983 resultados para Progradation And Prograding Coasts
Management of coastal environments requires understanding of ecological relationships among different habitats and their biotas. Changes in abundance and distribution of mangroves, like those of other coastal habitats, have generally been interpreted in terms of changes in biodiversity or fisheries resources within individual stands. In several parts of their range, anthropogenically increased inputs of sediment to estuaries have led to the spread of mangroves. There is, however, little information on the relative ecological properties, or conservational values, of stands of different ages. The faunal, floral and sedimentological properties of mangrove (Avicennia marina var. australasica) stands of two different ages in New Zealand has been compared. Older (>60 years) and younger (3-12 years) stands showed clear separation on the basis of environmental characteristics and benthic macrofauna. Numbers of faunal taxa were generally larger at younger sites, and numbers of individuals of several taxa were also larger at these sites. The total number of individuals was not different between the two age-classes, largely due to the presence of large numbers of the surface-living gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum at the older sites. It is hypothesized that as mangrove stands mature, the focus of faunal diversity may shift from the benthos to animals living on the mangrove plants themselves, such as insects and spiders, though these were not included in the present study. Differences in the faunas were coincident with differences in the nature of the sediment. Sediments in older stands were more compacted and contained more organic matter and leaf litter. Measurement of leaf chemistry suggested that mangrove plants in the younger stands were able to take up more N and P than those in the older stands. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This study documents two different modes of berm development: (I) vertical growth at spring tides or following significant beach cut due to substantial swash overtopping, and (2) horizontal progradation at neap tides through the formation of a proto-berm located lower and further seaward of the principal berm. Concurrent high-frequency measurements of bed elevation and the associated wave runup distribution reveal the details of each of these berm growth modes. In mode I sediment is eroded from the inner surf and lower swash zone where swash interactions are prevalent. The net transport of this sediment is landward only, resulting in accretion onto the upper beach face and over the berm crest. The final outcome is a steepening of the beach face gradient, a change in the profile shape towards concave and rapid vertical and horizontal growth of the berm. In mode 2 sediment is eroded from the lower two-thirds of the active swash zone during the rising tide and is transported both landward and seaward. On the falling tide sediment is eroded from the inner surf and transported landward to backfill the zone eroded on the rising tide. The net result is relatively slow steepening of the beach face, a change of the profile shape towards convex, and horizontal progradation through the formation of a neap berm. The primary factor determining which mode of berm growth occurs is the presence or absence of swash overtopping at the time of sediment accumulation on the beach face. This depends on the current phase of the spring-neap tide cycle, the wave runup height (and indirectly offshore wave conditions) and the height of the pre-existing berm. A conceptual model for berm morphodynamics is presented, based on sediment transport shape functions measured during the two modes of berm growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
From May 1997 to October 2000, 49 Sotalia guianensis (tucuxi dolphin) incidentally caught in fishing nets or stranded in Sao Paulo (SP) and Parana (PH) states in Brazil were necropsied. In total, 17 lungs, 35 stomachs, and 30 intestines were analyzed. Contents were washed through a sieve (mesh, 150 mm) and examined under a stereoscopic microscope for parasites. Histopathologic analyses were performed in the lungs of five infected dolphins. The nematode Halocereus brasiliensis was found in 88% of all lungs examined, inducing moderate-to-severe pneumonia. Braunina cordiformis, Anisakis sp., and acanthocephalans were found in the stomachs. The trematode Synthesium tursionis was the only parasite found in the intestines, and it was identified in 73% of the animals necropsied. No macroscopic lesions were seen due to parasites in the stomachs and intestines analyzed.
Avsikten med studien är att producera den första rekonstruktionen av det västafrikanska klimatet mellan 1750 och 1798. Kunskapen om det västafrikanska klimatet före 1800-talet är till dags dato bristfällig, vilket gör det svårare att förstå framtida klimatvariationer. Det är bristen på instrumentell meteorologisk data (temperatur, regnmängd, och lufttryck), vilket i princip bara täcker det senaste århundradet, som är orsaken till att tidigare klimat är bristfälligt kartlagda. Klimatet och miljön är även sådana att proxydata från ’naturens arkiv’ (såsom t.ex. trädringar) har begränsad användning. Således är historiska dokument, främst från gästande kulturer/nationer/intressenter, innehållande deskriptiv information om vädret och klimatet, klimatforskarens viktigaste källa. Genom att använda tidigare, för det här syftet, oanvända källor påvisade den här undersökningen att klimatet i västra Afrika och Guldkusten (Ghana) har ändrats sedan 1700-talet. Monsunregnen var svagare och kortvarigare, speciellt den sekundära regnperioden under hösten var betydligt svagare än idag. Det förekom kraftiga årliga variationer i monsunregnen, men sett ur längre tidsperspektiv utmärktes torrare och blötare perioder. Studien kunde också visa en viss korrelation mellan det globala väderfenomenet El Niño och regnperiodens intensitet längs med kusten. Flera torrperioder sammanföll med tidigare registrerade El Niño sekvenser. Speciellt slutet av 1760-talet påverkades kraftigt av El Niño och även det globala klimatet verkar ha genomgått graftiga förändringar just dessa år. På basis av den nya klimatrekonstruktionen genomfördes också en jämförelse av klimatets inverkan på den transatlantiska slavhandeln från 1750 till 1798, en fråga som historikerna gjort anspelningar på i över 30 år. Utförseln av slavar från västra Afrika var som kraftigast under 1700-talets andra hälft. Analysen visade att slavhandeln delvis tilltog i samband med klimatanomalierna.
In this thesis, a detailed attempt has been made to understand the general hydrography of the upper 300m of the water column, in the eastern Arabian Sea and the western Bay of Bengal, the two contrasting basins in the northern Indian Ocean, using recently collected data sets of Marine Research-Living Resources (MR-LR) assessment programme, funded by Department of Ocean Development, from various cruises, pertaining to different seasons. Initially it discuss the general hydrography of the west and east coasts of India are covered, in the context of mixed layer processes. The study describes the materials and methods . To compare the hydrography of the AS and BOB, a unique MLD(Mixed Layer Depth) definition for AS and BOB is essential, for which the 275 CTD profiles were used. A comparison has been made among the various MLD criteria with the actual MLD. The monthly evolution of MLD, barrier layer thickness and the role of atmospheric forcing on the dynamics of the mixed layer in the AS and BOB were studied. The general hydrography along the west coast of India is described. The upwelling/downwelling, winter cooling processes, in the context of chemical and biological parameters, are also addressed. Finally the general hydrography of the Bay of Bengal is covered. The most striking feature in the hydrography are the signature of an anticyclonic subtropical gyre during spring intermonsoon and a cold core eddy during winter monsoon. The TTS(Typical Tropical Structure) of the euphotic layer was also investigated.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the scale of maritime reefer trade in South America and the developments made in this area since the 1990s. It also looks at the increase in the capacity of liner services and the relationship between conventional and containerized reefer vessels in terms of trade volume, commodities exported and the destinations for exports from South America.
Esta tesis doctoral desarrolla una investigación original sobre las torres defensivas de Menorca y las torres Martello de las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. Con respecto a las torres menorquinas, se distinguen las de Alcaufar y Punta Prima, construidas por ingenieros militares españoles, en 1786; de las levantadas por el ejército británico durante su último periodo de dominación de la isla, entre 1798 y 1802. Estos ingenieros reales británicos construyen las torres Martello en las costas inglesas, entre 1805 y 1812; y otras, semejantes a ellas, en el resto de su Imperio, hasta mediados del siglo XIX. La falta de estudios que relacionen las torres defensivas de Menorca y las Martello inglesas dentro del marco disciplinario de la construcción, ha constituido la justificación de esta investigación. La hipótesis de trabajo plantea un objetivo principal: el estudio y análisis comparativo entre ellas, que se desarrolla en varios niveles de análisis: morfológico, físico-constructivo, de visibilidades; pero también territorial, histórico y poliorcético. Esta tesis cuestiona, en consecuencia, la idea tradicionalmente aceptada de que las torres Martello tomaran la torre de Mortella, en Córcega, o cualquiera de las denominadas torres "preMartello", como referencia para crear su prototipo. La metodología empleada combina los trabajos de gabinete con una intensa labor de campo, en la que se documentaron cincuenta y siete torres, catorce en Menorca y cuarenta y tres en Inglaterra. Se han redactado sus correspondientes fichas de datos, que incluyen aspectos generales - morfológicos y constructivos -, así como documentación fotográfica. Se han elaborado los levantamientos morfológicos de siete de estas torres, aquellas que por sus particularidades constructivas, o bien representan un determinado tipo de torre, o bien se distinguen del resto. Del mismo modo, se han desarrollado los levantamientos físico-constructivos y la caracterización de materiales de las cuatro torres más relevantes para este estudio: las menorquinas Alcaufar y Punta Prima, y las torres 24 y C, que ejemplifican, respectivamente, las levantadas en las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. El sistemático método de trabajo llevado a cabo ha favorecido la investigación y ha ayudado a obtener conclusiones que verifican la hipótesis planteada en la tesis y cumplen los objetivos establecidos al comienzo de la misma. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis develops an original research on the defensive towers of Minorca, and the Martello towers on the south and east coasts of England. Regarding the Minorcan towers, Alcaufar and Punta Prima, built by the Spanish military engineers in 1786, must be distinguished from those erected by the British Army during its last period of domination of the island between 1798 and 1802. These Royal Engineers build the Martello towers on the English coasts between 1805 and 1812; and others, similar to them, in the rest of their Empire until the middle of the 19th century. The lack of studies linking these Minorcan and English towers, within the disciplinary framework of construction, has been the justification for this research. The hypothesis poses a main goal: the study and comparative analysis of them, which takes place at several levels of analysis: morphological, constructive, of visibilities; but also territorial, historical and poliorcetic. Consequently, this thesis questions the traditionally accepted notion that the Martello towers took the Corsican Mortella Tower, or any of the so-called “preMartello” towers as a reference to create their prototype. The methodology combines the cabinet works with significant fieldwork, in which fifty seven towers were documented, fourteen in Minorca and forty three in England. The corresponding data sheets were drafted including general aspects - morphological and constructive-, and photographic documentation. Morphological survey plans were developed for seven of these towers due to their construction peculiarities, which either denote a specific type of tower or makes it stand out from the rest. Likewise, constructive survey plans and material characterisation sheets of the four more relevant towers in this study were developed: the Minorcan Alcaufar and Punta Prima, and towers 24 and C, both respectively exemplifying those built on the south and east coasts of England. The systematic method of work encouraged the research and helped to draw conclusions that both confirm the hypothesis raised in the thesis and meet the objectives established at the beginning of it.
Cover title.
Along most of the U.S. east and gulf coasts from Long Island to the Mexican Border, bottom profiles extending over the Inner Continental Shelves normal from the coast display a characteristic two-sector shape. Near the coast, the 'shoreface' profile sector is steep and concave-up; the seaward 'ramp' sector is planar with a gradual slope away from the coast. As part of the Beach Evaluation Program at this Center, 9 profiles extending from the coast 30.5 km (19 miles) seaward at each of 49 localities were averaged to mathematically characterize the profiles and to develop and test criteria for discriminating among groups of profiles. Results indicate Inner Continental Shelf profiles can be mathematically defined by 4 parameters: a = ramp slope (0 - 0.00107); b = depth of the ramp at the shoreline, when the ramp is extended as a straight line below the shoreface sector (0 - 24.7 meters, 0 - 81 feet); c = distance from the shoreline to the shoreface-ramp boundary (0.2 - 20.6 km, 0.12 - 12.9 miles); and f = index of concavity of the shoreface sector (0.21 - 1.72). Values in parentheses are the range of values obtained for the 49 averaged profiles. An equation was developed to define bottom depth as a function of distance from shore incorporating these four parameters. Computed depths using the equation were found to be generally within 5% of actual profile depths. In most cases, no relationship was found between the geometric characteristics of the shoreface and the ramp.
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Not published: 1904, 1906, 1909-1911, 1913.
Mode of access: Internet.
Published also as Smithsonian contributions to knowledge: v.III, art. 4; v. V, art t; v. X [art. 2]