge number of small organizations that comprise it would probably be a major limiting factor. Several authors have addressed this issue and more recently IDDS has been defined as the highest level of achievement. However, what is written on IDDS shows an extremely ideal situation on a state to be achieved; it shows a holistic utopian proposition with the intent to create the research agenda to move towards that state. Key to IDDS is the framing of a new management model which should address the problems associated with key aspects: technology, processes, policies and people. One of the primary areas to be further studied is the process of collaborative work and understanding, together with the development of proposals to overcome the many cultural barriers that currently exist and impede the advance of new management methods. The purpose of this paper is to define and delimit problems to be solved so that it is possible to implement a new management model for a collaborative design process.
A previous study on the tribological performance of a compression-moulded aramid fibre-phenolic resin composite, containing 30% continuous fibre, showed that this composite provides a reasonable combination of the friction coefficient and wear rate to be used as a friction component, such as a brake shoe. In the present work, the effect of sliding speed on the friction and wear behaviour of this composite has been investigated. The sliding experiments were conducted in a speed range of 0.1-6 m s(-1) at two normal pressure levels of 1.0 and 4.9 MPa. The coefficient of friction was found to be stable over a wide range of sliding speeds and normal pressures. The wear of the composite was found to be insensitive to changes in the speed in the higher speed range. The results have been supplemented with scanning electron micrographs to help understand possible friction and wear mechanisms.
In this paper, the well-known Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) is modified to solve the fracture laminated multi-directional problems. The results are compared with the existing analytical/exact or experimental method. The already known existing ADM is modified to improve the accuracy and convergence. Thus, the modified method is named as Modified Adomian Decomposition Method (MADM). The results fromMADM are found to converge very quickly, simple to apply for fracture(singularity) problems and are more accurate compared to experimental and analytical methods. MADM is quite efficient and is practically well-suited for use in these problems. Several examples are given to check the reliability of the present method. In the present paper, the principle of the decomposition method is described, and its advantages form the analyses of fracture of laminated uni-directional composites.