988 resultados para Progressive matrices test


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In this paper, the scales of Raven's Progressive Matrices Test, General Scale and Advanced Scale, Series II, for the student population (third cycle of EGB and Polimodal ) in the city of La Plata are presented. Considerations are made as regards both the increase in scores (Flynn effect) observed in relation to the previous scale (1964) and the different mean scores according to two age groups (13-16 and 17-18 years of age) and education mode. The findings enabled inferences related to the significance of the increase, particularly in the case of the higher scores in the population attending a special kind of educational institution.


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In this paper, the scales of Raven's Progressive Matrices Test, General Scale and Advanced Scale, Series II, for the student population (third cycle of EGB and Polimodal ) in the city of La Plata are presented. Considerations are made as regards both the increase in scores (Flynn effect) observed in relation to the previous scale (1964) and the different mean scores according to two age groups (13-16 and 17-18 years of age) and education mode. The findings enabled inferences related to the significance of the increase, particularly in the case of the higher scores in the population attending a special kind of educational institution.


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In this paper, the scales of Raven's Progressive Matrices Test, General Scale and Advanced Scale, Series II, for the student population (third cycle of EGB and Polimodal ) in the city of La Plata are presented. Considerations are made as regards both the increase in scores (Flynn effect) observed in relation to the previous scale (1964) and the different mean scores according to two age groups (13-16 and 17-18 years of age) and education mode. The findings enabled inferences related to the significance of the increase, particularly in the case of the higher scores in the population attending a special kind of educational institution.


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Les individus autistes présentent un profil cognitif particulier. Par exemple, contrairement aux non-autistes, ils tendent à obtenir des scores plus élevés au test des Matrices progressives de Raven (RSPM) qu’aux tests de QI de Wechsler. Ils peuvent aussi résoudre les items du RSPM plus rapidement. Les mécanismes cérébraux sous-tendant cette différence sont toutefois encore peu connus. Cette étude vise à caractériser comment l’activité du réseau fronto-pariétal de raisonnement est modulée par la complexité de la tâche chez les individus autistes (AUT) en comparaison à un groupe contrôle (Non-AUT) lors d’une tâche de raisonnement fluide. Pour ce faire, nous avons ré-analysé les données d’une étude précédente, dans laquelle 15 AUT et 18 Non-AUT ont résolu les 60 problèmes du RSPM alors qu’ils se trouvaient dans un scanner IRM. Lorsque la complexité du raisonnement augmentait, nous avons observé une augmentation de l’activité dans des aires occipitales chez le groupe AUT, et dans les régions frontales et pariétales chez le groupe Non-AUT. De plus, alors que la complexité du raisonnement augmentait, la modulation de la connectivité entre les régions impliquées dans le raisonnement était moins grande chez les AUT et ces derniers montraient une implication plus ciblée des aires occipitales lors de cette modulation que les Non-AUT. La moins grande modulation du réseau impliqué dans le raisonnement pour une performance semblable suggère que les individus autistes sont moins affectés par la complexité des tâches de raisonnement non verbal. Aussi, ils dépendent plus de processus visuospatiaux pour résoudre les matrices plus complexes que les participants non-autistes. Ces résultats nous apportent une meilleure compréhension des processus cognitifs impliqués dans l’intelligence autistique et de l’influence positive du sur-fonctionnement perceptif autistique sur celle-ci.


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The aim of this study is to establish the time and period of development of Analogical Reasoning (AR) and evaluate its independence and performance with respect to the age. We performed a longitudinal cohort study of two age groups and six annual follow-up phases from each one (2000-2005, 2001-2006) in six to eleven years-old children in the city of Huanuco (Peru) with a sample of 167 children (first stage), and N=121 (sixth stage). The Raven’s progressive matrices test, coloured version, was applied individually without time limits. Results indicate that AR development occurs in a constant and late way from seven to eleven years-old children, and also that there is independence between the ability of AR and the children age. We discuss the importance of knowledge in the relationships between analogies topics, adjusted to the age, as a mediating factor in the development of AR.


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O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o desempenho escolar da criança vítima de violência doméstica atendida no Fórum Judicial. Participaram do estudo 20 crianças vitimizadas comparadas com seus pares da mesma sala de aula, mesmo sexo e mesma faixa etária, mas sem histórico de violência doméstica, suas respectivas mães e professoras. As crianças responderam ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Inventário de Estilos Parentais e ao Teste de Raven (Escala Especial) e apresentaram o caderno escolar. As mães responderam a uma entrevista e a Escala de Táticas de Conflitos Revisada (CTS-2). As professoras apresentaram sua opinião sobre o desempenho acadêmico dos participantes. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a criança vitimizada tem desempenho escolar inferior ao grupo controle. Os resultados da CTS-2 indicaram que a maioria das crianças vitimizadas estava exposta à violência conjugal. O estudo mostrou que, além da violência doméstica direta e indireta, tais crianças estavam expostas a outros fatores de risco, tais como, pobreza, baixa escolaridade materna e uso de álcool e/ou droga por familiares.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Instrumentos de avaliação psicológica constituem-se em métodos sistemáticos de investigação e de compreensão de componentes estruturais e funcionais do comportamento humano, com diversificados objetivos e estratégias técnicas, respeitando-se especificidades das etapas do desenvolvimento. Em processos de avaliação psicológica de características da personalidade, os métodos projetivos, como o Método de Rorschach e o Desenho da Figura Humana, são recursos amplamente utilizados, contribuindo para a compreensão e elaboração de intervenções terapêuticas em variados campos de aplicação, como na área da obesidade infantil. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar e comparar características psicológicas de crianças com obesidade em relação a eutróficas, a partir de métodos projetivos de investigação da personalidade. Foram examinadas 60 crianças de sete a 11 anos de idade, sendo 30 crianças diagnosticadas como obesas e em tratamento específico para o transtorno (Grupo 1 - G1) e 30 crianças com peso normal (Grupo 2 - G2), sem atraso acadêmico, sem limites cognitivos e sem histórico de outras doenças físicas. Os participantes de G1 foram recrutados em instituições de saúde voltadas ao tratamento da obesidade infantil e G2 foi constituído a partir de parceria estabelecida com instituição de ensino bem como a partir de contatos informais da pesquisadora e de seu grupo de pesquisa (técnica da \"bola de neve\"), buscando-se balanceamento dos grupos por sexo e idade. Os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação psicológica foram aplicados individualmente nas crianças: Teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven (critério de seleção de participantes, incluindo-se na amostra apenas crianças com resultados intelectuais médios ou superiores), o Desenho da Figura Humana e o Método de Rorschach (Escola Francesa). Os pais das crianças participantes responderam ao Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ) para caracterização da amostra. Os resultados foram examinados conforme padronização específica dos respectivos manuais técnicos dos instrumentos, realizando-se análises descritivas e inferenciais, a fim de examinar possíveis associações entre variáveis clínicas e demográficas e indicadores de características de personalidade das crianças. Foram efetuadas análises correlacionais entre resultados no DFH e no Rorschach, considerando também a classificação nutricional da criança. Os achados permitem compreender características do funcionamento psíquico envolvidas na obesidade infantil, de modo a favorecer estratégias futuras de intervenção terapêutica com crianças. (CAPES)


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The position effect describes the influence of just-completed items in a psychological scale on subsequent items. This effect has been repeatedly reported for psychometric reasoning scales and is assumed to reflect implicit learning during testing. One way to identify the position effect is fixed-links modeling. With this approach, two latent variables are derived from the test items. Factor loadings of one latent variable are fixed to 1 for all items to represent ability-related variance. Factor loadings on the second latent variable increase from the first to the last item describing the position effect. Previous studies using fixed-links modeling on the position effect investigated reasoning scales constructed in accordance with classical test theory (e.g., Raven’s Progressive Matrices) but, to the best of our knowledge, no Rasch-scaled tests. These tests, however, meet stronger requirements on item homogeneity. In the present study, therefore, we will analyze data from 239 participants who have completed the Rasch-scaled Viennese Matrices Test (VMT). Applying a fixed-links modeling approach, we will test whether a position effect can be depicted as a latent variable and separated from a latent variable representing basic reasoning ability. The results have implications for the assumption of homogeneity in Rasch-homogeneous tests.


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"Supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under Grant U.S. AEC AT(11-1)1469."


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of fluid (gf), social (SI) and emotional intelligence (EI) in faking the Beck Depression Inventory (2nd ed., BDI-II). Twenty-two students and 26 non-students completed Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), a social insight test, the Schutte et al. self-report EI scale, and the BDI-II under honest and faking instructions. Results were consistent with a new model of successful faking, in which a participant’s original response must be manipulated into a strategic response, which must match diagnostic criteria. As hypothesised, the BDI-II could be faked, and gf was not related to faking ability. Counter to expectations, however, SI and EI were not related to faking ability. A second study explored why EI failed to facilitate faking. Forty-nine students and 50 non-students completed the EI measure, the Marlowe-Crown Scale and the Levenson et al. Psychopathy Scale. As hypothesised, EI was negatively correlated with psychopathy, but EI showed no relationship with socially desirable responding. It was concluded that in the first experiment, high-EI people did fake effectively, but high-psychopathy people (who had low EI) were also faking effectively, resulting in a distribution that showed no advantage to high EI individuals.


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Resumen: En este trabajo se examina el rendimiento de estudiantes universitarios en razonamiento formal con y sin interacción social. La muestra N = 83 estuvo conformada por alumnos provenientes de dos universidades (UNMDP y UAA) quienes fueron asignados a dos condiciones: experimental con interacción (n = 40) y grupo control sin interacción (n = 43). El reactivo empleado consistió en una serie de pruebas del Test de Matrices Progresivas escala general y avanzada. Todos los participantes debieron resolver dichas tareas durante varias semanas: primero en forma individual (pretest), luego en forma colectiva presencial y por chat (díadas, condición experimental) y en forma individual (grupo control), y finalmente en forma individual (postest). Se registraron las interacciones que llevaron a cabo los participantes mediante videofilmación y logs del Chat. El rendimiento fue evaluado según la condición asignada: individual o grupal y en los últimos mediante una evaluación interjueces se estableció la calidad de las interacciones. Los resultados corroboran la superioridad de las díadas por sobre la performance individual; la reiteración en la fase de postest de aquellos ítems incorrectamente resueltos en el pretest más el agregado de nuevos ejercicios pusieron de relieve dos zonas de avance o de internalización de los progresos. En cuanto a la calidad de las interacciones, las mismas son coincidentes. Estos resultados abren nuevos interrogantes acerca del conflicto sociocognitivo y su papel para el avance grupal – individual.


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This thesis investigates critical thinking with a particular focus on measurement in undergraduate students. A higher education context was chosen because many regard critical thinking development as a primary goal for third level education. Nine studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal in design, were conducted with undergraduate psychology students (N=387), using the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) and the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST). Studies 1-3 revealed psychometric weaknesses in the CCTDI and revised the scale with factor analysis and reliability analysis to form the CCTDI United Kingdom revision (CCTDI-UK). Study 4 investigated convergent validity and showed significant inter-correlation between the sub-scales of the CCTDI-UK, and significant correlations with the Openness scale of the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). The study also provided evidence for improvement in scores on three of the six sub-scales in the CCTDI-UK (Truth-Seeking, Inquisitiveness, Open-Mindedness) during the course of an undergraduate degree. Study 5 explored a two factor structure for critical thinking dispositions. Study 6 used reliability analysis to revise the CCTST to produce the CCTST-UK. Study 7 showed that the CCTST-UK had a moderate correlation with degree attainment and a slightly higher correlation with a test of non-verbal intelligence (Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices short form); in addition, the study showed that scores on the CCTST-UK improved during the course of the degree. Studies 8 and 9 investigated the potential of critical thinking for predicting degree attainment. A-levels predicted approximately 10% of the variance of degree attainment while entry level scores on the CCTST-UK predicted an additional 5%. Exit level scores on the CCTST-UK and the Inquisitive sub-scale of the CCTDI-UK were found to be predictors of degree attainment The main conclusions of the thesis were that these tests had significant potential for predicting degree attainment and that they measured a substantial proportion of the theoretical constructs identified by the major authors in critical thinking.


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Fluid inteliigence has been defined as an innate ability to reason which is measured commonly by the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM). Individual differences in fluid intelligence are currently explained by the Cascade model (Fry & Hale, 1996) and the Controlled Attention hypothesis (Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999; Kane & Engle, 2002). The first theory is based on a complex relation among age, speed, and working memory which is described as a Cascade. The alternative to this theory, the Controlled Attention hypothesis, is based on the proposition that it is the executive attention component of working memory that explains performance on fluid intelligence tests. The first goal of this study was to examine whether the Cascade model is consistent within the visuo-spatial and verbal-numerical modalities. The second goal was to examine whether the executive attention component ofworking memory accounts for the relation between working memory and fluid intelligence. Two hundred and six undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 28 completed a battery of cognitive tests selected to measure processing speed, working memory, and controlled attention which were selected from two cognitive modalities, verbalnumerical and visuo-spatial. These were used to predict performance on two standard measures of fluid intelligence: the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM) and the Shipley Institute of Living Scales (SILS) subtests. Multiple regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to test the Cascade model and to determine the independent and joint effects of controlled attention and working memory on general fluid intelligence. Among the processing speed measures only spatial scan was related to the RPM. No other significant relations were observed between processing speed and fluid intelligence. As 1 a construct, working memory was related to the fluid intelligence tests. Consistent with the predictions for the RPM there was support for the Cascade model within the visuo-spatial modality but not within the verbal-numerical modality. There was no support for the Cascade model with respect to the SILS tests. SEM revealed that there was a direct path between controlled attention and RPM and between working memory and RPM. However, a significant path between set switching and RPM explained the relation between controlled attention and RPM. The prediction that controlled attention mediated the relation between working memory and RPM was therefore not supported. The findings support the view that the Cascade model may not adequately explain individual differences in fluid intelligence and this may be due to the differential relations observed between working memory and fluid intelligence across different modalities. The findings also show that working memory is not a domain-general construct and as a result its relation with fluid intelligence may be dependent on the nature of the working memory modality.