997 resultados para Programa GOLD


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Pertenece a un amplio programa infantil de lectura que abarca distintos niveles de edad y, por tanto, de conocimientos. Se abordan las necesidades de lectura en los niños y la amplia variedad de habilidades que necesitan adquirir para su aprendizaje y, se destaca, también, la importancia de la narración en las historias. Los niños protagonistas se transladan en el tiempo, con la ayuda de su llave mágica, a la época de los buscadores de oro.


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Destinado a los alumnos, tiene como objetivo estimularlos y motivarlos mediante la vinculación de la ciencia a la vida real. Cada capítulo abarca una serie de características:una actividad de iniciación al comienzo de cada capítulo, que permite a los profesores evaluar el nivel de comprensión del tema por el alumno antes de seguir avanzando; preguntas para garantizar que los alumnos han comprendido el trabajo; palabras clave para ampliar el vocabulario y fomentar el uso exacto de los términos científicos; recuerdo para resumir las conceptos; lista de los sitios web pertinentes para ayudar a ilustrar los temas tratados y estimular la investigación individual.


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Es el segundo de una serie de tres volúmenes, uno por cada año de estudio, de la etapa clave tres (Key Stage 3). Escrito en colaboración con la Agencia de Destrezas Básicas (The Basic Skills Agency) asegura a los estudiantes de los niveles 2-4 una cobertura total del currículo nacional inglés. Las unidades están diseñadas para complementar los esquemas de trabajo del año escolar y promueven un acercamiento interactivo a la enseñanza. Los textos literarios y no literarios proporcionan la base para las tareas que se centran en el desarrollo de habilidades específicas incluida la expresión oral.


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Destinado a los alumnos, tiene como objetivo estimularlos y motivarlos mediante la vinculación de la ciencia a la vida real. Cada capítulo abarca una serie de características:una actividad de iniciación al comienzo de cada capítulo, que permite a los profesores evaluar el nivel de comprensión del tema por el alumno antes de seguir avanzando; preguntas para garantizar que los alumnos han comprendido el trabajo; palabras clave para ampliar el vocabulario y fomentar el uso exacto de los términos científicos; recuerdo para resumir las conceptos; lista de los sitios web pertinentes para ayudar a ilustrar los temas tratados y estimular la investigación individual.


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Este recurso, diseñado para ser utilizado junto con los libros del alumno, tiene por objeto apoyar a los profesores proporcionando actividades, en hojas fotocopiables, para los alumnos que necesiten mejorar sus conocimientos, mediante la vinculación de la ciencia con la vida real y motivar y estimular así su aprendizaje . Prevee actividades para que los estudiantes que necesiten mejorar sus conocimientos, alcancen el nivel adecuado. Tiene CD-ROM.


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Objetivo: métodos antropométricos que quantifiquem as curvas da coluna vertebral e a avaliação postural a fim de realizar investigações epidemiológicas sobre o papel da postura na ocorrência das dores lombares. O propósito do estudo foi avaliar acurácia e reprodutibilidade do Sistema de Avaliação Postural Digitalizado (SAPD) para medir lordose lombar comparando com raio-x. Delineamento: transversal, com amostra consecutiva. Participantes: para medida da acurácia no grupo 1 ( T12,L3,L5) n = 16 e grupo 2 (L1,L3,L5) n= 17. Na reprodutibilidade intra e inter-avaliador n= 80. Principais Medidas: marcadores externos nos processos espinhosos das vértebras T12, L1, L3 e L5. Raio-x de perfil da coluna lombar e foto digital em perfil direito. Medida da lordose lombar no raio-x com métodos de Cobb,Centróide (CLL) e Processos Espinhosos (PE) e com o SAPD. Resultados: grupo 1, correlação entre SAPD e Cobb foi 0,803 (p<0,001), entre SAPD e CLL foi 0,642 (p=0,024), entre SAPD e a medida dos PE a correlação foi 0,917, com R2 = 0,842. No grupo 2, correlação entre SAPD e Cobb foi 0,559 (p=0,020), entre SAPD e CLL de 0,325 (p=0,302), com correlação significativa somente entre SAPD e Cobb. Entre SAPD e PE a correlação foi 0,763, com R2 = 0,583. Para reprodutibilidade interavaliador a correlação foi 0,981 (p < 0,001) e para reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador de 0.978 (p < 0,001) referente às mesmas fotografias. Reprodutibilidade intraavaliador de 0.872 (p < 0.001) e 0.956 (p<0,001) para inter-avaliador referente à fotos diferentes de um mesmo indivíduo com recolocação dos marcadores sobre a pele . Considerações Finais: O SAPD mostrou-se acurado e reprodutível para a medida da lordose lombar.


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The calculation of tooth mass discrepancy, essential for good planning and a proper orthodontic finishing, when performed manually, besides being laborious, requires considerable time consumption. The aim of this study was to develop and test Bolton Freeware, a software for analysis of the tooth mass discrepancy of Bolton, aiming to minimize the consumption of time in a less onerous way. The digital analysis of the software was done by means of two-dimensional scanning of plaster study models and compared to manual evaluation (gold standard), using 75 pairs of stone plaster study models divided into two groups according to the magnitude of the Curve of Spee (group I from 0 to 2 mm, group II greater than 2 to 3mm). All the models had permanent dentition and were in perfect condition. The manual evaluation was performed with a digital caliper and a calculator, and the time required to perform the analysis for both methods was recorded and compared. In addition, the software was evaluated by orthodontists regarding its use, by means of questionnaires developed specifically for this purpose. Calibration was performed prior to manual analysis, and excellent levels of inter-rater agreement were achieved, with ICC > 0.75 and r > 0.9 for total and anterior proportion. It was observed in the evaluation of error of the digital method that some teeth showed a significant systematic error, being the highest measured at 0.08 mm. The analysis of total tooth mass discrepancy performed by Bolton Freeware, for those cases in which the curve of Spee is mild and moderate, differ from manual analysis, on average, 0.09 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, for each tooth evaluated, with r> 0, 8 for total and anterior proportion. According to the specificity and sensitivity test, Bolton Freeware has an improved ability to detect true negatives, i.e. the presence of discrepancy. The Bolton analysis digitally performed was faster, with an average difference of time consumed to perform the analysis of Bolton between the two methods of approximately 6 minutes. Most experts interviewed (93%) approved the usability of the software


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O Sudeste Paraense tem sido uma região de extraordinária dinâmica. Lá se alocaram os grandes projetos pecuários financiados pela SUDAM desde meados dos anos sessenta, os quais confrontaram a velha economia dos castanhais e frentes de expansão da agricultura familiar, espontâneas e induzidas, ao lado de grandes projetos minerais e de surtos garimpeiros. Como partes do processo ocorreram transformações estruturais importantes que reforçaram o papel dos centros urbanos e suas bases rurais locais na logística de novos setores econômicos condicionados pela formação da economia mineral resultante da presença da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), que desde 1985 lá opera seu sistema norte de metais ferrosos com base em Carajás. O artigo apresenta resultados de uma análise de insumo-produto com metodologia ascendente que explicita a diversidade estrutural dos setores de base primária – os impactos econômicos da programação de investimento da CVRD de 2004 até 2010.


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In the era of climate change sustainable urban development and in particular provision of sustainable urban infrastructure has become a key concept in dealing with environmental challenges. This paper discusses issues affecting stormwater quality and introduces a new indexing model that is to be used in evaluation of the stormwater quality in urban areas. The model has recently been developed and will be tested in a number of pilot projects in the Gold Coast, one of the fastest growing and environmentally challenged cities of Australia.


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Brisbane's sub-tropical climate, vegetation and urban history as a British settlement, endow the region with many characteristics that are familiar in KwaZulu-Natal. Brisbane settlement, firstly as a penal conlony to accommodate the hardiest criminals dispatched from Sydney, was established in 1825 on a wide river, several kilometers upstream from Moreton Bay with the Pacific Ocean beyond. The penal colony was short lived and was soon opened up to free settlement in 1842. The growth of the fledgling town was characterized by brick warehouse and service buildings to the port that was established on its riverbanks, resembling those of the old Point Road area in Durban. Government and administration buildings heralded Brisbane as the captial city of the State of Queensland, annexed from New South Wales in 1859. Morphological studies reveal that Brisbane had reached its first zenith around 1930 as a commerical city of four and five storey buildings. The urban form remained stagnant until the post-1960's building boom and the developments from this period on, consolidated land amalgamations largely ignoring the urban characteristics of the established city. Public space was poorly observed, resulting in a city that had turned its back on the river. It is only in recent times that the currency of good urban design, under the custodial direction of the City Council, has fostered a re-engagemed urban realm that, enabled by the recent building boom, has delivered high quality urban environments


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Improving urban ecosystems and the quality of life of citizens have become a central issue in the global effort of creating sustainable built environments. As human beings our lives completely depend on the sustainability of the nature and we need to protect and manage natural resources in a more sustainable way in order to sustain our existence. As a result of population growth and rapid urbanisation, increasing demand of productivity depletes and degrades natural resources. However, the increasing activities and rapid development require more resources, and therefore, ecological planning becomes an essential vehicle in preserving scarce natural resources. This paper aims to indentify the interation between urban ecosystems and human activities in the context of urban sustainability and explores the degrading environmental impacts of this interaction and the necessity and benefits of using sustainability indicators as a tool in sustainable urban evnironmental management. Additionally, the paper also introduces an environmental sustainability indexing model (ASSURE) as an innovative approach to evaluate the environmental conditions of built environment.


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In the age of climate change and rapid urbanisation, stormwater management and water sensitive urban design have become important issues for urban policy makers. This paper reports the initial findings of a research study that develops an indexing model for assessing stormwater quality in the Gold Coast.


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The interactions of phenyldithioesters with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been studied by monitoring changes in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), depolarised light scattering, and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Changes in the SPR indicated that an AuNP-phenyldithioester charge transfer complex forms in equilibrium with free AuNPs and phenyldithioester. Analysis of the Langmuir binding isotherms indicated that the equilibrium adsorption constant, Kads, was 2.3 ± 0.1 × 106 M−1, which corresponded to a free energy of adsorption of 36 ± 1 kJ mol−1. These values are comparable to those reported for interactions of aryl thiols with gold and are of a similar order of magnitude to moderate hydrogen bonding interactions. This has significant implications in the application of phenyldithioesters for the functionalization of AuNPs. The SERS results indicated that the phenyldithioesters interact with AuNPs through the C═S bond, and the molecules do not disassociate upon adsorption to the AuNPs. The SERS spectra are dominated by the portions of the molecule that dominate the charge transfer complex with the AuNPs. The significance of this in relation to the use of phenyldithioesters for molecular barcoding of nanoparticle assemblies is discussed.